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Managing Roles of Husband, Wife and Children

Learning Objectives:
As you go through this lesson, you are expected to:

 Identify the duties and obligations of spouses with issues on role reversal
 Discuss the roles of children in traditional Filipino family
 Identify the ways of resolving conflicts in marriage


 A healthy marriage requires work and effort. The role of a husband is as
important as that of a wife. And, the role of a husband is as important as that of a
wife. There are set duties and responsibilities for the husband and wife. It helps
make things easier. Previously, the man was the breadwinner and the woman were
the caregiver. However, today, a man and woman can take each other’s roles and
maintain a peaceful marriage. If you are married or are about to get hitched, it is
best to know what the role of a husband is. It will help you set your expectations
and prevent unwanted arguments. Read on to learn more about the role of a
husband in a successful marriage.

What Is the Husband’s Role In A Marriage?

 Did you know that the origin of the word ’husband’ comes from ’house band,’
which means a person who holds the house together? The role of the husband in a
marriage was to be the protector or guardian of the house. Contrary to this, a
husband today is a 50% partner in a marriage. Earlier, the entire household
depended on the man to bring in money and food and protect the wife and
children. He was portrayed to be the ’savior’ and everyone wanted a strong

 However, in the world we are living in today, the role of a husband, while largely
remaining the same, has seen some modifications as women have taken
ownership of their share of 50% in the marriage. Most religious books, like the
Bible, the Vedas, and the Quran, mention that a man must respect and love his
wife. In spite of this status given to women, marriage was largely dominated by
the husband in the earlier days. This still happens in many cultures and countries
across the world where men demand a family from their wives and look down on
their wives as child-bearers and rearers.
 The primary role of a husband in a marriage is to love his wife
unconditionally and unselfishly. The husband is often looked at as the rock-solid
support in a family and someone a wife can lean on in her difficult times. No
matter the era or age, the husband in the marriage is always the stronger,
masculine, and less emotional individual of the two.
 When a husband loves his wife truly and wholly, respect and honor follow almost
immediately. Earlier, women were thought of as the weaker sex, and husbands
took it upon themselves to ensure their wives’ safety and protection. Today, a
husband walks hand in hand with his equally strong wife. This is the key to a
successful marriage in today’s times.

Roles And Responsibilities Of A Husband

 The role of a husband goes beyond providing for his family or running it with the
money he earns. The main duty or responsibility of a husband is to be a good one
and have a genuine involvement in the family. Here are some roles and
responsibilities of a husband in marriage:

Be a leader: When you are a leader you automatically know how to take charge of the
house. There is a natural flow of things and ideas. And, a good leader knows the way,
goes the way, and shows the way. But, remember not to be bossy.

Protect her: This is your prime responsibility. You must protect your wife from all
dangers, and violence – both physical and mental. She must feel secure in your presence
and not otherwise.

Love unconditionally: The best way to love unconditionally is to ensure that you satisfy
her emotionally. Assure her, let her know that you respect her, love her, and value her,
and also show these in your actions.
Fulfill needs: The primary needs (food, shelter, clothing) have to be fulfilled. Besides,
understand if she has any other needs and meet them. She will have different needs at
various stages of her life.

Be patient: Wives can ’nag’ and go overboard sometimes, but she has your well-being at
the top of her mind. Accept her as she is, and if you do not like something about her,
check why it is bothering you and let her know subtly instead of criticizing her upfront.
Don’t dislike her for small things. Instead, focus on the positive things that you like in
her. Being a little patient can go a long way in cementing your relationship.

Be available: You vowed to be there for her and love her in sickness and health. That
precisely sums up your responsibility. Do not leave her to deal with her problems all
alone. Make her know that you are there for her no matter what the problem is. Your
presence will give immense strength to her.

Have a good behavior: Be a gentleman and show it in your behavior. The way you talk
or address a situation speaks miles about you. Also, remember that if you have children,
then they will learn from your behavior. So, don’t involve yourself in calling names,
criticizing, yelling, or abusing your wife.

Spend some us-time: A good husband will do more than just provide for the family. You
should spend some quality time with your wife by taking her out, talking to her, and
sharing your goals and dreams.

Involve: Get into a habit of being actively involved. Be it grocery shopping, gardening,
cleaning the house, or settling accounts – involve yourself in all the activities. This takes
away a substantial burden off your wife.

Take her opinion: You should consult her in all the decisions, big or small. By doing so
you show her that she is important and her opinion is valuable to you.
Responsibilities will always be there. They tend to increase or decrease depending on the
situation and phase you are in.

Roles And Responsibilities of Wife

 The woman is wise who knows that her role as a wife is one of vast responsibility,
and she is ready for God to show her how to be the kind of wife He wants her to
be. She recognizes God’s principles for a happy, lasting marriage and learns to
apply them.

1. A wife must be able to share herself with her husband and the rest of the family. She
may have hobbies and interests, but family comes first. The husband needs to know that
she’s there for him when he comes home from work. He needs to be assured that the
family will come first. He should never feel guilty about working hard to support his
family or spending extra hours at his office to achieve a business objective. Even if he
could win the lottery and never have to work.

2. The wife is the mother and caregiver of the family. This position makes her more
responsible in taking care of the family. For a husband, he needs to have a strong capacity
for listening and thinking things through because if she cannot solve simple problems, it
could lead to a lot of hardship for their family.

3. The duty of a wife lies in her husband and her family. A wife is the greatest gift of God
to humanity. Therefore, the husband and the children must be attached to her such that
they should not get lonesome at any moment. She is also the mother of the whole family.
She brings up the children with affection and dedication. Further, she works hard to keep
her family financially comfortable.

4. Assisting and supporting the husband in bringing up the children is one of the wife’s
great duties. She should never even let an opportunity slip by without impressing on her
children what a blessing it is to be brought up under their father’s loving care.

5. Being a wife is not just a job. It’s a role. It’s an ongoing assignment with daily
practices and assignments that you put forth and grows as you do it. Every day I am
amazed at the power of love and how much it can affect people. I truly believe that there
is no greater gift than the one we give each other every day. My hands are full of laundry,
but my heart is full of love for you!

6. Being a wife is not always as easy as one may think. They have their duties and
responsibilities. The wife has to get ready for her husband’s arrival, preparing dinner,
take care of children, and there are more. The following are some of the important
roles of the wife.

7. (wife duty) A wife should be honest with her husband. Be it in words, looks, or deeds.

8. Wives are the backbone of a happy family; without them, there is no family. Their
support, loyalty, and love keep it going. The duties of a wife are many, some given to her
automatically by her husband and others that she assumes voluntarily. However, in every
role she plays, the most important thing she has to bring to the table is love.

8. The role of a wife is very important in the life of the family because she is the one who
plays the half role of mother and another part of a father to their husband as well. A wife
can keep herself away from everything when it comes to the matter of family.
9. There are certain roles that the wife is supposed to play, and the wives are expected to
fulfill such roles without any objection. The wife’s duty is clearly defined in the Vedic
scripture “Atha Brahma Thu, Vipra bahudha vadanti,” which means that a brahmana
must become alter of his family while a vipra is one who enjoins good deeds and a
ksatriya himself to rule the country.

11. The wife’s major duty in a family unit is to take care of all the children, clean the
house, cook, and make sure her husband is satisfied. A wife should always keep the
welfare and interest of the family first and foremost in her heart.

12. The women are the queens in the family. Can be mother or wife, she will be loved
and protected by all family members. Her duty is to prepare food for her beloved husband
and son every day. She should keep her house tidy and tidy; her husband does not like to
spend a lot of time on this matter. She also needs to teach their sons how to learn from
their father, love his father. The sons should respect the mother because she gave birth to
them and raise them till young age.

13. First and foremost, a wife is that an individual’s duty of love as well as of
commitment. A wife is a lover and a friend who tends to the family’s needs. She must be
a role model for her children; also, she should make her husband feel loved; she is his
equal, not superior in any way. Also, the wife must be understanding, patient, as well as
honest with her husband. She must support her husband without question, not give him
any reason to doubt her.

14. A good daughter-in-law is the one who is loving and caring, does not mind her in-
laws and respects them, takes care of her husband’s parents by doing household chores,
shopping for them, cooking for them, and attending to their medical needs like giving
medications on time, etc., It is also her duty to be there with them emotionally when

15. Wife is our first friend in the family; wives should know how to discuss, comfort, and
solve family problems. A wife must know to discuss with other families, a wife must
know good behavior to children. The nanny should teach the babysitter about some

16. A wife’s role is not always a comfortable one; it requires sacrifice and dedication.
Without making these sacrifices and commitments, the husband would be lost. No
marriage can be perfect unless there is an effort from both sides to make the marriage
work. Here are some of the roles of a good wife which she must perform.

 Role reversal is a situation in which two people have chosen or been forced to
exchange their duties and responsibilities so that each is now doing what the other
used to do. men who have undertaken the most extreme role reversal and become

 A situation in which two people exchange their usual duties or positions.

 Couples are experimenting with role reversal, which is a fun and interesting trend.
Role reversal occurs when you and your partner switch your conventional roles
and routines in your relationship. Gender stereotypes have nothing to do with role
reversal. It has to do with changing roles in your relationship.
1. If he usually takes care of the kids, now it’s her turn.
2. If she heads to the gym every day after dinner, he tries it out.
3. If he makes breakfast in the morning, she’s got control over the frying pan.
4. If she always goes to the kid’s after-school activities, now he goes (or better yet,
both parents attend!)

Importance of setting ground rules

 Healthy role reversal needs some planning and may significantly disrupt your
routines, so it's critical to establish some ground rules before you begin.
1. Set a time limit
Discuss how long you want to undertake a role reversal and perhaps set a time limit.
2. Schedule regular check-in session
It's also vital to arrange regular check-in sessions to explain how you're feeling, whether
you're uncomfortable or enjoying what you're doing.
Note: When done correctly, role reversal may add excitement to your relationship,
develop an emotional relationship, and generate much-needed empathy in your marriage.

Here are 6 benefits to swapping spots with your spouse.

1. Banish Relationship Boredom
 One of the first, and maybe most superficial, reasons to try role reversal is to
alleviate any relationship monotony.
You probably couldn't get enough of each other when you first met. Perhaps you s
till can't! But one thing that never changes is how at ease you are together.
 Being at ease in a relationship is beneficial because it allows for open and honest
communication. But there's something about first date butterflies and the
excitement of a new relationship that we all miss after a while.
 With role reversal, you accept the new aspect of your personality and begin
pursuing new hobbies and ambitions. This can make your partnership feel fresh
and exciting, banishing any monogamy blues you may be experiencing in a long-
term relationship.
2. Embrace Your Masculine and Feminine Sides
 Everyone has both a masculine and feminine side, but it doesn't mean we prefer
one over the other. Exploring role reversal will let you delve into your least used
side and reveal something new about yourself.
 Being the big spoon or making the first move to kiss or cuddle has a novelty value
for women that will make your relationship feel fresh again. Taking the initiative
can also enhance your confidence and empower you in other aspects of your life.
 Reversing your physical duties in the relationship can be a soothing vacation for
guys. You get to be catered to, have your spouse openly show their adoration, and
you can even use it to be more open and vulnerable.
3. Role Reversal Breeds Appreciation and Empathy
 Being on the other side of the fence is a great eye-opener for spouses and can
even increase empathy and understanding.
 Knowing what your partners does on a daily basis makes you more attentive to
their struggles and increases intimacy and emotional support.
 This is fantastic because research indicates that emotional support is an essential
component of a good marriage and can help spouses weather the various storms
of marriage.
4. If Anything Should Happen to You…
 Have you ever considered how your spouse might react if you had to leave town
for a few weeks? Or even whether they'd be able to care for themselves if
something happened to you? Many wives are concerned that if they leave, their
husbands will live in filth and eat takeout every day.
 Husbands may be concerned that their wives will be unable to repair appliances
or care for some of the more labor-intensive tasks around the house. One of the
most enjoyable aspects of attempting role reversal is that you can put these
anxieties to rest
 If a husband takes on what were traditionally regarded to be conventional
feminine tasks (cleaning the house, caring for the children, doing the laundry, and
cooking), he will be completely competent in handling the home front if he is
separated from his wife.
 Similarly, a wife who acquires a toolbox and learns how to be Mrs fix-it will be
prepared to handle any home maintenance that arises. These are only a few
instances, but there are other methods to broaden your abilities and thoughts by
reversing roles with your partner.
5. Explore a Different Side of Parenting
 While you never want to confuse your children about your parenting approaches,
it is sometimes fun for couples to put the shoe on the other foot.
For example, one parent is frequently regarded as the lenient parent, while the other is the
Instead of continually saying no, leave the buck to your partner and occasionally indulge
in the 'fun parent' emotions.

6. Gives You the Best of Both Worlds

 Setting goals is a terrific method to ensure that you are continually improving as a
person, as is attempting role reversal! You get the best of both worlds by always
expanding in new directions. You now understand how to access both your
masculine and feminine ideas and choose which traits to embrace and apply the
most in your life. This not only makes you a better partner and father but also a
better person.
 A good strategy to spice up a relationship is to switch roles. It also encourages
healthy competitiveness and increases empathy between partners. Dint pinder
whether role reversal is for you; just do it and be the big spoon tonight.


The husband and wife are expected to perform some obligations during the marriage.

Family Code says:

Art. 68. The husband and wife are obliged to live together, observe mutual love, respect
and fidelity, and render mutual help and support.

Art. 69. The husband and wife shall fix the family domicile. In case of disagreement, the
court shall decide.
The court may exempt one spouse from living with the other if the latter should live
abroad or there are other valid and compelling reasons for the exemption. However, such
exemption shall not apply if the same is not compatible with the solidarity of the family.

Art. 70. The spouses are jointly responsible for the support of the family. The expenses
for such support and other conjugal obligations shall be paid from the community
property and, in the absence thereof, from the income or fruits of their separate
properties. In case of insufficiency or absence of said income or fruits, such obligations
shall be satisfied from the separate properties.

Art. 71. The management of the household shall be the right and the duty of both
spouses. The expenses for such management shall be paid in accordance with the
provisions of Article 70.”

Thus, spouses are expected to:

1. live together,
2. observe mutual love, respect and fidelity, and
3. render mutual help and support.
Although spouses are expected to live together, the court may exempt one spouse from
living with the other if the latter should live abroad or there are other valid and
compelling reasons for the exemption.

When any of the parties are psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential
marital obligations of marriage, such incapacity may result to the nullity of the marriage.

In this jurisdiction the husband and wife are obliged to lived together observe love,
mutual respect and fidelity and render mutual help and support.

Procreation- essential in marital obligation, that procreation of children through sexual

cooperation is the basic end of marriage.

No compulsion – a court cannot validly issue a decision compelling the spouses to live
together….Except for support

Damages for failure to comply with obligations.There can be no action for damages
because of a breach of marital obligation.Hence, if a spouse in bad faith refuses to
comply with his/her obligations, he or she may be held liable under Article 19, 20 and 21.

Can a husband commit rape against his wife? under the Philippine Law, a husband
can be held liable for raping his wife. Art.266-A of the Revised Penal Code, as amended
by R.A. No.8353.
Rape is also an act of violence against a woman, including the wife. Sec. 3 of R.A. 9262,
Anti Violence Against Women and Children Law. By Atoy B. Monteza

Roles of Children in Filipino Family setting

Roles of Children in the Family: A family is a group of people who are either
connected by blood, marriage, or adoption. Children may be related to one another as
family either by blood or adoption, according to this definition. Family is the first and
smallest unit of socialization. In the family, there are certain roles and obligations which
are bequeathed by norms, humanity and culture to each and every member of the family.

These roles cannot perfect themselves alone or inside the family. In other words,
each and every member of the family must fulfill particular tasks that have been allocated
to them by culture, morality, religion, society, or in some other way in order for the
family to feel like a home. The roles of children in the family is a very important and
when the desire for children's duties in the family is not met, it may—and in most
situations, it actually does—affect the atmosphere and the expected warmth of a family

There are two types of families: nuclear and extended. The duties of children are
still relevant to some extent, despite some of the functions being more specific and direct
in the nuclear family. Here are a some of the roles that children can play in the

7 Important Duties and Roles of Children in the Family:

1. Housekeeping:
Housekeeping, in general, refers to the activities of maintaining a home by
carrying out tasks that improve the home's cleanliness and habitability. The children have
a direct responsibility to ensure the cleanliness of the home. Having the mother or father
clean the house when there are kids inside is actually uncultured. Children naturally
complete chores in accordance with their maturity and abilities. There are undoubtedly
some difficult tasks that children should not be expected to complete.

Yes, there are times when children may be too sensitive to complete a task.
Because we mentioned before that the roles in the family cannot be perfected in isolation,
this is where the parental role enters the picture. Children are demonstrated to learn by
imitation, of course. They have little trouble remembering and retaining what their eyes
observe. As they develop, advance, and become proficient at it, they also have a tendency
to adapt to and get used to a particular type of work.

Therefore, when the kids become older and learn how to get around some
household tasks, parents may occasionally—and definitely when the kids are young—be
required to help out. This in no way deprives the kids of their part or duty in maintaining
the home. In actuality, it is their most important duty.

The very act of cleaning helps youngsters adjust psychologically and socially as
they continue to develop and integrate into the world around them. They get managerial
and maintenance skills through practice. Additionally, they pick up the social and
personal skill of neatness. Apart from the fact that it develops their humanity, children in
the household are nevertheless responsible for housework.

2. Duty to Take Care of Siblings:

Children are tasked with looking after their siblings, particularly the younger
ones. This is the phase at which kids start to learn how to be kind to other people in
society, and it also, of course, encourages family love and harmony.

3. Duty to protect and Uphold the Family Image

Children have a responsibility to preserve and uphold the family's reputation. This
is a very delicate job, and it rarely calls for intentional or positive performance. Every
residence typically aspires to a serene atmosphere and an honorable representation. There
isn't a family out there that likes to be called names or associated with bad things. The
children must uphold and defend the family's operational standard, which the parents
must have established.
They have a responsibility to uphold the family's reputation through the behavior
they display at home, in public, and in their interactions with others. The youngsters must
be kind, submissive, polite, and godly. Actually, the family's children serve as the
standard for judging a family's goodness. For the kids, this is a lot of abstract
When making particular decisions or doing specific actions, children are
frequently told to "consider home." The expression "think home" simply implies that
children should take their family's reputation or image into account when making
decisions. Recall that we noted in the opening that the roles played by family members
inside the family cannot perfect the family or be perfected alone.
Every family member is expected to fulfill the roles that have been given to them
by their culture, society, moral code, religion, or other factors. Because of this, it is
actually nearly impossible for parents to carry out this responsibility to keep and protect
the family's reputation when the kids are unconcerned about it. Additionally, the family is
plainly flawed by its failure to perform.

4.Duty to live up to Expectation

Since children uphold the family's reputation when they live up to expectations,
this responsibility coincides with the responsibility to defend and preserve the family's
good name. The kids are supposed to deliver under this heading. In some areas of life,
they are anticipated to develop.
In our society, for example, a child is never heard saying they don't want to
pursue a basic formal education because there is always a willing sponsor, which is the
parents. Additionally, it is anticipated that the kids would do well in school thanks to
such a willing sponsor. They have a responsibility to achieve good grades. They are
fulfilling the expectation by acting in this way. Underperforming kids are those who fall
short of what would be expected of a growing kid. It goes without saying that the family
would not be pleased with this.

Children's role as a motivator for parents' toil falls under this category as well.
Simply said, motivation is a desire that starts and keeps someone willing to do anything.
It is without a doubt the parents' duty to provide for their children. When there are
children in the household, their existence or their projected existence gives the parents
additional impetus in terms of their financial awareness. When the kids are meeting
expectations, this position will show itself more clearly.

5.Investment by parents
Parents invest in their children. Spending time, money, and effort on anything is
called investing, and it usually has a positive future outcome. Yes, it is the responsibility
of parents to pave the route for their children, guide them through life, give them power,
and invest in their future.
On the other hand, it is the responsibility of the children to develop into a
financial asset for their parents. Here, being an investment implies that they agree to
provide a return on the capital invested in their growth and future. It is expected of
children to be productive, and once they reach a certain level of productivity, it is their
duty to take care of their aging parents. It is crucial that you play this function.

6. Role of sustaining the Family Lineage

Adoption can be made to continue the family lineage in families where there is
only one male child in the family. This illustrates the role of lineage continuation which
is bestowed on the children in a family. Some families go as far as arranging marriage for
the only male child. Family lineage continues when a female child is made to bear
children for the family in her father's house.

7. Duty to Learn
Children in the family are expected to keep learning as they grow up.


 Family member has a different opinions, ideas and beliefs that can result
conflict. Conflict can occasionally arise when the ideas misinterpret into
one another and it develop incorrect judgements. Unresolved conflicts can
result disagreements and anger if the family did not resolved the problems.
Positive and better communication helps to lessen the tension so that
family members can come to a peaceful end after the conflicts.

 It come as no surprise that sharing household responsibilities results a

happier marriage and home. Decreasing family stress will lead to fewer
conflicts. Allowing the families to have more time to engage on the things
they valued.

Common causes of family conflicts

 Learning to live as a new couple: being new into married life has a lot of
adjustments, as a wife you have to know on how to cook, clean, wash
clothes and mostly you have to learn on how to budget the money you
have. Managing the budget is the most difficult responsibility as a wife
because if the allowance gets short your partner will ask you if where you
put those allowances and it causes conflicts and misunderstanding

 Birth of a baby: If the couple is not ready enough to have a baby, this
will cause a big trouble because you need to have a budget to sustain the
needs of your baby. Sometimes as a couple you have to be knowledgeable
about on how to taking care of the baby because if you are not
knowledgeable about this, there’s a tendency that the baby will cause a
disagreements. As a husband you also need to know on how to change the
baby’s diaper and how to make milk because raising a baby is very
difficult if only one parent will take care of the baby.

 Birth of another children: this topic can relate a hundred thousand

Filipino. Family planning is very important when you are planning to have
a child because having a lots of baby is not bad, the bad is you have lots of
baby and you don’t have budget to sustain their needs.

 A child going to school: Educational plan budget of a child is important

as a husband and wife if you have a budget on the education of your child
it lessen the conflicts to the family.

 A child becoming a young person: This is the start on how to spoil your
child, mostly the spoiler in the family is the father. Father thinks that if
they give everything wants of their daughter/son they will be happy and
they become more kind but the real is the child become a spoiled. Mother
don’t want to have a spoiled child.

 A young person becoming adult: In this stage child learn on how to deal
with things and they also know on how to decide by their own and
sometimes it cause a misunderstanding in the family because the parent
thinks that their child is not listening to them since he/she has a own

 Separation and Divorce: if the couples didn’t work but still have a child.
The child affects the divorce and separation of his/her parent.

 Changes in the financial circumstances: every family needs to become

financially stable but sometimes there’s emergency, payment and bills that
needs to pay and it affects the financial circumstances that drives into

 Tiredness of travelling long distance to work: parent also needs a care

from their child especially when the parents is working. As a child, there’s
household chores needs to finish before the parents come home after work.
Because the child didn’t finish his or her duty it can cause a disagreement
inside their home.

Agreeing to negotiate
Usually, our first angry impulse is to push the point that we are right and win the
argument at any cost. Finding a peaceful resolution can be difficult, if not impossible,
when both parties stubbornly stick to their guns. It helps if everyone decides as a family
to try listening to each other and negotiating instead.

Suggestions include:
 Work out if the issue is worth fighting over.
 Try to separate the problem from the person.
 Try to cool off first if you feel too angry to talk calmly.
 Keep in mind that the idea is to resolve the conflict, not win the argument.
 Remember that the other party isn’t obliged to always agree with you on
 Define the problem and stick to the topic.
 Respect the other person’s point of view by paying attention and listening.
 Talk clearly and reasonably.
 Try to find points of common ground.
 Agree to disagree

Try to listen
Conflict can escalate when the people involved are too angry to listen to each
other. Misunderstandings fuel arguments. Suggestions include:

 Try to stay calm.

 Try to put emotions aside.
 Don’t interrupt the other person while they are speaking.
 Actively listen to what they are saying and what they mean.
 Check that you understand them by asking questions.
 Communicate your side of the story clearly and honestly.

1. Try to stay calm - Stop what you're doing. If you're already feeling stressed stop
arguing with your partner. Sometimes, even taking a few seconds before you head back
into the situation can be enough to help you cool down.

2. Try to put emotions aside - In order to express our anger the right way, we need to find
ways to calm ourselves to avoid outbursts.

3. Don’t interrupt the other person while they are speaking - Interrupting tells the person
speaking that you don't care what they have to say. You think that your voice is more
important, or don't have time to really listen to them. It can even make it seem that you
weren't really listening properly at all and were just waiting for your moment.

4. Actively listen to what they are saying and what they mean - Active listening is a
pattern of listening that keeps you engaged with your conversation partner in a positive

5. Check that you understand them by asking questions - asking the right questions can
help you progress your connection.

6. Communicate your side of the story clearly and honestly - Probably the most
important thing you can bring to your communication with your partner is honest

* HarperCollins.(2022). Citation. In Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved August 17, 2022, from
* HarperCollins.(2022). Citation. In Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved August 17, 2022, from

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