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The strangest
thing about my
airplane ride was
that I seemed not
to be moving at all
since the plane
assumed a certain
altitude. As I
looked down,
the earth below seemed like a wonderful map in
lovely colors. Everything was a miniature. The
houses, the trees, the buildings appeared like
playthings. The vast rice fields were restful to the
eyes to look at. The ocean was but a shallow
stream of clear, blue water. Indeed, anybody’s
first plane ride is a pleasant experience.

1. On what kind of transportation was the author
A. a car B. a ship C. an airplane
2. How did the earth below appear to the
A. a vast rice field C. a wonderful map
B. an undeveloped place
3. How did the objects appear to the author?
A. shadows B. reflections C. miniatures
4. What made the rice fields restful to the eyes?
A. their size B. their color C. the location
5. How did the author consider his first airplane
A. a horrible experience
B. a nauseating experience
C. a pleasant experience
6. What did the author say the ocean looked like?
A. long river C. shallow stream
B. swimming pool
7. What was the strangest thing about the
author’s first airplane ride?
A. The plane flew so fast.
B. The plane could not go above the clouds.
C. The plane seemed not to be moving.
8. How many times has the author ridden on an
A. twice B. once C. many
9. Which appeared like playthings to the author?
A. buildings, trees, houses
B. houses, buildings, people
C. houses, people, animals
10. How did he describe the rice fields?
A. restful to the eyes C. like a dense forest
B. like a shallow stream


assumed attitude miniature

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