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1- Read the text:

Technology Club Open Day:

Come to the Technology Club Open Day on 3rd June! You can learn

about exciting, modern technology. A lot of children visited the club's

open day last year. Some children used the internet and played games

on our new tablets. It was a fun day for everybody.

Now answer T (true) or F (false):

a) The Technology Club Open Day is on 3rd August. _____

b) You can learn about modern technology. _____

c) A lot of old people visited the club. _____

d) Some children used the internet. _____

e) The children didn't play video games. ____

2- Read and write the correct COMPARATIVE form.

a) The iPhone is _____________ (EXPENSIVE) than the new Samsung phone.

b) A tablet is _____________ (CHEAP) than a computer.

c) Playing video games is ____________ (EASY) than playing chess.

3- Read and write the correct SUPERLATIVE form.

a) This is the _____________ (BORING) board game.

b) Super Car is the _____________ (DIFFICULT) video game..

c) Math is the ____________ (EASY) subject at school.

4- Write the correct form of the verb in PAST SIMPLE.

a) I _______________ (VISIT) my grandma last week.

b) My dad _______________ (GO CAMPING) last weekend.

c) My sister _______________ (NOT WEAR) a hat yesterday.

d) I ______________ (FIND) some flowers in the park last month.

e) Juliet ______________ (SEE) a lion at the zoo last week.

f) Louis ______________ (NOT TRAVEL) by ferry yesterday.

5- Answer the following questions:

a) Did you travel by hot-balloon?

b) Did you walk to school?
c) Did your brother climb a mountain?
d) Did your sister play chess?

6- Read and circle the correct option:

a) Five years ago I could / couldn’t send texts. ✓

b) 30 years ago my grandad could / couldn’t send emails. X

c) We must / mustn’t shout in the museum. X

d) You must / mustn’t run around in the classroom. X

e) I must / mustn’t listen to my teacher. ✓

f) Six years ago I could / couldn’t speak Chinese. ✓

7- Read and complete with BE GOING TO:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Kevin ✓ ✓ X

Linda X ✓

A) On Monday Kevin ____________________ learn about planets.

B) On Tuesday Linda ____________________ make a sculpture.

C) On Wednesday Kevin ___________________ go on a tour.

D) On Thursday Linda ____________________ copy a painting.

E) On Friday Kevin __________________ go to the museum.

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