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Neuro-Otology 1st Edition Joseph M.

Furman And Thomas Lempert (Eds.)

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Handbook of Clinical Neurology 3rd Series

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This is the first volume in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology series devoted entirely to neuro-otology, a relatively
young branch of clinical medicine that studies and treats neurologic disorders of the ear, eighth cranial nerve, and asso-
ciated central pathways, leading to symptoms such as vertigo, dizziness, and hearing disorders.
Herman Kingma and Raymond van de Berg start their chapter on the anatomy, physiology, and physics of the
peripheral vestibular system by quoting Wilson and Melvill-Jones’ preface to the famous book, Mammalian Vestibular
Physiology (1979): “It is easy to underrate the importance of a sensory system whose receptor is buried deep within the
skull and of whose performance we are usually not aware”. After reading this neuro-otology volume, it is no longer
possible to deny the importance of this complex system for our normal daily activities and the great impact of uni- or
bilateral vestibular loss.
We were very fortunate to have as volume editors two distinguished scholars, Joseph M. Furman from the
Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA and Thomas Lempert from the
Department of Neurology, Schlosspark-Klinik and Vestibular Research Group, Berlin, Germany. They have assem-
bled an excellent, international, and multidisciplinary group of experts and guided them firmly to create this com-
prehensive book. We are grateful to them and to all the contributors.
This volume will not only be of interest to clinical neurologists. Parts of it will appeal also to psychiatrists (e.g., the
chapter on functional and psychiatric vestibular disorders) and pediatricians (e.g., the chapter on vertigo and dizziness
in children). Moreover, the first part of this volume, which discusses the anatomy, physiology, neurotransmitters, phar-
macology, integration of information, and physics of the peripheral and central vestibular systems, will appeal to both
neuro-otologists and basic neuroscientists working in the field.
In addition to the printed version, the volume will be available electronically on Elsevier’s Science Direct website,
which is becoming increasingly popular with readers and will facilitate the book’s accessibility. Indeed, all of the vol-
umes in the present series of the Handbook are available electronically on this website.
As always, it is a pleasure to thank Elsevier, our publisher – and in particular Michael Parkinson in Scotland and
Kristi Anderson and Mara E. Conner in San Diego – for their assistance in the development and production of this
Michael J. Aminoff
François Boller
Dick F. Swaab

Vertigo and dizziness rank among the most common symptoms in primary care, otolaryngology, and neurology. Causes
vary from harmless but bothersome conditions such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo to life-threatening emer-
gencies such as posterior fossa strokes. Our understanding of diagnosis, pathophysiologic mechanisms, and effective
treatments has increased considerably in the last two decades. New developments include algorithms for bedside detec-
tion of vestibular strokes, the delineation of vestibular migraine as one of the most frequent causes of recurrent vertigo,
description of variants of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, devices for testing individual semicircular canals and
otolith organs, and the advancement of vestibular rehabilitation as the most important therapeutic tool in neuro-otology.
This volume of the Handbook of Clinical Neurology assembles contributions from leading international authors to
communicate the current clinical knowledge of neuro-otology and a comprehensive list of references. Chapters 1–14
deal with basic knowledge and general principles of neuro-otology, such as anatomy, physiology, epidemiology,
history taking, examination, and vestibular rehabilitation. This is followed by the disease-specific Chapters 15–28,
covering all common causes of vertigo and dizziness. The numerous tables and figures in this book make the field
of vestibular science and medicine even more accessible.
Joseph M. Furman
Thomas Lempert

A. Alghadir K.-D. Choi

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Pusan
Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University, National University Hospital, Busan, Korea
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
J.G. Colebatch
A.A. Alghwiri Neuroscience Research Australia and Department
Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of of Neurology, Prince of Wales Hospital Clinical
Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Jordan, Amman, School, University of New South Wales, Sydney,
Jordan Australia

C.D. Balaban A.I. Colpak

Departments of Otolaryngology, Neurobiology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara,
Communication Sciences and Disorders, and Turkey
Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
K.E. Cullen
Department of Physiology, McGill University, Montreal,
P. Bertholon
Quebec, Canada
Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Centre
Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint Etienne, Saint Etienne,
France R.A. Davies
Department of Neuro-otology, National Hospital for
A. Bisdorff Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK
Department of Neurology, Centre Hospitalier Emile
Mayrisch, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg M. Dieterich
German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders and
T. Brandt Department of Neurology, University Hospital Munich,
German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders and Campus Grosshadern; and Munich Cluster for Systems
Institute for Clinical Neurosciences, University Hospital Neurology (SyNergy), Ludwig-Maximilians University,
Munich, Campus Grosshadern, Munich, Germany Munich, Germany

A.M. Bronstein J.M. Espinosa-Sanchez

Neuro-otology Unit, Imperial College London, Charing Otology and Neurotology Group, Department of
Cross Hospital and National Hospital for Neurology and Genomic Medicine, Centre for Genomics and
Neurosurgery, London, UK Oncological Research (GENYO), Pfizer-University of
Granada-Junta de Andalucia, Granada and Department
C. Chabbert of Otolaryngology, Hospital San Agustin, Linares, Jaen,
Integrative and Adaptative Neurosciences, University of Spain
Aix Marseille, Marseille, France
K. Feil
M. Cherchi German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders and
Department of Neurology, Northwestern University Department of Neurology, University Hospital Munich,
Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA Campus Grosshadern, Munich, Germany
M. Fetter National Research State University Tomsk, Tomsk,
Department of Neurology, SRH Klinikum Karlsbad, Russian Federation
Karlsbad, Germany
H. Lee
J.M. Furman Department of Neurology, Keimyung University School
Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh, of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
T. Lempert
J.F. Golding Department of Neurology, Schlosspark-Klinik and
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science and Vestibular Research Group, Berlin, Germany
Technology, University of Westminster, London, UK
J.A. Lopez-Escamez
T.C. Hain
Otology and Neurotology Group, Department of
Chicago Dizziness and Hearing and Department of
Genomic Medicine, Centre for Genomics and
Physical therapy and Human Movement Sciences,
Oncological Research (GENYO), Pfizer-University of
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA
Granada-Junta de Andalucia and Department of
M.E. Hoffer Otolaryngology, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de
Departments of Otolaryngology and Neurological Granada, Granada, Spain
Surgery, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami
and University of Medicine Sports Medicine and M. Magnusson
Performance Institute, Miami, FL, USA Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Lund University,
Skane University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
G.P. Jacobson
Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University, E.-M. Malmstr€om
Nashville, TN, USA Departments of Otorhinolaryngology and Pain
Rehabilitation, Lund University, Skane University
K. Jahn Hospital, Lund, Sweden
on Klinik Bad Aibling and German Center for
Vertigo and Balance Disorders, Ludwig-Maximilians
M. Mandalà
University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Department of Otology and Skull Base Surgery,
A. Karkas University of Siena, Siena, Italy
Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Centre
Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint Etienne, Saint Etienne, M. Masini
France Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences,
University of Siena, Siena, Italy
K.A. Kerber
Department of Neurology, University of Michigan S. Murphy
Health System, Ann Arbor, MI, USA Department of Otolaryngology, Miller School of
Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA
A. Kheradmand
Departments of Neurology and Otolaryngology–Head
H.K. Neuhauser
and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore,
Department of Epidemiology and Health Monitoring,
Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany
J.-S. Kim
Department of Neurology, Seoul National University D. Nuti
College of Medicine, Seoul National University Department of Otology and Skull Base Surgery,
Bundang Hospital, Gyeonggi-do, Korea University of Siena, Siena, Italy

H. Kingma S.M. Rosengren

Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head and Neurology Department, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Neck Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Centre, and Central Clinical School, University of Sydney,
Maastricht, the Netherlands and Faculty of Physics, Sydney, Australia
N.T. Shepard R. van de Berg
Department of Otolaryngology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head and
MN, USA Neck Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Centre,
Maastricht, the Netherlands and Faculty of Physics,
J.P. Staab National Research State University Tomsk, Tomsk,
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, and Russian Federation
Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck
Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA M. von Brevern
Department of Neurology, Park-Klinik Weissensee and
D. Straumann Vestibular Research Group, Berlin, Germany
Interdisciplinary Center for Vertigo and Neurological
Vision Disorders, Department of Neurology, University M.S. Welgampola
Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Institute of Clinical Neurosciences, Royal Prince Alfred
Hospital and Central Clinical School, University of
M. Strupp Sydney, Sydney, Australia
German Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders and
Department of Neurology, University Hospital Munich, S.L. Whitney
Campus Grosshadern, Munich, Germany Department of Physical Therapy, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
M. Szczupak
Department of Otolaryngology, Miller School of D.S. Zee
Medicine, University of Miami and University of Departments of Neurology, Otolaryngology–Head and
Medicine Sports Medicine and Performance Institute, Neck Surgery, Ophthalmology and Neuroscience, Johns
Miami, FL, USA Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA
Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 137 (3rd series)
J.M. Furman and T. Lempert, Editors
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 1

Anatomy, physiology, and physics of the peripheral

vestibular system


Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht,
the Netherlands and Faculty of Physics, National Research State University Tomsk, Tomsk, Russian Federation

Many medical doctors consider vertigo and dizziness as the major, almost obligatory complaints in patients
with vestibular disorders. In this chapter, we will explain that vestibular disorders result in much more
diverse and complex complaints. Many of these other complaints are unfortunately often misinterpreted
and incorrectly classified as psychogenic. When we really understand the function of the vestibular system,
it becomes quite obvious why patients with vestibular disorders complain about a loss of visual acuity,
imbalance, fear of falling, cognitive and attentional problems, fatigue that persists even when the vertigo
attacks and dizziness decreases or even disappears. Another interesting new aspect in this chapter is that we
explain why the function of the otolith system is so important, and that it is a mistake to focus on the func-
tion of the semicircular canals only, especially when we want to understand why some patients seem to
suffer more than others from the loss of canal function as objectified by reduced caloric responses.

areflexia (there is not even a common word for it in lay

language) is a major handicap like deafness or blindness.
In their preface to the book, Mammalian Vestibular Phys- But apparently, symptoms associated with bilateral vestib-
iology, published in 1979, the famous vestibular scien- ular areflexia are often not recognized, leading to a delay
tists Wilson and Melvill Jones made a perceptive of many years before a correct diagnosis is made (van de
statement: “It is easy to underrate the importance of a Berg et al., 2011; Guinand et al., 2015a; Guyot, 2015). The
sensory system whose receptor is buried deep within major reason is that the function of the vestibular system is
the skull and of whose performance we are usually not poorly understood by both doctors and patients. This
aware” (Wilson and Melvill Jones, 1979). This statement unawareness also led to problems in obtaining permission
is still up to date, as many doctors are unaware of the rel- to develop a vestibular implant for humans, very different
evance of the vestibular system in daily life and also think from the development of cochlear implants several
that central compensation and sensory substitution decades ago. Only after publication of a number of scien-
almost completely deal with vestibular loss and reduce tific articles showing the impact and incidence of severe
complaints to a minimum. Also, in unilateral loss, it is bilateral vestibular loss was a Swiss–Dutch research team
often stated that the healthy labyrinth will take over. allowed to execute the first human vestibular implantation
How absurd such a statement is, becomes clear if we in August 2012 (Pelizzone et al., 2014; Perez Fornos et al.,
claim that losing one ear or one eye is of no importance 2014; Guinand et al., 2015b).
as we can still hear with one ear and see with one eye. This all illustrates how poorly the function and rele-
Losing one vestibular organ, like losing one ear or eye, vance of the vestibular system is understood in clinical
results in a disturbing asymmetry. Bilateral vestibular practice, and this is what has motivated us to write this

*Correspondence to: Herman Kingma, Department of ORL and Head and Neck Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Centre,
Maastricht, the Netherlands. E-mail:
chapter in the hope that the real value of this complex Physical principles teach us that the position and orien-
vestibular system in human life will become obvious tation of the sensors in the head are irrelevant for a precise
for everyone and that this awareness can lead to an earlier detection of rotations but crucial for detection of addi-
diagnosis and better patient management. tional translational components and centrifugal forces
A major misperception is that vertigo is the major (Kingma and Janssen, 2013). If we rotate around any
vestibular symptom of a peripheral vestibular function dis- axis, both labyrinths will always sense the same rota-
turbance, which only holds for abrupt asymmetries of tional acceleration (Fig. 1.1) and translational accelera-
vestibular function. A slowly decreasing or relatively sta- tion. In contrast, centrifugal forces during rotation
ble but permanent function loss is more frequent (e.g., increase with eccentricity (Fig. 1.2).
aging) and – despite central compensation and sensory The function of the labyrinth can be illustrated by the
substitution – leads to a diversity of other complaints following example. Imagine that you hold a glass of water
due to the impaired ability of the normally extremely sen- filled to the brim. Any movement (translation or rotation)
sitive labyrinthine sensors to detect head motion and head with small accelerations or small tilts will make the water
orientation relative to gravity (Kingma and Janssen, 2013). move and lead to spillage. Only very smooth movements
These persisting complaints are: a loss of visual (dynamic) and extremely small tilts avoid the water being spilled.
acuity, imbalance, fear of falling and actual falls, visual Basically, the human labyrinth acts like such a glass of
vertigo, chronically enhanced cognitive load, and fatigue water fixed in the head: it detects extremely small acceler-
reflecting the various functions of the labyrinth. ations or tilts. It is hard avoiding stimulation of this very
To serve all disciplines, we choose a multidisciplinary sensitive head motion sensor system, similar to avoiding
approach, including clinical sciences, physiology, and water spillage when moving the glass.
physics. The anatomy of the labyrinth in the head is of course
much more complex than a glass of water. In each tem-
poral bone, on either side (Fig. 1.3), we find a bony lab-
yrinth, composed of cavities and tubes. Inside the bony
labyrinth lies the membranous labyrinth (Fig. 1.4) sur-
The two balance organs located in the left and right rounded by perilymph that is supplied from the suba-
temporal bone of the skull, the vestibular nerves, the ves- rachnoid space via the ductus perilymphaticus. The
tibular nuclei, the vestibulocerebellum, and the vestibu- membranous labyrinth is filled with endolymph. The
lar cortex are not the only but the major structures that endolymph is a secretion product of the dark cells in
together form the vestibular system. In this chapter we the vestibular part of the labyrinth and the stria vascularis
will focus on the balance organs providing sensory input in the cochlear part of the labyrinth. Resorption of the
to the central vestibular system. endolymph takes place in the saccus endolymphaticus.
The vestibular system contributes to optimize visual The membranous labyrinth is kept in position within
acuity during head motion, enhances balance control, the bony labyrinth by a fine network of connective fibers.
and allows detection of self-motion and orientation rela- Within the membranous labyrinth we can distinguish
tive to gravity. As these tasks are quite complicated in three functional entities: the semicircular canals, the ves-
many conditions of daily life, we also use vision, propri- tibule, and the cochlea (Fig. 1.4). The semicircular canals
oception (including gravity receptors along the large and vestibule form the vestibular part of the labyrinth.
blood vessels), and learning processes. In fact, the brain The vestibule hosts the otolith organs, the utriculus
seems to neglect vestibular input under several condi- and sacculus. Together, the canals and otolith organs
tions when no other sensory input is available to verify are most sensitive for relatively low-frequency head
the interpretation of motion or spatial orientation (divers movements and head tilt. The auditory part, the cochlea,
in deep, dark water and skiers covered by snow in an ava- can be considered as a phylogenetically later developed
lanche). Only very fast vestibulo-ocular and vestibulosp- extension of the vestibule allowing the perception of
inal reflexes seem to be an exception to this rule. The high-frequency movements and vibrations (sound).
vestibular system makes use of specialized sensors The otolith organs are the most fundamental motion sen-
located in the head to monitor angular accelerations sors in the head. In invertebrates, the so-called statocyst
(rotations in three dimensions (3D)) and linear accelera- (Fig. 1.5) can be considered as a precursor of the human
tions (translations in 3D and tilt relative to the gravity statolith system. It is a sphere composed of ciliated hair
vector) of the head in space. During head movements, cells, mechanoreceptors, on the bottom of which lie rel-
many forces act upon these sensors and often all sensors atively heavy calcium carbonate crystals, the statoconia.
are stimulated simultaneously. On earth, head move- With tilts relative to gravity or movements with substan-
ments always occur within the gravitational field and tial acceleration (rotational or translational), these crys-
are often composed of both rotations and translations. tals will move and activate the hair cells, leading to

Fig. 1.1. A movement of an object is generally the sum of rotations and translations. Any movement can be divided into a rotation
around a freely chosen rotation axis combined with an appropriate translation. So, the rotation component of the labyrinth is always
the same irrespective the position of the rotation axis relative to the labyrinth and always similar for both labyrinths: only the
additional translation component depends on the eccentricity.

rotations. However, the statolith system cannot supply

unambiguous information about the type of movement:
no sensitive distinction is possible between tilt, rotation,
and translation. Therefore the labyrinth was provided
with an extension that has a specific sensitivity for rota-
tions, i.e., angular accelerations: the three semicircular
canals (Fig. 1.6). Thanks to these canals the brain is
often, but not always, able to distinguish between rota-
tions, translations, and tilt.
The primary motion sensors in the labyrinth, the
Fig. 1.2. Rotation induces always additional radial (centrifu- so-called hair cells, are mechanoreceptor cells that trans-
gal) and tangential forces of any structure not on the rotation form a mechanic displacement into electric energy. In
axis. So during rotation the centrifugal forces acting on the lab- line with this phylogenetic aspect they are to some extent
yrinths will always be different for the left and right labyrinth quite similar in the vestibular and the auditory organs.
(different stimulation of the left and right utriculus and saccu- The sensitivity of the three functional entities in the
lus) unless rotating around an axis EXACTLY between two labyrinth for translations, rotations, tilts, and sounds
perfectly identical labyrinths. does not depend so much on the type of hair cell, but
much more on the specific place and way the hair cells
perception of motion or tilt. The same holds for the are built in dedicated structures: the cupula in the canals,
human statolith system in the labyrinth, the utriculus the macula in the vestibule, and the organ of Corti in the
and sacculus: this system detects any motion with accel- cochlea (Wilson and Melvill Jones, 1979; Kingma and
erations, tilts, and due to centrifugal forces, also Janssen, 2013).

Fig. 1.3. Schematic drawing of the orientation of the two labyrinths in the skull. HC, horizontal (or lateral) canal; PC, posterior
canal; AC, anterior (or superior) canal.

Fig. 1.5. Schematic drawing of the statocyst: the statolith

organ in invertebrates. The statocyst is a mechanoreceptor sys-
tem that is sensitive for any movement, tilt and sound.
Fig. 1.4. Schematic drawing of the right membranous laby-
rinth: HC, horizontal (or lateral) canal; PC, posterior canal;
AC, anterior (or superior) canal; Utr, utriculus; Sac, sacculus.

The vestibular hair cells (Fig. 1.7) are composed of

a cell body and a bundle of cilia on top of them, on aver-
age about 50 stereocilia and one kinocilium (Hudspeth
and Corey, 1977; frog’s sacculus). The stereocilia form
a bundle of cilia that increase in length the closer they
are to the kinocilium. On their top, the cilia are mechan-
ically interconnected by elastic tip links. The tip links
make the cilia of one hair cell move together upon accel-
erations and are also thought to mechanically open and
close ion channels positioned on top of the stereocilia. Fig. 1.6. Top and side view of the left labyrinth. HC, horizon-
The kinocilium is the longest cilium, that is deflected tal (or lateral) canal; PC, posterior canal; AC, anterior (or supe-
the most by small movements of the cupula in the rior) canal. The vestibular labyrinth reaches its mature size
canals and of the macula in the vestibule; but thanks to between 17 and 19 weeks of gestational age. A detailed quan-
the tip links, all cilia will move in synchrony with it titative description of the dimensions of the human labyrinth is
and thereby enhance total sensitivity. given by Jeffery and Spoor (2004).

Fig. 1.7. Schematic drawing of the hair cell. From left to right: the hair cell in rest, hair cell in response to a deflection toward the
kinocilium and the hair cell in response to a deflection away from the kinioocilium. Note that the hair cell is a mechano-receptor
with asymmetric sensitivity.

The hair cell receptor potential at rest is about 80 mV The specific difference in sensitivity for rotations,
and changes about 20 mV per micron lateral shift of the translations, and tilt of the vestibule is explained solely
cilia (Fig. 1.7). Afferent nerve fibers of the hair cells by the specific anatomic shape and structure of the canals
show a spontaneous firing rate in the range of about and statolith organs, and basically not due to any differ-
100 spikes per second (Hudspeth and Corey, 1977; van ences in hair cell structure.
de Berg et al., 2011). The receptor potential decreases
and nerve fiber spike rate increases when the stereocilia
move towards the kinocilium, and vice versa. The max-
imum change in receptor potential due to a deflection of There are two otolith (synonym: statolith) organs in each
cilia in the direction of the kinocilia is substantially larger labyrinth: the utriculus and sacculus that are located in
than in the case of a cilia deflection away from the kino- the membranous labyrinth, in the vestibule. Both organs
cilia, making the hair cell an asymmetric sensitive mech- contain a sensory epithelium, the macula of the utriculus,
anoreceptor cell (second law of Ewald); in the hair cell of and the macula of the sacculus. When we keep our head
the frog’s sacculus the maximum differs by a factor of upright, the surface of the macula of the utriculus is ori-
about 4: a change of –1.8 mV versus + 7.0 mV ented in the horizontal plane and curves slightly towards
(Hudspeth and Corey, 1977). the anterior and upwards by about 20–30°. The macula of
Each of the two balance organs that make use of hair the sacculus is oriented against the medial wall of the
cells as mechanoreceptors hosts five primary sensors to sacculus, parallel to the sagittal plane, orthogonal to
detect movements and orientation of the head in space. the macula of the utriculus. The stereocilia of the hair
Three semicircular canals detect angular acceleration cells expand into a gelatinous, deformable, elastic mass
in 3D (rotations). Two otolith organs, the utriculus and (Fig. 1.10). Relatively heavy calcium carbonate crystals
sacculus, detect accelerations in 3D (translations and or otoconia are attached on the top of this gelatinous mass
rotations) and head orientation (tilt) relative to the gravity by fine collagen connective fibers. These mostly hexag-
vector. During rotation the head is subject to centrifugal onally shaped crystals have a specific mass of 2.95 g/cm3
forces directed away from the rotation axis; these forces and a diameter varying from 3 to 30 mm. The hair cells in
are also detected by the utriculus and sacculus. The the utriculus are oriented with their polarization direction
canals are able to detect angular accelerations exceeding towards an imaginary line, the striola, in the middle of the
0.5°/s2. The otolith organs detect linear accelerations surface (Figs. 1.8 and 1.9). At the level of the utricular
exceeding 2 cm/s2, angular accelerations exceeding striola, the membrane is very thin and the hair cells have
3.0°/s2, and head tilt with an accuracy of about 0.5°. short cilia. The hair cells in the sacculus are oriented with

Fig. 1.8. Orientation of the sacculus and utriculus in the labyrinth.

their polarization direction away from the striola. At the

level of the saccular striola, the membrane is relatively
thick and the hair cells have long cilia.


An analog of the otoconial membrane is a car with an
antenna on which an orange is pierced (air friction is
neglected). Due to the inertia of mass, the orange will
bend backwards as soon as the car accelerates. The
antenna will bend backwards and remain deflected over
an angle proportional to the car acceleration. Due to its
Fig. 1.9. Directional sensitivity of the hair cells in the utricu- elasticity, the antenna will start to return to its vertical
lus and sacculus. orientation as soon as the car reaches constant velocity.

Fig. 1.10. Schematic representation of the otolith membrane, with the macula as sensory epithelium. Like the statocyst, the utric-
ulus and saculus are mechanoreceptor systems that are sensitive for any movement and to a limited extent to sound. They are the
most rudimentary sensors of head motion and tilt. Compared to the statocyst, the utriculus and sacculus have a more specific 3D
orientation and the hair cells are oriented in different direction and amplitude sensitivities.
Now the erect position of the antenna indicates constant
velocity or standstill. Upon deceleration of the car, due to
the inertia of the orange, the antenna will bend forwards.
Now the inclination of the antenna is proportional to the
deceleration. Due to its elasticity, the antenna will return
to its vertical orientation as soon as the car stops. When
we tilt the car, the antenna will deflect in the direction
of tilt over an angle proportional to the tilt angle relative
to the gravity vector. No distinction is possible between
tilt and translation (compare with Figs. 1.11 and 1.12).
Also, when we start to rotate and hold the antenna
upright, the antenna will start to bend outwards due to
centrifugal force.
The otolith system is sensitive to linear accelerations,
rotations/centrifugation and tilt thanks to the principle of
inertia of mass. Assume that the head undergoes linear
acceleration (Fig. 1.11). The lower part of the utricular
membrane immediately follows the head movement, Fig. 1.12. Schematic deflection pattern of the cilia of the hair
but the otoconia on the top of the membrane will lag cells in the utriculus and sacculus upon tilt.
behind, resulting in a deflection of the cilia. This bending
causes depolarization or hyperpolarization of the hair versus tilt or translation is still the subject of study. At
cells depending on the direction of deflection of the cilia constant rotational head velocity, the canals are not stim-
(Fig. 1.7). The hair cells of the macula are polarized in all ulated. However, during both constant and changing
directions, in contrast to the semicircular canals. A tilt rotational head velocity the otolith system is still stimu-
relative to the gravity vector or centrifugation also lated due to centrifugal force, probably having a support-
induces a shear force in the plane of the otoconial ing and regulatory function for the canals (see below).
membrane and a deflection of the cilia. The otolith
organs cannot distinguish between head tilt, rotation,
and head translation (for example, an acceleration for-
wards leads to a similar deflection of the cilia as a back- During linear head acceleration, centrifugation, or head
ward tilt of the head: Fig. 1.11). The only exception to tilt, the otoconia mass shifts relative to the macula due
this may be that the eccentricity of the otolith membranes to otoconial mass inertia, causing opposing viscous fric-
can be different relative to the rotation axis. This may tion and an elastic force. Therefore the otolith organ
result in a difference in direction and/or strength of the semicircular canals can be modeled similarly to the semi-
centrifugal forces acting upon the otolith membranes. circular canals with a simple mechanic analog, using
Whether this provides a physiologically relevant and suf- inertia (I), viscosity (B), and elasticity (K) as physical
ficient sensitivity to discriminate between rotations quantities (Fig. 1.13). The moment of inertia is given

Fig. 1.11. Schematic deflection pattern of the cilia of the hair cells in the utriculus and sacculus upon translation.

with linear head acceleration x€ as input and relative oto-

lithic membrane displacement d as output. The form of
this transfer function is shown in Figure 1.14A, using
the fact that I/B (T1  0.1 s) is smaller than B/K (T2  1 s).
The otolith organ is sensitive for constant (0 Hz) and
low-frequency linear accelerations. Because a gravita-
tional acceleration and a corresponding linear acceleration
Fig. 1.13. Mechanical analog of the statolith organ: I, otoco- of the system are physically equivalent (Einstein’s equiv-
nia mass inertia; B, viscous friction; K, elastic restoring force; alence principle), the otolith organs cannot distinguish
x, position of the head; y, position of the otoconia; □, x  y,
between pure head translations, head tilts, and rotations,
relative displacement of the otolith membrane.
unless they make use of a specific arrangement of the
direction-sensitive hair cells in the sensory epithelium.
by I  y€, the moment of viscous friction by B  d,_ and The relative otolith membrane displacement d in response
the moment of elasticity by K  d, which would lead to constant linear acceleration is similar to the cupula dis-
to a second-order differential equation similar to the placement in response to angular acceleration, as shown in
semicircular canals. In the case of the otolith organ, how- Figure 1.12. Agrawal et al. (2012) found a decrease in
ever, since the otoconial mass is immersed in endolymph amplitude of the cervical and ocular vestibular-evoked
fluid of density re, any linear acceleration will generate a myogenic potentials with age, suggesting an age-related
buoyancy force acting according to Archimedes’ princi- decline of the statolith system (Fig. 1.14B).
ple in the direction of imposed acceleration and equal to
ðre =ro Þ  I  x€, with ro the density of the otoconial mass. SEMICIRCULAR CANALS
Therefore, the second-order differential equation of the
otolith organ is: As shown in Figure 1.4, three semicircular canals can be
  identified in the vestibular labyrinth: the lateral, poste-
1 I  x€ ¼ I  d€ + B  d_ + K  d rior, and anterior canal that slightly differ in size: the lat-
ro eral canal has a diameter of about 2.3 mm (SD 0.21), the
with x€ linear head acceleration, y€ linear otoconia acceler- posterior canal 3.1 mm (SD 0.30), and the anterior canal
ation, and d relative displacement of the otolithic mem- 3.2 mm (SD 0.24). The canals are oriented more or less
brane, using d ¼ x  y (Melvill Jones, 1979; Kingma and orthogonally to each other (Fig. 1.4); the orientation of
Janssen, 2013). The transfer function can be written as: all canals varies among healthy subjects (SD between
  4.1° and 5.4°). The inner diameter of the canals is esti-
d r I mated to vary between 0.2 and 0.3 mm (see Melvill
ðsÞ ¼ 1  e  2
x€ ro I  s + B  s + K Jones, 1979).

Fig. 1.14. (A) Bode plot of the frequency response of the transfer function equation 4, representing the dynamic response of the
mechanical analog of the otolith organ. Upper trace: amplitude spectrum (gain ¼ sensitivity). Lower trace: phase as a function of
frequency. (B) Response amplitudes of c-VEMP (asummed to reflect saccular function) and o-VEMP (assumed to reflect utricular
function) as a function of age (after Agrawal et al.).

Fig. 1.15. Schematic presentation of the semicircular canals with the cupula holding the hair cells. Due to the similar orientation of
all hair cells in the cupula, the asymmetric sensitivity of the hair cells results in an asymmetric sensitivity of the semicircular canals.

Fig. 1.16. Back view of the two vestibular labyrinths. The arrows indicate the preferred (maximum sensitivity) rotation direction
in each canal. HC, horizontal canal; PC, posterior canal; AC, anterior canal. Note that the direction of the sensitivity of the canals is
opposite for the HC compared to that of the AC and PC (opposite orientation of the hair cells in the cupulae).

The hair cells of the canals are located in the basal part The polarization direction of the hair cells in the cupula
of a gelatinous mass, the cupula, that extends through the of the horizontal canal is such that the canal is more sen-
ampulla of each canal and forms a flap that closes the sitive for a cupula deflection towards the ampulla (ampul-
semicircular canal, preventing endolymph from passing lopetal), which corresponds to a head rotation in the
the ampulla (Fig. 1.15). The cilia extend into the cupula. opposite direction (arrow; see explanation below related
As indicated above, the hair cells have the highest sen- to the physics of cupula deflection). The polarization
sitivity for deflections to the kinocilium: the polarization direction of the hair cells in the cupula of the vertical
direction. In the cupula all hair cells are arranged with the canals is such that the canal is more sensitive for a cupula
same direction of polarization. As a consequence, the deflection away from the ampulla (ampullofugal), which
receptor potential of all hair cells in a cupula decreases again corresponds to a head rotation in the opposite direc-
or increases in synchrony upon a cupula deflection. tion (arrow). As a rule of thumb, each canal is maximally
But again, as the maximum sensitivity is in the polariza- sensitive for rotations in the direction of that canal about
tion direction, there is also a preferred direction of a an axis orthogonal to the plane of that canal.
cupula deflection, explaining the asymmetric sensitivity Through this orientation we are supplied with three
of each semicircular canal: actually, each canal is most pairs of canals with a complementary and opposing opti-
sensitive for rotations in the direction of that specific mal sensitivity (Fig. 1.16): (1) the left and right horizon-
canal (Fig. 1.16). tal canal; (2) the left anterior and right posterior canal;

Fig. 1.17. (A) Clockwise angular acceleration of the canals leads to a ampullopetal endolymphatic flow and a deflection of the
cupula and hair cells that all have the same polarisation. Clockwise angular acceleration leads to cupula deflection in the opposite
direction. (B) When rotation velocity becomes constant, the cupula starts to move back to the original (resting) position, which
takes about 20 seconds on average (time constant about 6 seconds). This implies that it is not possible to distinghuish on the basis of
canal input to the brain between standstill and constant rotation.

will not move when the rotation axis is in the plane of the
canal: Ewald’s first law). As mentioned already (Fig. 1.1),
the impact of rotation on an individual canal does
not depend on the distance between the axis of rotation
and the center of the canal – parallel axis theorem
(Feynman, 2011). In contrast, the centrifugal component
related to rotation depends on the location of the labyrinth
relative to the rotation axis.
The brain receives opposite signals from the two lab-
yrinths and detects the difference between both of them,
which in engineering terms is considered as working as a
differential amplifier. The redundancy in a system with
two labyrinths (similar to hearing and vision) makes it
Fig. 1.18. First law of Ewald: cupula deflection will be maxi- less vulnerable for unilateral loss of function. But, also,
mal for rotations around an axis orthogonal to the plane in which
detecting the difference between the two oppositely
the canal is situated; cupula deflection will be minimal for rota-
tions around an axis in the plane in which the canal is situated.
sensitive labyrinths enhances the sensitivity twofold,
whereas a common disturbance from outside is sub-
tracted (common-mode rejection).
and (3) the right anterior and left posterior canal. The sen-
sitivity (gain) of the semicircular canal is such that it gen-
erates close to 1 spike/s per °/s at 0.5 Hz in the afferent
nerve fibers (Yang and Hullar, 2007). An analog of a canal without cupula is a closed bottle
When the head is rotated, the endolymph fluid lags completely filled with water (without any air on top)
behind due to mass inertia and exerts a force against fixed on a turntable. As soon as the turntable starts to
the cupula (Fig. 1.17A), causing the cupula to bend. rotate, the bottle will follow the rotation immediately.
When constant rotation is reached (Fig. 1.17B) and accel- However, due to the inertia of mass, the water will lag
eration becomes nil, the driving inertial force will become behind and only after a while – due to the adhesion of
nil too (Newton’s law: force ¼ mass  acceleration). Now the water to the bottle wall and the internal cohesion of
the cupula will bend back to its original position, driven the water molecules – will the water start to rotate and
by the cupula elasticity against the viscosity of the endo- then rotate with the same angular velocity as the bottle
lymph and the friction between endolymph and membra- and turntable. Without this friction (adhesion) and vis-
nous labyrinth. The endolymph will move maximally cosity (cohesion), the water would not move at all; with
when the rotation axis is orthogonal to the plane in which more friction and viscosity the water will follow the bot-
the canal is oriented (Fig. 1.18; the endolymph and cupula tle movement faster. Besides friction and viscosity, the
total mass and specific mass of the fluid or inertia play a deflection: within milliseconds an equilibrium will be
crucial role: the greater the fluid mass, the more force reached between the inertial force acting upon the cupula
(acceleration) is needed in order to move the water. Fric- and the elastic force from the cupula. As long as the
tion, viscosity, mass, and acceleration all determine how acceleration continues, this equilibrium will remain,
much the water lags behind the bottle movement and resulting in a persistent deflection that stimulates the hair
over which angle it will be displaced until the water cells in the cupula. The stronger the acceleration, the
has reached the same angular velocity as the bottle. As more the cupula will bend: the constant deflection of
long as the turntable, bottle, and water rotate at a constant the cupula will be proportional to the acceleration.
velocity, no further change will occur. The angle over Low cupula stiffness (high elasticity), high endolymph
which the water is rotated compared to the bottle is pro- mass, and low friction will all result in a larger cupula
portional to the applied angular acceleration of the bottle. deflection (higher sensitivity). When constant angular
As soon as the turntable stops, the bottle will stop as well, velocity is reached, the cupula will start to bend back
but the water will still rotate inside the bottle. The veloc- to its neutral position as there is no driving force (accel-
ity of the water will decrease over time due to the friction eration) any more to maintain the cupula deflection.
between bottle and water and ultimately the water will However, the return lasts quite long, as now the elastic
come to a complete standstill. If the deceleration is the force of the cupula alone will have to move the endo-
same as the acceleration, the same time will be needed lymph mass against friction. A low cupula stiffness (high
for the water to come to a standstill and the water will elasticity ¼ small elastic force), a high endolymph mass,
have rotated to exactly the same position as in the begin- and strong friction will result in a slower return of the
ning of the experiment: no net relative angular displace- cupula to its neutral position. In pathology and aging,
ment is left. In fact, deceleration and acceleration need endolymph viscosity (friction) and cupula stiffness can
not be the same: the same position is always reached change; in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
when the steps in velocity during acceleration and decel- (BPPV) the specific mass of the endolymph can be
eration are opposite but have the same magnitude. For assumed to increase. In summary:
example, the velocity step is the same but opposite
1. increase of cupula stiffness or increase of endo-
(120°/s and –120°/s) when we accelerate in 12 seconds
lymph viscosity: lower canal sensitivity and
with 10°/s2 to 120°/s, and the bottle stops when we decel-
shorter postrotatory sensations
erate in 2 seconds by 60°/s2 from 120°/s to standstill.
2. increase of absolute endolymph mass: higher
So the relative displacement is proportional to the veloc-
canal sensitivity and longer postrotatory
ity step: ¼ acceleration  Tacceleration. This has a direct
clinical application: velocity steps are used widely in
3. change of endolymph specific mass compared
vestibular diagnostics using rotatory chairs.
to that of the cupula: sensitivity of the canals
When we put a very light fluid or gas (low specific
for gravity and linear accelerations is induced.
mass) in the bottle (decreasing the mass inertia) or a very
viscous fluid that has a strong adherence (high friction) to A canal is physiologically insensitive to (coincidental)
the bottle wall, the displacement of the content relative to linear accelerations (Melvill Jones, 1979) because the
the bottle will be almost negligible. cupula and endolymph have the same density. If differ-
So, the relative displacement increases with mass, ences in densities occur, the canal dynamics will be
decreases with friction (adhesion and cohesion), and more complex, and would lead to a dependency on the
increases with the magnitude of the step in velocity. orientation of both the gravity vector relative to the canal
Any translation of the turntable and bottle on top will plane and the axis of rotation, as well as on the distance
not lead to any movement of the water as the water cannot between the axis of rotation and the center of the semicir-
be compressed. The water will only start to move by cular canal (Kondrachuk et al., 2008). This effect is a
rotation. familiar experience after alcohol intake, resulting in the
The situation is slightly more complex in the semicir- sensation of rotation when lying in bed, and can even
cular canal: here the cupula prevents the endolymph from induce eye movements known as positional alcohol
rotating freely in the canal (Fig. 1.15). The cupula can be nystagmus (Goldberg, 1966). This is also the effect expe-
considered as an elastic membrane that can slightly bend rienced in the common vestibular disorder BPPV. In
in both directions. As soon as the canal starts rotating, the BPPV, otoconia are present in the semicircular canals.
endolymph lags behind due to its inertia of mass. Again, These particles make the semicircular canal system sen-
the less friction and the more endolymph mass are in sitive to the orientation of gravity and can adhere to the
the canal, the more the fluid will tend to lag behind cupula – cupulolithiasis (Schuknecht, 1962) – or remain
and the stronger will be the force acting upon the cupula. free-floating, which is called canalithiasis (Rajguru et al.,
The stiffness of the cupula will, however, prevent a large 2004, 2005).
THEORETIC MODEL OF THE The model predicts a maximum endolymph move-
SEMICIRCULAR CANALS ment in the order of magnitude of 1° at velocities of
500°/s. As the perception threshold for angular velocity
Many years ago physicists and physiologists like Melvill
steps is about 2°/s, this implies that the mechanoreceptors
Jones and Groen presented a second-order model to
are stimulated by an endolymph displacement of about
explain the precise working of the semicircular canal.
We refer to this excellent paper for a detailed description.
The semicircular canals sense angular acceleration
During head rotation the endolymph lags behind the
because the endolymph mass inertia is the driving force,
movement of the semicircular canals due to mass inertia,
but at physiologic frequencies of head movements (about
causing viscous friction. Additionally, the deflected
0.5–5 Hz) the semicircular canals work as integrating
cupula has elastic properties. Therefore the semicircular
angular accelerometers (Goldberg and Fernandez, 1971):
canals can be modeled with a mechanic analog, using
the cupula afferent signals are proportional to angular head
inertia (I), viscosity (B), and elasticity/stiffness (K) as
velocity, as indicated by the flat response of the transfer
physical quantities (Fig. 1.19). The following assump-
function (Fig. 1.20B).
tions are made. The fluid flow in the semicircular canal
Agrawal et al. (2012) showed that the dynamic visual
is assumed to be laminar as the Reynolds number is
acuity decreases for all three canals as a function of age, so
below 1. The density of the endolymph is very close to
suggesting that not only the statolith system (Fig. 1.14B)
1 and considered similar to the density of the cupula. This
but also the canal system (Fig. 1.20C) is subject of aging –
similarity makes the canals insensitive for linear acceler-
presbyovestibulopathy as an equivalent of presbyacusis in
ations. The endolymph dynamic viscosity is estimated to
the auditory system.
be 0.001 Pa/s, the inner radius of the membranous tube
0.163 mm (e.g., Melvill Jones, 1979), and Young’s elas-
ticity modulus of the cupula is estimated to be 5.4 Pa
The moment of inertia is given by I  p€, the moment of THEORETIC MODEL
_ and the moment of elasticity by
viscous friction by B  #,
In Figure 1.20B, the cupula deflection is plotted as a
K  #, which leads to a second-order differential equation:
function of head acceleration (left two graphs) and head
I  p€ ¼ B  #_ + K  # velocity (right two graphs). For all frequencies below
0.1 Hz, the cupula deflection is clearly proportional
with p€ angular endolymph acceleration, q_ angular head and in phase with the head acceleration (left two graphs);
velocity and # cupula angle. Using # ¼ q  p and the fact the curves are flat up to about 0.1 Hz. However, at higher
that I/B (T1  3 ms) is much smaller than B/K (T2  10 s) frequencies the sensitivity (gain) rapidly decreases and
(Melvill Jones, 1979), the transfer function can be written the response starts to lag behind (phase).
as: When we plot the cupula deflection as a function of
# s head velocity (right two graphs), the curves become flat
ðsÞ ¼ T1  T2  between the middle and higher frequencies (0.1 and
q_ ð T1  s + 1 Þ  ð T 2  s + 1 Þ
10 Hz): the cupula deflection is proportional and in phase
with angular head velocity q_ as input and cupula angle # with the head velocity.
as output. The shape of this transfer function is shown in The frequency dependence of the canal is not so easily
Figure 1.20A. objectified and quantified in clinical practice (Fig. 1.20A).
The caloric test can be considered as a low-frequency test,
evaluating the low-frequency responses of the horizontal
canal. Sinusoidal rotatory tests (torsion swing, sinusoidal
harmonic acceleration tests) evaluate the low- and middle-
frequency range (0.01–1 Hz) of the canal function. The
velocity step test (¼ acceleration impulse response test)
allows in theory a direct quantification of the gain and time
constant T2 of the canals via measurement of the vestibulo-
ocular reflex; however, due to the bilateral stimulus it
remains often difficult to find out which canal is affected.
Fig. 1.19. Mechanical analog of the semicircular canal, I, Also central processing and cognitive processes modify
endolymph mass inertia; B, viscous friction; K, cupula restor- both gain and time constant considerably. This limits a
ing force; q, angular position of the head; p, angular position of direct interpretation of the function at the peripheral
the endolymph; q  p, deflection angle of the cupula. canal level.
Fig. 1.20. (A) Bode plot of the frequency response of the transfer function equation 2, representing the dynamic response of the mechanical analog of the semicircular canals. Upper
trace: amplitude spectrum (gain ¼ sensitivity). Lower trace: phase as a function of frequency. (B) Gain (sensitivity) and phase (timing) of the canals as a function of the frequency of
head rotations. Based upon the second order model, depicted above, and the various known or estimated constants of the canals, the canals behave differently for low versus high
rotational frequencies. For low frequencies the cupula deflection is proportional to head acceleration; for high frequencies the cupula deflection is proportional to head velocity. (C)
The dynamic visual acuity decreases for stimulation in the plane of all three canals with age pointing to the existence of presbyo-vestibulopathy (after Agrawal et al., 2012).
Many attempts have been made to develop high- it is not possible to verify these curves in detail due to
frequency tests (vestibular autorotation test, head limits of the diagnostic tests, especially because it is still
shakers, high-frequency (hydraulic) torsion swing chair not possible to stimulate any one of the five vestibular
tests). None of these obtained a widespread application sensors per labyrinth separately. Also, the magnitude
comparable to the caloric test due to many practical of the vestibular responses depends on many factors,
limitations, and limited sensitivity and reproducibility. including cognitive factors (alertness, instruction) and
Passive head impulse tests, fast small-amplitude high- the precise stimulus conditions (in darkness versus in
velocity head rotations, can be considered as evaluating the light). The visual and somatosensory systems support
the high-frequency function of the canals, allowing the otolith organs in the detection of constant linear
quantification of the gain, but not both time constants. accelerations (Vaugoyeau et al., 2008) and tilt perception
Thanks to the development of video eye-tracking devices at low frequencies, whereas the semicircular canals sup-
that allow quantification of head and eye velocity during port the otolith organs to distinguish true body tilt from
these head impulses, head impulse testing has become translations at frequencies above 0.1 Hz (Green et al.,
the first choice for quantification of canal function at high 2005; Merfeld et al., 2005). If different sensory systems
frequencies. The caloric test still remains a valuable tool give conflicting or insufficient information, hindering
to quantify the low-frequency part of canal function. As the determination of the direction of gravity or distin-
can be easily understood from the physics of the canals, guishing correctly between environmental and self-
low-, middle-, and high-frequency loss can occur, both in motion, motion sickness is quite common (Bles et al.,
isolation and in different combinations. 1998), especially in individuals with an easily activated
autonomic nervous system (neurovegetative sensitivity).
We also added the hypothetic frequency sensitivity of
MULTISENSORY ASPECTS proprioception and vision, which contribute to motion
Canals, maculae, vision, and proprioception all contrib- perception and orientation in the low-frequency range.
ute to motion and tilt perception. Both the visual and
somatosensory system can only process relatively slow
body movements, and can be modeled with a low-pass PATHOLOGY
transfer function, with a cutoff frequency of about
Losing sensors for motion and tilt detection unavoidably
0.2 Hz. The otolith organs detect low-frequency linear
leads to a loss of functionality and cannot be compen-
accelerations (translations and tilt) up to about 1 Hz,
sated for by other sensory systems that do not have suf-
whereas the semicircular canals (semicircular canals)
ficient sensitivity for the higher frequencies (Fig. 1.15).
detect angular velocity between 0.1 and 10 Hz. Based
Indeed, a permanent unilateral or bilateral peripheral loss
on the physics described above we can estimate the fre-
leads to a permanent reduction of automatic image stabi-
quency dependence of human canals and statolith organs
lization during head movement (oscillopsia, reduction of
as depicted in Figure 1.21, but the reader should realize
dynamic visual acuity), a permanent loss of automatic
that this is speculation rather than estimation. At present
balance (“no more talking while walking”) and a perma-
nent loss of automation of spatial orientation (feeling
insecure in situations with strong optokinetic stimuli, like
busy traffic and supermarkets). The continuous and
intense extra cognitive load needed for vision, balance,
and orientation leads to fast fatigue, which is a major
problem in patients with permanent vestibular deficits.
A decrease in vestibular sensitivity with aging, pres-
byovestibulopathy, similar to perceptive hearing loss
(presbyacusis) is a major cause of a decrease of dynamic
visual acuity, reduced balance, and high incidence of falls
in the elderly. Besides hair cell degeneration, aging might
also affect tissue stiffness and hydration, and thus also
Fig. 1.21. Graphic presentation of the frequency dependence affects the vestibular physical quantities of both the semi-
of canal and statolith function, in combination with proprio- circular canals and otolith organs:
cepsion and vision. Motion sickness is known to occur often
at movement frequencies around 0.2 Hz, where the transition 1. an increasing stiffness K increases the lower
occurs from dominance of visual-proprioceptive input versus cutoff frequency (K/B) and decreases the gain
that of canal input. (I/K) below this cutoff frequency
2. an increasing viscosity B decreases the higher To summarize, the major functions of the vestibular
cutoff frequency (B/I) and decreases the gain system in relation to clinical symptoms are:
(I/B) below this cutoff frequency.
● Maintaining visual acuity during head motions:
These effects are schematically shown in Figures 1.16 dynamic visual acuity by means of the
and 1.17. The vestibular system as a whole is thus vestibulo-ocular reflex. Vestibular function loss
affected as well, reducing the distinction between tilt may lead to a permanent loss of visual acuity and
and translation, because the optimal range of the semicir- oscillopsia during walking and head motion
cular canals shifts to higher frequencies. This is particu- (oscillopsia is the perception that the image is
larly unfortunate because with age body movements unstable on the retina). Especially during walk-
become slower due to stiffer body mechanics. ing, vertical head movements require compensa-
tory eye movements. It is as yet unclear what the
precise contribution of the statolith and canal
CONSIDERATIONS CLINICALLY systems is for image stabilization as the head
RELEVANT TO THE IMPACT OF movements are composed of translational, rota-
LABYRINTHINE FUNCTION LOSS tional, and tilt components. This suggests that
the correlation between a loss of dynamic visual
The vestibular labyrinths act as very sensitive sensors of
acuity depends on many factors. The overall
head acceleration and tilt. As explained above, the utric-
impact of a (frequency-dependent) labyrinthine
ulus and sacculus can be considered as very rudimentary
loss for image stabilization needs more research:
sensors, sensitive for all motions and tilts, but not able to
patients might compensate for the loss of image
discriminate between the different types of motion.
stabilization (the vestibulo-ocular reflex) partly
Depending on the precise motion pattern, additional
by small saccades, so-called covert saccades, or
information from canals allows discrimination between
by improving the ability of the visual system to
translations, centrifugations, and tilts.
analyze the information present in moving
When we lose canal function, as monitored by the
images on the retina, similar to what has been
caloric test, rotational test, and head impulse tests, we
suggested in congenital nystagmus.
can still detect all motion with the statolith system,
● Allowing fast balance and postural corrections by
although with a lower sensitivity, especially at higher
an intuitive perception of the gravity vector and
frequencies. When we lose statolith function, the fast
fast vestibulospinal reflexes. So the specific con-
intuitive detection of gravity and the sensitivity for trans-
tribution of the labyrinth to balance control seems
lations will be impaired, but rotational sensitivity will be
to be speed. Severe labyrinthine loss may there-
preserved. Often a distinction is much easier when addi-
fore lead to permanent imbalance (walking like
tional visual and proprioceptive information is available.
a drunken sailor), fear of falling, and falls. The
A distinction between slow tilts and translations explic-
impact of a function loss of the statolith system
itly requires foreknowledge about the type of movement
may be of greater relevance than loss of canal
or additional information from vision and/or proprio-
function. However, we should still be aware that
ception. For example, divers in dark water and people co-
the brain needs the canal or other sensory input in
vered by an avalanche are unable to sense their orientation
addition to the inherently ambiguous otolith input
towards gravity: this suggests that the brain is unable to
to allow a reliable detection of the gravity vector.
detect the orientation relative to gravity when completely
● Spatial orientation: discrimination between self-
deprived of visual or proprioceptive input, which may be
motion and environmental motion and orientation
due to this ambiguity in the statolith system.
relative to the gravity vector. The loss of labyrin-
Motion sickness is considered to occur especially in
thine function may therefore lead to uncertainty.
conditions where we experience conflicts between the
The trivial sensory substitution that is observed
motion-sensitive input signals to the brain and/or when
in many patients, particularly with regard to
the perceived vertical differs from the expected vertical.
vision, can have adverse consequences as it may
Subjects without labyrinthine function do not suffer from
lead to visual dependence and sometimes intoler-
motion sickness. Interestingly, motion sickness can be
ance to moving visual stimuli or repetitive patterns
caused by stimuli that do not activate the labyrinth, such
with high contrasts (optokinetic stimuli): one of
as visual illusion of motion. This can be explained by the
the presentations of so-called visual vertigo.
fact that the central vestibular system is always involved
in the perceptionof self-motion and the detection of gravity, A secondary impact of vestibular loss is a loss of auto-
even if the information is supplied by the visual system. matic image stabilization, balance control, and spatial
orientation, which often leads to fear and the need for Kondrachuk AV, Sirenko SP, Boyle R (2008). Effect of
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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 137 (3rd series)
J.M. Furman and T. Lempert, Editors
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 2

Physiology of central pathways

Department of Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The relative simplicity of the neural circuits that mediate vestibular reflexes is well suited for linking sys-
tems and cellular levels of analyses. Notably, a distinctive feature of the vestibular system is that neurons at
the first central stage of sensory processing in the vestibular nuclei are premotor neurons; the same neurons
that receive vestibular-nerve input also send direct projections to motor pathways. For example, the
simplicity of the three-neuron pathway that mediates the vestibulo-ocular reflex leads to the generation
of compensatory eye movements within 5 ms of a head movement. Similarly, relatively direct pathways
between the labyrinth and spinal cord control vestibulospinal reflexes. A second distinctive feature of the
vestibular system is that the first stage of central processing is strongly multimodal. This is because the
vestibular nuclei receive inputs from a wide range of cortical, cerebellar, and other brainstem structures
in addition to direct inputs from the vestibular nerve. Recent studies in alert animals have established
how extravestibular signals shape these “simple” reflexes to meet the needs of current behavioral goal.
Moreover, multimodal interactions at higher levels, such as the vestibular cerebellum, thalamus, and cor-
tex, play a vital role in ensuring accurate self-motion and spatial orientation perception.

INTRODUCTION and motor-related information to the vestibular nuclei.

As a result, vestibular reflex pathways are modulated
Electrophysiologic studies have provided fundamental in a behaviorally dependent manner in everyday life.
insights into the functional circuitry of central vestibular In addition, this integration of vestibular and extravestib-
pathways. Notably, the vestibular system differs from ular cues is vital for cognitive functions such as percep-
other sensory systems in that the same neurons that tion of self-movement and spatial orientation. Recent
receive direct (i.e., monosynaptic) afferent input can also single-unit studies in nonhuman primates have provided
send direct projections to motoneurons. For example, the further insight into how the computations performed by
most direct pathway mediating the vestibulo-ocular the cerebellum and cortex shape the higher-level proces-
reflex (VOR) pathway is mediated by a three-neuron sing required for perception of self-movement and spatial
pathway linking the vestibular afferents and eye muscle orientation. The findings from these basic neurophysio-
motoneurons through the vestibular nuclei. Likewise, a logic studies have important implications for understand-
three-neuron pathway connecting vestibular afferents ing the deficits observed clinically in patients.
and spinal motoneurons contributes to vestibulospinal
reflexes (VSRs). A second distinctive feature of the ves-
tibular system is that the first stage of central processing
is remarkably multimodal, as a result of the input it
receives from numerous areas within the brainstem, as
well as from the cerebellum and cortex (Fig. 2.1). These At the first stage of central processing, the vestibular
extravestibular signal inputs relay both sensory (i.e., complex comprises four main subdivisions: the medial,
cutaneous somatosensory, proprioceptive, and visual) superior, lateral, and inferior (or descending) vestibular

*Correspondence to: Kathleen Elizabeth Cullen, PhD, 3655 Prom Sir William Osler, Department of Physiology, McGill University,
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1Y6, Canada. Tel: +1-514-398-5709, Fax: +1-514-398-5709, E-mail:

Oculomotor Inputs Cortical Inputs

• reticular formation • parietoinsular vestibular cortex
• nucleus prepositus • premotor area 6, 6 PA
hypoglossi • cingulate cortex areas 23cd, 23cv, 6c
• somatosensory area 3a
• intraparietal sulcus area 2v
• superior temporal cortex

Vestibular Inputs
Cerebellar Inputs VN • semicircular canal afferents
• otolith afferents
• flocculus/paraflocculus
• uvula/nodulus

Neck Proprioception
• via central cervical nucleus
• dorsal root afferents
Fig. 2.1. The vestibular nuclei (VN) receive inputs from multiple brain areas, in addition to direct projections from the vestibular
afferents of the VIIIth nerve. The midline is denoted by the diagonal dashed line.

nuclei, as well as other minor subgroups including the y NEURONS THAT RESPOND TO ROTATIONAL
and e groups. Although there is no strict segregation of HEAD MOTION
afferent input within the subdivisions of the vestibular
To date, most studies of vestibular processing have
nuclei, each subdivision differs in the relative densities
focused on characterizing neuronal responses to horizon-
of its afferent inputs. For example, the medial and supe-
tal (yaw-axis) rotations, because they are logistically eas-
rior nuclei receive mostly horizontal and vertical semi-
ier to apply in comparison to either pitch/roll rotations or
circular canal input, respectively. In contrast, utricular
translations. Vestibular nuclei neurons that respond to
and saccular afferents terminate mainly in the inferior
horizontal rotations are classified as type I or II neurons
and lateral vestibular nuclei.
(Duensing and Schaefer, 1958), based on whether they
are excited by ipsilaterally or contralaterally directed
rotations, respectively. Prior studies in head-restrained
General classification of cell types and linear alert monkeys have well described the responses of indi-
systems analysis vidual vestibular nuclei neurons that receive direct hori-
Single-unit recording experiments in behaving monkeys zontal canal afferent input (reviewed in Cullen and Roy,
have established how neurons in the vestibular nuclei 2004; Cullen, 2012). Notably, a significant percentage of
encode applied rotations and translations. Neurons that type I PVP, VO, and EH can be activated at monosynap-
respond to horizontal (yaw-axis) rotations are predomi- tic latencies by electric stimulation of the ipsilateral
nantly localized in the rostral medial vestibular nuclei vestibular nerve (McCrea et al., 1987; Scudder and
and the ventrolateral vestibular nuclei (Fuchs and Kimm, Fuchs, 1992). These type I neurons, which comprise
1975; Keller and Daniels, 1975; Chubb et al., 1984; the first stage of central processing in the vestibular sys-
Scudder and Fuchs, 1992; Cullen and McCrea, 1993). In tem, are considered below in relation to their distinctive
contrast, neurons that respond to vertical (pitch- or roll- functional roles, specifically: (1) VOR neurons (i.e., PVP
axis) rotations are primarily located in the superior and and EH neurons) and (2) posture/self-motion neurons
medial vestibular nuclei, as well as y-group (Tomlinson (VO neurons).
and Robinson, 1984; Partsalis et al., 1995; Dickman
and Angelaki, 2004). Moreover, neurons that are sensitive
to rotations can be further divided into three main
classes based on their responses to passive whole-body The angular VOR effectively stabilizes gaze during our
rotations, translations, and voluntary eye movements. daily activities by moving the eye in the opposite direc-
These include: (1) position-vestibular-pause (PVP) neu- tion to the ongoing head rotation (Fig. 2.2A). The most
rons; (2) vestibular-only (VO) neurons; and (3) eye-head direct pathway mediating this vital reflex comprises a
(EH) neurons, which are each described in further three-neuron arc in which the semicircular canal afferents
detail below. project to central neurons in the vestibular nuclei

PVP MN Stabilization

Mean firing rate

Saccades Passive whole-body rotation
(sp/sec) 200

r = 0.77
0 100 deg/s
-40 -20 0 20 40 Gaze velocity
Horizontal eye position (deg)

25 deg
Eye position Eye velocity

Head velocity
Head position
100 sp/s
100 sp/s
Firing rate Firing rate

B 1sec 1sec

Fig. 2.2. Vestibular nuclei neurons mediate the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). (A) Schematic diagram of the direct VOR pathway
(top). Position-vestibular-pause (PVP) neurons constitute the middle link of this reflex; they receive direct afferent input and send
strong inhibitory projections to ipsilateral abducens motoneurons (MN) to generate compensatory eye movements. (B) PVP neu-
rons encode eye position during ocular fixation, head motion during whole-body rotation, and pause during saccades (arrows).

(i.e., VOR neurons), that in turn project to the extraocular changes in environmental requirements (e.g., a new cor-
motoneurons (Lorente de No, 1933). The majority of the rective lens prescription to correct myopia) to appropri-
neurons in the vestibular nuclei that comprise the middle ately regulate the VOR response so that it remains
link of the direct VOR pathway are type I PVP neurons accurate (for review, see Cullen, 2008).
(Fig. 2.2B). Note that the designation PVP is well estab-
lished in the vestibular literature, and arose because these
neurons carry specific signals during passive head rota-
tions and eye movements. Specifically, the type I PVPs The second category of vestibular nuclei neurons that
that comprise the direct VOR pathway: (1) carry signals receive direct afferent input are called VO neurons
related to contralateral eye position signals during visual (Fig. 2.3A). Notably, VO neurons send projections to
fixation; (2) respond to vestibular input caused by ipsilat- the spinal cord and are thought to contribute to the path-
eral head rotations; and (3) pause for saccadic eye move- ways that produce vestibular spinal reflexes (see review
ments. Additionally, indirect pathways through the by Goldberg and Cullen, 2011). VO neurons are also
vestibular cerebellum make important contributions to reciprocally interconnected with the nodulus/uvula of
the VOR. In particular, there is a second class of neuron the cerebellum (Reisine and Raphan, 1992), and this ana-
in the vestibular nuclei that receives direct projections tomic organization is an important component of the
from the floccular complex of the cerebellum as well velocity storage mechanism that lengthens the time con-
as from the vestibular nerve (McFarland and Fuchs, stant of the VOR beyond that provided by the afferent
1992; Scudder and Fuchs, 1992; Cullen et al., 1993; input. Finally, VO neurons provide vestibular input to
Roy and Cullen, 2003; Lisberger et al., 1994a, b). These vestibular-sensitive neurons in thalamus and cortex
floccular target neurons generally respond to smooth- (Lang et al., 1979; Grusser et al., 1990). VO neurons
pursuit and visual cancellation of the VOR, in the same respond to vestibular stimulation but not eye movements
direction. Accordingly, they are also often called EH (Fig. 2.3B), and, unlike either PVP and EH neurons, do
cells in the literature. EH neurons play a critical role in not project directly to eye motoneurons. Consequently,
gaze stability by ensuring the VOR remains calibrated. whereas PVPs and EHs mediate and calibrate the VOR
This is because, as discussed below, EH neurons change to stabilize gaze and ensure clear vision in everyday life,
their sensitivity to account for the effects of aging or VO neurons comprise the first stage of central processing
Posture and
Balance (VSR)
of Self-Motion

Saccades Passive whole-body rotation

100 deg/s
Gaze velocity

25 deg
Eye velocity
Eye position

Head velocity
Head position
100 sp/s 100 sp/s
Firing rate Firing rate
1sec 1sec
Fig. 2.3. Vestibular nuclei neurons mediate vestibulospinal reflexes and enable the accurate perception of self-motion and spatial
orientation. (A) Schematic diagram of the contributions of vestibular-only (VO) neurons to vestibulospinal reflexes (VSR) and
ascending pathways. VO neurons receive direct afferent input and send projections to spinal cord, cerebellum, and thalamus.
(B) VO neurons are insensitive to eye position during ocular fixation or saccades, and robustly encode head motion during
whole-body rotation (with comparable sensitivity in the dark and light).

in the vestibular pathways responsible for the reflexes the analysis of natural head motion has revealed signifi-
underlying posture and balance, as well as the higher- cant power up to 20 Hz (Huterer and Cullen, 2002;
order vestibular processing of head motion required for Carriot et al., 2014; Schneider et al., 2015). Accordingly,
perception. recent studies have characterized the responses of
Traditionally, vestibular nuclei neuronal responses to individual vestibular afferents and vestibular nuclei neu-
sensory input have been characterized by estimating rons by applying sinusoidal head rotations throughout
response gain and phase over several cycles of sinusoidal this frequency range and computing response sensitivities
head rotation (reviewed in Cullen, 2012). This approach, and phases. Experiments using this approach have estab-
termed linear systems analysis, has been applied to the lished that, in primates, both PVP neurons (Roy et al.,
vestibular system to understand how neurons encode 2003; Ramachandran and Lisberger, 2008) and VO neu-
head motion because it is commonly assumed that early rons (Massot et al., 2011) respond with high-pass dynam-
vestibular processing is fundamentally linear. There are ics that are comparable to those of vestibular afferents.
two main lines of evidence to provide support for this However, EH neurons show distinctive dynamics charac-
idea. First, numerous studies have shown that both affer- terized by strikingly flat gain (and phase) tuning as a func-
ents and their target neurons in the vestibular nuclei accu- tion of frequency (Ramachandran and Lisberger, 2008).
rately encode the detailed time course of horizontal To date, the functional implications of these differences
rotational head motion through linear changes in firing are not yet fully understood; however, VOs show an
rate over a wide range of frequencies (reviewed in increased phase lead relative to PVP neurons that is likely
Goldberg, 2000; Cullen and Roy, 2004; Massot et al., related to the higher inertia of the body versus head
2011). In addition, in vitro studies have shown that cen- (Fernandez and Goldberg, 1971; Bilotto et al., 1982;
tral vestibular neurons linearly transduce synaptic inputs Boyle et al., 1992).
into changes in firing rate output (Bagnall et al., 2008;
McElvain et al., 2015).
Indeed, in the last decade, the linear systems analysis
approach has provided key insights into how early vestib-
ular pathways encode rotational head motion over the In addition to receiving direct semicircular canal afferent
physiologically relevant frequency range (Dickman and input, the vestibular nuclei receive direct projections
Angelaki, 2004; Sadeghi et al., 2007; Ramachandran from otolith afferents. In fact, single neurons often
and Lisberger, 2008; Massot et al., 2011). In particular, receive convergent input such that they respond to
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
of the eastern coast, if I remember right; their chawats here are often
absurdly small, not even answering the purpose for which they are
intended: one or two have head-dresses of bark, ornamented with
little cowrie-shells, the breadth being sometimes five inches, differing
from the padded helmets we saw on the wax seekers; heavy
necklaces of beads are worn by the men as well as by the women; a
few of the young girls have petticoats composed entirely of beads,
on a groundwork of cloth or perhaps bark.
As I have advanced into the country I have noticed many
clearings on the ridges of the highest hills—perhaps fifty yards in
length. It is in these places that the bones of their chief men rest. As
far as I understand their ways, they place the corpse in a sort of box,
fashioned sometimes like the body of a deer, or what a Murut fancies
is a resemblance, until all the flesh is dissolved from the bones;
these are then placed in a jar, and left on the lofty spots I have
mentioned. I noticed many of these jars in my forced march from
Molu, above the sites of the old Tabun villages, and to the intense
disgust of my guide they were found broken, and the skulls extracted
by the marauding Kayans.
I lately, also, discovered one near my house with the bones nearly
dissolved. It was most probably buried there before the Borneans
turned Mahomedans, as no Muruts have lived on the hills near the
capital since, at least so says tradition. It was found a couple of
hundred yards from the site of the old East India Company’s factory,
which was abandoned about eighty or ninety years ago. The poor
men are said to have their bones buried, while the chiefs have theirs
added to those of their ancestors. I hear the Millanaus follow a
custom somewhat similar. When a chief dies, they place the body in
a shed with a raised floor, and cover it over with sand: they leave it
there, till all the dissolvable parts have run through the open flooring,
and when the remains are perfectly dry, they collect and place them
in a jar. All the relations and friends are then summoned, and they
feast and rejoice for seven days.
I have procured some honey to-day, as I strongly suspect I shall
have little but plain boiled rice to live on during the journey back.

Commence the return Journey—Kayan Embassy—Indian Corn—

Confidence of the People—Ophthalmia—Old Jar—Gratitude
rarely shown—Anecdote—Warning to Amateur Doctors—Bezoar
Stones—Arrangements at Si Lopong’s—A Nightcap—Desertion
of our Guides—Murut Music—Start for the Adang—Warned of
Difficulties—Abundance of Rice—Cross the Adang Mountains—
Active Girls—The Anœctochilus—Attack of Fever—Arrangements
in case of its continuance—Loss of Chamber to Revolver—Reach
the Adang—Legend—Construct four Rafts—Pleasant Movement
—Trying Position of one of the Men—The first Rapid passed—
Difficulties at the second—Bold Swimmer—A Whirlpool—Danger
of Drowning—Our Raft tested—Abandoned—The rest wrecked—
Pass the Umur—Reach the Limbang—Construct fresh Rafts—
Uneasy Anticipations—Heavy Fresh—Fine Specimen of a Raft—
Push off—Dangers and Troubles—The Rafts ungovernable—The
Roaring of Waters—Overhanging Cliffs—The Cataract—Awe of
the Men—Shoot the Cataract—Narrow Escape—Its Height—The
Men recover their Voice—Ineffectual Attempts to stop the Raft—
Caught in a Whirlpool—Safety—Arrival of the other Rafts—
Dangers ahead—Walk—Abandon the Rafts—State of Provisions
—Nearly all consumed—Ahtan’s Secret Store—Rocks—Advance
over the Kalio Hills—Sparing the Food—Exhausting climbing
—“Jog on”—Feed on the Cabbages of the Bengkala Palm—
Almost a Mutiny—Facing the Difficulty—Reach the Summit of the
Paya Paya, or “very difficult” Hills—Night on the Summit—Our
Tent—The last Fowl—Molu—The greatest Difficulties passed—
Country more open—Follow the Banks of the River—Distress of
the Men—Improvidence—Curious Sounds in the old Forest—Cry
of the Argus Pheasant—of the Jelatuk—Rending of a Mighty Tree
—Danger from Decaying Trees—Cock-fights among the Argus
27th.—Returned by a new path, and a shorter one, to Tabari’s
house. Again Lawi was so covered with clouds that nothing but his
base could be seen: it appeared about fifteen miles off in a S.W.
direction. I hear that the Limbang rises in that mountain. There are
houses at its base, two of which were lately attacked by the Kayans
and destroyed. Just before my arrival the Kayans sent over six men
to inquire whether the Muruts of the upper Trusan would submit to
them and pay tribute; if they would do so all attacks should cease. It
is very probable that these men came over as spies, to find out the
easiest way of reaching the upper country. I missed them by a
couple of days.
We stopped to breakfast about half a mile before we reached
Tabari’s village, at a house that was literally overflowing with Indian
corn. We should have laid in a stock but that they asked absurd
prices. Everywhere the people of the country were busy planting,
and we continually came upon parties working in the fields. They
showed no fear whatever, the news having spread very rapidly
through the country that our objects were friendly. From Tabari’s we
followed the old path to Ballang Palo’s, where we rested the night. In
passing through this village, I had given a man afflicted with sore
eyes a little sulphate of zinc: he already had found, or fancied he
found, some benefit from the medicine, and in remembrance brought
me a jar of arrack, containing about three quarts, which he insisted I
must drink. The old jar was a curious specimen of former Chinese
work, which had most probably been with the Muruts for many
generations. It was blue, with numerous figures of dragons upon it.
As the sulphate of zinc had once acted well, I found numerous
customers for it, a great many being troubled with sore eyes,
perhaps from crowding over their smoky fires during the cold nights.
I mention the circumstance of the poor fellow bringing the arrack, as,
how grateful soever they may be in their hearts for a kindness, they
seldom show it. I have not known half a dozen instances during my
whole residence in the East. It is not always quite safe to administer
medicine, particularly when the amateur doctor promises that a cure
will result from his exertions, as the following story will show. A Bukar
Dayak had a son, who fell ill of the small-pox, and a native doctor
offered his services, assuring the father he could cure his child;
unfortunately for him, however, notwithstanding all the medicine he
administered, the child died, when the father, accusing him of having
wilfully caused the death of his son, drew his sword and killed him on
the spot. As this event took place while the Bukar tribe was still
under the authority of the Sultan of Brunei, a fine only was inflicted
for this summary act of vengeance. We sat up rather late, but as we
had no man with us, who could freely converse in their language, the
Orang Kaya Upit having stayed behind on a trading speculation, we
could only drink together, and look very solemn. I have noticed the
very few marketable articles these people have for sale, but one of
them brought me to-day a very large bezoar stone, an inch and a
half in length, and two and a half in circumference. They say they
procure them from the monkeys, whom they kill to seek for this
stone, and while some affirm they find them in the head, others
declare they take them from the bladder. The ones I have seen are
of a clear brown, highly polished, and not heavier than a similar
piece of very light wood.
28th.—On to Si Lopong’s. I found that even Murut arrack is a very
bad assistant to exertion. I stayed this night at the house preparatory
to a start in the morning. We are in great hopes that some of the
Muruts will walk with us as far as the spot where we intend to
construct rafts, and thus give us a good stock of provisions to
commence operations upon; but nothing could be arranged on
account of Si Lopong’s absence. In the evening he came home, and
immediately brought out two basins of arrack, one of which he
handed to me, and said we must drink in remembrance of our
friendship. Having complied with his desire, I began to enter into our
business, but before I could utter a dozen words he lay back on his
mat and was fast asleep. He had arrived drunk, as no doubt, at
every village, he had been feasted; and the last bowl of arrack was
the night-cap. Seeing that it was hopeless to attempt to wake him, I
put off our conversation till the morning.
The men I had left behind I found tolerably recovered, and all
were ready for a start; that is, if anybody could be found to carry the
baggage. Most of the guides had given up their intention to return: Si
Nuri intended to spend a month or two with his first wife; Kadayan
was kept by his family, and Luñgenong would not start without the
Orang Kaya Upit; so that unless I wait here some time, we must trust
entirely to ourselves. The way to the Adang is not very difficult to
find. Waking during the night, I heard some sounds almost as
musical as those produced by a bagpipe; it came from a Murut near
at hand, who was perhaps serenading his mistress. I examined the
instrument he used, and it was very simple to produce so many
notes. Two thin bamboos, about twelve inches long, were fastened
very neatly side by side; in one was cut four holes like those in a
flute, while the other had a long piece of grass inserted in the lower
end. A slight incision was then cut across both towards the upper
portion. The performer thrust this instrument rather deep into his
mouth and blew, and then, with the aid of tongue, fingers, and
moving the grass, produced some very agreeable and wild tunes. I
watched him for some time as he sat by the side of a flickering fire,
but being tired, it at last lulled me to sleep.
29th.—Si Lopong is naturally very unwilling to start without his
relation, the Orang Kaya Upit; he says that he cannot be many days,
as he has only to wait for the return of the party of Main Muruts, who
have gone to fetch him some slaves. This settles the question, and I
start without guides. Unfortunately, the Orang Kaya has with him the
hunting dogs I purchased at Tabari’s. Our intention is to walk to the
Adang River, and construct rafts on which to float down the stream.
The Muruts have always warned us that it is too full of cataracts,
rapids, and huge rocks, to be descended by rafts, and that, if they
fail us, the country is impassable; but my men are eager to try the
easy method of returning, and I am desirous of following the course
of the Limbang.
6 p. m.—We got away at 9 a.m. I explained to my men that I
would not allow our guides to bring slaves into our party; that all the
shame of the transaction would fall on me; and that if the Orang
Kaya attempted it, I would take away his boat, and let him find his
way home overland. There was rice of ours sufficient for a month’s
consumption, and I strongly advised the men to remember how they
had suffered in their former land journey. They all promised to take
twelve or fourteen days’ provisions, and I took eighteen days’,
dividing it among all the men, each to carry a day’s rice for me.
We found the Adang range a very stiff climb, and before we
reached the top I had to relieve Musa of his double barrel, he was
carrying so heavy a load. At the stream we met two hunters, and
endeavoured to persuade them to lend us a hand for one day, but
we could not bribe them. It is astonishing what habit will do. A young
girl, not above thirteen, came part of the way with us to assist in
carrying a relation’s burden, and she walked up that steep mountain,
comparatively with the most perfect ease. I here found some of
those beautiful Anœctochilus which Mr. Low wanted. I collected
about a dozen, all I could see, and put them into a tin pepper-box,
with holes in the top, to try whether they would keep. They are the
most breathtaking plants I have ever seen, with leaves through
which lines of gold, or white, or bright red run, forming a lovely
pattern. I have been shown some of the very plants I collected, now
growing luxuriantly in England, and they are the most delicate
looking ornaments for a hot-house.
After much exertion, we got about half way down the western face
of the Adang range, the rain pouring heavily; so at five p.m. we came
to a stop and pitched our tents.
30th.—The rain still continued, but we pushed on by the old path
till we came to a small stream, called the Batu Loba, where we found
some freshly constructed huts. After bathing, I felt very feverish, and
taking a dose of quinine, a large basin of rice-water, and wrapping
myself up in all the dry clothing I had, I burst into a profuse
perspiration. It was not a very agreeable night for me. I lay in my tent
alone: the men, except Musa, who watched over me, preferring the
hunters’ huts, as the floor was there dry, and they had no time to
make a raised floor in the tent for themselves, as they did for me.
The rain was coming down in torrents, which presently increased
to a terrific thunderstorm. The wind did not affect us much, we were
too low, in a hollow; but I thought if this really be fever, what a
prospect for me in this forest. I called Musa, and made every
necessary arrangement in case I should be delirious in the morning:
that two or three men should stay with me, and the rest go back to
the houses; that if I grew worse, the Muruts might be engaged to
carry me to their village; and that when I recovered, we should go
home by the Trusan, abandoning the boats, instruments, and
I need scarcely say how joyful we all were, when in the morning I
got up without any fever, and only a little weakened by the slight
attack. I thought at the time that it might be from over-fatigue, as I
had not only carried all my instruments and arms, but had assisted
others. Some one during the night must have been amusing himself
with my revolver, as shortly after starting, on withdrawing it from its
cover, I found the chamber gone, rendering the weapon useless till
our arrival at the boats, where I had left a spare one; so I gave up
the carbine, and took to my double-barrel.
October 1st.—Continued by the old path to the Adang; hitting it,
however, a little to the northward of the point where we previously
crossed it. Here we prepared to make the rafts on which we intend to
continue our journey. We found plenty of material—light wood,
bamboos, and rattans, &c.; so we encamped on a pebbly bank, the
men hoping to be soon joined by the Muruts. During our walk to-day,
while following the ridge of the Batu Put hills, we observed on its
summit two large boulders, one some twenty-five feet in length. They
appeared to be granite, but I could not break off a piece. They bear
that rather immodest name from the following legend:—That a
famous chief of yore, disdaining to make his nuptial-couch on the
grass, fetched up these huge stones to sleep on; and they point to
some marks as the impression made by his bride’s limbs, which,
without much stretch of fancy, might be taken for the mould of a foot
and leg.
2nd.—Occupied in making rafts. The rain last night produced a
flood: the river rose about five feet, not many inches below the tent,
and is in a capital condition for a start; but making the rafts has
occupied more time than I expected, and we cannot set out to-night.
The Orang Kaya Upit has not made his appearance: I only regret the
rice we left at Si Lopong’s—he may come to-night; but I have never
expected him to follow so soon. It has been showery all the
afternoon, and I fear a wet night. We have made four rafts: old Japer
commands one with three men, Minudin with three more, Lamit and
three, then Musa, with three Malays, a boy, Ahtan, and myself. Ours
is a very strong raft of bamboo; the others appear but very shaky
affairs, the men being too lazy to work well at them.
5th.—Started early; at first all went smoothly enough. The river
was sufficiently deep, though it had fallen. We began to congratulate
ourselves on the charming sensation of gliding down the stream,
with only the occasional trouble of pushing the raft from the bank.
The first notice we had that all was not to be smooth water was
seeing in a long reach a rock in the centre, with a dashing, breaking
fall on either side; and on this rock was one of our men standing, the
very picture of despair. Three rafts had passed, and his only chance
was to jump on to ours. We came rushing towards him at a
tremendous pace, trying to keep as near the rock as possible to give
him a better chance, and in doing so, caught it, which threw the raft
right across the stream: it rose to an angle of 45°, and we all thought
it was going over, when the broad surface presented to the water
raised it up, and it slipped past the rock. The man, after having
assisted in moving it, stood still, and we had nearly passed him; I
yelled at him, which brought him to a sense of his danger: he made a
bold spring, and just succeeded in reaching the raft. Had he
remained where he was, he must have sprung into the boiling surge,
hoping that we could pick him up if he reached the smoother water.
On arriving at the next difficult rapid, it was proposed to take out
the baggage, and then pass the rafts down, as the first had already
been buried in the water, and everything was wet through. This was
tiresome work. It is always difficult to pack and unpack during the
day’s journey; but after an hour’s hard work, we had passed all the
things down to the bottom of the rapid, except a large tambok, or
basket three feet high, made from the covering of the sago-palm
stem. This the owner thought he would take with him on the raft; but
just as he started, a wave struck it, and it rolled into the water, and
went dancing down the stream: it was full of valuables of mine and
the man’s clothing. The bold fellow sprang after, but too late to reach
it before it sank; he, however, dived till he fished it up.
Our pride in our rafts was fast leaving us when, about an hour
afterwards, we saw one of the smaller ones rushing round at a
frantic pace in a whirlpool, and three men trying to save one of their
companions, whose head we could occasionally see bobbing up: we
were on them in a minute; our strong raft went headlong against the
rock, creaked to the force of the waters, but did not break up, and we
were enabled to push the man near enough to the shore to be
seized by his companions: our raft was too long to be mastered by
the whirlpool: we just saw one man holding on to the fellow’s long
hair, as we were swept out of sight.
Our raft had bravely carried us through dangers that, one after the
other, had destroyed its companions, so that at four p.m. I very much
regretted finding it stuck firm on a great rapid that appeared a mile in
length. I proposed that we should encamp opposite, and trust to the
night’s rain to enable us to float it over; but the men said we had
better push on to the Limbang and build new rafts there; so we
walked till five, when, catching up our wrecked companions, we
pitched our tents: there was very little cheerfulness in the party that
night. We had passed through a country of nothing but low forest,
with a few hills scattered about. Our course was nearly west south-
4th.—We had heavy rain during the night, which made the river
rise a fathom; so that had we stuck to our raft, we might have
advanced in her. The course of the river continued winding to the
west-south-west, passed the Umur on the right bank. Had some
difficulty in finding a ford: after five hours’ walking, reached the
Limbang. I had but a partial view of the junction; I thought it only the
end of an island, though a clear view shortly after showed, by the
augmented volume of water, that we were on the main river: walked
forward for an hour and a half, till we found sufficient light wood to
make our rafts: then pitching our tents, the men set to work
preparing them, and after doing my best to make our tent
comfortable, I am now inditing this journal. The men this afternoon
evidently think that matters are looking a little serious, and have
worked away with a will till dark.
Convinced that bamboos make bad rafts, strong but not
sufficiently buoyant, they are using only light woods;[8] and
remembering the severe blows they received in the tributary, they
are preparing for worse in the main stream. We are now beginning to
remember the warnings of the Muruts, that you cannot descend the
stream in rafts at any time, and in boats only in fine weather; and the
addition, that if the rafts fail now, the country is composed of such
steep mountains that it would be impossible to cross them. I hear
these not very cheerful discussions going on around me; but the
sanguine portion of my retainers point to the beautiful smooth
stream, whose banks we have followed for several miles.
5th.—There was much rain last night, with thunder and lightning;
and the river rose a fathom, and is continuing to rise, concealing any
signs of rapids in the long reach before us. The men are determined
that this time the rafts shall be strong enough: ours is a model,
twenty-two feet long by six in breadth, composed of a double layer of
trees, the lower nine large ones, the upper a dozen smaller trees; on
this is a raised platform, on which we have stowed our provisions
and goods. We have all got on it to try its buoyancy, and find that it is
not an inch out of water, but that is immaterial. I have just been
round to look at the different rafts. Though not so good as ours, they
are all tolerably strong; and the men having breakfasted, I have
given the orders to put off; and now, at mid-day, we are starting.
Our course was at first very pleasant. The river was broad, deep,
and sufficiently rapid; but, after a few reaches, this changed, and
bluff points began to invade the stream. Now we were hurled against
a rock, or pressed against the bank; the next moment we were in a
whirlpool, flying about, and with difficulty getting out of it. These
whirlpools were so deep, that with our longest poles, and they were
four fathoms, we could not reach the bottom. At one very large one,
we continued going in a circle for above ten minutes, when we saw a
companion raft coming down upon us. We shouted to the men to try
and sheer off, but it was of no use, and it crashed into us; however,
the damage was all for them. Our heavy raft merely sank a foot, and
was driven near enough to the bank to enable us to get out of this
whirlpool, leaving our friends to repair damages while taking the
successive turns from which they had driven us. I soon began to find
that our rafts were unmanageable, and that we must allow the
stream to carry us whither it pleased.
After moving on at a good pace for about a couple of hours, we
heard a roaring in the distance, and I called to the men to stop the
raft if possible, and send ahead to see what was the cause of this
sound; but they thought they could pass the rapid which was before
us, and concluded that it produced the roar we heard. I was of a very
different opinion. This one was bad enough; but in turning the point,
how shall I describe the scene that was presented to me? The
almost perpendicular hills closed in on the river, their lofty trees
meeting in an arch overhead, and the waters dashing through the
narrow space, tumbling over huge rocks, raised waves like those of
an angry sea on a rocky shore; but the worst spot was where the
cliffs appeared to have fallen across the stream, damming it to half
its width by a huge tree-crowned rock, and forming two foaming
We had been told that the cataract was nine fathoms deep. To
stop the raft was impossible: the pace was too great; and, as we
approached this formidable danger, the men burst into a prayer,
which, though they shouted at the tops of their voices, could scarcely
be heard in the roar. I spoke not, but clutched the side of the raft with
one hand and Ahtan with the other, for fear we should be swept off.
As we came to the edge of the cataract, it looked so deep that the
men were awed into silence, and my only thought was, Can we ever
rise out of that abyss? Down we went. We felt a slight shock, the raft
trembled, and in another moment we were buried in the recoiling
waves. We rose again, our bows forced up into the air, and the stern
completely hidden as I glanced round to look if the men were there,
and then over the second tier of rocks, which were not so serious, as
there was a deep pool beyond; and though we were again buried
beneath the waters, yet we touched no rock. At the first cataract we
but grazed the bottom. Had we struck, our raft must have been
dashed to pieces; as it was, the centre trunk was driven from its
place—I was about to say, like an arrow from a bow; but how far it
went I cannot say; it left no trace behind it.
I have attempted since to estimate the length of these falls; but,
after allowing for the exaggeration natural to remembrance of one’s
own adventures, I cannot think they were less than three and two
fathoms, but probably more. However, we passed so rapidly that it
was impossible to judge correctly. On we went, over a small cataract;
and then the men gave vent to their feelings in a frantic yell, which
they had been unable to utter after the great danger. As we cleared
the point, we heard shouts from the bank; and, looking up, saw four
of our men calling upon us to stop, as there were worse dangers
As this reach was tolerably smooth, one of the men sprang into
the stream with a long rattan in his hand, hoping to reach the shore,
but it was dragged from him before he was half way. Then Musa,
choosing a better spot, plunged in; he reached the shore, but, before
he could land, the rattan was torn from his grasp, and we were swept
away. I saw Musa, breathless, trying to free himself from the waves
that dashed him against the rocks, and in another moment we were
out of sight.
Our two skilled men were gone; but we managed to keep the raft
straight, and presently we were caught in a whirlpool. This was our
best chance; one of the men sprang into the water, and was soon
ashore. The rattan was twisted round a tree just as the stream
caught us. This was a trying moment. The rattan began to part as
the great strain came upon it; so I ordered the last man to make
straight for the shore, and draw the raft out of the strength of the
stream. The men really exerted themselves; and, in almost less time
than it takes me to write this down, we were moored comfortably
under the bank.
Presently one of the other rafts came round the point; they tried to
join me, but were swept to the other side, where they brought up; the
next followed, and was also secured; the fourth soon came round the
point, but with only old Japer upon it. I trembled for him, but the old
fellow was used to danger, and cleverly brought himself under the
opposite rocks, and threw a rattan on shore. This, however, was torn
out of the hand of a stupid man who ought to have twisted it round a
stump or a rock; nevertheless, an active fellow sprang from one of
the already secured rafts into Japer’s, and twisted a strong rattan
round one of the trunks. Now all were interested, and rushed to help
to prevent the great stream carrying away the rafts.
I was very pleased to see Musa join me. He presently went
ahead; and, after an hour’s absence, returned, telling me he had
found a spot where we could secure ourselves for the night; but that
the men requested that I and Ahtan, as the non-swimmers, would
walk to the night’s resting-place. We found the way very difficult; and,
after half an hour’s hard work, reached the rafts. I now heard that
three of the most active of the party had gone ahead to examine. We
had brought up the rafts in a kind of bay, with the rocks below
stretching across the river, forming formidable rapids. At six p.m. the
scouts returned, bringing the unpleasant news that the river for about
two miles was one succession of rapids; in fact, as far as they had
seen it, it was a continued sheet of white foam, from the innumerable
rocks which studded the stream. To proceed in the rafts was quite
impossible, so we made up our minds to walk.
Now I thought matters began to look sombre, particularly as Ahtan
came to tell me that he had been to several of the men for my rice,
and had found that they had only a day’s provisions left. Upon this I
called the men up, and ascertained that three men had still six days’
rice, three had four days’, four had two days’, and the rest only
provisions for one day; and, what was very serious for me and
Ahtan, all our rice had been consumed, except sufficient for two
It was useless to reproach the men, so I called Ahtan on one side,
and proposed to him that we should in future take thin rice-water,
and trust to the cabbage-palm for our chief support. To this he readily
agreed, and then added in a whisper that he had about two cupfuls
of tapioca flour. I persuaded him that this should be kept, in case one
of us fell ill. I must confess that, being excessively hungry, I was not
sorry to find that he had cooked a fowl—the last but one—and boiled
a lot of rice, before he discovered how short we were. We divided
the food into two portions, and dined heartily.
Rocks, sandstone, dipping to the north-east, at an angle of 18°. It
was in the great cataract, to-day, that my journal was wetted. As we
were twice buried in the recoiling waves, nothing but a single change
escaped being soaked. We made great fires to dry our clothes, but
the continuous rain prevented our completely succeeding.
6th.—I was up at dawn. There was not much cooking; but Ahtan
having saved a little cold rice, we breakfasted off that, and then
started. We found the Muruts were correct in their account of the
country. The walking was very difficult indeed, either along the sides
of precipitous hills or up the face of them, where our hands came
into as much play as our feet. I kept the men at it till five p.m.,
making but little advance over this very difficult country. We were
evidently crossing the Kalio hills which I had noticed on our left in our
walk from Madihit, and then estimated at 5,500 feet; but my
barometer was now out of order.
We encamped on the summit of one of the mountains; and,
having found a little water, we cooked. I noticed that none of the men
followed our example of sparing the food, but eat as if they had been
at home; so that but half have any rice left. I had for a week
preserved a small glass of brandy; and, believing it impossible to feel
more exhausted, I drank it, for the last climb had been such as to
render a farther advance impossible for any of us.
7th.—To-day the walking was worse than ever—so steep that my
heart almost failed me, but knowing how everybody looked to me, I
did not give way. How continually those lines came to my memory,
and how often I found myself repeating them—

“Jog on, jog on the footpath way,

And merrily hent the stile-a;
A merry heart goes all the day,
Your sad tires in a mile-a.”

We kept on till twelve, when we stopped at a stream to breakfast

on the cabbages of the bengkala palm; exceedingly delicious, but
not satisfying; it was like living on sugar and water. Here the old
Pablat man said he must stay behind, as he had an attack of
elephantiasis. I left his son-in-law with him, and pushed on.
We followed the torrent’s course for some time over broken rocks,
when the man we had constituted our guide turned to the left
towards a mountain that looked nearly perpendicular. There was
almost a mutiny; even Musa declared that they could not face it—
they must try the bank of the river. I represented to them that the
Muruts had warned us that it was impossible to follow that course;
but they kept repeating they would like to try, so I gave way, and we
continued for half an hour, till we reached the Limbang. Here the
banks were perpendicular, and we all sat down for half an hour,
looking gloomily at the foaming stream.
But this being of no use, I rose and told the guide that we must go
back to the spot he had before chosen. The men feeling rather
ashamed of themselves, got up with more alacrity, and we faced the
difficulty, commencing the ascent at two p.m., but did not reach the
summit till six p.m., and yet we worked as hard as we possibly could,
hoping to get down to the banks of a running stream. These were
evidently the Paya Paya, or the “very difficult” hills. For several
hundred yards we moved up a narrow spur, about five feet broad
generally, but occasionally narrowing to a single foot, so steep that
we had to place our rifles and guns before us as far as we could
reach, and then pull ourselves up to them.
The sun went down before we stopped for the night. There was
no water, but there was a prospect of heavy rain, and strong puffs of
wind, as black clouds were gathering to the north-east. It was seven
o’clock before I got my tent pitched on a ridge not three feet broad;
and then, there being nothing to eat or drink, we lay down and slept
on our weariness. Fortunately for me, I had managed to dry my
Scotch plaid during our stay for breakfast; and, wrapping myself up
in that best of all companions, I did not feel the cutting winds. I
awoke for a few minutes in the middle of the night, to find that the
cold had driven the men to light a fire; but before I could distinctly
distinguish any one I was off to sleep again, and did not wake till the
sun shone on my face. Yesterday satisfied me that I was in excellent
condition to endure fatigue, as, though I had not drunk any water
since breakfast, I felt no thirst.
8th.—Being excessively hungry, I determined to have the
remaining fowl, a mere chicken, for breakfast. I thought we deserved
it, having had nothing to eat for dinner, so it was killed before we
started. An hour’s walk brought us to the end of the mountain ridge,
and gave us a fine view of the country. There was Molu with its
highest peak bearing west by south, proving that the western peak,
under which we were last February, is not the loftiest.
It appeared to me that we had clearly passed the greatest
difficulties as regards country; it was now more open, the hills
drawing back farther from the banks of the river, which wound at our
feet some three thousand feet below. I now knew from the bearings
that we were north of our boats; they lay as nearly as possible
between us and Molu. I therefore proposed to the men that we
should abandon the main stream and push due west, straight for the
Madihit; but they had no faith in compasses, and seeing a mountain
range nearly as high as the one we were on between us and what I
affirmed to be the Madihit, they said they preferred keeping to the
banks of the Limbang, which now appeared to be less difficult.
We did not long continue admiring this extensive prospect; our
thoughts referred to water and something to eat, so we commenced
the descent, which was nearly as steep as yesterday’s ascent; but
going down hill, though trying to the knees, does not take away the
breath. We did not, however, reach a stream till nearly two, when we
stopped for breakfast. Ahtan, smiling at the thought of a fowl, got the
breakfast ready in a very short time. The men proposed that we
should spend the night here, but I declined, insisting that we should
reach the Limbang. It poured with rain, but it was necessary we
should exert ourselves. I pushed on with Ahtan and two others.
When I was gone, one of the men lay down in the path and burst
out crying, saying he should never see his mother again; a
companion threw himself down too, but the rest of the party followed
me. These two I rather pitied, as this was their second day without
rice; but they and their two friends were the most improvident of the
lot. One day they began to cook without orders; the rice was just
wetted, but they were told to move on, and not cook till we all
stopped. They therefore wrapped up their breakfast, and moved on.
Presently I saw a packet, and picking it up, found that they had
thrown away the rice, saying it was too much trouble to carry it;
another party, on its being handed to them, quickly appropriated it.
Another day they cooked three times, throwing away what was left. It
was disgusting to see such waste of food; but they suffered for it. At
five p.m. I reached the main stream, and feared I should have to
encamp without tents, as I could hear nothing of the party. One of
the men volunteered to go back to search for them, and at sunset
they were all collected.
I know of no sounds more curious than those which are
sometimes heard in the old forest. Last night we frequently noticed
the cries of the Argus pheasant, both male and female. In the deep
silence one is startled by the thrice-repeated “Tu-wau,” in a clear and
sonorous tone, and that is the crow of the cock. The cry of the
female is similar, but more quickly repeated; but both are very
pleasing to hear. Occasionally, also, we could distinguish the clear
and distinct note of the Jelatuk bird, which a stranger might mistake
for the echo of a stroke from an axe.
There is another sound, only heard in the oldest forest, and that is
as if a mighty tree were rent in twain. I often asked the cause, and
was assured it was the camphor tree splitting asunder, on account of
the accumulation of camphor in some particular part—an explanation
which was not satisfactory. During heavy squalls we have often been
put in fear by the crash of falling timber; but our men were very
particular in not pitching the tents near half-rotten trees. The Argus
pheasant is found in many places we have passed during this
expedition, and occasionally in the jungle we have come across
open spots strewed with the feathers of the cock bird, where two
have been struggling for mastery. It would appear as if they always
chose the same spots for their fights, as the ground was free from
grass and brushwood, and was beaten hard.

Stopped for a Day—Five start for Provisions—The Sick Men left

behind join us—No Shoes—Weakness from want of Food—
Leeches—Stop again—Collect Food—Anecdote of Female
Orang Utan and Murut—Again construct Rafts—Present of a Cup
full of Rice—Start on the Rafts—Abandon them—A Bear—The
River—Immense Pebbly Flats—Long Walks—Traces of the
Advance Party—Wild Fruit—Sour Oranges—Recognize a Hill—
Fruit of the Jintawan, or Indian-rubber Plant—Find Remains of
Bees’-nest—The British Flag—Reach the Madihit—Bad Conduct
of the Advance Party—Food nearly all consumed—An unfeeling
Father—Proposed Punishment—Ravages of the Bears—
Anecdote of Ahtan—Return in the Boats—The Herd of Wild
Cattle—Wound a Bull, but do not get it—A slight Supper—Start in
a Sampir—Ahtan ill—The last of the Food—News from Brunei—
Reach the Town—Arrival of the rest of the Party—Bornean
Travelling—Measure Distance by Fatigue—Slow Progress
necessary—Active Murut—Average Rate of Advance—Great
Mistakes made in the Estimates of Distance—Instances—Mr.
Motley’s Account of his Advance up the Limbang—Mr. De
Crespigny’s Mistake in the Latitude of the River Damit and
Position of the Mountain of Molu—Remarks on the Map—Causes
of the continued Health of my Followers—The Tents—Mistake in
trusting to Native Huts—Native Geographical Information tested
—Found correct—Arrival of the Orang Kaya Upit—Tragical Death
of Pangeran Mokata, the Shabandar—Two Years after—Sad Fate
of a Party of Adang Muruts—Murder by Orang Kaya Gomba—
Head-hunting—Heads valued, but none seen—Incident of
meeting Head-hunters—No Treacherous Designs—Inefficient
Government—Desecration of the Graveyards—Chinese Secret
Societies, or Hués—Ahtan joins one—Robbery of the Iron Chest
from the Consulate—The Sultan’s Method of extorting a
Confession—Obstinacy of Ahtan—Officers of the Secret Society
—Chest restored—Prisoners released—The Hué broken up—
Treatment of Prisoners—Musa and the Priest—Threats—
Personal Regard for some of my Followers.

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