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Amante Gian L.

Assignment #3
1. Who was at fault in this accident? Justify your answers.
- In my opinion, the death of the 18-year-old Jomar Junco was purely accidental as he was new
and did not have enough work experience in the new environment that he was in. However, the
employer must account for violating some SOPs (standard operating procedures) and not
providing a safer workplace for the new worker. The accident could have been prevented if a
safety blockade had been near the machine.
- As for the renowned actor Eddie Garcia the blame should be rightfully shifted to the
management for the horrible setup, the environment was already bad considering the uneven
ground because of the place, and the scene they were shooting was going to be an action scene
so a lot of movement was needed to mimic the scene. All of that was all right had it not been
for the poor condition that the equipment was set up because the workers thought that such
simple negligence was going to lead to such a tragic end.
2. How do you apply our first four lessons (PTW System, Energy Isolations, Hierarchy of Controls,
& Management of Change) in the situation of the factory worker/veteran actor.
- If Jomar had used the Permit to job system, things may have turned out differently because
there would have been processes in place to make sure the job was done safely, preventing the
mishap that led to his injuries. The same holds true with Eddie Garcia; had they used the PTW
system, they would have been aware that the cables posed a risk to both the actor and other
crew members.
- Energy isolation can be utilized to stop the meat grinder from tragically taking Jomar's life;
they might even stop it right away.
- A hierarchical system of controls is essential for avoiding these mishaps. Since they had proper
authority over those potentially dangerous machines, the accident might not have happened if
there had been proper communication and instruction for the managers, employers, and not
only the workers themselves. If they had told Eddie Garcia about the cables, the story might
have been different, or they could have had some say in how they installed the potentially
dangerous lines.
- Finally, MOC is essential in both cases of the accidents. If MOC is implemented in the "freak
accident" situation, a temporary safe program will be in place for not just the victim but also
all personnel working inside. Additionally, MOC affects how employees/workers perform; as
a result, they will be more cautious because they are more aware of such possible threats. Eddie
Garcia's life might have been saved if MOC had been in place, as there will be been a
methodical approach to preventing such mishaps.
3. What could’ve been the action of the factory worker / veteran actor to prevent his death?
- Eddie Garcia, a seasoned actor and industrial worker, may have considered the following
alternatives to help prevent his injuries. Refuse risky labor, be informed, voice your concerns,
and demand appropriate instruction. Additionally, you ought to be acquainted with emergency
protocols. It's crucial to keep in mind that, while actors can take these safety precautions, the
production crew and safety specialists are ultimately responsible for everyone's safety on a film
or television set. An effective risk assessment, safe work procedures, and adherence to safety
regulations are critical components of a safe working environment on set. Actors and
production staff should work together to ensure the safety of everyone engaged in a production.

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