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Write your answers in a YELLOW PAD PAPER.

Case Study 1: "Golden Rice and Vitamin A Deficiency" Situation:

Golden Rice has been developed to combat vitamin A deficiency in
developing countries where rice is a staple food.

1. What is the purpose of developing Golden Rice, and how does it address
a specific nutritional issue?
2. What are the potential benefits of Golden Rice for communities with
vitamin A deficiency?
3. Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding the introduction of Golden
Rice, considering cultural, economic, and environmental factors.

Case Study 2: "Drought-Resistant Maize (Corn)" Situation:

A genetically modified maize variety has been developed to withstand
drought conditions.

1. What is the rationale behind developing drought-resistant maize, and
how does it address a significant agricultural challenge?
2. Examine the potential benefits and risks associated with the cultivation of
drought-resistant maize.
3. Evaluate public attitudes towards genetically modified crops and how
these attitudes might influence the adoption of drought-resistant maize.

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