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MED–LED – 211


Topic: What are the Social Principles?

The Methodist Social Principles and Jesus' teachings in Matthew 25:31-46 share a common emphasis on social
justice, compassion, and caring for the marginalized. However, there are some nuanced differences between
them. The Methodist Church has developed a set of Social Principles that guide its members in addressing
societal issues and promoting justice. These principles encompass various topics such as the worth of individuals,
the importance of community, and the call to work towards a more just society. The principles reflect the
Church's understanding of the teachings of Jesus and seek to apply them in contemporary contexts. While, Jesus'
teachings in Matthew 25:31-46: In this passage, known as the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, Jesus speaks
about the final judgment and highlights the importance of compassionate action towards those in need. He
emphasizes that when we care for the hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick, and imprisoned, we are doing it unto
Him. Jesus presents these acts of love and mercy as essential to inheriting eternal life.

Both the Methodist Social Principles and Jesus' teachings in Matthew 25:31-46 share a concern for addressing
social inequalities, promoting justice, and caring for those who are marginalized. They call upon believers to
engage in acts of love and compassion towards others.

The intent of the Methodist Social Principles is to provide a framework for addressing societal issues and
promoting justice based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. They serve as a guide for Methodists to understand
their faith in action, shaping their approach to social, economic, and political matters. When it comes to
practicing Social Principles is important for several reasons:

a) Faith in action: The Social Principles encourage Methodists to translate their faith into action by actively
working for social justice and serving those in need. By practicing the principles, believers can live out the love of
Christ in practical ways and be agents of positive change in the world.

b) Promoting human dignity: The Social Principles affirm the worth and dignity of every individual, reflecting the
belief that all people are created in the image of God. By practicing these principles, individuals can actively work
towards creating a society where every person is respected, valued, and given equal opportunities.

c) Building a just society: The Social Principles guide Methodists in advocating for and working towards a more
just society. By addressing systemic issues such as poverty, discrimination, and inequality, believers can
contribute to the creation of a world that reflects God's kingdom, where justice and fairness prevail.

d) Following the example of Jesus: Jesus' teachings, as reflected in the Methodist Social Principles, call for a life of
compassion, love, and service to others. By practicing these principles, believers align themselves with the
example set by Jesus, who taught and demonstrated the importance of caring for the least of these.

In summary, the intent of the Methodist Social Principles is to guide Methodists in applying their faith to social
issues, while Jesus' teachings in Matthew 25:31-46 emphasize the importance of compassionate action towards
those in need. By practicing Social Principles, individuals can actively live out their faith, promote human dignity,
work towards a just society, and follow the example of Jesus.

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