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March 4, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We would like to inform you that our school, Newfoundland Arts and Science Academy of
Tagum Inc., will be participating in the Tagum City Civic-Military Parade on March 7, 2024. This
event is a great opportunity for our students to showcase their discipline, patriotism, and respect
for our country's armed forces.

The parade will commence at 5:00 AM, and we will assemble at ____________________,
where our students will be briefed and prepared for the event. Please ensure that your child
arrives punctually at the designated call time.

We understand that some parents may have concerns regarding their child's participation in
such events. However, we assure you that the safety and well-being of our students are our top
priorities. We will have designated faculty members and chaperones accompanying the
students throughout the parade to ensure their safety.

By signing this consent form, you are allowing your child, _________________________, to
participate in the Tagum City Civic-Military Parade on March 7, 2024. You understand that the
school will not be held responsible for any unforeseen events that are beyond our control.

Please fill out the information below and return this form to the school office by [Deadline Date].
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.



School Director
Newfoundland Arts and Science Academy of Tagum Inc.

Parent/Guardian Consent:

I, _________________________________, give permission for my child, [Student Name], to

participate in the Tagum City Civic-Military Parade on March 7, 2024. I understand that the
school will not be held responsible for any unforeseen events that are beyond their control.

Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________

Date: ________________________

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