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380 List of Appendices

Au- Definition of lo- Operationaliza- Relevant re- Role of lo-

thors gistic capability tion of logistics sources for gistic net-
capability logistics ca- works
Cui and Capability definition 2 forms of net- Physical, hu- Explicit focus
Hertz from Amit and work capabili- man and or- on network
(2011) Schoemaker (1993) ties: ganizational with 2 types of
Networks of ac- resources networks: (1)
tors: logistics ser-
- Consolidating vice networks
products and and (2) net-
connecting carri- works of actors
ers and clients
- Coordinating cli-
ents, logistics in-
termediary firms
and carriers in
order to provide
an integrated
Networks of lo-
gistics service
- Moving products
from point A to
point B in the
most efficient

Gligor “The term “capabili- 5 meta-capabili- No explicit Supply chain

and ties” reflects the ma- ties derived from definition of management
Hol- jor role of strategic literature: resources can be viewed
comb management in as a
(2012) adapting, integrating - Demand-man- network of lo-
and reconfiguring re- agement capa- gistics systems
sources, organiza- bility and related ac-
tional skills and func- - Supply-manage- tivities of the
tional competencies ment capability individual sup-
to respond to the - Integration capa- ply chain
challenges of the ex- bility members
ternal environment. - Measurement
Capabilities, which capability
are complex bundles - Information ex-
of skills and accumu- change capabil-
lated knowledge, de- ity
termine a company’s
capacity of general
efficiency and ability”
(p. 445)
List of Appendices 381

Appendix 14 – Overview of literature on air travel demand estimation

Author Model Per- Data Time Model Methodology

focus spec- focus horizon type used
Ippolito Market Micro- Ser- None Causal 2-staged least
(1981) Size scopic vice-re- square regres-
lated sion
Abrahams Market Micro- Ser- None Causal Linear regres-
(1983) Size scopic vice-re- sion model
Fleming Market Macro- Geo- None Causal Log linear re-
and Size scopic eco- gression model
Ghobrial nomic
Jorge-Cal- Market Macro- both None Causal Linear regres-
derón Size scopic sion model
Hsu and Market Macro- Historic 10 years Time-se- Gray model
Wen (1998) Size scopic time ries
Profillidis Market Macro- Geo- 12 years Mixed Fuzzy regres-
(2000) Size scopic eco- sion model
Abed, Ba- Market Macro- Geo- None Causal Linear regres-
Fail, and Size scopic eco- sion model
Jasimuddin nomic
Saab and Market Micro- Actual 2 weeks Time-se- Autoregressive
Zouein Size scopic book- to several ries model
(2001) (flight ing months
level) data
Grubb and Market Macro- Geo- 15 years Mixed Damped Holt-
Mason Size scopic eco- Winters fore-
(2001) nomic cast (univari-
Wei and Market Micro- both None Causal Linear regres-
Hansen Size scopic sion model
382 List of Appendices

Author Model Per- Data Time Model Methodology

focus spec- focus horizon type used
Dobruszkes Market Macro- Geo- None Causal Linear regres-
and van Size scopic eco- sion model
Hamme nomic
Carson et Market Micro Geo- 1 year Mixed OLS linear re-
al. (2011) size and eco- (compar- gression model
Macro nomic ing meth- & Aggregating
ods) individual mar-
kets (AIM) ap-
Fildes, Wei, Market Macro- Geo- 1-3 year Mixed Comparison of
and Ismail size scopic eco- (compar- various econo-
(2011) nomic ing meth- metric models:
ods)  Autoregressive
distributed lag
(ADL) model
 Pooled ADL
 PcGive auto-
matic econo-
metric model
 Time Varying
 Vector auto-
(VAR) model
 Naïve models
 Exponential

Chen Market Macro- Geo- 10 years Mixed Fuzzy neural

(2012) Size scopic eco- network
Carmona Market Micro- Historic 40 years Time-se- Damp trend
Benítez et Size scopic time ries Gray model
al. (2013) series
List of Appendices 383

Author Model Per- Data Time Model Methodology

focus spec- focus horizon type used
Sismanidou Market Micro- Actual none QSI Linear estima-
et al. (2013) Size scopic traffic model tion model
Itani et al. Market Macro- Geo- none Causal Structured
(2014) Size scopic eco- Equation Mod-
nomic elling
Valdes Market Macro- Geo- none Causal Linear regres-
(2015) Size scopic eco- sion model
Hsiao and Inte- Micro- Ser- None Causal Aggregated
Hansen grated scopic vice-re- & dis- multinomial
(2011) model lated crete logit (MNL) and
factors choice aggregated
nested logit
(NL) model
Coldren et Market Micro- Ser- None Discrete Aggregated
al. (2003) share scopic vice-re- choice multinomial
lated logit (MNL)
Wei and Market Micro- none none Discrete Log-linear de-
Hansen Share scopic choice mand model
384 List of Appendices

Appendix 15 – Data use in network planning literature

Method: T - Theoretical; E – Empirical; T/E – Mixed approach

Data types: I – Data used as input data; O – Data produced as output data

Actually flown flights (incl. LF)

Set of airports/destinations

Maintenance requirements
Competitor information

Aircraft specifications
Published schedules

Demographic data

Network structure

Fleet assignment
flight frequencies
Fleet information
Crew resources
Economic data

Operating cost

Aircraft routing
O&D demand

Market share

Crew roster
Work rules
Fare data


Author Slots
Levin, 1971 T I I O
Rubin, 1973
Chan, 1974
Ippolito, E I I I O
Abrahams, E I I I I I O
O'Kelly, T I I I O
Abara, 1989 /
Daskin & T I I I O
los, 1989
Feo & Bard, T I I I I O
Gershkoff, T I I I I O
Teodorović T I I I I I O
& Krčmar-
Nožić, 1989
Balakrish- T I I I I I O O I
nan et al.,
Campbell, T I I I O
Ghobrial et T I I I I O O O O O
al., 1992
Berge T I I I I O
& Hopper- /
stad, 1993 E
List of Appendices 385

Actually flown flights (incl. LF)

Set of airports/destinations

Maintenance requirements
Competitor information

Aircraft specifications
Published schedules

Demographic data

Network structure

Fleet assignment
flight frequencies
Fleet information
Crew resources
Economic data

Operating cost

Aircraft routing
O&D demand

Market share

Crew roster
Work rules
Fare data


Graves et E I I I I O
al., 1993
Fleming T I I I I O O
& Ghobrial,
Teodorović T I I I O
et al., 1994
Aykin, 1995 /
Clarke et al., T I I O I
Jaillet et al., T I I O O
Yan T I I I O
& Young, /
1996 E

Clarke et al., T I I I O
Desaulniers E I I I I I O I
et al., 1997
Jorge-Cal- T I I I I O
derón, 1997
Rushmeier T I I I I I O O
& Kontogior-
gis, 1997
Barnhart et T I I I O
al., 1998
Gopalan T I I O
& Talluri, /
1998 E
Hsu & Wen, T I I I I O O
Lederer T I I I I O O
& Nambi-
Ioachim et T I I I O
al., 1999
386 List of Appendices

Actually flown flights (incl. LF)

Set of airports/destinations

Maintenance requirements
Competitor information

Aircraft specifications
Published schedules

Demographic data

Network structure

Fleet assignment
flight frequencies
Fleet information
Crew resources
Economic data

Operating cost

Aircraft routing
O&D demand

Market share

Crew roster
Work rules
Fare data


Barla T I I I I O O O I O O
& Constan- /
tatos, 2000 E

Hsu & Wen, T I I O

Profillidis, E I I I O
Abed et al., T I I I I I I O
Adler T I I I I I O O
& Berech- /
man, 2001 E

Cordeau et T I I I O I O O
al., 2001
Erdmann et E I O
al., 2001
Grubb T I I O O
& Mason,
Mashford T I I I
& Marksjö,
Wojahn, T I I I O
Klabjan et T I I I I O O
al., 2002
Yan T I I I O O
& Tseng,
Cohn T I I I I I O
& Barnhart, /
2003 E
Coldren et T I I I I I O
al., 2003
Brueckner, T I I I I I I I O O
Lohate- T I I I O O I
panont /
& Barnhart, E
List of Appendices 387

Actually flown flights (incl. LF)

Set of airports/destinations

Maintenance requirements
Competitor information

Aircraft specifications
Published schedules

Demographic data

Network structure

Fleet assignment
flight frequencies
Fleet information
Crew resources
Economic data

Operating cost

Aircraft routing
O&D demand

Market share

Crew roster
Work rules
Fare data


Wei & Han- T I I I I I O O
sen, 2005
Bélanger et T I I I I O
al., 2006
Guo et al., T I I I I I O I
Wei & Han- T I I I I I O I O
sen, 2006
Mercier and T I I I I I I O O
Soumis /
2007 E
Sandhu T I I I I I O
& Klabjan,
Sherali & T I I I I I I O
Zhu, 2008
Yan et al., T I I I I I I I I O O I O O O O
Grosche, T I I I I I O O
Haouari et T I I I I I O O O O
al., 2009
Papadakos, T I I I O
Souai & T I I I O
Teghem, /
2009 E

Burke et al., T I I I I O O
Weide et al., T I I I O
Carson et E I I O
al., 2011
Dobruszkes E I I O
& van





al., 2013

& Lütjens,
Wei et al.,
2013; Sis-

Itani et al.,
& Hansen,

manidou et

et al., 2013
& Barnhart,

Fildes et al.,




Actually flown flights (incl. LF)

Published schedules

Economic data

Demographic data

Fare data

Set of airports/destinations

Competitor information

Operating cost

Aircraft specifications

Maintenance requirements

Work rules

Crew resources

O&D demand



Market share

Network structure






Fleet information

flight frequencies




Fleet assignment

Aircraft routing

Crew roster
List of Appendices
List of Appendices 389

Appendix 16 – Data sources used by scientific network planning literature

Author Major data sources used

Levin, 1971 -
Rubin, 1973 -
Chan, 1974 -
Ippolito, 1981 Public authorities
Abrahams, 1983 Public authorities
O'Kelly, 1987 Public authorities
Abara, 1989 Airline internal data
Daskin & Panayotopoulos, 1989 -
Feo & Bard, 1989 Airline internal data
Gershkoff, 1989 Airline internal data
Teodorović & Krčmar-Nožić, 1989 -
Balakrishnan et al., 1990 -
Campbell, 1992 -
Ghobrial et al., 1992 -
Berge & Hopperstad, 1993 Airline internal data
Graves et al., 1993 -
Fleming & Ghobrial, 1994 -
Teodorović et al., 1994 -
Aykin, 1995 Airline internal data
Clarke et al., 1996 Public authorities
Jaillet et al., 1996 Airline internal data
Yan & Young, 1996 Airline internal data
Clarke et al., 1997 Unknown

Desaulniers et al., 1997 Public authorities, private data provider, statis-

tical bureau
Jorge-Calderón, 1997 Airline internal data
Rushmeier & Kontogiorgis, 1997 -
Barnhart et al., 1998 -
Gopalan & Talluri, 1998 Aircraft OEM
390 List of Appendices

Author Major data sources used

Hsu & Wen, 1998 -

Lederer & Nambimadom, 1998 -
Ioachim et al., 1999 -
Barla & Constantatos, 2000 Aircraft OEM, airline internal data
Hsu & Wen, 2000 Public authorities
Profillidis, 2000 Public authorities, private data provider,

Abed et al., 2001 Public authorities, private data provider, statis-

tical bureau
Adler & Berechman, 2001 Airline internal data
Cordeau et al., 2001 Airline internal data
Erdmann et al., 2001 Public authorities
Grubb & Mason, 2001 -
Mashford & Marksjö, 2001 -
Wojahn, 2001a -
Klabjan et al., 2002 Airline internal data
Yan & Tseng, 2002 -
Cohn & Barnhart, 2003 Airline internal data
Coldren et al., 2003 -
Brueckner, 2004 -
Lohatepanont & Barnhart, 2004 Private data providers
Wei & Hansen, 2005 -
Bélanger et al., 2006 Airline internal data
Guo et al., 2006 -
Wei & Hansen, 2006 Airline internal data
Mercier and Soumis 2007 -
Sandhu & Klabjan, 2007 -
Sherali & Zhu, 2008 Airline internal data
Yan et al., 2008 -
Grosche, 2009 Airline internal data
Haouari et al., 2009 Airline internal data
List of Appendices 391

Author Major data sources used

Papadakos, 2009 Airline internal data

Souai & Teghem, 2009 Airline internal data
Burke et al., 2010 Private data provider
Weide et al., 2010 Public authorities, Statistic bureaus
Carson et al., 2011 Public authorities, Private data providers
Dobruszkes & van Hamme, 2011 Public authorities, Statistic bureaus

Fildes et al., 2011 Public authorities, private data provider, statis-

tical bureau
Hsiao & Hansen, 2011 Public authorities, OEMs, Private data pro-
Carmona Benitez, 2012 Airline internal data
Jiang & Barnhart, 2013; Sismanidou et
Private data provider
al., 2013
Sismanidou et al., 2013 Public authorities, Private data providers
Itani et al., 2014 Airline internal data
Salazar-González, 2014 Airline internal data
Wei et al., 2014 Airline internal data
Kölker & Lütjens, 2015 Public authorities, Private data providers
Valdes, 2015 -
392 List of Appendices

Appendix 17 – Impact of BDOs on the NP process steps

List of Appendices 393

Appendix 18 – Overview of properties of BDOs

General information Supply Use

Code BD oppor- Data type Data Data Data provider BDA Data cost Ad- Major
tunity vol- veloc- used dressed NP pro-
ume ity infor- cess
mation steps
needs im-
A1 Geo-spatial Unstruc- Me- Daily  SpaceKnow Super- Depend-  Primary:  Demand
satellite image tured (Pic- dium  Orbital Insight vised ing on vol- TDF forecast
analysis tures)  Nowcast ma- ume and  Second-  Route se-
chine analytical ary: CM, lection
learn- intensity TI, RM,
ing EWS
A2 Real-time in- Structured Me- Daily  The Billion Econo- Not avail-  Primary:  Demand
flation fore- dium Prices Project metrics able TDF forecast
cast  PriceStats  Second-  Route se-
ary: TI, lection
EWS  Flight fre-
A3 Consumer Unstruc- High Real- No commercial NLP Depend-  Primary:  Demand
confidence tured time provider yet (senti- ing on TDF forecast
measurement (Text) ment scraped  Second-
with social analy- volume ary: TI
media sis)
A4 Detailed de- Structured High Real-  Facebook (Au- Statis- Free ac-  Primary:  Demand
mographic time dience Insight) tics cess to TDF forecast
profiling with  LinkedIn (poten- Facebook  Route se-
social net- tially) Audience lection
works  SproutSocial Insight, no
(potentially) commer-
of other
data yet
A5 General Structured Low Real-  Google Trends Statis- Free  Primary:  Demand
search engine to time tics TDF forecast
data for de- high  Second-  Route se-
tailed O&D ary: CM, lection
demand TI, IBS,  Flight fre-
EWS quencies
 Fleet as-
A6 Clickstream Structured Me- Daily  Skyscanner Statis- Yearly  Primary:  Demand
data of meta- dium  Kayak (poten- tics subscrip- TDF forecast
search web- tially) tions be-  Second-  Route se-
sites for flights  Expedia (poten- tween ary: CM, lection
tially) 1’000 and TI, RM,  Schedul-
10’000 IBS ing
USD  Flight fre-
 Fleet as-
A7 Social media Unstruc- High Real-  Facebook Data Not avail-  Primary:  Demand
mining to de- tured (all time  Instagram mining, able TDF forecast
termine price data for-  Other social ma-  Second-
elasticity mats) media channels chine ary: IBS
A8 Analysis of air Structured Me- Daily  Cargoguide Statis- Not avail-  Primary:  Demand
cargo rates dium  Freightos tics able TDF forecast
from online  Xeneta  Second-  Route se-
flight portals ary: CM, lection
TI, IBS  Flight fre-
 Schedul-
 Fleet as-
 Aircraft
A9 Analysis of ex- Unstruc- Me- Monthly  Data scraping Data Depend-  Primary:  Demand
hibitor data of tured dium providers mining, ing on TDF forecast
industry fairs (Text) to Text scraped  Route se-
high volume lection
394 List of Appendices

General information Supply Use

Code BD oppor- Data type Data Data Data provider BDA Data cost Ad- Major
tunity vol- veloc- used dressed NP pro-
ume ity infor- cess
mation steps
needs im-
analyt-  Second-  Flight fre-
ics ary: RM, quencies
TI  Schedul-
 Fleet as-
 Aircraft
A10 Shipping data Structured Low Daily  Alibaba (poten- Statis- Not avail-  Primary:  Demand
from e-com- to tially) tics able TDF forecast
merce plat- me-  Amazon (poten-  Second-  Network
forms dium tially) ary: CM, structure
TI, RM,  Route se-
IBS lection
 Flight fre-
 Fleet as-
 Aircraft
B1 Analysis of re- Unstruc- High Real-  TripAdvisor NLP Not avail-  Primary: TI Demand
views in travel tured time  Foursquare (se- able forecast
rating commu- (text) and  Yelp mantic  Route se-
nities structured analyt- lection
(review ics) and  Flight fre-
score) statis- quencies
B2 Clickstream Structured Me- Daily  TripAdvisor Statis- Not avail-  Primary: TI Demand
data from dium tics able  Second- forecast
travel web- ary: TDF  Route se-
sites lection
 Flight fre-
B3 Analysis of lo- Structured Me- Real-  RateGain Statis- Depend-  Primary: TI Demand
cal hotel dium time  TravelClick tics ing on  Second- forecast
prices  Octorate scraped ary: TDF,  Route se-
 DataCrops volume IBS lection
 Flight fre-
 Schedul-
 Fleet as-
B4 Analysis of Structured High Real-  Facebook Statis- Depend-  Primary: TI Demand
events on so- time  MeetUp tics ing on forecast
cial media scraped  Flight fre-
platforms volume quencies
 Schedul-
 Fleet as-
C1 Real-time Structured Me- Real-  FlightRadar24 None <100k per  Primary:  Flight fre-
tracking with dium time  FlightAware year CM quencies
transponder  OAG  Second-  Fleet as-
data ary: CF, signment
PC, EWS  Aircraft
 Flight
C2 Network-rele- Unstruc- High Real-  Meltwater NLP & Not avail-  Primary:  Demand
vant competi- tured time  Universal Infor- ma- able CM forecast
tor news mon- (Text) mation chine  Second-  Network
itoring learn- ary: EWS structure
ing  Route se-
 Flight fre-
 Fleet as-
List of Appendices 395

General information Supply Use

Code BD oppor- Data type Data Data Data provider BDA Data cost Ad- Major
tunity vol- veloc- used dressed NP pro-
ume ity infor- cess
mation steps
needs im-
D1 Mobile loca- Structured High Poten-  Motionlogic Data Depend-  Primary:  Demand
tion data from tially  Telefónica mining ing on RM forecast
smartphones real- NEXT and sub-  Second-  Network
time  AirSage large- scribed ary: TDF, structure
 Streetlight Data scale volume TI, CM  Route se-
statis- lection
tics  Flight fre-
 Schedul-
 Fleet as-
D2 Extended Structured Me- Real-  Forwarders and None None  Primary:  Demand
electronic air dium time shippers RM forecast
waybill with  Second-  Network
shipper ad- ary: TI structure
dress  Route se-
 Flight fre-
D3 Location- Structured High Real-  Sendum None Depend-  Primary:  Demand
transmitting time  Sensitech ing on RM forecast
sensors for  Cargo Signal sensor  Second-  Network
cargo ship- type; Cur- ary: IBS, structure
ments rently >10 PC  Route se-
USD per lection
shipment  Flight fre-
 Schedul-
 Fleet as-
 Aircraft
H1 Real-time slot Structured Low Real-  ACL (for UK) None Currently  Primary:  Route se-
trading plat- time 3000 USD PC lection
form per trade  Flight fre-
 Schedul-
H2 Real-time traf- Unstruc- High Real-  ICAO (traffic Text Not avail-  Primary:  Route se-
fic right infor- tured (law time rights) mining able PC lection
mation plat- texts) and  WTO (bilateral and  Second-  Flight fre-
form structured agreements) NLP ary: CF quencies
(Trans-  Flightradar24  Schedul-
ponder (Transponder ing
data) data)  Fleet as-
 Aircraft
I1 Global mete- Unstruc- High Real-  All social media Artifi- Not avail-  Primary:  Demand
orological tured (all time  Weather ser- cial in- able EWS forecast
warning plat- types) and vices telli-  Second-  Route se-
form structured  IBM gence, ary: TDF, lection
(weather data CF  Flight fre-
data) mining quencies
 Schedul-
 Flight
I2 Global politi- Unstruc- High Real-  GeoQuant Data Not avail-  Primary:  Demand
cal risk as- tured (all time  Grisk mining, able EWS forecast
sessments types) artificial  Second-  Route se-
intelli- ary: TDF lection
gence  Flight fre-
Data volume: High > 1TB per day ; Medium 1 GB – 1 TB per day ; Small <1 GB per day
396 List of Appendices

General information Supply Use

Code BD oppor- Data type Data Data Data provider BDA Data cost Ad- Major
tunity vol- veloc- used dressed NP pro-
ume ity infor- cess
mation steps
needs im-
NP process TDF – Transportation demand forecast; TI – Trend identification; CM – competitor monitoring; RM – real movements of
steps: passengers and goods; IBS – Internal booking situation; CF – Cost forecasts; PC – planning constraints; EWS – early
warning systems;

DF – Demand forecast; FP – Fleet planning; NS – Network structure definition; RS – Route selection; FF – Flight frequency
definition; SC – Scheduling; FA – Fleet assignment; AR – Aircraft routing; CA – Crew assignment; FO – Flight operations
List of Appendices 397

Appendix 19 – Qualitative potential scores and variances, by need for information clus-
398 List of Appendices

Appendix 20 – Recalculated qualitative evaluation scored for BDOs, sorted by average


Code Big data opportunity Recalculated mean FSC CAR LCC SCA
D3 Location-transmitting 5.0 - 5.0 - -
sensors for cargo ship-
A10 Shipping data from e- 4.5 - 4.5 - -
commerce platforms
D2 Extended electronic 4.5 - 4.5 - -
AWB with shipper ad-
A8 Analysis of air cargo 4.0 - 4.0 - -
rates from online freight
H1 Real-time slot trading 3.9 3.5 5.0 4.5 2.5
D1 Mobile location data from 3.7 4.5 - 3.0 3.5
A4 Detailed demographic 3.5 3.5 - 3.5 3.5
profiling with social net-
A5 General search engine 3.4 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.5
data for detailed O&D
A6 Clickstream data of 3.4 5.0 2.0 2.5 4.0
meta-search websites for
H2 Real-time traffic right in- 3.3 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0
formation platform
B3 Analysis of local hotel 3.2 2.5 0.5 3.5 3.5
B4 Analysis of events in so- 3.0 3.5 0.5 4.0 1.5
cial networks
B1 Analysis of reviews in 2.8 2.5 - 3.0 3.0
travel rating communities
B2 Clickstream data from 2.7 2.5 - 3.0 2.5
travel platforms
C2 Network-relevant com- 2.4 1.5 3.5 2.0 2.5
petitor news monitoring
I1 Global meteorological 2.4 2.0 3.5 2.5 1.5
warning platform
List of Appendices 399

Code Big data opportunity Recalculated mean FSC CAR LCC SCA
C1 Real-time flight tracking 2.1 1.5 3.5 2.0 1.5
with transponder data
I2 Global political risk as- 2.1 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0
A9 Analysis of exhibitor data 2.0 - 2.0 - -
of industry fairs
A3 Consumer confidence 1.9 2.0 1.5 1.5 2.5
measurement with social
A1 Geo-spatial image analy- 1.8 2.0 2.5 1.0 1.5
A2 Real-time inflation fore- 1.6 3.0 1.5 0.5 1.5
A7 Social media mining to 1.3 3.0 0.5 0.5 1.0
determine price elasticity
400 List of Appendices

Appendix 21 – Cost drivers for short-listed BDOs

List of Appendices 401

Appendix 22 – Scoring model for cost risks of cost drivers

One-time implementation cost Recurring yearly cost

Small project 20'000 50'000 Discount rate 10%

Medium Project 200'000 200'000
Large project 1'000'000 500'000
Mega Project 5'000'000 1'000'000

Small project Medium project

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
BD project cost -70'000 -50'000 -50'000 -50'000 -50'000 -400'000 -200'000 -200'000 -200'000 -200'000

Required benefit 54'796 54'796 54'796 54'796 54'796 247'963 247'963 247'963 247'963 247'963

Free-cash-flow (FCF) -15'204 4'796 4'796 4'796 4'796 -152'037 47'963 47'963 47'963 47'963
Discounted FCF -13'822 3'964 3'604 3'276 2'978 -138'215 39'639 36'035 32'759 29'781
Terminal value (TV) 47'963 479'632
NPV with TV 47'963 479'632
NPV no TV 0 0

Large project Mega project

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
BD project cost -1'500'000 -500'000 -500'000 -500'000 -500'000 -6'000'000 -1'000'000 -1'000'000 -1'000'000 -1'000'000

Required benefit 739'816 739'816 739'816 739'816 739'816 2'199'079 2'199'079 2'199'079 2'199'079 2'199'079

Free-cash-flow (FCF) -760'184 239'816 239'816 239'816 239'816 -3'800'921 1'199'079 1'199'079 1'199'079 1'199'079
Discounted FCF -691'076 198'195 180'177 163'797 148'907 -3'455'382 990'975 900'886 818'987 744'534
Terminal value (TV) 2'398'159 11'990'795
NPV with TV 2'398'159 11'990'795
NPV no TV 0 0
Appendix 23 – Net present value calculation for investment scenarios
List of Appendices
Required yearly benefit
Small project Medium project Large project Mega project
54'796 247'963 739'816 2'199'079

Profit delta from flight portfolio changes

Number of yearly changed flight events 7'800
Required BDO profit impact per flight event 7.03 € 31.79 € 94.85 € 281.93 €
List of Appendices

Total network profit

Network profit 500'000'000
Required percent increase 0.01% 0.05% 0.15% 0.44%

Load factor
EBIT margin 8.3%
Required Revenue increase 660'197 € 2'987'508 € 8'913'445 € 26'494'933 €
Yield per ASK € 0.10
Required RSK increase 6'601'966 29'875'082 89'134'446 264'949'332
Available Capacity in ASK 70'000'000'000
Old RSK 60'000'000'000
New RSK 60'006'601'966 60'029'875'082 60'089'134'446 60'264'949'332
Old load factor 85.7%
New load factor 85.7% 85.8% 85.8% 86.1%
Required load factor increase in percentage points 0.01 0.04 0.13 0.38

Idle hours per aircraft type

Average flight event profit 1'500 €
Additional flight events needed 37 165 493 1466
Daily additional flight events needed 0.10 0.45 1.35 4.02
Percent increase of idle base 0.20% 0.91% 2.70% 8.03%

On-time performance
Total delay cost 51'813'360
Percent delay reduction needed 0.11% 0.48% 1.43% 4.24%

FTE per process step

FTE gross cost 200'000
Appendix 24 – Required yearly benefit calculation for different scenarios

FTE reduction needed 0.3 1.2 3.7 11.0

In percent of total FTEs 1.8% 8.3% 24.7% 73.3%

Operational cost reduction

Operational cost in remit of NPM 500'000'000
Operational cost reduction required 0.01% 0.05% 0.15% 0.44%

Route Aircraft Forecast Schedule

profitability FTE efficiency utilization accuracy robustness Load factor Direct cost Total
KPI weight 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 weighted
Code Big data opportunities benefit score
A4 Detailed demographic
profiling with social media
mining 6.0 - 5.0 - 3.0 - - 14.0
A5 General search engine
data for detailed O&D
demand 7.0 - 5.0 - - 2.0 - 14.0
A6 Click-stream data of meta-
search websites for flights
6.5 - 4.0 - - 2.0 - 12.5
A8 Scraping of published
rates of cargo shipping
portals 8.0 - 8.0 - - 2.0 - 18.0
A10 Shipping data from e-
commerce platforms 8.0 - 8.0 - - 4.0 - 20.0
B3 Scraping of regional hotel
prices 8.0 - 7.0 - - - 1.0 16.0
B4 Analysis of events on
social media platforms 5.3 - 5.0 - - - - 10.3
D1 Mobile location data 7.3 - 5.0 - - - 2.0 14.3
D2 Extended electronic AWB
with shipper address 8.0 - - - 2.0 2.0 - 12.0
D3 Location-transmitting
Appendix 25 – Scoring of BDO benefit impact on KPIs

sensors for cargo

shipments 8.0 - - - 4.0 3.0 1.0 16.0
H1 Real-time slot trading
platform 4.5 - 4.7 - 2.0 - 4.0 15.2
H2 Real-time traffic right
information platform 3.0 - 3.3 - 1.5 - 3.5 11.3
List of Appendices
List of Appendices 405

Appendix 26 – Big data characteristics of BDOs for airline NP

Code BD oppor- Data type Data Update Variety Data Value

tunity vol- velocity of ve- for
ume sources rac- airline
ity NP
A1 Geo-spatial Unstruc- Me- Daily Multi- Low Low
satellite image tured (Pic- dium source
analysis tures)
A2 Real-time in- Structured Me- Daily Multi- Me- Low
flation forecast dium source dium
A3 Consumer Unstruc- High Real- Multi- Low Low
confidence tured time source
measurement (Text)
with social me-
A4 Detailed de- Structured High Real- Multi- Me- High
mographic time source dium
profiling with
social net-
A5 General Structured Low Real- Single- Low High
search engine to time source
data for de- high
tailed O&D de-
A6 Clickstream Structured Me- Daily Multi- High High
data of meta- dium source
search web-
sites for flights
A7 Social media Unstruc- High Real- Multi- Low Low
mining to de- tured (all time source
termine price data for-
elasticity mats)
A8 Analysis of air Structured Me- Daily Single- High Very
cargo rates dium source high
from online
flight portals
A9 Analysis of ex- Unstruc- Me- Monthly Multi- Low Me-
hibitor data of tured dium source dium
industry fairs (Text) to
A10 Shipping data Structured Low Daily Multi- High Very
from e-com- to source high
merce plat- me-
forms dium
B1 Analysis of re- Unstruc- High Real- Multi- Me- Me-
views in travel tured (text) time source dium dium
rating commu- and struc-
406 List of Appendices

Code BD oppor- Data type Data Update Variety Data Value

tunity vol- velocity of ve- for
ume sources rac- airline
ity NP
tured (re-
B2 Clickstream Structured Me- Daily Multi- High Me-
data from dium source dium
travel websites
B3 Analysis of lo- Structured Me- Real- Single- High High
cal hotel prices dium time source
B4 Analysis of Structured High Real- Multi- Me- High
events on so- time source dium
cial media
C1 Real-time Structured Me- Real- Single- High Me-
tracking with dium time source dium
C2 Network-rele- Unstruc- High Real- Multi- Me- Me-
vant competi- tured time source dium dium
tor news moni- (Text)
D1 Mobile location Structured High Poten- Multi- High High
data from tially source
smartphones real-
D2 Extended elec- Structured Me- Real- Single- High Very
tronic air way- dium time source high
bill with ship-
per address
D3 Location-trans- Structured High Real- Multi- High Very
mitting sen- time source high
sors for cargo
H1 Real-time slot Structured Low Real- Single- High High
trading plat- time source
H2 Real-time traf- Unstruc- High Real- Multi- Me- High
fic right infor- tured (law time source dium
mation plat- texts) and
form structured
I1 Global meteor- Unstruc- High Real- Multi- Low Me-
ological warn- tured (all time source dium
ing platform types) and
List of Appendices 407

Code BD oppor- Data type Data Update Variety Data Value

tunity vol- velocity of ve- for
ume sources rac- airline
ity NP
I2 Global political Unstruc- High Real- Multi- Low Me-
risk assess- tured (all time source dium
ments types)
Leg- Volume: High > 1TB per day ; Medium 2 GB – 1 TB per day ; Small <2 GB per
end day
Veracity: Qualitatively evaluated
Value: Potential score >4 = very high; Potential score 3-4 = high; Potential
score 2-3 = medium; Potential score 1-2 = Low; Potential score <1 Very low
408 List of Appendices

Appendix 27 – Applicability of NP BDOs to other airline functions

Code BD opportunity Administrative Commercial Operational func-

functions functions tions
Stra- Fi- Mar- Pricing Flight Engi-
tegic nance keting & reve- opera- neering
plan- & nue tions &
ning sales man- mainte-
age- nance
A1 Geo-spatial sat- High Low High High Me- Low
ellite image dium
A2 Real-time infla- High High Me- High Low Low
tion forecast dium
A3 Consumer confi- Me- Low Me- Me- Low Low
dence measure- dium dium dium
ment with social
A4 Detailed demo- Low Low High Me- Me- Low
graphic profiling dium dium
with social net-
A5 General search Low Low Me- High Low Low
engine data for dium
detailed O&D
A6 Clickstream Low Low High High Low Low
data of meta-
search websites
for flights
A7 Social media Low Low High High Low Low
mining to deter-
mine price elas-
A8 Analysis of air Me- Me- High High Low Low
cargo rates from dium dium
online flight por-
A9 Analysis of ex- Low Low High High Low Low
hibitor data of
industry fairs
A10 Shipping data Me- Me- High High Low Low
from e-com- dium dium
merce platforms
B1 Analysis of re- Me- Low High Me- Low Low
views in travel dium dium
rating communi-
List of Appendices 409

Code BD opportunity Administrative Commercial Operational func-

functions functions tions
Stra- Fi- Mar- Pricing Flight Engi-
tegic nance keting & reve- opera- neering
plan- & nue tions &
ning sales man- mainte-
age- nance
B2 Clickstream Me- Low High High Low Low
data from travel dium
B3 Analysis of local Me- Low High High Low Low
hotel prices dium
B4 Analysis of Me- Low High High Low Low
events on social dium
media platforms
C1 Real-time track- Low Low Low Low High Low
ing with tran-
sponder data
C2 Network-rele- High Me- Me- High High Low
vant competitor dium dium
news monitoring
D1 Mobile location Me- Low High Me- Low Low
data from dium dium
D2 Extended elec- Me- Low High High Low Low
tronic air waybill dium
with shipper ad-
D3 Location-trans- Low Low Low Low High Low
mitting sensors
for cargo ship-
H1 Real-time slot Low Low Low Low High Low
trading platform
H2 Real-time traffic Low Low Low Low High Low
right information
I1 Global meteoro- Low Low Low Low High Medium
logical warning
I2 Global political Me- Me- Me- Me- Low Medium
risk assess- dium dium dium dium

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