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Ella Lambert

School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation

14 April 2023

Bachelor of Science Application Essay

Architecture found me at an early age thanks to my love for art. Art has been a

passion of mine for my entire life, I was fascinated by colors, design, and creative

details. Initially, I thought I would go into the animation industry, but it was discouraging

to hear that a lot of art college students lose their passion for creativity due to burnout.

When searching for other careers that inspired creative growth, I stumbled upon

architecture which was an instant connection. After that, I took up a few shop classes in

high school and found enjoyment in solving real problems with creative solutions. Art can

give you a passive voice, but architecture can actively impact people’s lives.

My time in UMD’s architecture program has been incredible. When I initially

decided to be an architect, I applied to UMD’s architecture program hoping to rush

through the content and become a licensed architect as soon as possible. I was so

focused on the end goal that I had not anticipated that the journey of becoming an

architect was more important than the end results. The process at UMD started about

how I expected it would, with lots of manual drawing and project deadlines. I was

introduced to critiques and large presentations, which were both nerve-racking and

rewarding. Getting thorough, constructive feedback made me feel like the professors and

TAs wanted me to succeed in their classes. However, my favorite part of being a student

here is being surrounded by like-minded people who are willing to give their all on every

project. Most of my school life surrounded me with students who would put in the bare
minimum effort to pass. At the school of architecture, it is completely different and there’s

a friendly competitive air that pushes everyone to go above and beyond what is required

for a project. This is an environment that I thrive in, and it has greatly improved my

designs and architectural knowledge. Since being in this school I have had the

opportunity to join clubs, make friends, and greatly improve my design skills. Soon, I will

apply to the Construction Project Management minor, which will be a chance to discover

a different and practical side of architecture. However, the highlight of my experience

here has been the studio culture. In studio, we can bounce ideas off of classmates and

learn from a variety of other students and professors. It so far has been a source of

healthy competition and support. Eventually, I plan on applying to the UMD master’s

program and applying for a TA position, so that I can walk other students through the

process of becoming an architect.

As an architect, I hope to promote both individuality and sustainable design

practices. Modern corporate architecture has resulted in the rise of cheap, cookie-cutter

buildings. I am saddened when I see the modernization of cities, where every other

building looks the same and lacks personality. Individuality in architecture creates

spaces that are visually pleasing and welcoming to the local community. As an architect,

I want to prove that you can make affordable, colorful, and individualized buildings. In

addition, I want to push for sustainable designs. My generation is often reminded that

our planet is suffering, and we will be the ones to bear those consequences. My goal is

to design buildings that are constructed with the planet in mind through the use of

environmentally friendly materials and practices that can withstand the test of time. To

conclude, my time at UMD has been an enriching experience, and it has taught me to

see the built world with a critical eye. Now when observing buildings, I can see the

careful and innovative thought that went into their design.

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