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Q1: If you vaguely remember the command and you’d like to confirm it, how will you get

help on that particular command??

a None

b docker --help

c None

d docker help

e None

f docker -help

Q2: If you wish to have something mounted when the server is booted in which file would
you need to add it:?

a /etc/boot.conf

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d /etc/grub.conf

e /etc/boot

f /etc/fstab

Q3: How do you create an array in PHP??

a $cars = "Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota";

b None

c $cars = newarray("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota");

d $cars = array("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota");

e None

f $cars = array["Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota"];

Q4: Which of the following is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker

a Docker Cloud

b Docker Hub

c None

d None

e Docker Hub

f Docker Swarn

Q5: Which of the following function is used to get the size of a file??

a filesize()

b file_size()

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e sizefile()

f size_file()

Q6: What is the default execution time set in set_time_limit()??

a None

b 30 secs

c 20 secs

d 40 secs

e None

f 35 secs

Q7: Which of the following function returns the number of characters in a string variable??
a strcount($variable)

b len($variable)

c strlen($variable)

d None

e count($variable)

f None

Q8: What websites can you build with WordPress??

a Blog

b A Learning platform

c Shop

d Betting website

e All of the mentioned

f News website

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