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Course Module for



Course Description:
This course introduces Criminology students to Philippine Literature in English depicting the wide
array of Filipino experiences and encounters from the early 1900s to the present. We clear the
space by discussing the various contexts in the development of Filipino Literature from its
American colonial genesis from the selected works of the masters until its more recent regional
diversifications, focusing on the text as social artifact determined by political, cultural and
economic exigencies and regimes. Then, we negotiate specific literary pieces as constitutive of
the multivalent and multivocal articulations of the Filipino soul by interrogating the various
constructions and representations of both the imagined and the imagining communities - as well
as complex formation and understanding of “community”, nation and identity.

Learning Outcomes and Competencies:

At the end of the course, students should:

1. Identify literary elements and devices employed in each text and analyze their function in
relation to one another within the framework of the genre.
2. Compare and contrast the major themes and motifs of Philippine Literature in English to
pragmatically apply to real life situations.
3. Transform and extend creative Philippine literary materials to other artistic expression through
multimedia (i.e. film showing, role playing, dramatic monologue, etc.)

1. Internalize as well as practice appreciative values and sense of pride towards the Philippine
culture and ideals.
2. Demonstrate meaningful personal and professional direction for life after graduation.
3. Value cultural differences and similarities embodied in Philippine literary outpourings

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1. Write a critique on any Filipino short story, epic, poetry, or drama focusing on the holistic
frameworks embodied in the texts.
2. Utilize information technology in writing reflection papers on literary selections that exemplify
the multivalent Filipino experiences and their multivocal articulations.
3. Perform selected and meaningful literary genres that will maximize theatrical opportunities
for students through multimedia engagements.

Overview of the Course

Week No. Topics Intended Learning Outcome/s

At the end of the learning period,

the students shall be able to:

1 ORIENTATION 1. Get acquainted with one another

● COURSE SYLLABUS/OBJECTIVES through self-introduction.
2. Simplify understanding of course
HOME-BASED LEARNING 3. Master with comprehension the
vision and mission of the institution
4. Develop awareness on the
grading system of the course
5. Demonstrate good study habits

2 INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE 1. Critically articulate on the

● PHILIPPINE LITERATURE IN ENGLISH development of Philippine
Literature from pre-colonial to
EARLY 1900S TO THE PRESENT 2. Explore the richness and vastness
● THE NATURE OF LITERATURE of the contribution of Philippine
Literary Genres in shaping the
uniqueness of Filipino as a race
LITERATURE TO HUMAN and as a nation.
EXPERIENCE AND THE 3. Discuss the purpose, different
genres, language, values, and
critical approaches in literature.

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4 HISTORY OF PHILIPPINE 1. Interrogate the practical and

LITERATURE realistic implication of literature to
● PRE- SPANISH PERIOD the history of the nation.
2. Appreciate the ageless
contribution of each literary text.
● THE REBIRTH OF FREEDOM 3. Write a critique essay on one
● PERIOD OF ACTIVISM specific type of literature.
● PERIOD OF 1968-1999


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Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO):

At the end of the learning period, the student should be able to:
1. Critically articulate on the development of Philippine Literature from pre-colonial to
2. Explore the richness and vastness of the contribution of Philippine Literary genres in
shaping the uniqueness of Filipino as a race and as a nation.
3. Discuss the purpose, different genres, language, values, and critical approaches in

‘’Literature is a Mirror of One’s Race’’


The word literature is derived from the Latin term litera which means “letter”. It has been defined
differently by various writers.

Some loosely interpret literature as any printed matter written within a book, a magazine or a
pamphlet. Others define literature as a faithful reproduction of man’s manifold experiences
blended into one harmonious expression.

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Because literature deals with ideas, thoughts and emotions of man, literature can be said to be
the story of man. Man’s loves, griefs, thoughts, dreams and aspirations coached in beautiful
language are literature.

In order to know the history of a nation’s spirit, one must read its literature. Hence it is, that to
understand the real spirit of a nation, one must “trace the little rills as they course along down
the ages, broadening and deepening into the great ocean of thought which men of the
present source are presently exploring.”

Literature is a product of a particular culture that concretizes man’s array of values, emotions,
actions, and ideas.

Poet and essayist Bro. Arnold M. Azurin said that “literature expresses the feelings of people to
society, to the government, to his surroundings, to his fellowmen and to his Divine Creator.” The
expression of one’s feelings, according to him, may be through love, sorrow, happiness, hatred,
anger, pity, contempt, or revenge.

From Webster, literature is anything that is printed, as long as it is related to the ideas and feelings
of people, whether it is true, or just a product of one’s imagination.

In “Panitikang Pilipino” written by Atienza, Ramos, Salazar,

and Nazal, it says that “true literature is a piece of written
work which is undying. It expresses the feelings and
emotions of people in response to his everyday efforts to
live, to be happy in his environment and, after struggles, to
reach his Creator.”

Why Do We Need to Study Philippine Literature?

We can enumerate many reasons for studying literature.

Here are but a few:

We study literature so that we can better appreciate our literary heritage. We cannot
appreciate something that we do not understand. Through a study of our literature, we can
trace the rich heritage of ideas handed down to us from our forefathers. Then we can
understand ourselves better and take pride in being a Filipino.

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Like other races of the world, we need to understand that we have a great and noble tradition
which can serve as the means to assimilate other cultures.

Through such a study, we will realize our literary limitations conditioned by certain historical
factors and we can take steps to overcome them.

Above all, as Filipinos, who truly love and take pride in our own culture, we have to manifest our
deep concern for our own literature and this we can do by studying the literature of our country.

Of Philippine Literature in English and Time Frames

It can be said that Philippine literature in English has achieved a stature that is, in a way,
phenomenal since the inception of English in our culture.

Our written literature, which is about four hundred years old, is one of slow and evolutionary
growth. Our writers strove to express their sentiments while struggling with a foreign medium. The
great mass of literature in English that we have today is, indeed, a tribute to what our writers
have achieved in the short span of time.

What they have written can compare with some of the best works in the world.

Much is still to be achieved. Our writers have yet to write their Magnum Opus (a large and
important work of art, music, or literature, especially one regarded as the most important work of
an artist or writer).

Meanwhile, history and literature are slowly unfolding before us and we are as witnesses in the
assembly lines to an evolving literary life.

Time frames may not be necessary in a study of literature, but since literature and history are
inescapably related it has become facilitative to map up a system which will aid us in
delineating certain time boundaries.These time boundaries are not exactly well defined; very
often, time frames blend into another in a seeming continuum. For a systematic discussion of the
traditions, customs, and feelings of our people that can be traced in our literature, we shall
adopt certain delimitations.

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Criteria of Literature

● fictionality – product of imagination

● specialized language – differs considerably from normal everyday language

● lack of pragmatic function – not have been intended by the author for any specific

● ambiguity – open to interpretation

● enduring – lasting, not ephemeral

● expression­– sharing; a manifestation

● significant – important, necessary, meaningful

● human – people; different human conditions

● experience – heart of literature

● words - well-chosen and arranged

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Name: ________________________________________________ Date Submitted: _____________________

Professor: _____________________________________________ Score: ______________________________

Your Task: After answering all the worksheets for the week, detach it from the workbook, put it
inside an envelope, and drop it off at the designated dropbox at the PCCR campus.

1. Read the prose ‘’Servant Girl’’ by Estrella D. Alfon
2. After reading the prose, write a 500-word analysis paper
3. Include the major plot points in your analysis paper.













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After finishing the first two weeks of content, compose a 10-sentence persuasive essay about the
importance of Philippine Literature in your program/course.













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I, ____________________________________________________________, do hereby certify that I

answered the questions and accomplished the indicated task by myself honestly and to the
best of my knowledge and capability.

________________________________________ __________________________________
(Signature over printed name) (Date signed)

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Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO):

1. Critically articulate on the development of Philippine Literature from pre-colonial to
2. Explore the richness and vastness of the contribution of Philippine Literary Genres in
shaping the uniqueness of Filipino as a race and as a nation.
3. Discuss the purpose, different genres, language, values, and critical approaches in


Categorizing Literature Genres

Back in ancient Greece, literature was divided into two main categories: tragedy and comedy.
Nowadays the list of possible types and literature genres can seem endless. But it is still possible to
narrow down the vast amount of literature available into a few basic groups.

The five genres of literature students should be familiar with are Poetry, Drama, Prose, Nonfiction,
and Media — each of which is explained in more detail below. You’ll see some overlap between
genres; for example, prose is a broader term that includes both drama and non-fiction. At the
end of this article, we’ll also touch on a couple of narrower but still important literary categories.

This is often considered the oldest form of literature. Before writing was invented, oral stories were
commonly put into some sort of poetic form to make them easier to remember and recite.
Poetry today is usually written down but is still sometimes performed.

A lot of people think of rhymes and counting syllables and lines when they think of poetry, and
some poems certainly follow strict forms. But other types of poetry are so free-form that they lack
any rhymes or common patterns. There are even kinds of poetry that cross genre lines, such as
prose poetry. In general, though, a text is a poem when it has some sort of meter or rhythm, and
when it focuses on the way the syllables, words, and phrases sound when put together. Poems
are heavy in imagery and metaphor and are often made up of fragments and phrases rather
than complete, grammatically correct sentences. And poetry is nearly always written in stanzas
and lines, creating a unique look on the page.

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Poetry, as experienced in the classroom, is usually one of three types. There are the shorter, more
modern poems, spanning anything from a few lines to a few pages. Often these are collected in
books of poems by a single author or by a variety of writers. Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven," is
one of the most commonly taught poems of this type. Then there are the classical, formulaic
poems of Shakespeare’s time, such as the blank verse and the sonnet. And finally, there are the
ancient, epic poems transcribed from oral stories. These long, complex poems resemble novels,
such as Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey.

Once you know what poetry is, it’s easy to define prose. Prose can be defined as any kind of
written text that isn’t poetry (which means drama, discussed below, is technically a type of
prose). The most typical varieties of prose are novels and short stories, while other types include
letters, diaries, journals, and non-fiction (also discussed below). Prose is written in complete
sentences and organized in paragraphs. Instead of focusing on sound, which is what poetry
does, prose tends to focus on plot and characters.

Prose is the type of literature read most often taught in English classrooms. Any novel or short
story falls into this category, from Jane Eyre to Twilight and from “A Sound of Thunder" to “The
Crucible." Like poetry, prose is broken down into a large number of other sub-genres. Some of
these genres revolve around the structure of the text, such as novellas, biographies, and
memoirs, and others are based on the subject matter, like romances, fantasies, and mysteries.

Any text meant to be performed rather than read can be considered drama (unless it’s a poem
meant to be performed, of course). In layman’s terms, dramas are usually called plays. When
written down the bulk of a drama is dialogue, with periodic stage directions such as “he looks
away angrily." Of all the genres of literature discussed in this article, drama is the one given the
least time in most classrooms. And often when drama is taught, it’s only read the same way you
might read a novel. Since dramas are meant to be acted out in front of an audience, it’s hard
to fully appreciate them when looking only at pages of text. Students respond best to dramas,
and grasp their mechanics more fully when exposed to film or theater versions or encouraged to
read aloud or act out scenes during class.

The dramas most commonly taught in classrooms are definitely those written by the bard.
Shakespeare’s plays are challenging, but rewarding when approached with a little effort and a
critical mindset. Popular choices from his repertoire include Hamlet, Taming of the Shrew, and

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Romeo and Juliet, among others. Older Greek plays are also taught fairly often, especially
Sophocles’ Antigone. And any good drama unit should include more modern plays for
comparison, such as Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman.

Poetry and drama both belong to the broader category of fiction—texts that feature events and
characters that have been made up. Then there is non-fiction, a vast category that is a type of
prose and includes many different sub-genres. Non-fiction can be creative, such as the personal
essay, or factual, such as the scientific paper. Sometimes the purpose of non-fiction is to tell a
story (hence the autobiography), but most of the time the purpose is to pass on information and
educate the reader about certain facts, ideas, and/or issues.

Some genres of non-fiction include histories, textbooks, travel books, newspapers, self-help
books, and literary criticism. A full list of non-fiction types would be at least as long as this entire
article. But the varieties most often used in the classroom are textbooks, literary criticism, and
essays of various sorts. Most of what students practice writing in the classroom is the non-fiction
essay, from factual to personal to persuasive. And non-fiction is often used to support and
expand students’ understanding of fiction texts—after reading Hamlet students might read
critical articles about the play and historical information about the time period and/or the life of

The newest type of literature that has been defined as a distinct genre is media. This
categorization was created to encompass the many new and important kinds of texts in our
society today, such as movies and films, websites, commercials, billboards, and radio programs.
Any work that doesn’t exist primarily as a written text can probably be considered media,
particularly if it relies on recently developed technologies. Media literature can serve a wide
variety of purposes—among other things it can educate, entertain, advertise, and/or persuade.

More and more educators are coming to recognize the importance of teaching media in the
classroom. Students are likely to be exposed to far more of this type of literature than anything
else throughout their lives, so it makes sense to teach them how to be critical and active
consumers of media. Internet literacy is a growing field, for example, since the skills required to
understand and use online information differ in important ways from the skills required to analyze
printed information. Teaching media literacy is also a great way for educators to help students
become participants in their own culture, through lessons on creating their own websites or
home movies or commercials.

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Other Types of Literature
These are far from the only important genres of literature. Here are a few more that are
sometimes used in classrooms:

Oral Literature: The oldest type of literature, and the foundation on which culture was built. Now,
most oral texts have been written down, of course, and are usually taught in the form of epic
poems or plays or folk tales.

Folklore/Folk Tales/Fables: A distinction is often made between regular prose and folklore. Most
folk tales were originally oral literature, and are short stories meant to pass on a particular lesson
or moral. They often have a timeless quality, dealing with common human concerns that are just
as relevant to us today, while still being products of a very specific culture and time period.

Graphic Novels and Comic Books: It used to be that most educators saw comic books as the
lowest form of literature, not suitable or valuable for children. But times have changed, and
many teachers have come to realize that comic books and the more modern graphic novels
are both appealing to kids and are a valid form of literature in their own right.

Litblog (alternate: lit-blog or literary blog) is a blog that focuses primarily on the topic of literature.
There is a community of litblogs in the blogosphere whose authors cover a variety of literary
topics. An author of a litblog is called a 'Litblogger' and they write about fiction, nonfiction,
poetry, the publishing industry, literary journals, literary criticism, and more. They may focus on
special genres of literature, including science fiction and mystery.

Critical Approaches to Literature

1. Deconstruction is a school of literary criticism that suggests that language is not a stable
entity, and that we can never exactly say what we mean. Therefore, literature cannot give a
reader any one single meaning, because the language itself is simply too ambiguous.
Deconstructionists value the idea that literature cannot provide any outside meaning; texts
cannot represent reality.

Thus, a deconstructionist critic will deliberately emphasize the ambiguities of the language
that produce a variety of meanings and possible readings of a text.

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2. Feminist criticism tries to correct predominantly male-dominated critical perspective with a
feminist consciousness. This form of criticism places literature in a social context and employs
a broad range of disciplines, such as history, psychology, sociology, and linguistics, to create
a perspective that considers feminist issues. Feminist theories also attempt to understand
representation from a woman’s point of view and analyze women’s writing strategies in the
context of their social conditions.

3. Marxist criticism is a strongly politically-oriented criticism, deriving from the theories of the
social philosopher Karl Marx. Marxist critics insist that all use of language is influenced by
social class and economics. It directs attention to the idea that all language makes
ideological statements about things like class, economics, race, and power, and the
function of literary output is to either support or criticize the political and economic structures
in place. Some Marxist critics use literature to describe the competing socio-economic
interests that advance capitalist interests such as money and power over socialist interests
such as morality and justice. Because of this focus, Marxist criticism focuses on content and
theme rather than form.

4. New criticism evolved out of the same root theoretical system as deconstructionism, called
formalist criticism. It was popular between the 1940’s and the 1960’s, but can still be found in
some mutated forms today. New criticism suggests that the text is a self-contained entity,
and that everything that the reader needs to know to understand it is already in the text.
New critics totally discount the importance of historical context, authorial intent, effects on
the reader, and social contexts, choosing to focus instead on the layers in the next. This
school of criticism works with the elements of a text only – irony, paradox, metaphor, symbol,
plot, and so on – by engaging in extremely close textual analysis.

5. New historicism focuses on the literary text as part of a larger social and historical context,
and the modern reader’s interaction with that work. New historicists attempt to describe the
culture of a period by reading many different types of texts and paying attention to many
different dimensions of a culture, including political, social, economic, and aesthetic
concerns. They regard texts as not simply a reflection of the culture that produced them but
also as productive of that culture by playing an active role in the social and political conflicts
of an age. New historicism acknowledges and then explores various versions of “history,”
sensitizing us to the fact that the history on which we choose to focus is colored by being
reconstructed by our present perspective.

6. Psychological criticism uses psychoanalytic theories, especially those of Freud and Jacques
Lacan, to understand more fully the text, the reader, and the writer. The basis of this
approach is the idea of the existence of a human consciousness – those impulses, desires,

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and feelings about which a person is unaware but which influence emotions or behavior.
Critics use psychological approaches to explore the motivations of characters and the
symbolic meanings of events, while biographers speculate about a writer’s own motivations
– conscious or unconscious – in a literary work.

7. Queer theory, or gender studies, is a relatively recent and evolving school of criticism, which
questions and problematizes the issues of gender identity and sexual orientation in literary
texts. Queer theory overlaps in many respects with feminist theory in its aims and goals, being
at once political and practical. To many queer theorists, gender is not a fixed identity that
shapes actions and thoughts, but rather a “role” that is “performed.” It also challenges the
notion that there is such a thing as “normal,” because that assumes the existence of a
category for “deviant.” Queer theorists study and challenge the idea that these categories
exist at all, but particularly in terms of sexual activities and identities.

Reader-response criticism removes the focus from the text and places it on the reader instead,
by attempting to describe what goes on in the reader’s mind during the reading of a text. Critics
are not interested in a “correct” interpretation of a text or what the author intended. They are
interested in the reader’s individual experience with a text. Thus, there is no single definitive
reading of a text, because the reader is creating, as opposed to discovering, absolute meanings
in texts. This approach is not a rationale for bizarre meanings or mistaken ones, but an
exploration of the plurality of texts. This kind of strategy calls attention to how we read and what
influences our readings, and what that reveals about ourselves.

The Literature

There are many types of prose. These include the following:

a. Novels. A long narrative divided into chapters and events are taken from true-to-life

Example: WITHOUT SEEING THE DAWN by Stevan Javellana

b. Short story. This is a narrative involving one or more characters, one plot and one single

Example: THE LAUGHTER OF MY FATHER by Carlos Bulosan

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c. Plays. This is presented on a stage, is divided into acts and each act has many scenes.

Example: THE FORSAKEN HOUSE by Wilfredo M. Guerrero

d. Legends. These are fictitious narratives, usually about origins.

Example: THE BIKOL LEGEND by Pio Duran

e. Fables. These are also fictitious and they deal with animals and inanimate things who
speak and act like people and their purpose is to enlighten the minds of children to
events that can mold their ways and attitudes.


f. Anecdotes. These are merely products of the writer’s imagination and the main aim is to
bring out lessons to the reader.


g. Essay. This expresses the viewpoint or opinion of the writer about a particular problem or
event. The best example of this is the Editorial page of a newspaper.

h. Biography. This deals with the life of a person which may be about himself, his
autobiography or that of others.

Example: CAYETANO ARELLANO by Socorro O. Albert

i. News. This is a report of everyday events in society, government, science and industry,
and accidents, happening nationally or not.

j. Oration. This is a formal treatment of a subject and is intended to be spoken in public. It

appeals to the intellect, to the will or to the emotions of the audience.

There are three types of poetry and these are the following:

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A. Narrative Poetry. This form describes important events in life either real imaginary.

The different varieties are:

1. Epic. This is an extended narrative about heroic exploits often under supernatural control.


translated in English by Amador T. Daguio

2. Metrical Tale. This is a narrative which is written in verse and can be classified either as a
ballad or a metrical romance.

Examples: BAYANI NG BUKID by Al Perez


3. Ballads. Of the narrative poems, this is considered the shortest and simplest. It has a
simple structure and tells of a single incident. There are also variations of these: love
ballads, war ballads, and sea ballads, humorous, moral, and historical or mythical
ballads. In the early time, this referred to a song accompanying a dance.

B. Lyric Poetry. Originally, this refers to that kind of poetry meant to be sung to the
accompaniment of a lyre, but now, this applies to any type of poetry that expresses
emotions and feelings of the poet. They are usually short, simple and easy to understand.

1. Folk Songs (Awiting Bayan). These are short poems intended to be sung. The common
theme is love, despair, grief, doubt, joy, hope and sorrow.


2. Sonnets. This is a lyric poem of 14 lines dealing with an emotion, a feeling, or an idea.
These are two types: the Italian and the Shakespearean.

Example: SANTANG BUDS by Alfonso P. Santos

3. Elegy. This is a lyric poem which expresses feelings of grief and melancholy, and whose
theme is death.

Example:THE LOVER’S DEATH by Ricaredo Demetillo

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4. Ode. This is a poem of a noble feeling, expressed with dignity, with no definite number of
syllables or definite number of lines in a stanza.

5. Psalms (Dalit). This is a song praising God or the Virgin Mary and containing a philosophy
of life.

6. Awit (Song). These have measures of twelve syllables (dodecasyllabic) and slowly sung to
the accompaniment of a guitar or banduria.

Example: FLORANTE AT LAURA by Franciso Balagtas

7. Corridos (Kuridos). These have measures of eight syllables (octosyllabic) and recited to a
martial beat.


C. Dramatic Poetry Has elements that closely relate it to drama, either because it is written in
some kind of dramatic form, or uses a dramatic technique. May also suggest a story, but
there is more emphasis on character rather than on the narrative.

1. Comedy. The word comedy comes from the Greek term “komos” meaning festivity or
revelry. This form usually is light and written with the purpose of amusing, and usually has
a happy ending.

2. Melodrama. This is usually used in musical plays with the opera. Today, this is related to
tragedy just as the farce is to comedy. It arouses immediate and intense emotion and is
usually sad but there is a happy ending for the principal character.

3. Tragedy. This involves the hero struggling mightily against dynamic forces; he meets
death or ruin without success and satisfaction obtained by the protagonist in a comedy.

4. Farce. This is an exaggerated comedy. It seeks to arouse mirth by laughable lines;

situations are too ridiculous to be true; the characters seem to be caricatures and the
motives undignified and absurd.

5. Social Poems. This form is either purely comic or tragic and it pictures the life of today. It
may aim to bring about changes in the social conditions.

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The Nature of Literature

Literature is language in use that provides

insights and intellectual stimulation to the
reader. As one explores literature, he likewise
discovers the beauty of language.

The language that is used by literature differs

from ordinary spoken or written language.

Literature uses special words, structure, and characteristics. Primarily the language of literature
differs from ordinary language in three ways:
1. Language is concentrated and meaningful;
2. Its purpose is not simply to explain, argue, or make a point but rather to give a sense of
pleasure in the discovery of a new experience; and,
3. It demands intense concentration from the readers.

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Name: ________________________________________________ Date Submitted: _____________________

Professor: _____________________________________________ Score: ______________________________

Your Task: After answering all the worksheets for the week, detach it from the workbook, put it
inside an envelope, and drop it off at the designated dropbox at the PCCR campus.

PART 1. Read the one-act play ‘’The World is an Apple’’ by Alberto S. Florentino and answer the
table below:


The World is an Apple

What is the _______________________________________________________________________
plot of the
story? _______________________________________________________________________










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What _______________________________________________________________________
strikes you the _______________________________________________________________________

most in the



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CHARACTERS: _______________________________________________________________________
Who are the
Main _______________________________________________________________________

Characters in
the Drama?

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What is the _______________________________________________________________________
Main Lesson
of the _______________________________________________________________________











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PART 2. Read a blog entry in the website ‘’’’ and write your own blog entry
about the topic ‘’The Inequality of Low Internet Access This Pandemic’’ or ‘’The Equality or
Inequality of the Justice System of the Philippines This Pandemic’’.









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I, ____________________________________________________________, do hereby certify that I

answered the questions and accomplished the indicated task by myself honestly and to the
best of my knowledge and capability.

________________________________________ __________________________________
(Signature over printed name) (Date signed)

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