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Name __________________________

Contributions of the Ancient Empire

The Ancient Roman Empire left a lasting legacy
that continues to influence the world today.
From architecture to law, their contributions
have shaped the foundations of modern

One of the most enduring legacies of the

Romans is their system of governance. The
concept of a republic, where citizens elect
representatives to govern on their behalf, laid
the groundwork for modern democracies.
Roman law, known for its emphasis on justice and fairness, provided the basis for
legal systems in many countries.

The Romans were also master builders. They constructed magnificent structures
like the Colosseum, an amphitheater used for gladiatorial contests and public
spectacles. Their engineering prowess is evident in the aqueducts, which
transported water over long distances to supply cities with fresh water, and the
roads, which facilitated trade and communication throughout the empire.

In addition to their architectural achievements, the Romans made significant

contributions to literature and language. Latin, the language of the Romans,
evolved into the Romance languages spoken today, such as Italian, French,
Spanish, and Portuguese. Roman writers like Virgil, Ovid, and Cicero produced
timeless works of literature that continue to be studied and admired.

The Romans were also adept at assimilating and adapting ideas from other
cultures. They absorbed Greek art, philosophy, and mythology, adding their own
unique twist. This cultural synthesis, known as Greco-Roman culture, laid the
foundation for much of Western civilization's artistic and intellectual heritage.

Furthermore, the Romans were skilled administrators and innovators. They

developed sophisticated systems of governance, taxation, and infrastructure
management that allowed their empire to thrive for centuries. Roman
engineering feats, such as the invention of concrete and the construction of
elaborate public baths, demonstrated their ingenuity and practicality.

Despite the eventual decline of the Roman Empire, its contributions endure as a
testament to the ingenuity and resilience of ancient civilizations.

Name __________________________

Contributions of the Ancient Empire

Reading Comprehension Questions

1. What is a republic, and how did the Ancient Romans contribute to its

A) A republic is a type of government where a monarch rules over citizens.

B) A republic is a type of government where citizens elect representatives to govern
on their behalf. The Romans established a republic in which citizens had the power
to elect leaders.
C) A republic is a type of government where military generals have absolute power.
The Romans introduced this concept.
D) A republic is a type of government where citizens have no say in the decision-
making process.

2. What were some of the architectural achievements of the Ancient Romans?

A) Building skyscrapers and dams

B) Constructing the Pyramids of Giza
C) Building the Colosseum and aqueducts
D) Inventing the wheel and paper

3. How did the Ancient Romans contribute to language and literature?

A) They invented the English language.

B) They contributed to the development of Romance languages like Italian and
Spanish and produced famous writers like Virgil and Cicero.
C) They didn't contribute to language or literature.
D) They only spoke Latin and didn't write any literature.

4. What is Greco-Roman culture?

A) It is the culture of ancient China.

B) It is the culture of ancient India.
C) It is the culture of ancient Egypt.
D) It is the cultural synthesis of Greek and Roman influences, which laid the
foundation for Western civilization's artistic and intellectual heritage.

5. What demonstrates the practicality and ingenuity of the Ancient Romans?

A) Developing systems of governance and infrastructure management

B) Building pyramids
C) Inventing the printing press
D) Conquering neighboring civilizations


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