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RMIT Classification: Trusted #_x000D_

Have a nav bar consistent throughout all pages so users do not need to go backwards manually
id make navigation at least consistent? like assuming everything else is unchangeable getting back to the home page was alway
Text Display: This is a crucial design factor as this is what allows the user to see and gain information on both the business and
A complete overhaul of the "Purchase" menu and billing information is necessary. This is due to the poor design of choosing pr
Update the UI (User Interface). Most descriptions of GameCo are impossible to read. it needs to be as readable as possible.
The product purchase page, products that the user want to purchase should have an option to be "added to cart", with a checkou
Changing the colour and font of the text. The reason is to not only make the user experience more streamlined and less straining
I think the developer should make it so the price of each item is shown in the "purchase page" and not only the catalogue page,
I would make the design of the navigation more simple and consistent throughout the website to assist all users in their shoppin
i would improve the checkout system as you have to go onto a separate page to purchase in addition you cant see the total cost o
I would choose consistency, as the navigation bars would constantly move to different places and sometimes the names would b
The appearance of the website specifically the backgrounds continually blinking at you. Have something plain.
Optimize the website's loading speed by compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript, implementing browser caching, u
Change the consistency of the website to match the main page as it is hard to navigate throughout the website because the butto
Adopt a uniform clearer design through the web page (having an identical navigation bar with links to all the pages and a search
Improve design principles and ux to help the users to navigate throughout the website. An example could be a search bar at the
Get rid of the fireworks: my eyes burn!
Change the checkout so that you can add items to the cart by clicking on them.
Change nothing, this is a work of art.
Navigating the website has been a hassle making it slower to travel webpage to a webpage. I choose this aspect because you ne
One aspect that could be improved upon is the User Interface, because the main issue for me was that is was to difficult to navi
I would change how purchasing would be displayed as the final step when purchasing you'd have to keep seperate tabs and sear
The readability of the font and words are important because it allows the user to be able to perceive and understand the informa
Change the checkout process so that it is a more simple "Add to cart" - esque function, so that the person purchasing can easily
thr user are not able to create a new account. developer should add a link to access to it.
Change the colour of the text on pages to make sure colours aren't overlapping or clashing making text difficult to read
Poor user experience ( As the text in the home page is not readable.)
My advice to the developer would be to remove the "purchase" tab from the homepage and change it so users can purchase a pr
Remove the animation in the background with the fireworks and replace with a consistent background.
streamline the navigation by making all pages use the same bar at the top of the screen. this is because navigation is damm near
So hard to choose just one, but Consistency of simple backgrounds. No motion.
Make sure that all the text is readable.
Have the font, colour and format of texts on the website be the same. It will make the website more legible and easier to read f
change font colour to prevent colour clashes and make the website easier to read
Get rid of the moving fireworks and the other ghastly gifs. They make it hard to see and concentrate.
Upon entering the site, users are introduced to a video, however trying the close the video was bit confusing as the the 'X' butto
the website isnt user friendly enough and i chose this because i struggled a lot navigating through the site
I Would change the format and text display to make the information more clear and well presentable to ensure that customers a
I would change the homepage as it is unreadable to users and wouldn't prompt them to go any further in looking at the website.
Update the UI (User Interface). Some backdrops are animated (The Home Page and Store) which can overwhelm/over complica
visual. There is too much going on - especially the animated backgrounds
Make it easier to navigate the website as a whole and have a persistent menu at the top. The website is a struggle to navigate.
User Experience: Faster page load times lead to a better user experience. Users are more likely to stay engaged and navigate thr
the purchase page because all the products are the same price even if choose more than one product and it doesn't tell you what
The whole thing, No point updating the website should be made from scratch as it would be quicker to start fresh then to go fix
RMIT Classification: Trusted #_x000D_

the quality of the video

If i could change one aspect of the website I would change all the backgrounds on all the differernt pages to one consistent colo
I would add navigation between all main screens as currently the user has to use the browser navigation to go back and fourth w
ensure that any and all text is easy to read, especially for those who may have difficulties reading
The catalogue and purchase page should be merged, it is clunky to have to refer back to a different page when adding things to
The navigation should be consistent between all pages, for example, have the same navigation bar displayed on each page with
Having all Navigation Opertional links connected, so the menu/toolbar is accessible acorss all pages, makes it easier for the use
remove the fireworks display. Also clean up the background of the other pages. They are really distracting.
The payout description should be changed. By adding the individual prices of the products as well as the shipping cost of a prod
Be consistent with the backgrounds. The fireworks, flames and beating hearts are too distracting. This will make the website m
If I could only change one thing to fix this website, I would make the navigation more consistent and navigable.
The home page animated background is distracting. Make the page backgrounds consistent and not so 'busy'.
I would Standardise the site navigation
the text on the website needs to be more visible to direct users. It also needs to be consistent.
RMIT Classification: Trusted #_x000D_

at they're selling.
ferent menu, which confuses the user, and complicates the billing process. Change this by adding a checkout option, so the user can add the

ms and total price should be added too.

tem, maybe also display images of each item next to its name.

ng cost that the customer wasn't informed about, as well as having to add the prices at the checkout to find out how much you spent. I choo

e and engagement.

to navigate and reduce the barrier for them to buy something.

f the colored website. The developer needs to implement a better system such as a cart which after browsing the website you can add items

k to the homepage just to purchase a product only to be greeted with a page that makes you scroll and find the product you want to buy.

is confused.

ease bounce rates.

RMIT Classification: Trusted #_x000D_

sh away customers and with bad navigation the customer will be unable to find what they are looking for and GameCo will be unable to dis

ng cost of $89.65 then "Thank You For Your Purchase".

RMIT Classification: Trusted #_x000D_

t option, so the user can add the products they want to their "cart", and once done shopping, able to pay immediately instead of going throug

ut how much you spent. I choose that aspect because its the main way a website would make its money by having a clear and easy checkou

g the website you can add items into the cart and see how much your entire purchase is, it can also include the shipping price and a more acc

he product you want to buy.

RMIT Classification: Trusted #_x000D_

d GameCo will be unable to display products the consumer may also be interested in.
RMIT Classification: Trusted #_x000D_

ediately instead of going through a longer process.

aving a clear and easy checkout system as you dont want the customer to struggle trying to purchase your item as it will only cause you to l

e shipping price and a more accessible purchasing menu.

RMIT Classification: Trusted #_x000D_
RMIT Classification: Trusted #_x000D_

em as it will only cause you to loose out on profit.

RMIT Classification: Trusted #_x000D_

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