Rubesh Science Report

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Testing Magnetism Con


Rubesh Balendra
Redeemer Baptist School
To see if the more number of pages between the magnets will affect the connectivity of the

Background Info:
My background information was that the magnet connectivity should not be affected by the
number of pages between.

I predict it will a affect the connectivity time only affect the connectivity little bit.

1. A marker
2. 5 maze sheets
3. 10 pages of A4 paper
4. 8 magnets
5. A 30cm ruler
6. A timer/stopwatch
The risks were that magnets could pinch someone’s finger. To prevent that I had to use a
ruler to handle the magnets.

First 7 magnets were tied around the marker. Next the maze sheet was placed on the table.
Attach the last magnet to the ruler. After make sure the timer is ready and is set at zero.
Then as soon as you begin, start the timer. The marker is used to finish the maze. Make the
marker finish the maze with the magnets. Then as soon as you finish, stop the marker. Get
the time in record on the lined piece of paper. Then repeat the process 2 more times except
add four pages under the maze sheet for the second set of tests and for the third time add 9
pages under the maze sheet.


Time to finish a maze with a magnet (in seconds)




Time (in 79



No paper Pages 4 Pages 9
Number of pages
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
NO 78.56 secs 78.43 secs 78.27 secs
4 pages 79.94 secs 79.89 secs 79.98 secs
9 pages 80.23 secs 80.29 secs 80.32 secs

My hypothesis was correct the number of pages between the magnets does not affect the
magnet connectivity. The part that went wrong was that the method is that I first didn’t use
a ruler and that didn’t work because it kept going off balance. I think this happened because
the marker added some off-balance tilting it off. The thing that went well was using the ruler
to move the magnets it worked because it help keep the magnets and the marker balanced.
If I was to do this again I would use more magnets to control the other magnets and keep
them in balance. If I was to extend this research in the future I would use different objects
between the magnets.

The answer to question is that the numbers of pages between the magnets barely affects
the connectivity of the magnets.

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