Philippine Administrative System

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Philippine Administrative System: Empowering Communities

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Philippine Administrative System: Empowering Communities

The Philippine Administrative System (PAS) is the framework that governs the

operations and functions of the government in the Philippines. It is a complex network of

institutions policies and procedures that work together to ensure the delivery of public

services and the implementation of government programs. Understanding the various parts of

the PAS is crucial in comprehending how power is derived and used to serve the public and

empower communities.

At its core the PAS consists of three main branches: the executive legislative and

judicial. The executive branch headed by the President is responsible for enforcing laws and

implementing government policies. The legislative branch composed of the Senate and the

House of Representatives creates and passes laws. The judicial branch led by the Supreme

Court interprets laws and ensures their constitutionality.

Additionally the PAS includes various administrative agencies and local government

units (LGUs) that assist in the implementation of policies and programs. These agencies and

LGUs have their own specific functions and jurisdictions allowing for decentralization of

power and decision-making.

Power in the PAS is derived from both formal and informal sources. Formal sources

of power include the Constitution laws and legal frameworks that provide the basis for

governance. The Philippine Constitution for instance outlines the structure of the government

and the rights of its citizens. Laws enacted by the legislature further define the powers and

responsibilities of different government entities.

Informal sources of power on the other hand stem from personal relationships social

networks and cultural norms. Patronage politics for example plays a significant role in the

Philippine context. Personal connections and alliances often influence decision-making


processes and the distribution of resources. While informal power can lead to corruption and

favoritism it can also be harnessed to mobilize communities and address local concerns.

The PAS utilizes its power to serve the public and empower communities through the

delivery of public services and the implementation of development programs. The

government provides essential services such as healthcare education infrastructure

development and social welfare. It also formulates policies to address societal issues such as

poverty inequality and environmental degradation.

To empower communities the PAS encourages citizen participation through

mechanisms such as people's organizations community-based organizations and participatory

governance. These mechanisms aim to involve citizens in decision-making processes

ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are addressed. Through community

empowerment the PAS seeks to promote inclusivity social justice and sustainable


In conclusion the Philippine Administrative System is a multi-faceted framework that

encompasses various branches agencies and LGUs. It derives power from both formal and

informal sources which influence its operations and decision-making processes. By utilizing

this power the PAS serves the public and empowers communities through the provision of

public services and the implementation of development programs. Understanding the

components and functions of the PAS is vital in fostering good governance social progress

and community empowerment.



1. Abueva, J. V., & De Guzman, R. P. (2006). Foundations and dynamics of Filipino

government and politics. Ateneo University Press.

2. Carandang, V. A., & Carandang, M. L. (2018). The Philippine administrative system:

Structure and processes. Central Book Supply, Inc.

3. Philippine Constitution. (1987). Retrieved from


4. Sabillo, K. (2019). The Philippine Judicial System: Structure and Processes. Retrieved



5. Tan, S. K. (2018). The Philippine administrative system and decentralization: A case

study. International Journal of Public Administration, 41(13), 1088-1099.

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