Jigsaw Method Anatomy - Draneesht

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Jigsaw Method:

Implementation in
Anatomy Learning
Dr. Aneesh T
MD Rachana Sharir

• The Jigsaw Method and its effective implementation in the

field of anatomy learning.

• Objective: To understand the concept of the Jigsaw Method

and explore its benefits and applications in anatomy
Anatomy Learning Challenges:
• The traditional challenges faced in anatomy
education, such as:
• Vast amount of content
• Complex concepts
• Memorization-based approach
• Limited student engagement
Introducing the Jigsaw Method:
• The Jigsaw Method is as an active learning strategy that
promotes cooperative learning and student-centered
• Core Principles:
• Collaborative learning: Students work together in small groups to
achieve a common goal.
• Expert groups: Each student becomes an expert in a specific topic or
• Jigsaw groups: Students from different expert groups come together
to share knowledge and construct a comprehensive understanding.
Anatomy Learning with the Jigsaw Method:
• The Jigsaw Method can be implemented in anatomy learning:
• Topic Selection: Divide the anatomy curriculum into specific topics or
• Expert Groups: Assign each student to an expert group responsible for
researching and mastering a specific topic.
• Expert Group Activities: Students within each expert group collaborate to
understand their topic deeply.
• Jigsaw Groups: Form new groups comprising one expert from each topic
to exchange knowledge and complete activities.
• Synthesis and Presentation: Jigsaw groups synthesize their learning and
present to the class, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the
entire topic.
Benefits of the Jigsaw Method in Anatomy
• Active Engagement: Students actively participate in the learning
process, fostering deeper comprehension.
• Collaboration and Communication Skills: Students learn to work in
teams, enhancing communication and collaboration skills.
• Knowledge Construction: Each student becomes responsible for
mastering a specific topic and contributes to the overall knowledge
construction in the classroom.
• Comprehensive Understanding: Jigsaw groups enable students to
develop a holistic understanding of the entire anatomy topic.
Successful Implementation Strategies:
• Teacher Facilitation: The teacher plays a crucial role in guiding the
process, monitoring groups, and addressing questions.
• Clear Instructions: Provide clear guidelines and expectations for
each group, including roles and responsibilities.
• Timely Rotation: Ensure efficient rotation between expert groups
and jigsaw groups to maximize knowledge exchange.
• Assessment: Develop appropriate assessment methods to evaluate
individual and group learning outcomes.
Examples of Jigsaw Activities in Anatomy
• Case Studies: Each expert group analyzes a different case
study related to their assigned topic, and jigsaw groups
discuss and share their findings.
• Dissection Practical: Expert groups explore specific
anatomical structures, and jigsaw groups integrate their
knowledge to understand the complete anatomy.
• Peer Teaching: Expert groups prepare mini-lessons to
teach their topic to jigsaw group members, promoting
peer-to-peer learning.
• To successfully implement the Jigsaw Method in anatomy learning,
teachers play a crucial role as facilitators, providing clear
instructions and timely rotations.
• Additionally, appropriate assessment methods can be employed to
evaluate individual and group learning outcomes.
• By adopting the Jigsaw Method, educators can transform the
anatomy learning environment into an engaging, collaborative, and
student-centered space.
Additional reading: Jigsaw method
• The Jigsaw Method, developed by social psychologist Elliot Aronson in 1971, was
originally designed to promote integration and reduce prejudice in diverse
• Aronson sought to create a cooperative learning strategy that would encourage
students from different backgrounds to work together towards a common goal.
• Inspired by the idea of solving a jigsaw puzzle, where each piece contributes to
the completion of the whole, Aronson implemented the Jigsaw Method as an
innovative approach to facilitate learning and cooperation.
• Over the years, the Jigsaw Method has been widely adopted in various
educational settings, proving effective not only in promoting collaboration and
active engagement but also in enhancing students' understanding and retention
of complex subjects.
• Its success has made it a popular and widely recognized strategy for fostering
cooperative learning and positive interdependence among students.

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