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The role of type I interferons and other cytokines in dermatomyositis

Ashish Arshanapalli a,1, Mihir Shah b,1, Vindhya Veerula a, Ally-Khan Somani a,⇑
Department of Dermatology, Indiana University School of Medicine, 545 Barnhill Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA
Northeast Ohio Medical University, 4209 SR 44, Rootstown, OH 44272, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Much work has been done to unveil the mechanisms behind the pathogenesis of dermatomyositis (DM) –
Received 31 August 2014 mainly those involving certain pathogenic cytokines, termed ‘‘pathokines’’ as the principal cytokines
Received in revised form 20 November 2014 involved. Recently, it has become clear that a group of cytokines known as type I interferons (IFN-Is) play
Accepted 21 November 2014
a significant role in the development of DM. We review the literature published between 1946 and 2014
Available online xxxx
using an Ovid Medline database search to provide an update on the role of IFN-Is and other cytokines in
the pathogenesis of DM. We provide information about the genes and proteins induced by IFN-Is and
potential mechanisms by which these downstream products relate to clinical disease activity. We also
Type I interferons
explore findings of other autoimmune phenomena that may contribute to disease onset and activity
Pathogenesis including T-helper 17 (Th17) cells and associated interleukins, as well as autoantibodies. Finally, we
Cytokines provide a brief update on current treatment options for DM as well as some new immunomodulatory
Inflammatory myopathy treatment modalities in development.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction phenomenon, ulceration, and livedo reticularis [1]. A thorough

review of systems and physical examination is thus required to
Dermatomyositis (DM) is an autoimmune inflammatory myop- diagnose DM.
athy with characteristic cutaneous findings, distinguishing it from Histopathologic findings of DM include epidermal atrophy,
other autoimmune myopathies such as polymyositis (PM). basement membrane degeneration, vacuolar alteration of basal
Clinically, the myopathy of DM presents symmetrically and keratinocytes, and dermal changes consisting of interstitial mucin
involves the proximal extremities. Cutaneous involvement classi- deposition and a sparse lymphocytic infiltrate [1]. Muscle biopsies
cally includes photodistributed pink to violaceous skin eruptions demonstrate characteristic changes of type II muscle fiber atrophy,
with accentuation over extensor surfaces. The classic ‘‘shawl sign’’ necrosis, regeneration, and hypertrophy with centralized sarco-
is a photodistributed poikiloderma (features of hyperpigmentation, lemmal nuclei. Lymphocytic inflammation in a perifascicular and
hypopigmentation, telangiectasias and epidermal atrophy) or perivascular distribution is characteristic [3].
macular erythema involving the chest, back and upper shoulders, There are several subtypes of DM – the current classification
classically in a ‘‘V’’ shaped distribution [1]. Other characteristic separates it into adult-onset and juvenile-onset. Further subtypes
signs include Gottron’s papules (lichenoid papules overlying the within adult-onset DM include classic DM, classic DM with malig-
knuckles), Gottron’s sign (violaceous discoloration of the knuckles, nancy (especially ovarian cancer or breast cancer in females and
elbows, and/or knees), cuticular dystrophy (Fig. 1), nail fold telan- lung cancer in males), classic DM associated with other connective
giectasias, heliotrope sign (periorbital violaceous discoloration), tissue disorders, and clinically amyopathic DM (including amyo-
eyelid edema (Fig. 2), and facial or malar erythema [1]. Nonsun- pathic or dermatomyositis sine myositis and hypomyopathic DM)
exposed areas are often involved, including the scalp and lateral [1,4]. Juvenile-onset subtypes include classic DM and clinically
thighs (Holster sign) [2]. Extracutaneous manifestations include amyopathic DM [1]. Calcinosis cutis (calcium deposition in the skin
arthritis/arthralgias, dysphagia, and dyspnea with the especially prone to sites of trauma) and ulceration are commonly
development of interstitial lung disease, cardiac complications, associated with juvenile DM [1]. Malignancy risk is increased in
renal disease, gastrointestinal disease, neuropathy, Raynaud’s adult-onset subtypes, with the current prevalence ranging from
7% to 30% [4]. Therefore, it is prudent to rule out an underlying
⇑ Corresponding author at: 545 Barnhill Dr., EH 139, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA. malignancy and undergo routine surveillance with age-appropriate
E-mail address: (A.-K. Somani). malignancy screening in all patients with confirmed DM.
Both authors contributed equally.
1043-4666/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Arshanapalli A et al. The role of type I interferons and other cytokines in dermatomyositis. Cytokine (2014), http://
2 A. Arshanapalli et al. / Cytokine xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. Periorbital features of dermatomyositis. Notice violaceous discoloration

(heliotrope sign) and marked eyelid edema.

as newly published data to evaluate the gaps and uncertainties in

our current understanding of this disease and to discuss other
possible treatments.
Fig. 1. Cutaneous features of dermatomyositis. See lichenoid papules (Gottron’s
papules) overlying metacarpophalangeal (MCP), proximal interphalangeal (PIP), 2. Cytokines in the pathophysiology of DM
and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints. Also observe violaceous discoloration
(Gottron’s sign) and cuticular dystrophy present.
2.1. IFN-Is and their sources

The differential diagnosis of dermatomyositis includes cutane- Interferons (IFNs) are a group of glycoproteins first described for
ous lupus, psoriasis, phototoxic or photodrug eruption, and an their involvement in viral proliferation [16]. Since their discovery,
airborne or allergic contact dermatitis [1]. There can also be over- they have been found to contribute to a variety of immune pro-
lap with other mixed connective tissue diseases. Laboratory testing cesses beyond their anti-viral role including autoimmune diseases
can often aid in the diagnosis of DM. Laboratory markers of muscle [17,18]. Within the IFN family, three specific classes (type I, type
injury include elevations in blood levels of creatine kinase (CK), II, and type III) of IFNs have emerged based on the receptor through
aldolase, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransfer- which these cytokines signal. Of particular interest in autoinflam-
ase (ALT), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) [5–7]. Antinuclear matory diseases are IFN-Is, consisting of IFNa and IFNb, along with
antibody (ANA), most commonly in the speckled or nucleolar pat- less studied subtypes including -x, -j, and -e [19,20]. IFN-Is act at
tern, is often positive but nonspecific, and DM-specific autoanti- the IFNa receptor, present on most human cells, to induce a signal-
bodies (such as MDA5) may help differentiate between ing cascade causing activation of IFN stimulated gene factor 3
dermatomyositis and other connective tissue diseases [8]. Muscle (ISGF-3), a transcription factor. ISGF-3 translocates to the nucleus
and skin biopsies are also helpful to aid in definitive diagnosis, and binds to IFN stimulated response elements (ISREs) causing
however a skin biopsy often demonstrates subtle findings in DM, transcription of multiple genes and immunomodulation (Fig. 3)
and cannot definitively distinguish DM from cutaneous lupus [21–23].
[9,10]. Nail fold capillaroscopy using dermatoscopy or other mag- IFN-Is can be produced by almost all nucleated cells [16,24,25],
nifying instruments is useful for diagnosis and can help differenti- but pathologic levels of IFN-Is may be associated with plasmacy-
ate DM from other connective tissue diseases [11]. Classically, toid dendritic cells (pDCs). Several disease states characterized
dilated capillaries in the proximal nail fold along with alternated by lichenoid skin reactions (skin manifestations and pathology that
vessel drop-off is appreciated [12]. Treatment is multifaceted and resemble lichen planus), histologically demonstrate increased infil-
depends on the clinical severity, but includes a combination of cor- tration of pDCs [26–29]. These lichenoid reaction patterns are
ticosteroids and steroid-sparing immunosuppressive agents such linked to IFN-I exposure and increased levels of IFN-I gene tran-
as hydroxychloroquine, mycophenolate mofetil, methotrexate, scripts [26,30]. pDCs are cells that produce high levels of IFN-Is;
and azathioprine [13]. Hydroxychloroquine is especially useful in they have been shown to be increased in DM muscle and skin
controlling photosensitivity. IVIG may also be an effective addi- [27–29,31,32]. pDCs are frequently mistaken for other classes of
tional therapy for patients with dermatomyositis who fail to immune cells, due to a wide variety of cell surface markers
respond to conventional therapy or who experience unacceptable expressed [31,33,34]. DM muscle is characterized by the presence
side effects [14]. of perivascular inflammation, consisting of primarily B cells, but
also a small number of CD4+ cells, long thought to be T-helper cells
[35]. It was later discovered that pDCs express CD4 cell markers,
1.1. Role of interferons mistaking them with T helper cells [5]. In addition, they commonly
express cell markers, CXCR3 and CD63, mistaking them for
It has become widely understood that cytokines, secreted cell- lymphocytes and macrophages, respectively [33,34].
signaling proteins, play a significant role in regulating immune pDCs are activated by toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) and toll-like
responses in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Particular receptor 9 (TLR9) agonists [36]. Corresponding TLR9 levels are
attention has been drawn to a class of cytokines known as type I increased in patients with DM and PM when compared to healthy
interferons (IFN-Is) and their involvement in the pathogenesis of controls [37]. The exact mechanism of TLR induction has yet to be
DM [15]. We review the current literature using the Ovid Medline determined, but it is currently thought to be a result of tissue
database to search for articles published between 1946 and 2014 damage [38]. In patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, TLR
in order to update the current understanding of the role of type I stimulation has been seen by the presence of IgG-apoptotic cell
interferons and other cytokines in the pathogenesis of DM. Key or antibody-DNA complexes [39,40]. Signaling through the TLR9
words utilized in searches included ‘dermatomyositis’ and leads to increased production of IFN-Is by the pDCs [41]. Through
‘interferon type I’ and ‘pathogenesis’. Previously published review an auto-stimulatory mechanism, the IFN-Is bind to their receptor
articles and corresponding primary sources were reviewed as well on pDCs, with subsequent production of IFN-Is (Fig. 3) [36].

Please cite this article in press as: Arshanapalli A et al. The role of type I interferons and other cytokines in dermatomyositis. Cytokine (2014), http://
A. Arshanapalli et al. / Cytokine xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 3. Type I interferon pathway. Mechanistic pathway showing production of IFN-Is, signaling pathway induced by IFNa and -b, and downstream effects including
stimulation of genes, production of proteins, and resulting inflammation. IFNAR, IFNa receptor; JAK, Janus Kinase; Tyk2, Tyrosine Kinase 2; STAT, Signal Transducer and
Activator of Transcription; ISGF3, Interferon Stimulated Gene Factor 3; IRF, Interferon Regulatory Factor; ISRE, Interferon Stimulated Response Element; ISGs, Interferon
Stimulated Genes; ss, single-stranded; ds, double-stranded; LPS, Lipopolysaccharides; TLR, Toll-like receptor; NF-Kb, nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B
cells; TBK1, TANK-binding kinase 1. Activation and positive feedback pathways of the type I IFN receptor are shown with dotted arrows.

2.2. IFN-I inducible genes Another microarray gene expression study in 2010 further sup-
ported these findings. It showed muscle biopsies of patients with
IFN-Is promote transcription of particular genes through the DM had a significant elevation of IFN-I inducible transcripts, such
activity of ISGF-3 (Fig. 3). In recent years, studies have found DM as ISG15 transcript, in comparison to other inflammatory myopa-
muscle to express large amounts of type I interferon-inducible thies [43]. These findings were specifically seen in DM patients
genes, supporting the role of IFN-Is in DM and prompting further with perifascicular atrophy [43]. The authors discovered that
investigations [42]. When compared with other forms of myositis, human peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with IFN-I
the overproduction of IFN-I inducible transcripts and proteins in in vitro, demonstrated upregulation of genes that closely mimicked
muscle tissue is a unique feature of DM [31,43–45]. A 2002 study those which were upregulated in patients with DM. In addition,
identified genes associated with IFN-I to be upregulated in patients these genes were only upregulated when the peripheral blood
with juvenile DM, with certain genes amplified to a level up to one mononuclear cells were stimulated with IFN-Is but not by other
hundred fold higher than those found in healthy patients [46]. The cytokines [43]. A similar set of genes as those upregulated in
upregulation of IFN-I induced genes has since been demonstrated patients with DM were also found when normal human skeletal
in adult DM by a variety of studies, including a microarray study muscle cells were stimulated with IFN-Is [43]. Studies by Chen
in 2005 that found upregulation of interferon stimulated gene 15 et al. provided evidence that the relationship between IFN-I
(ISG15), an IFN-I inducible gene, in DM muscle samples with peri- inducible genes and DM is more than temporal as no significant
fascicular atrophy [31]. Beyond ISG15, of the 14 most highly difference in levels of IFN-I inducible gene transcripts could be
expressed genes in patients with DM, 12 were genes induced by identified between two cohorts of juvenile DM patients, one with
IFN-Is [31]. This study also demonstrated that the genes induced disease activity for greater than two months and one less than
by IFN-Is were more likely to be upregulated in patients with two months [47].
DM compared with other inflammatory myopathies studied, The compilation of previously mentioned studies and multiple
including inclusion body myositis, PM, and others [31]. Further- others have led to the identification of a cluster of IFN-I inducible
more, elevated levels of pDCs were identified in the DM patient genes, referred to as the IFN signature, that are upregulated in
population [31], serving as a presumable source of elevated levels the peripheral blood and muscle of patients with DM [31,43,48–
of IFN-Is and subsequent changes in gene expression. 50]. This IFN signature has also been exhibited in lymphoid cells

Please cite this article in press as: Arshanapalli A et al. The role of type I interferons and other cytokines in dermatomyositis. Cytokine (2014), http://
4 A. Arshanapalli et al. / Cytokine xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

in the peripheral blood and the kidneys of patients with systemic IFNb with the IFN signature and clinical case of IFNb induced DM
lupus erythematosus [18]. These studies also identified a positive [15,52].
correlation between the quantity of IFN-I inducible transcripts Furthermore, melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5
and clinical disease activity in adult DM, but no association was (MDA5) is in the same family as RIG-I and may similarly play a role
identified with other hematologic markers of inflammation includ- in the positive feedback loop involved in DM [62,63]. MDA5, an
ing erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein IFN-induced protein, also functions as a cytosolic receptor for viral
(CRP) [48,50]. These findings taken together with prior findings double-stranded RNA that when activated, stimulates an innate
of a lack of a relationship between IFN-I induced transcripts and immune response including production of IFN-Is [60,62,64]. Both
disease duration [47], may suggest that the level of IFN-Is and sub- MDA5 and RIG-I have been demonstrated to cause IFN-I produc-
sequent gene expression dictates disease severity. tion in virally-infected cells [65], and the association of a positive
While the IFN signature has also been found upregulated in the feedback loop (Fig. 3) of IFN-I production and viral infection raises
blood (but not muscle) of patients with PM, it is not elevated to the the question of a viral insult as the inciting event in DM and other
same extent as in DM [44,51]. In DM, there is upregulation of the autoimmune phenomena.
IFN signature in both diseased muscle and blood, with significantly While no strong associations have been drawn between IFN
higher augmentation in diseased muscle [44]. In order to further inducible proteins and DM disease activity, the specificity of these
understand the induction of the IFN signature, Liao et al. explored proteins for DM, compared to other inflammatory myopathies,
the ability of IFNa, IFNb, and IFNx (all IFN-Is) to stimulate IFN sig- along with their predilection for areas of active disease and poten-
nature expression. They found that IFNb, but not IFNa or IFNx, was tial contribution to IFN-I dysregulation provide compelling evi-
associated with an upregulated IFN signature. They also identified dence for the role of IFN-Is in the pathogenesis of DM.
that serum of DM patients was more associated with IFNb than the
other IFN-Is [52]. The role of IFNb in DM has also been demon- 2.4. IFN-I related cytokines
strated by a case of severe DM triggered by the treatment of multi-
ple sclerosis with IFNb therapy [15]. The induction of autoimmune IFN-Is stimulate the production of other cytokines influencing
disease by IFNb has also been shown with subacute cutaneous cell migration, maturation, and injury, which may contribute to
lupus, another disease strongly linked with the IFN signature [53]. the pathogenesis of DM. IFN-Is have been reported to induce pro-
duction of multiple chemokines as well as cause recruitment of
2.3. IFN-I induced proteins lymphocytes to sites of inflammation. Chemokines (including
MIG/CXCL9, IP10/CXCL10, and I-TAC/CXCL11) that serve as CXCR-
The characteristic expression of the IFN signature in DM leads 3 ligands as well as lymphocytes with the CXCR-3 receptor have
to the production of a unique milieu of proteins that has recently been detected in increased concentration in affected areas of skin
begun to be classified (Fig. 3). Myxovirus resistance protein A [28,66] and muscle [32,67] in DM. IFNa has also been demon-
(MxA) is an example of an IFN-I induced protein that normally strated to cause production of CXCL10 in keratinocytes, in vitro,
serves an antiviral role [54]. MxA is specific to DM and has been supporting the role of IFN-Is in immunomodulation [55]. Numer-
detected in elevated levels in the muscle [31] and skin [55] of ous studies have reported elevated levels of other IFN-I inducible
patients with DM but not patients with other inflammatory muscle cytokines in DM, including monocyte chemo attractant protein-1
conditions including PM. MxA is detected mainly in the perifasci- (MCP-1/CCL2) and macrophage inflammatory protein-1 (MIP-1a/
cular region of muscle in patients with DM, and specifically found CCL3 and MIP-1b/CCL4) [68–71]. These cytokines are not specific
to be elevated in those muscles undergoing active inflammation to DM and are present in other inflammatory myopathies, but
and atrophy [43]. Furthermore, MxA has also been detected in ele- are found to localize to areas of myopathic inflammation suggest-
vated levels in the epidermis and inflammatory infiltrates of skin ing a generalized role in the pathogenesis of myopathic conditions
biopsies from patients with DM [43]. In addition to MxA’s presence [69]. In patients with DM, MIP-1b was also demonstrated in capil-
at active disease areas, MxA RNA in peripheral blood mononuclear laries near muscle not undergoing active inflammation, which may
cells in patients with juvenile DM have been positively correlated suggest a role of this cytokine in the preclinical stages of disease
with muscle but not skin disease activity [56]. [68]. Staining for MCP-1 has demonstrated a predilection for endo-
Other IFN-I induced proteins associated with DM include ISG15 thelial cells near areas of active inflammation with DM [70]. This
protein [43], interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF7) [43], radical S- endothelial localization suggests that MCP-1 may play a role in
adenosyl methionine domain-containing 2 (RSAD2; viperin) [57], complement deposition in the microvasculature of affected mus-
and retinoic acid-inducible gene 1 (RIG-I) [57]. ISG15 protein is cles [72]. DM muscle biopsies express the C5b-9 membrane attack
an ubiquitin-like modifier which attaches to various proteins in complex (MAC) on endothelial cells which may play a role in cap-
DM muscle and may contribute to disease activity (Fig. 3) [43]. illary damage [73,74]. The depletion and damage of capillaries may
Detection of ISG15 protein by immunofluorescence in the regions result in hypoxia and subsequent damage to myofibers seen in DM
of DM pathologic activity, such as perifascicular myofibers and [75]. This abnormal capillary morphology and capillary loss is an
capillaries of DM muscle, supports this idea [43]. Interestingly, early manifestation of DM, often seen prior to inflammatory infil-
RIG-I, one of the most prominent proteins expressed in perifascicu- trates [76,77].
lar DM muscle [43], also has the ability to cause the production of In all inflammatory myopathies, expression of receptors for
IFN-Is [58]. RIG-I is a cytosolic receptor that is activated by short MCP-1 (CCR2A and CCR2B) is also upregulated on endothelial cells
double-stranded RNA and single-stranded RNA in virus-infected and inflammatory cells [67]. The contribution of MCP-1, is not be
cells [59,60]. RIG-I stimulation in human myotubes has been dem- exclusively attributable to IFN-Is; in vitro studies have demon-
onstrated to cause production of IFNb but not IFNa [57]. The IFNb strated stimulation of MCP-1 by type II IFNs as well [78]. IFN-I
produced by muscle cells stimulates further production of IFN-I inducible cytokines have been demonstrated to have a positive
inducible proteins, including RIG-I, which results in a positive feed- correlation with clinical disease activity in both juvenile DM and
back loop. This positive feedback loop may allow for the sustained adult DM [48]. The cytokines produced in response to IFN-I may
autoimmune inflammation that is present in DM, as postulated by contribute to the pathogenesis of DM by damaging endothelial
Greenberg [61]. This association of INFb via autocrine stimulation cells, keratinocytes, and myocytes by the upregulation of MHC
may indicate a key role for this interferon in the pathogenesis of class I and recruitment of T cells leading to inflammation (Fig. 3)
DM because of the previously mentioned unique correlation of [79]. Cellular damage can also occur simply from long-term

Please cite this article in press as: Arshanapalli A et al. The role of type I interferons and other cytokines in dermatomyositis. Cytokine (2014), http://
A. Arshanapalli et al. / Cytokine xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 5

production and accumulation of IFN-I inducible proteins, which cutaneous phenotypes in patients with anti-MDA5 antibodies,
exhibit antiproliferative effects [80]. especially palmar papules and mucocutaneous ulcers may, be
linked with an increased risk of severe cutaneous vasculopathy
associated with these autoantibodies [92]. Anti-MDA5 antibodies
2.5. Emerging role of T-helper 17 (Th17) cells and interleukins (IL)
have also been associated with clinically amyopathic DM [63].
The clinical manifestations of these autoantibodies are of particular
The role of Th17 lymphocytes and IL-17 in the pathogenesis of
interest due to the role of MDA5 in IFN-I-mediated production.
DM is also a subject of recent interest and may be associated with
Anti-Mi-2 antibodies are often detected in DM patients with
IFN-Is [48]. Th17 cells are a subset of CD4+ T cells that are distinct
classic cutaneous lesions [89]. Anti-small ubiquitin-like modifier
from the Th1 and Th2 cell lines. They secrete the pro-inflammatory
activating enzyme antibodies are often present in DM with sys-
cytokine IL-17, among others, and are believed to play a role in
temic features [89]. Anti-p155/140 antibodies are often found in
multiple autoimmune conditions including DM [81]. Muscle biop-
subsets of DM with cutaneous features and are associated with a
sies of patients with DM have demonstrated the presence of extra-
greater risk of internal malignancy [93].
cellular IL-17 and within inflammatory infiltrates [82]. IL-17 also
MAAs are present in association with multiple autoimmune
appears to be more highly expressed in the blood and plasma of
conditions including DM. MAAs to RNA containing antigens such
DM patients in comparison to controls [83,84], and patients with
as anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-Sm, and anti-RNP are associated with ele-
DM have been found to have a higher frequency of Th17 cells
vated serum IFNa in juvenile DM, and serum with these autoanti-
[85]. Studies examining IL-17 in inflammatory myopathies have
bodies have demonstrated the ability to induce IFNa production
detected that this cytokine acts with TLR3 agonists to cause IL-6
in vitro [94]. Further studies are indicated to better understand
production in myoblasts in addition to yielding alterations in myo-
the role of MAAs and MSAs in DM as well as clarify any potential
blast differentiation and migration [86,87]. The production of IL-6
link between autoantibodies and type I interferons.
and alteration in myoblast behavior may provide further insights
into the pathogenesis of DM. IL-6, an acute phase reactant produc-
ing inflammation, has been demonstrated to influence muscle 4. Novel treatment modalities
damage in mouse models with inflammatory myositis [88]. The
roles of IL-6 in DM are supported by findings that levels of this Standard therapy for DM currently includes highly active
cytokine are elevated in DM, and IL-6 has been correlated with immunosuppressants, but use is often limited by side effects. Fur-
IFN signature expression, other IFN-I induced cytokine levels thermore, disease activity is often refractory to therapy. Many
(previously discussed), and clinical disease activity [48]. While no exciting new targeted therapies are being tested and are showing
precise model is known, the production of IFN inducible promise as treatment modalities for DM, and they have been
chemokines in DM may cause increased migration and activation recently reviewed by Venalis and Lundberg [95]. Some notable
of Th17 cells leading to increased IL-17 and IL-6. These cytokines experimental treatments include sifalimumab, a monoclonal anti-
can then produce chronic inflammation and damage leading to body against IFNa [96], and IL-6 receptor antagonists including
muscle tissue injury. tocilizumab [97,98]. Increased understanding of the pathogenesis
of DM can allow for more targeted immunotherapy to improve
the debilitating sequelae and comorbidities associated with DM,
3. Autoantibodies in DM
with minimized side effects and improved quality of life.
An association between DM and a variety of autoantibodies has
been identified, but the specific role of autoantibodies in the path- 5. Conclusion
ogenesis of DM and use as clinical markers of disease is not well
defined. Two main classes of autoantibodies have been detected The pathogenesis of DM involves complex immunologic inter-
in DM, myositis specific antibodies (MSAs) and myositis associated actions of both the innate and adaptive systems, and the precise
antibodies (MAAs). MSAs are correlated with specific clinical sub- mechanism of disease is yet to be fully elucidated. The majority
types and manifestations of DM. of the current evidence suggests that the dysregulation of pDCs,
Anti-aminoacyl tRNA synthetase antibodies (most commonly and other sources of IFN-Is, allows for pathologic levels of IFNa
anti-Jo-1) are associated with anti-synthetase syndrome [89], and -b, which plays a key role in the initiation and maintenance
which is a syndrome that can present with a constellation of signs of the disease process. The original cause of this dysregulation is
and symptoms including anti-tRNA synthetase antibodies, intersti- yet to be discovered; current hypotheses include genetic and/or
tial lung disease, inflammatory myopathy, polyarthropathy, and viral-mediated causes. However, it is likely a combination of both
other minor features. Anti-aminoacyl tRNA synthetase antibodies environmental and genetic factors. Regardless of the cause, ele-
may be pathogenic in DM due to the ability to induce IFNa produc- vated levels of IFN-Is leads to a signaling cascade that results in
tion in the presence of RNA [90]. the upregulation of specific genes and production of a unique
The autoantigen CADM-140 is identical to two previously iden- group of proteins. These proteins include enzymes and pathokines
tified gene products, interferon induced with helicase C domain that may either contribute directly to the pathogenesis or induce
(IFIH1) and melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5) and exacerbate inflammatory responses resulting in cellular
[62]. Anti-CADM-140 antibodies are associated with progressive damage.
interstitial lung disease and a poor prognosis, especially in Japa- Other autoimmune phenomena such as MSAs, MAAs, and
nese patients [63]. A study by Labrador-Horillo et al., examined increased levels of Th17-associated cytokines have also been impli-
Mediterranean patients with anti-MDA5 antibodies and demon- cated in the pathogenesis of DM. However, the link between these
strated three cohorts with specific clinical findings; the first with processes and IFN-Is is not well understood, and further studies are
progressive interstitial lung disease and poor prognosis (similar indicated to allow for a better understanding of the immunologic
to the Japanese patients), the second with primarily cutaneous interactions occurring with disease activity. Further elucidation
findings including palmar pustules, increased skin ulcerations, of these interactions along with more information about the spe-
and panniculitis, and lastly, the third with less progressive intersti- cific contributions of IFN-I inducible proteins may prove pivotal
tial lung disease and symptoms similar to antisynthetase syn- in creating a clear disease-model for DM. With this knowledge,
drome [91]. Fiorentino et al. identified that some of unique more effective immunotherapies can be developed to replace the

Please cite this article in press as: Arshanapalli A et al. The role of type I interferons and other cytokines in dermatomyositis. Cytokine (2014), http://
6 A. Arshanapalli et al. / Cytokine xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

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