BEAST Character Chart

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BEAST Chart - A technique used to determine a character’s personality. As in all things you should find multiple pieces of evidence to help draw a
Character:__Lord Monatgue__ Evidence From Text Citation Your Conclusion About the Character

B- Behavior: “Lord Montague: "O, where is Romeo? Lines In these lines, Benvolio describes the brawl
saw you him to-day? Right glad I am he 109-110 between the servants of the Montagues and
What he/she does. How do they was not at this fray." Capulets. Lord Montague's immediate
react in situations? What does that Act 1, concern is for the well-being of his son,
show the reader? Scene 1 Romeo. He is relieved to hear that Romeo
was not present during the fight. This
demonstrates Lord Montague's care and
worry for his son's safety, showing that he is
attentive to Romeo's activities and emotional

E- Effect on Others: Capulet: “My sword, I say! Old Montague Act 1, Lord Montague is one of the patriarchs
is come, And flourishes his blade in spite Scene 1 involved in the feud with the Capulets. This
How do others feel and react to the of me.” feud has a significant impact on the behavior
character? Is the character Montague: “Thou villain Capulet! Hold Lines 70- of other characters, especially those within
admired, feared, respected? me not. Let me go.” 75 the two families. It fuels the conflict that
erupts in the opening scene and continues to
influence the decisions and actions of
characters throughout the play.

A- Actions: “Sampson: “Draw, if you be Lines 55- Lord Montague is involved in the
men.~Gregory, remember thy washing 60 longstanding feud between the Montagues
What does the character do and blow. They fight “ and the Capulets. The play opens with a
how does he/she behave? “Benvolio: “(draws his sword) Part, fools! Act 1, street brawl between the servants of the
Put up your swords. You know not what Scene 1 Montague and Capulet households, and Lord
you do.” Montague is present during this conflict. His
“Tybalt: “What, art thou drawn among participation underscores the deep-seated
these heartless hinds? Turn thee, animosity between the two families.
Benvolio. Look upon thy death.”

S- Speech: Lord Montague is an active participant in Act 1, Lord Monatgue acts as a concerned father,
the feud between the Montagues and Scene 1 fued participant and a possible peace maker
What does the character do and the Capulets. His involvement in the
how does he/she behave? street brawl in Act 1, Scene 1, highlights
the intensity of the conflict and the deep-
seated animosity between the two

T- Thoughts/Feelings/Desires: Lord Montague: "Thou villain Capulet!— Act 1 Montague inquires about Romeo's well-
Hold me not, let me go." Scene 1 being, and his participation in the feud with
What are the characters true the Capulets indicates a deep-seated
thoughts and motivations? animosity that extends beyond his personal

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