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‫الحمایھ من الكھرباء‬
Electrical safety LAB

‫الحمایھ من الكھرباء‬- 221 ‫ھكھ‬: ‫المقرر‬

EE 221- Electrical Safety

Prepared by: Dr. Dhouib Bilel

Safety Instructions

The electrical engineering department of JAZAN University is committed to maintaining the

safest possible laboratories. We encourage supervisors to take all reasonable precautions to
protect the health and safety of students. The instructions promote general lab rules, personal
safety, general precautions and powering electrical circuits.

General Lab Rules

 It is the responsibility of the student to read and adhere to all Lab safety instructions
 If you are uncertain about a procedure or hazard, ASK FOR HELP
 Smoking is strictly prohibited in the lab
 No Food or drinks are allowed
 Keep your cell phone turned off
 Before leaving, return items to their proper storage locations and keep work areas
 Be prepared for your work in the laboratory. Read all procedures thoroughly before
entering the lab

Personal Safety
 Report any incident or injury (cut, burn, etc.) to the instructor immediately, an
incident should be taken seriously no matter how trivial it seems
 Wear safety glasses when working with high power circuits
 Do not wear jewelry, including rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc., when working with
electricity; they can cause unintentional shock
 Communicate with your partners to verify everyone is ready to power on the circuit
 If you see a problem, are unsure of what is happening, or do not know what to expect,
stop work and resolve any issues. SAFETY FIRST
 If an accident occurs, notify the instructor immediately, and call for help

General Precautions
 Keep all unnecessary objects, i.e. backpacks, papers, tools, away from test platforms
 Never connect the circuit unless you make sure that the power is off
 Choose appropriately colored, or labeled, wires to avoid confusion on connectivity 
Turn off power to the circuit before making topological changes
 Do not route wires or cables in a way that would cause a tripping or pulling hazard

 Do not use any equipment unless you are trained or approved by your supervisor
 Remove connection-leads from sockets by grapping the plug itself
 Get your wiring checked by your supervisor before turning the power-on
 Experiments must be personally monitored at all times. Do not wander around the
room, distract other students
 If you suspect or noticed something abnormal in your experiment, immediately hit the
emergency switch
 Never touch the moving parts of machinery
 Never alter an energized circuit unless you are certain of the outcomes

Safe Operation of Electrical Circuits

 Verify circuit configuration before powering
 Be aware of exposed test points
 Verify test probe and equipment ratings before connecting
 Where possible, slowly increase voltage/current levels to verify functionality
 Be aware of rotating equipment; don’t wear a tie or other loose clothing

Report Guidelines

Typically, the comprehensive report will contain the following points

1. Purpose or objectives
2. Apparatus Required
3. Theoretical background
4. Procedure
5. Results & Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. Analysis

Purpose or Objective
A paragraph in which you describe the objective of your experimental investigation and
literature search; the purpose should be clearly stated and identify the dependent and
independent variables. A good guideline is to include the phrase "we will investigate the

Theoretical Background
Describe the physics of your topic. Including diagrams, graphs, and other visuals which have
been discussed in lab or which you found in the book or other literature. Discuss the physics
principles in detail, writing as if the reader knows little about your topic. Begin by
approaching the topic in rather general terms and then breaking it down into specifics. Define
terms, discuss equations and provide sample calculations to illustrate how they can be used
and present diagrams and discuss and elaborate upon their meaning. In other words, apply
physics to the situation by intelligently discussing the physics principles which applies to the
topic which you have selected.

The procedure describes what you will do and how you will do it. The procedure always ties
into the purpose of the experiment; that is, the procedure describes in detail the steps which an
experimenter must take in order to accomplish the stated purpose. The procedure should be so
specific and clearly stated that someone else could repeat the experiment without knowing
anything about it.

Results & Discussion
After the data are collected, students need to see whether their expectations regarding data
characteristics and quality have been met. Choice among possible analyses should be based
partly on the nature of the data for example, whether many observed values are small and a
few are large and whether the data are complete. If the data do not fit the assumptions of the
methods they had planned to use, different form of data analysis may be advisable.

The end of your report should contain a brief summary of your basic findings, followed by a
set of clear statements that you believe explain your results. Whether the collected data
support or contradict your assumptions. Conclusion shows the correlation between the
objectives in the abstract and whatever discussion being made on the analysis section

 Do your findings support existing theories

 Your conclusions summarize how your results support or contradict (theories,
mathematical relations)
 It should never introduce new ideas or things not discussed in the report
 Highlights the limitations of the report
 It is best to provide some sort of recommendation and future work if necessary

Electrical Safety
This course will give students a sufficient background on the electrical safety, body
resistance, safety against electric shock, earthing network in low voltage (IT, TT,
and TN). Grounding resistance and person work under power line.

Experimental List
1) Resistance of the human body
2) TT system earthed neutral
i) Direct Contact
ii) Indirect contact
iii) Protection in
case of contact
3) TN system, Exposed conductive parts connected to the neutral
i) TN-C ii) TN-S iii)
College of Engineering

ELECTRICAL Engineering Department Laboratory of


Lab 𝐍°1
Resistance of the human body & contact voltage

Prepared by

Student names ID number Serial number Group

1. Objective:

The aim of this manipulation is to measure the body impedance and the shock current
between current point of entry and current point of exit.

2. Theoretical reminder
2.1. Electrocution

Electrocution or so called electric shock occurs when current passes through the human
body. The real measure of electrocution intensity is directly related to the amount of current
(Ohms law), in amperes, that passes through the body, and not to the voltage. Resistance also
plays a very important role on the amount of energy that passes through the body. Depending
on the body resistance, wet (500 Ω) or dry (1000 Ω) and point of contacts we have very
different effects for the same current.

2.2. Voltage and electroporation

Voltage, also known as electric tension is defined as the force that pushes electric current
through the body. The current flows for any given voltage depending on the resistance. It is
the current that determines physiological effects.

Electroporation (cell membrane damage) is due to the application of a large voltage across
a length of tissue. The major problem with electroporation is substantial cell death caused by
high voltage pulses and only limited membrane repair. It is the reason why even a tiny contact
with current can lead to deep tissue injuries.

2.3. General effects of electric current

The general effects of electric current differ for man, woman and child. For the same
amount of current, women generally have worse symptoms then men. In the case of child
or babies normally there is a distinct dark mark, similar to a burn on the lips, once that in
the first years of life babies use the mouth to discover the world around them.

Electric current Effect

(Contact for 1s)

Below 1 mA Not perceptible
1 mA Threshold of feeling, tingling
5 mA Slight shock. Not painful. Average individual can let go.
Involuntary reaction can lead to indirect injuries
6 - 25 mA (woman) Painful shocks. Loss of muscle control
9 to 30 mA (men) Freezing current "can't let go". The person may be thrown away
from the power source. Individual cannot let go. Strong
involuntary reaction can lead to involuntary injuries

50 to 150 mA Extreme pain. Respiratory arrest. Muscles reactions. Possible

1 to 4.3 A Fibrillation of the heart. Muscular contraction and nerve damage
occur. Likely death

10 A Cardiac arrest, severe burns. Death is probable

IEC publication 60479-1 updated in 2016 defines four zones of current-magnitude

/timeduration, in each of which the pathophysiological effects are described (see Fig.1).

Fig.1. Zones time/current of effects of AC current on human body when passing from left
hand to feet

AC-1 zone: Imperceptible

AC-2 zone: Perceptible
AC-3 zone: Reversible effects: muscular contraction
AC-4 zone: Possibility of irreversible effects
AC-4-1 zone: Up to 5 % probability of heart fibrillation

AC-4-2 zone: Up to 50 % probability of heart fibrillation
AC-4-3 zone: More than 50 % probability of heart fibrillation
A curve: Threshold of perception of current
B curve: Threshold of muscular reactions
C1 curve: Ventricular fibrillation unlikely to happen
C2 curve: Threshold of 5 % probability of ventricular fibrillation
C3 curve: Threshold of 50 % probability of ventricular fibrillation

2.4. Electricity in the nervous system

One of the most significant physiological effects of electricity regards the nervous system.
Electricity can affect all the network of nerve cells and neurons which process and conduct the
signals responsible for the regulation of our body functions. The sensory and motor organs of
our body such as the brain and the spinal cord work together to allow it to move, answer,
think, sense and remember. Nerve cells communicate by creating electrical signals with very
small voltages. If electric current of sufficient magnitude passes through the living tissues, its
effect will be override the natural impulses of the neurons, overloading the nervous system
and blocking the passage of voluntary impulses that activate in the muscles. The muscles will
then involuntarily contract (tetany).

2.5. Different effect of AC and DC

The effects of AC (alternating current) depends largely on frequency, low frequency tends
to be much more dangerous than high frequency. AC with the same amperage and voltage as
DC is more dangerous and provoke worse effects on the human body. Low frequency AC
provokes muscle contraction (tetany) which can induce the "cannot let go" effect by freezing
the muscles of the hand. This happens because the flexors of the hand are stronger than the
extensors, so when an external electrical stimulation is applied, the flexors outdo the
extensors. AC has a more of a tendency to induce heart fibrillation while DC makes the heart
stop. That is why defibrillation equipment is DC, which stops the heart and gives a chance to

2.6. Skin resistance

Resistance is measured in ohms. The human body has is own resistance to electric current,
99% of this resistance is at the skin. As referred anteriorly dry and wet skin have much
different values of resistance but are not the only aspect to have in account in electrocution.
Cuts and deep abrasions of the skin contribute to a significant decrease on the skin resistance.
Skin act as a capacitor and permits more current to flow if a voltage is changing rapidly. The
internal body resistance is about 300 Ω, being related to the wet, relatively salty tissues
beneath the skin. Skin breaks down from 500 V onwards which results has a decrease of the
body's resistance that can mean a bigger amount of current entering the body, damaging the
nerves and muscles. This is one of the reasons why sometimes there isn't significant damage
of the skin but a significant deep tissue injury.

3. The experiments

CAUTION! DO NOT make any connections with the power supply ON. Get in the
habit of turning OFF the power supply after every measurement.

3.1. Experiment 1: Resistance of the human body

 Factors:
- Contact surface
- Moistness of the skin
- Ambient temperature
- Contact pressure
- Duration of current flow - Current path

 Body impedance: 𝐙𝐊

Resistance of the human body between current point of entry and current point of exit.

The body impedance is mainly a reactance, which is increased by a negligible capacitive

component. It comes into existence because of the points of entry and exit, and is dependent
on the moistness of the body and the voltage. The phase shift between the applied voltage and
the body current is 20° at 220 V.
 Reference body impedance: 𝐙𝐊𝐫𝐞𝐟

Body impedance between the left hand and the two feet (after skin break-through has taken

 Body impedance factor: 𝐅𝟐

The relationship of the body impedance to the reference body impedance.

𝐅𝟐 =

 Equipment:

1 Training panel, body impedance

1 Measurement instrument, 0 – 1.5 KΩ

 Using the plug-in board, please measure the body impedance for the following current
paths and then calculate 𝐅𝟐 :
Point of entry Point of exit 𝐙𝐊
𝐙𝐊(𝛀) 𝐙𝐊𝐫𝐞𝐟(𝛀) 𝐅𝟐 =
left hand both feet
left hand right hand
left hand left forearm
left hand left upper arm
left hand neck
left hand head
left upper arm neck
left upper arm head
left upper arm chest
right hand seat
left forearm left knee
right hand left foot
both hands both feet

 Using a suitable resistance meter, test the body impedance between both hands of a
trial person and explain the result:

𝐙𝐊 = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯


 Please draw the body impedance (left hand – right hand) in relation to the contact
𝐔𝐁(𝐕) 10 50 100 200 300 400 500 600
𝐙𝐊(𝛀) 3700 2900 2400 1800 1600 1400 1250 1100

 Interpret the results

3.2. Experiment 2: Permissible contact voltage

 Contact voltage: 𝐔𝐁

The contact voltage 𝐔𝐁 depends on the body current and the body impedance. The following is
valid for 𝐙𝐊

𝐙 𝐊 = 𝐙 𝐊𝐫𝐞𝐟 ∙ 𝐅 𝟐

 Shock current: 𝐈𝐊

The shock current 𝐈𝐊 can be calculated from the reference shock current 𝐈𝐊𝐫𝐞𝐟 (current path left
hand- both feet) divided by the factor 𝐅𝟏 (for another current path).

𝐈𝐊 =

 Equipment:
1 Training panel, shock current
1 Current source / voltage source 0-12 V AC
1 Measurement instrument, 0 – 40 mA AC

 Apply a voltage of 10 V to the points of current entry and current exit of the model
human according to the table below; measure the shock current and then calculate the
factor 𝐅𝟏:
Point of entry Point of exit 𝐈𝐊𝐫𝐞𝐟
𝐈𝐊𝐫𝐞𝐟(𝐦𝐀) 𝐈𝐊(𝐦𝐀) 𝐅𝟏 =
left hand both feet

left hand left foot

left hand right foot

left hand left upper arm

left hand right hand

right hand right foot

right hand left foot

right hand chest

 Interpret the results


Internationally, the conventional permissible contact voltage (𝐔𝐋) was introduced as the
compromise permissible contact voltage.

For this purpose the following was defined in DIN 57100, part 410:

For AC voltage 𝐔𝐋 = 𝟓𝟎 𝐕

For DC voltage 𝐔𝐋 = 𝟏𝟐𝟎 𝐕

For special purposes, the permissible contact voltage is decreased further:
 6 V for safety transformers supplying medical equipment 
24 V for safety transformers to operate toys


College of Engineering
ELECTRICAL Engineering Department Laboratory of

Lab 𝐍°2
Tt system
Earthed neutral

Prepared by

Student names ID number Serial number Group

1. Objective

The aim of this manipulation is to measure and calculate the shock current IK and the
contact voltage UB.

2. Theoretical reminder

2.1. Definition of TT system

One point at the supply source is connected directly to earth. All exposed and extraneous
conductive parts are connected to a separate earth electrode at the installation. This electrode
may or may not be electrically independent of the source electrode. The two zones of
influence may overlap without affecting the operation of protective devices.

The TT system:

 Technique for the protection of persons: the exposed conductive parts are earthed and
residual current devices (RCD) are used
 Operating technique: interruption for the first insulation fault

Note: If the exposed conductive parts are earthed at a number of points, an RCD must be
installed for each set of circuits connected to a given earth electrode.
2.2. Earth or ground electrode

Earth or ground electrode is a conductor embedded in the ground and electrically connected to
it, or a conductor embedded in concrete that is in contact with the earth over a large area (e.g.
foundation earth).

2.3. Earthing conductor

Is a conductor connecting a system part to be earthed to an earth electrode, so long as it is

laid out of contact with the ground or is insulated in the ground.

Note: Main earthing conductor is an earthing conductor to which a number of earthing

conductors are connected.

2.4. Earthing system

Is a locally limited assembly of conductively interconnected earth electrodes or metal parts

operating in the same way (e.g. tower feet, armouring, metal cable sheaths) and earthing

Note: To earth means to connect an electrically conductive part to the ground via an
earthing system. Earthing is the total of all measures used for earthing.

2.5. Residual current circuit breakers

2.5.1. Definition

Residual current circuit breaker, (full form of RCCB) or residual current device
(RCD) is a current sensing electro-mechanical device that breaks an electric circuit in case of
a fault.
It operated, whenever the difference between line and neutral current (called residual
current) becomes more than the set value.

2.5.2. Application
Sensitivity Application

30 mA Tripping current designed for additional protection against direct contact,
the 30 mA RCCB protects against leakage currents and indirect contact
with earth loop impedance up to 167 ohms; for use as additional
protection against direct contact, residual tripping current must not exceed
30 mA.
300 mA A lees sensitive protection suitable for large installations having high
levels of leakage current: 300 mA RCCB’s protect against leakage current
and indirect contact up to 167 ohms earth loop impedance.

2.5.3. How to identify an RCCB from its markings

 Rated residual current 𝐈∆𝐧 is the value of residual current IΔ specified by the
manufacturer at which the residual current circuit breaker must switch out under
specified conditions. Alternating residual current must release the residual current
circuit breaker within (0.5 ÷ 1) I∆n.
 Rated current In is the value of current specified by the manufacturer, which can be
transferred by the residual current circuit breaker continuously. So the current In can
pass through the contacts for an unlimited time. Therefore it is, for instance, possible
to use a residual current circuit breaker with In = 25 A in 16 A circuit.
 Ambient temperature T for the residual current circuit breakers is (-5 ÷ +40) °C
according to almost all international standards. Some residual current circuit breakers

work in an extended range (-25 ÷ +40) °C. This possibility is identified by the
following symbol on the rating plate.

 Rated operating voltage 𝐔𝐞 is the voltage the residual current circuit breaker is to be
connected to and which properties are related to. The connected voltage has no effect
on the device function but on the function of the test circuit and isolation properties.
 Rated frequency 𝐟𝐧 is the frequency the residual current circuit breaker is designed
for and at which it works correctly under stated conditions. Majority of residual
current circuit breakers are designed for fn = 50 to 60 Hz. As the residual current
circuit breaker function is based on the induction principle, the residual current
behaviour and frequency show an effect upon tripping. When using a device designed
for 50/60 Hz in a network with a different frequency, the user must count on a change
of the tripping threshold i.e. a change of I∆n.
 Rated conditional short-circuit current 𝐈𝐧𝐜 – short-circuit strength. The function
and design principle does not allow for the residual current circuit breaker use for
protection against short-circuit. For circuit protection it is necessary to use a circuit
breaker or a fuse. These elements cut the short-circuited circuit safely off. The residual
current circuit breaker must only withstand the through-going short-circuit current.
The amplitude of the maximum through current is defined as rated conditional short-
circuit current Inc. The short-circuit strength is then expressed by the current Inc. For
example, on the rating plate, Inc = 10 kA is expressed by the following symbol:

 Residual current circuit breaker – type AC – reacts to sine-wave residual current –

it is used in conventional AC networks.

2.5.4. Working principle of RCCB

The basic operating principle lies in the Toroidal Transformer shown in the diagram
containing three coils. There are two coils say Primary (containing line current) and
Secondary (containing neutral current) which produces equal and opposite fluxes if both
currents are equal.

Whenever in the case there is a fault and both the currents changes, it creates out of balance
flux, which in-turn produces the differential current which flows through the third coil
(sensing coil shown in the figure) which is connected to relay.

The Toroidal transformer, sensing coil and relay together is known as RCD – Residual
Current Device.

Test Circuit:

The test circuit is always included with the RCD which basically connects between the line
conductor on the load side and the supply neutral. It helps to test the circuit when it is on or
off the live supply. Whenever the test button is pushed current starts flowing through the test
circuit depending upon the resistance provided in this circuit. This current passes through the
RCD line side coil along with load current. But as this circuit bypasses neutral side coil of
RCD, there will be an unbalance between the line side and neutral side coil of the device and
consequently, the RCCB trips to disconnect the supply even in normal condition. This is how
the test circuit tests the reliability of RCCB.

2.5.5. Types of RCCB

2 Pole: It is for single phase line consisting of one live and one neutral wire slot in it. 4 Pole:
It is designed for three phase line consisting of 4 slots where three phase wires and a neutral
wire can be connected.

2.6. Main characteristics
 Simplest solution to design and install. Used in installations supplied directly by the
public LV distribution network.
 Does not require continuous monitoring during operation (a periodic check on the
RCDs may be necessary).
 Protection is ensured by special devices, the residual current devices (RCD), which
also prevent the risk of fire when they are set to ≤ 500 mA.
 Each insulation fault results in an interruption in the supply of power, however the
outage is limited to the faulty circuit by installing the RCDs in series (selective RCDs)
or in parallel (circuit selection).
 Loads or parts of the installation which, during normal operation, cause high leakage
currents, require special measures to avoid nuisance tripping, i.e. supply the loads with
a separation transformer or use specific RCDs

3. The experiments

CAUTION! DO NOT make any connections with the power supply ON. Get in the
habit of turning OFF the power supply after every measurement.

3.1. Experiment 1: Basic terms of protective measures

 Fault current: 𝐈𝐅

Current caused by an insulation fault.

 Shock current: 𝐈𝐊

Current flow through the human body which can have a damaging effect.

 Contact voltage: 𝐔𝐁

Voltage caused by touching two parts simultaneously and which is brought about by an
insulation fault.

 Conventional permissible contact voltage: 𝐔𝐋

Maximum limit for contact voltage which may exist for an indefinite period (exception: 6 V
and 24 V).

Max 50 V AC voltage Max

120 V DC Voltage

 Equipment:

1 Mains supply 72986

1 TT network
1 Load 72989
1 Load 4 mask
1 Light bulb 235 V / 25 W 50526
1 Model human body 72985
1 Meter 0…0.3 A AC
1 Meter 0…250 V AC

 Assemble the circuit according to the circuit diagram in figure 2.1 and measure the
variable listed in the table:

𝐑𝐋 = 𝟐 Ω


𝐑 𝐌 = 𝟕𝟓𝟎 Ω

𝐑 𝐊 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎 Ω

𝐑 𝐁 = 𝟒. 𝟕 Ω 𝐑 𝐔 = 𝟐𝟐𝟎 Ω

Figure 2.1


 Draw the equivalent circuit diagram.

 Please calculate IK and UB.


 Interpret the results
3.2. Experiment 2: Direct contact

 Direct contact:

Touching of active parts by humans or animals (pets).

 Electric shock:

Malfunction (organic disturbance) caused by a shock current.

 Rated voltage of the installation:

The nominal voltage of the installation 𝐔𝐍 (outer conducter voltage)

𝐔𝟎 voltage, measured between L and N.

 Equipment:

1 Mains supply 72986

1 TT network
1 Load 72989

1 Load 4 mask
1 Light bulb 235 V / 25 W 50526
1 Model human body 72985
1 Meter 0…0.3 A AC
1 Meter 0…250 V AC
 Assemble the circuit in figure 2.2 and carry out measurements according to the table:

𝐑𝐋 = 𝟐 Ω


𝐑 𝐌 = 𝟕𝟓𝟎 Ω


𝐚 𝐛


𝐑 𝐁 = 𝟐. 𝟐 Ω 𝐑𝐔

Figure 2.2

 Fault to exposed conductive part at a (𝐑𝐊 = 𝟎. 𝟐 Ω)


𝐑𝐔 = 𝟐𝟐𝟎 𝛀

𝐑𝐔 = 𝟏𝟎 𝐊 𝛀

 Fault to exposed conductive part at b (𝐑𝐊 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎 Ω)


𝐑𝐔 = 𝟐𝟐𝟎 𝛀

𝐑𝐔 = 𝟏𝟎 𝐊 𝛀
 Draw the equivalent circuit diagrams in accordance with the faults to frame at a and b:

 Calculate the shock current and the contact voltages for the fault to exposed conductive
parts at b, where 𝐑𝐔 = 𝟏𝟎 𝐊 𝛀 .


 Interpret the results

3.3. Experiment 3: Indirect contact

 Indirect contact:

Contact with parts of electrical equipment which are live due to a fault.

 Operating current:

Current which flows through the circuit in normal operation.

 Short-circuit current:

Overload caused by a fault between active parts with negligible resistance.

Types of fault:

 Short-circuit:

Fault between active parts, where the resistance in the fault current-circuit is negligible.

 Fault to exposed conductive part:

Fault between active parts and the exposed conductive part of the operating unit.

 Conductor short-circuit:

Fault between active parts, when there is a resistance in the fault current circuit.

 Fault current:

Current which flows due to an insulation fault.

 Insulation fault:

Fault in the insulation (voltage breakthrough).

 Equipment:
1 Mains supply 72986
1 TT network
1 Load 72989
1 Load 4 mask
1 Light bulb 235 V / 25 W 50526
1 Model human body 72985
1 Meter 0…0.3 A AC
1 Meter 0…250 V AC
 Assemble the circuit and record the measurement values:

Figure 2.3
 Fault to exposed conductive part at a (𝐑𝐊 = 𝟎. 𝟐 𝛀)

𝐑𝐔 = 𝟐𝟐𝟎 𝛀

𝐑𝐔 = 𝟏𝟎 𝐊 𝛀

 Fault to exposed conductive part at b (𝐑𝐊 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝛀)

𝐑𝐔 = 𝟐𝟐𝟎 𝛀

𝐑𝐔 = 𝟏𝟎 𝐊 𝛀

 Fault to exposed conductive part at b and interruption at c


𝐑𝐔 = 𝟐𝟐𝟎 𝛀

𝐑𝐔 = 𝟏𝟎 𝐊 𝛀

 Sketch the equivalent circuit diagrams for the fault to exposed conductive parts at b

 Sketch the equivalent circuit diagrams for the fault to exposed conductive parts at b
including the earthing line at c:


 Calculate the shock current and the contact voltage for the fault to exposed conductive
parts at b, where 𝐑𝐔 = 𝟐𝟐𝟎 𝛀 and 𝐑𝐔 = 𝟏𝟎 𝐊 𝛀 .


 Calculate the shock current and the contact voltage for the fault to exposed conductive
parts at b and interruption at c, where 𝐑𝐔 = 𝟐𝟐𝟎 𝛀 and 𝐑𝐔 = 𝟏𝟎 𝐊 𝛀 .


 Interpret the results
3.4. Experiment 4: Protection in case of contact

 Equipment:

1 Mains supply 72986

1 TT network
1 Fault current circuit breaker 30 mA 72996
1 Fault current trip 72997
1 Load 72989
1 Load 4 mask
1 Light bulb 235 V / 25 W 50526
1 Model human body 72985
1 Meter 0…300 mA AC

 Please assemble the following circuit:

Figure 2.4
 Measure the currents in the given sequences:

 Set the potentiometer to 40 K Ω, set the bridge at d, slowly reduce the fault resistance
and read the switch-off current of the fault current circuit breaker:

𝐈𝐅 = 𝐈∆𝐧 =
 Interpret the results



College of Engineering

ELECTRICAL Engineering Department Laboratory of

Lab 𝐍°3
TN system
Exposed conductive parts connected to the neutral

Prepared by

Student names ID number Serial number Group

1. Objective

The aim of this manipulation is to measure and calculate the shock current IK and the
contact voltage UB.

2. Theoretical reminder

2.1. Definition of TN system

The source is earthed as for the TT system (above). In the installation, all exposed- and
extraneous-conductive-parts are connected to the neutral conductor. The several versions of
TN systems are shown below.

2.2. TN-C system

The neutral conductor is also used as a protective conductor and is referred to as a PEN
(Protective Earth and Neutral) conductor. This system is not permitted for conductors of less
than 10 mm2 or for portable equipment.

The TN-C system requires an effective equipotential environment within the installation with
dispersed earth electrodes spaced as regularly as possible since the PEN conductor is both the
neutral conductor and at the same time carries phase unbalance currents as well as 3rd order
harmonic currents (and their multiples).

The PEN conductor must therefore be connected to a number of earth electrodes in the

Caution: In the TN-C system, the “protective conductor” function has priority over the
“neutral function”. In particular, a PEN conductor must always be connected to the earthing
terminal of a load and a jumper is used to connect this terminal to the neutral terminal.

2.3. TN-S system

The TN-S system (5 wires) is obligatory for circuits with cross-sectional areas less than 10
mm2 for portable equipment.

The protective conductor and the neutral conductor are separate. On underground cable
systems where lead-sheathed cables exist, the protective conductor is generally the lead
sheath. The use of separate PE and N conductors (5 wires) is obligatory for circuits with
cross-sectional areas less than 10 mm2 for portable equipment.

2.4. TN-C-S system
The TN-C and TN-S systems can be used in the same installation. In the TN-C-S system,
the TN-C (4 wires) system must never be used downstream of the TN-S (5 wires) system,
since any accidental interruption in the neutral on the upstream part would lead to an
interruption in the protective conductor in the downstream part and therefore a danger.

The TN system:

 Technique for the protection of persons:

- Interconnection and earthing of exposed conductive parts and the neutral are
- Interruption for the first fault using overcurrent protection (circuit-breakers or
 Operating technique: interruption for the first insulation fault

TN-C system

TN-S system

2.5. Main characteristics

Generally speaking, the TN system:

 Requires the installation of earth electrodes at regular intervals throughout the installation
 Requires that the initial check on effective tripping for the first insulation fault be carried
out by calculations during the design stage, followed by mandatory measurements to
confirm tripping during commissioning
 Requires that any modification or extension be designed and carried out by a qualified
 May result, in the case of insulation faults, in greater damage to the windings of rotating
 May, on premises with a risk of fire, represent a greater danger due to the higher fault

currents In addition, the TN-C system:

 At first glance, would appear to be less expensive (elimination of a device pole and of a
 Requires the use of fixed and rigid conductors  Is forbidden in certain cases:

- Premises with a risk of fire

- For computer equipment (presence of harmonic currents in the neutral) In
addition, the TN-S system:

 May be used even with flexible conductors and small conduits

 Due to the separation of the neutral and the protection conductor, provides a clean PE
(computer systems and premises with special risks)
3. The experiments

CAUTION! DO NOT make any connections with the power supply ON. Get in the
habit of turning OFF the power supply after every measurement.

Experiment 1: Protection against direct and indirect contact

Protection through protective extra low voltage

 Purpose of the safety measure protective extra-low voltage:

This is a high quality safety measure and is used in situations with difficult working
The selected voltage is so low that it can cause no damage in case of contact. (U open circuit < 50
V AC; 120 V DC). In order to avoid voltage drags, the bodies of the operating unit are not
connected to the earth conductor of the supplying network.

 Current sources:

The protective extra low voltage must be produced free by:

- Safety transformers VDE 0551 VDE 0804

- Motor generators VDE 0530 part 1
- Electrochemical
Current sources VDE 0510
- Electronic
Current sources VDE 0160
- With UN < 25 V or 60 V DC, no contact protection is necessary otherwise at least IP

 Circuit arrangement:

- Active parts are not to be connected to the earth electrode or to the PE

- Electrically isolate protective extra low voltage circuits and circuits with higher
- Do not connect bodies with the earth electrode or with the PE
- The supply lines for these circuits are to be laid separately
- The connector unit must be unmistakable and are not to have protective contacts.

 Equipment:

1 Mains supply 72986

1 TN-S network
1 Transformer 72987
1 Protective extra low voltage
1 Load 72989
1 Load 1 mask
1 Model human body 72985
1 Light bulb 24 V / 5 W 50526
1 Meter 0…300 mA AC

 Please assemble the circuit shown below:

Figure 3.1

 Measure the contact voltages and the shock current :

Fault to exposed
𝐔𝐁 (𝐕) 𝐈𝐊(𝐦𝐀) 𝐔𝐁 > 𝐔 𝐋
conductive parts at
a (𝐑𝐊 = 𝟎. 𝟐 𝛀)
b (𝐑𝐊 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝛀)
c (𝐑𝐊 = 𝟎 𝛀)
d (𝐑𝐊 = 𝟎 𝛀)

 Interpret the experiment results
 Draw the equivalent circuit diagram of the fault to exposed conductive parts at (a + c
+ d).
………………………………………………………………………………………………… 
Calculate the shock current IK and the contact voltage UB.


 Draw the equivalent circuit diagram of the fault to exposed conductive parts at (b + c +
 Calculate the shock current IK and the contact voltage UB.


………………………………………………………………………………………………… 
Interpret the results


Experiment 2: Protection in case of indirect contact

Protection by cut-off or signaling

Protective measures in TN network

 Equipment:

1 Mains supply 72986
1 TN-C network
1 Load 72989
1 Load 3 mask
1 Light bulb 24 V / 5 W 50526
1 Model human body 72985
1 Meter 0…300 mA AC
 Assemble the following circuit and carry out the measurements:

Figure 3.2
Circuit breaker
I 𝐔𝐁(𝐕) 𝐈𝐊(𝐦𝐀) trips yes/no

Without fault to
exposed conductive
Fault to exposed
conductive parts at
point a

Fault to exposed
conductive parts at
point b

 Draw the equivalent circuit diagram for the fault to exposed conductive parts at b.
 Interpret the results
Experiment 3: Protection in case of indirect contact

Protection by cut-off or signalling

Protective measure in TN network

Line interruption in TN-C-S network

 Equipment:

1 Mains supply 72986

1 TN-C-S network
1 Load 6 72990
1 Model human body 72985
1 Light bulb 24 V / 5 W 50526
1 Meter 0…600 mA AC
 Assemble the circuit according to the circuit diagram:

Figure 3.3
 Measure the contact voltages and the shock current:

Fault to exposed Line

conductive parts interruption at 𝐔𝐁(𝐕) 𝐈𝐊(𝐦𝐀)
a c

b c
a d
b d
a e
b e
a f
b f
a e+f
b e+f
a c+f
b c+f
a c+d
b c+d

 Draw the equivalent circuit diagram with a line interruption at e

 Calculate the shock current IK and the contact voltage UB

 Interpret the results


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