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MED–LED – 211



Promoting Sustainable Practices: Personal and Teaching Field Actions

Living in harmony with the natural world is an essential principle upheld by the Methodist Church. To align with
this belief, it is crucial for individuals and those in the teaching field to adopt sustainable practices. Here are
some actions to consider:

On a personal level, there are five practices to stop, continue, and start. First, it is vital to stop wasting resources
and using single-use plastics, which harm the environment. Instead, continue recycling, conserving energy, and
supporting sustainable initiatives. These practices not only reduce your ecological footprint but also inspire
others to follow suit. Additionally, start embracing sustainable transportation methods, such as walking or using
public transit, and supporting conservation efforts actively. By taking these steps, you can make a positive impact
on the natural world.

In the teaching field, there are also practices that can be stopped, continued, and started. Firstly, it is crucial to
stop ignoring environmental issues and neglecting the integration of environmental education into the
curriculum. Instead, continue incorporating environmental education across various subjects, encouraging eco-
friendly habits, and engaging students in outdoor activities to foster a connection with nature. Additionally, start
implementing green campus initiatives, such as recycling programs and energy reduction measures, to create a
sustainable learning environment. Moreover, consider involving students in citizen science projects and
promoting curriculum innovation that focuses on environmental awareness and ecological responsibility.

By adopting these practices, both personally and in the teaching field, individuals can actively contribute to the
preservation of the natural world. They can demonstrate their commitment to sustainable living, inspire others to
follow suit and create a positive ripple effect within their communities. Remember, small actions can lead to
significant change, and by aligning with the Methodist Principles about the Natural World, we can promote a
harmonious relationship with our environment and pave the way for a sustainable future.

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