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Procedia CIRP 107 (2022) 264–269

55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems

Machine Learning based Cost Prediction for Product Development in

Mechanical Engineering
Christoph Hennebolda , Kevin Klöpfera , Peter Lettenbauera , Marco Hubera,b,
a Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, Nobelstr. 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
b Institute for Industrial Manufacturing and Management IFF, University of Stuttgart, Allmandring 35, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 711 970-1963; Fax.: +49 711 970-717-1963; E-mail address:

An accurate forecast of the final manufacturing costs in the early product development phase is a key element, especially in mechanical engineer-
ing. An accurate and reliable prediction allows, on the one hand, estimating the economic feasibility and, on the other hand, deriving necessary cost
reductions. It is essential to evaluate and monitor compliance with the cost target initially and throughout the entire development process. Most
cost estimation methods are primarily based on simple heuristic and statistical approaches that provide only limited accurate predictions in the
early development phase. Sufficiently precise cost estimations, especially for customer-specific developments, are only possible in the late phase
of the development process using finely parameterized models and cost rates at the component level. The supporting use of Machine Learning
(ML) has not yet played a major role in cost estimation in mechanical engineering. Therefore, this article shows the general applicability of ML
for predicting manufacturing costs in mechanical engineering and that even in the early phase of product development, precise predictions with
little known information about the final product are possible. In addition, we present a generic feature set for ML-based cost prediction regarding
machinery. Furthermore, the quality of different created ML models was evaluated based on real data of a mechanical engineering use case, and
high accuracy in predicting manufacturing costs was demonstrated.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Programme committee of the 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Cost Prediction; Mechanical Engineering; Product Development

1. Introduction a company’s performance and effectiveness, as overestimation

can lead to loss of contracts, and underestimation can lead to
Mechanical engineering companies face increasing com- financial losses [23]. Due to the limited information about the
petitive intensity in their industry [5, 27]. Incumbent small final product in the early development phase [13], cost estima-
and medium enterprises (SMEs) must compete with start-ups tion is associated with a high degree of uncertainty [26, 11, 12].
and new global low-cost competitors, meeting essential cus- In summary, the use case of SMEs in mechanical engineering
tomer requirements at a much lower price [7, 33]. These in- sets specific requirements for a suitable cost estimation method:
cumbent SMEs provide technologically sophisticated machines applicability and already high estimation accuracy in the early
marketed according to the “engineer to order” principle. Most product development phase (1); applicability in lot size one de-
customer orders are followed by an adaption and further devel- velopment projects (2); applicability despite a small database
opment of an existing product architecture according to the cus- regarding comparable previous developments (3).
tomer needs. The individual fulfillment of all and very specific Separating approaches for product cost estimation during the
customer requirements is their decisive competitive advantage. development process into qualitative and quantitative methods
Nevertheless, an increasing cost pressure enforces price reduc- [23], there are decisive shortcomings for both groups. Most
tions even for those firms, and they have to deal with smaller quantitative methods require an advanced product design and
profit margins. Accordingly, estimating the final manufacturing a high degree of detailed information about the final product
costs is a decisive process in the early phase of a customer- to be applicable. Qualitative methods are based on an exten-
specific development project. Cost estimation directly affects sive database regarding previous and comparable development
projects. The company’s experience from completed, success-

2212-8271 © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Programme committee of the 55th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems

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Christoph Hennebold et al. / Procedia CIRP 107 (2022) 264–269 265

ful developments is evaluated and related to the current de-

velopment project. This enables cost-referred statements in the
early product development phase. However, the application of
the qualitative methods in the early product development phase
is insufficient for a reliable economic evaluation and for deriv-
ing design decisions [8] in the context of mechanical engineer-
ing SMEs due to a high estimation uncertainty [26, 12].
The article is structured as follows. In Chapter 2, an eval-
uation of widespread cost estimation methods and a review of
cost estimation approaches utilizing artificial intelligence (AI)
techniques is given. In Chapter 3, the ML-based cost prediction
approach is described. In Chapter 4, the procedure and results
of an exemplary application of the proposed approach are pre-
sented. Chapter 5 comprises the discussion of the results and
future research directions.

2. Background

In this chapter, a review of widespread cost estimation meth-

ods and cost estimation approaches utilizing AI techniques is
given. Furthermore, a summary and the need for a novel ap-
proach using ML for predicting manufacturing cost in SME re-
lated mechanical engineering is argued.

2.1. Product cost estimation methods

Various researchers attempted to categorize cost estimation

methods [8, 4, 9]. Niazi et al. (2006) combine multiple ap-
proaches and break down cost estimation methods into quali-
tative (intuitive and analogue) and quantitative (parametric and Fig. 1. Evaluation of the suitability of cost estimation methods for different
analytical) ones [23]. They also classify relevant cost estimation phases of product development based on the systematic of Niazi et al. (2006)
methods according to their proposed systematic. Based on this
classification, the applicability of widespread cost estimation
methods in different product development phases was evaluated ment task. This enables cost estimations in the early and middle
for this work. The necessary division of development projects product development phases. However, qualitative-based cost
into different development phases is based on the framework of estimations are demonstrably subject to enormous uncertain-
Kossiakoff et al. (2020), and structuring into early, middle and ties and prediction tolerance [26, 11, 12]. Niazi et al. (2006)
late phase was chosen [13]. The evaluation result is presented already considered AI-based cost estimation methods and clas-
in Figure 2.1. Methods can be suitable (+), not suitable (-) or sified them as analogical ones [23]. Though, applying these
only applicable under certain conditions (o). Additional rele- methods requires knowledge of product-specific features that
vant cost methods were included, which were assigned to the are available only through advanced product design. Therefore,
software cost estimation (SW) methods [31, 36] and the para- these methods are only applicable in the middle and late devel-
metric methods [9]. The evaluation was built upon various pre- opment phases, unlike most qualitative methods. Nevertheless,
decessor works [23, 9, 31, 36, 14, 21, 28, 19, 18, 25, 34, 2, 16, various researchers have recognised the potential of AI tech-
22, 29, 30, 15]. niques to overcome the high estimation uncertainty of classical
The evaluation of the cost estimation methods carried out qualitative cost estimation methods. A review of relevant ap-
shows that the quantitative methods generally require sufficient proaches is presented in the following.
knowledge of the product-specific characteristics and, in par-
ticular, a small database on previous and comparable develop- 2.2. AI techniques in cost estimation
ment projects. The essential need for product-specific data re-
sults in the predominant applicability of quantitative methods Most of the relevant literature regarding the application of AI
in the middle or late product development phase. Qualitative in cost estimation relates to construction engineering projects.
methods are based on a broad database regarding previous de- Wang et al. (2021) tested artificial neuronal networks (NN) and
velopments, while a smaller set of product-specific data is re- support vector machines (SVM) to predict costs and sched-
quired. The company’s experience from completed, successful ules in the conceptual design phase, based on 92 construction
developments is evaluated and related to the current develop- projects. The prediction accuracy for cost success was 92 % and

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266 Christoph Hennebold et al. / Procedia CIRP 107 (2022) 264–269

for schedule success, 80 % [35]. Ambrule and Bhirud (2017) fore, machine type independent and early known features have
used an NN model for cost prediction of reinforced concrete to be identified, suitable AI techniques have to be determined
buildings, whereas results show 93 % average accuracy with a and small training data sets in SMEs have to be considered.
mean squared error (MSE) of 0.038 [1]. Cao et al. (2018) de-
veloped a multi-layer ensemble learning model for predicting
3. Machine learning based cost prediction
unit price bids for highway rehabilitation projects [6]. The en-
semble learning model shows a mean absolute percentage er-
ror (MAPE) of 7.56. Kim (2013) incorporated Analytical Hi- As shown in Chapter 2.2 a multitude of classical and AI-
erarchy Process and case-based reasoning (CBR). They built a based approaches exist for estimating the manufacturing or con-
reliable cost estimation model for highway projects in South struction costs during the design stage. As already reviewed, the
Korea, resulting in a mean average error(MAE) of 2.76 [16]. use of AI in manufacturing cost prediction has proven feasible
Leśniak and Zima (2018) also used a CBR approach to estimate and advantageous. However, these approaches are not applica-
costs for sports field construction using 16 predictors based on ble in the early development phase in mechanical engineering
143 construction projects. The model shows a final total er- SMEs. There are major differences in features, some of which
ror of 14 % [17]. Other researchers applied regression mod- are very different from those available in mechanical engineer-
els to estimate the cost of road construction [24] or residential ing. These approaches already require a sound knowledge of
construction projects [32] achieving high prediction accuracy. the final product design, which usually is not available in the
Arabzadeh et al. (2018) developed NN, regression and hybrid early development phase. Furthermore, there isn’t a consensus
models for spherical storage tank cost estimation and showed on which AI techniques are best for cost prediction, and NNs
the best result for hybrid NNs [3]. require huge data sets that won’t be available in mechanical en-
There are some works regarding AI techniques in cost esti- gineering SMEs.
mation despite the construction business. For instance, Orlando To address these challenges, a concept of a manufacturing
et al. (2008) successfully developed an NN model for early cost cost prediction is proposed in this chapter, which is applica-
estimation of shell and tube heat exchangers [10]. Loyer et al. ble in the early development phase in mechanical engineering.
(2016) evaluated different statistical models for cost estimation This concept covers aspects, such as a generic feature set and
of jet engines and showed that gradient boosted trees and sup- the creation of a suitable data set. Furthermore, different ML al-
port vector regression are up to two times more efficient than the gorithms are considered and evaluated concerning applicability
ones typically encountered in the literature like Multiple Linear and prediction accuracy.
Regression and NNs [20]. Soyong (2020) applied a deep learn- The creation of a sufficient data set is the first part of the
ing model to estimate the manufacturing cost of mechanical concept. In this regard, selecting suitable features is very im-
components based on 3D models [37]. Due to the monolithic portant here, since they need to be available in the early devel-
and simple character of the components analyzed, the adapt- opment phase. Therefore, a generic feature set is proposed be-
ability of this approach to a complete machine is limited. cause different areas of mechanical engineering may have very
domain-specific features that cannot be applied to all areas of
2.3. State of the art analysis mechanical engineering as a whole. Table 1 shows an overview
of all features used in this proposed approach. On the one hand,
Cost estimation methods, differentiated into quantitative and features were derived from existing cost estimation methods ap-
qualitative methods, are characterized by different suitability plicable in the early development phase, such as the weight and
for specific product development phases. While quantitative dimensions of a machine which are derived from the kilo cost
methods tend to provide precise estimations in the middle and method. On the other hand, features based on early available
late development phases, qualitative methods are already appli- technical data like energy consumption and power supply were
cable at an early development stage. However, qualitative meth- selected.
ods are associated with enormous uncertainty [26, 11, 12]. But The second part of the concept comprises the selection of
especially in the early development phase, reliable cost estima- suitable prediction algorithms. In this regard, different algo-
tion is crucial for SMEs in mechanical engineering, although rithms are considered capable of dealing with small data sets.
detailed knowledge of the final product is not available. AI tech-
niques for cost estimation are established in the scientific liter-
Table 1. Used Features
ature, and preliminary work has shown that AI-based cost es-
timation methods can provide accurate results. However, these Feature Unit of measure Origin
approaches also have shortcomings regarding the applicability {Length, Width, Height} mm Kilo Cost Method
in the early phase of product development in mechanical en- Weight kg Kilo Cost Method
gineering. The bespoken approaches require sufficient knowl- Machine Type {A, B, C, D} technical data
edge about the final “product” like construction plans or de- Power Supply Volt (V) technical data
Energy Consumption kw technical data
tailed 3D models [37]. Consequently, neither the current mod- Performance pcs/h cost function
els nor the specific feature engineering can be directly applied Level of Automation {manual, semi, automatic} software
to the use case of technical complex machinery due to the lack Manufacturing Cost € software
of product-specific data in the early development phase. There-

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Christoph Hennebold et al. / Procedia CIRP 107 (2022) 264–269 267

Therefore, the linear regression (LR), decision tree (DT), ran- Table 2. Cost prediction results.
dom forest (RF), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), and support vec-
Algorithm MAE RMSE
tor regression (SVR) are considered. The prediction accuracy of
those algorithms in the context of the mechanical engineering KNN €672 ±€451 €703 ±€449
use case was tested and compared during validation (cf. Sec- LR €994 ±€625 €1178 ±€801
tion 4.2). The respective results were evaluated by means of the RF €2,675 ±€1,990 €3,073 ±€2,412
SVR €2,711 ±€2,031 €3,042 ±€2,351
MAE and root rean squared error (RMSE) metrics in order to DT €2,742 ±€2,273 €3,232 ±€2,952
be able to compare their applicability and forecasting accuracy.

4. Validation the mean deviation and, second, the effect of possible outliers
on the cost prediction. The calculated error metrics for each
In this chapter, the validation of the proposed ML-based ap- method are shown in Table 4.2.
proach for manufacturing cost prediction presented in Chap- The application of the KNN algorithm results in an MAE of
ter 3 is described. The approach was validated by means of a €672, showing the best prediction accuracy of all compared al-
use case of a mechanical engineering company. In this regard, gorithms, which is due to the property of KNN to average the
a data set was created on the basis of different packaging ma- results of the k-nearest neighbors for decision-making. Even if
chine types from cardboard processing and represent cardboard the predicted manufacturing costs increase, the averaged value
sealing, cardboard erecting, shrinking, and strapping machines leads to a more accurate result. A similar result occurred with
which are respectively abbreviated from A to D in Table 1. First, the LR algorithm, which is slightly higher with a MAE of €994.
the created dataset, correlations in the data and peculiarities in It is noticeable that the DT, RF and SVR algorithms predicted
the used features are described. Based on the created data set, manufacturing costs in a similar range with an MAEs between
the regression algorithms mentioned in Chapter 3 are tested for 2,600 - €2,750 and are also suitable to determine the manu-
their applicability in manufacturing cost prediction. Moreover, facturing costs. It is worth noting that the results of KNN and
the cost prediction results are evaluated using the MAE and LR differ greatly from those of RF, SVR, and DT, forming
RMSE metric two different clusters of algorithms. In this context, observing
the RMSE metric shows the calculated error (deviation) of the
4.1. Dataset model predictions from the target value. It provides additional
information about possible outliers in the predictions, which
The data set consists of 81 data points comprising the negatively affect the computed value. As can also be seen in Ta-
generic features mentioned in Table 1 as well as the manu- ble 4.2, across all algorithms, the calculated RMSE values lie
facturing costs of the respective machines as target. The data close to the manufacturing costs computed in MAE. The RMSE
set was compiled manually in the course of this work and is value of all algorithms is about €200 to €600 higher, which can
based on information from product data sheets and the website be explained with possible outliers in the calculations as previ-
content of the use case company. Occasionally, features of data ously described. The application of the existing test data for the
points were not completely available. To fill in the missing fea- prediction of manufacturing costs has shown that ML can be
tures based on existing data points, an iterative imputer with applied for cost prediction in the field of mechanical engineer-
Bayesian Ridge Regression estimator was utilized. The maxi- ing. However, the very small size and the unbalanced nature
mum number of imputation rounds was set to 10 and missing of the data set is a problem in calculating manufacturing costs.
values were initialized with the computed mean. The manu- The very small amount of training data does not allow the algo-
facturing costs stored in this data set are in a price range be- rithms to reasonably learn the transitions between the price seg-
tween approx. 500–€28,000. The correlation matrix of the cre- ments of different machines. This effect is exacerbated by the
ated dataset in Figure 4.1 shows the correlations of the used unbalanced nature of the data set. It contains machines from a
data. The high correlation between the dimensions and the ma- wide range of price segments, although not every price segment
chine’s weight is not surprising. In addition, depending on the is represented by the same amount of machines. However, in-
size and weight, its power supply also changes, reflected in a creasing the size of the data set with additional data seems very
relatively high correlation. It is also noticeable that the degree worthwhile to improve the predictive accuracy of the methods
of automation of a machine affects its size and therefore also further. Moreover, the enlargement of the database also enables
its weight, whereby the size and thus also the weight increases utilizing deep learning methods, which were not yet considered.
with an increasing degree of automation.

4.2. Evaluation 5. Discussion and Outlook

To validate the applicability of the different regression algo- This article presented a novel and ML-based approach to
rithms for manufacturing cost prediction and to evaluate their predict manufacturing costs of new products during the early
prediction accuracy, they are examined by 10-fold cross val- phase of product development of mechanical engineering SMEs
idation on the metrics MAE and RMSE to investigate, first, comprising a generic feature engineering. Due to that, the ap-

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268 Christoph Hennebold et al. / Procedia CIRP 107 (2022) 264–269

Fig. 2. Feature correlations of the used data set.

proach is generically applicable to different machine types Acknowledgements

(packaging machines, machine tools, etc.). The exemplary ap-
plication of our approach testing different types of ML algo- The authors would like to thank the Baden Wuerttemberg
rithms initially showed good results, whereat the best were Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism for funding
achieved with KNN and LR. A look into existing literature re- this work concerning the projects Center for Cyber Cognitive
veals different shortcomings of machine learning techniques for Intelligence and Center for Frugal Products and Manufacturing
cost estimation purposes in various domains. For instance, NNs Systems
generate inaccurate results with small training dataset, and can-
not handle missing data values [40]. Though using an impu-
tation technique to fill in missing data values, we still don’t
have a large test dataset, which is why we refrained from test- References
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