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Persuasive Text
(Grade 10)

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Cooperating Teacher
I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Identify ideas related to the topic through the activity entitled, “Persuade me”,
b. Justify the importance of writing Persuasive text through analyzing situational purposes;
c. Display understanding through writing persuasive text.

II. Subject Matter

Persuasive Text
 PowerPoint presentation
 Video
 Speaker
 TV
 Laptop
 Serrano-Lapid (2018). English Communication Arts and Skills through world literature 10
Value Statement:
 Accurate and purposive words is like a man that is firm, responsible and trusted

III. Procedures

Teachers Activity Students Activity

I-A. Preparatory Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom management

A. Motivation

Last meeting I have asked you to prepare a short

advertisement and bring your own product.

So today we are going to have an activity which is

called “Persuade me!”

The mechanics of this activity is that you are

going to make a short advertisement about a
certain product that you have brought today.

So we have three presenter and I hope the Yes ma’am it’s clear!
instruction is clear.

That’s good! Let’s start!

Now the first presenter, please come in front and
please present your advertisement.
Yes ma’am!
(Three groups will present their advertisement)
Now after presenting your short advertisement I
have a question. Do you think you were able to
persuade me to buy your product? Yes ma’am we think that we were able to
persuade you
That’s good! But how effective is your
advertisement? Have you state the benefits?

Group 1, what is your product?

Now what makes you think you have persuade Our product is Purified water ma’am
me? Maybe, there’s pictures ma’am
Because purified water is refreshing and we
have stated that it is a hundred percent pure
without any chemicals.
Excellent! Now how about the other groups?
Same ma’am we have stated the benefits of our
Do you think it is important to state the benefits products! And also we stated evidences.
to persuade a person?
Yes ma’am because that is the only way to grab
That’s a great answer! their interest!
B. Presentation of Discussion
Yes ma’am/No ma’am it is not familiar to us
You persuaded me through an advertisement so
after the activity. What do you think is our topic
for today? Where in you need to convince other
people, through stating the benefits and
evidences? It is about persuasive ma’am!

Correct! It’s about persuasive or to make it

specific we are going to discuss about persuasive

C. Discussion

Before anything else what is Persuasive?

As a student how can you define Persuasive?
Can you think one word that relates to
persuasive? Persuade ma’am!

Yes we have persuade! Other ideas?

Get the interest ma’am!

Yes that is also one! When we are persuading we

are also getting the interest of our readers or
audience! It is narrator ma’am

Next other ideas?

Convince ma’am

Excellent answer! So base on the words we have

come up what do you think is persuasive text?
Persuasive text ma’am is a text that tries to
Exactly! Persuasive text is more on persuading, convince other people!
getting the attention and also most importantly,
it tries to convince its audience or readers to
believe a certain point of view or beliefs.

Are we clear with that?

Yes ma’am it is clear.
That’s good! Now let’s proceed to the purpose of
persuasive text. And do you have any ideas about
its purpose?
Maybe ma’am to convince people to buy a
Yes, it can be especially for those businessmen product and to have greater income?
but just like human beings persuasive text also
have its own purpose and goals but it is not only
to convince other people and gain profit.

First, we have? Please read.

When we say support a cause what comes to your Support a cause.
The text is supporting a certain topic ma’am!
Yes, that’s great! Because persuasive text tries to
support a certain side or reason. It can be
negative or positive. You are now trying to
become an advocate of your own belief and
Next, we have? Urge people to action

When hear the word urge what comes to your It is also an act of convincing ma’am

Yes that’s correct! So Persuasive text convince

people to do an action about a certain cause,
issue, problem and situation. Persuasive text
convince us to act, and implement or apply a
solution. Yes ma’am it is important to create action!
Do you think it is important to put actions to a
certain problem? To solve it ma’am because the more time you
spent on not doing an action the more it will be
Why? difficult to solve!

Yes! Clearly it’s correct. We need to act for

example I am an advocate of persuading the
nature and environment! After support a cause
or side which is to promote love for nature
therefore it is a time to convince people to make
an action. Yes ma’am we understand!

Do you understand?
Yes ma’am we can create change!
Good! Next, we have make a change. Now do you
think after convincing a person you can also create
change? In a way that we can convince them to make a
solution and from that they can change their
In what way? situation, habits or the society.

Exactly! Because after urging them to act this

actions will create an impact! Prove something wrong

Next, we have? Yes ma’am in a way that it shows evidences/ No

ma’am we don’t know
Now, do you know how can persuasive text prove
that something is wrong? And if yes then how?

Yes! Persuasive text, shows evidences that

something is wrong for example again I am an
advocate of preserving nature so, I will definitely
show evidences about the cause of our wrong
actions against mother nature. In that way I can
prove that something is wrong and we need a
solution or action. Yes ma’am to urge an action and to create
realization and solution.
So again do we need to prove that something is

Definitely it’s correct! Stir up sympathy

Next, purpose is? Sympathy ma’am is pity.

What is sympathy class?

Yes! It is pity that relates to our conscience. But No ma’am we don’t have any idea
do you have any idea how persuasive text create
or stir up sympathy?

Okay, persuasive text class. Create sympathy in a

way it grabs the emotion and conscience of its
audience for example, I want my readers or
audience to stop destroying nature. I will provide I felt sad ma’am because it was very hard to
a situation. Where in a father is crossing the imagine that they are suffering.
flood while holding his baby. From that sentence
what have felt? Destroying nature ma’am!

And from that realization, you were convince to?

Exactly! And that’s the power of persuasive text!

Just like in business ma’am through convincing
Another purpose is create interest. we are able to create interest. Or maybe through
In what way? Do you have any idea? persuasive we are able to get the attention and
interest of a person.

Yes! You have the idea because persuasive text

create interest. It can give you an idea about
something that leads to new discovery, new Yes ma’am it’s clear
hobbies and new thrill to dig more, to know
more and to create more good actions. Are we
clear with that? Get people to agree with you

Lastly, we have? Because sometimes ma’am we are trying to

convince them to do good things.
Why do we need people to agree to us?

Very good! Remember class that if you want

other people to agree to your beliefs and words.
Make sure that you are honest and make sure
that your words and beliefs are good and
beneficial not only to yourself but also for the
others. So Persuasive text convince other people
and let them realize something which makes
them agree to a certain belief or point of view.

Now, how do we write a persuasive text?

This are the following parts of persuasive text:
Introduction, body and conclusion. First paragraph ma’am!

When we say introduction is it in the first Maybe because it introduces the topic ma’am
paragraph? In the middle? Or last paragraph? just like how we write an essay.
Yes! And why do think so?
Exactly! And introduction not only introduce the
topic but it is also has the power to pull the Because written works contains information
audience. Its serves as a hook. Where in fact you ma’am.
should write your introduction creatively. You
can use questions, quotes and etc.

For example, I am an advocate of preserving

nature. I would start my persuasive text like this:
How does it feel to wake up and breathe fresh
air? How does it feel to see the birds singing a
song in your garden? To feel the cold and clean
water in your skin? Do you feel it? Or is it Yes ma’am it is effective!
Because it makes the readers ask themselves
Do you think it is effective? more. In a way it can also get the attention of
the readers telling them to read more.

Very Good, and aside from that the act of

questioning can let the readers imagine. They
can compare and contrast ideas. Let them realize Body ma’am!
some problems that needs solution.

After the introduction we have the?

That’s right! We have the body and where can we

found the body in an essay or written text?
It contains the main point of the topic ma’am
Yes that’s correct! and also the different ideas or explanations.

And what does the body of a written persuasive

text contains?

Yes it is! It contains explanation and evidences

and organized thoughts that support a certain
topic. The body can contain the disadvantages, Yes ma’am because it serves as a function that
advantages and etc. delivers the ideas and thoughts as well as the
evidences that makes the reader understand a
And do you think a body is important to all certain topic.
written text?

Excellent! Definitely just like our human body,

all the parts we have is important and it plays a
function or role to make us productive. At the end ma’am or at the last part of the
written text.
Lastly, we have the conclusion. So where can we
find the conclusion in a written text? Maybe it contains the ending words ma’am.

It is restudy ma’am and it is part of the history.

Great! So what does conclusion contains? Do you
have any idea?

Nice answer! It really contains the ending words.

It can be a suggestion, conclusion, realization Yes, ma’am it is important to have conclusion.
and learnings. Because it will give the suggestion that a reader
So, do you think it is important to have can use in his/her daily life.

Yes, you have a point and also aside from that

you can closure to your written text or you can
also drive your readers to seek more, act
according to your belief and make change
according to their realization.

D. Generalization

Now, what have you learned from the I learned about persuasive text, its purpose as
discussion? well as its parts.

I learned about the importance of writing

Yes, very good! How about the others? ma’am. I learned that in writing persuasive text
we are creating change and we are able to
That’s right! convince a person to believe.

When we write a persuasive text we consider our So that they will seek to read our text ma’am.
audience or the needs and interest of our
readers. Why do you think so?

Yes! Because through that we can create a text

which is related to their needs, experience and
level of thinking.

Last question, do you think persuading a person Yes ma’am because it will help to solve a certain
is important in real life situation? problem.

Correct but what traits should you possess when I think we need be honest and trustworthy.
you are persuading a person?

Thank you for sharing, that’s true! Before

persuading a person make sure you also apply
your belief, you serve as a role model and you
have those good traits of telling the truth and
being responsible and trustworthy. Because we
all know actions speak louder than words. But
remember actions with words is the loudest.
Yes ma’am!
Are we clear with that?

Yes, you are and be proud of it!

IV. Evaluation
Teachers Activity Students Activity

Now prepare a one whole sheet of paper

and make a title and a short introduction
of persuasive text about the importance
of education
Content: 10%
Relevance: 5%
Organization: 5%
Is the instruction clear? Yes ma’am!
(The student will do the task)

V. Assignment

This will be done individually, You will create your own Persuasive text or persuasive speech.
And you are expected to perform it inside the classroom.
30% content
50% Overall performance
20% originality


Number of students at the mastery level

Number of students that needs


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