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WEEK 05 – Task: Assignment – Talking about what I am studying

DOCENTE: Burgos Gavancho, Trylce Mia
Orihuela Marca Anabella Yuleika U20300685
Huerta Bellido Gustavo Arturo U20305415
Espino Hernández Juana Rosa U20210102

Anabella Yuleika Orihuela Gustavo Arturo Huerta Juana Rosa Espino

Marca Bellido Hernández

Código: U20300685 Código: U20305415 Código: U20210102

Anabella: Good morning teacher.My name is Anabella Yuleika Orihuela Marca.

Gustavo: Good morning teacher.My name is Gustavo Arturo Huerta Bellido.

Rosa: Good morning teacher.My name is Juana Rosa Espino Hernández.

Anabella: Hi guys. Long time no see. I guess you have been studying hard like me.

Gustavo: Hi Anabella, of course. I want to finish all my university activities.

Rosa: Well, as for me. I have been studying too. Because I want to do well on my test

this weekend.

Annabelle: ¿Really? It is very impressive to know that we are all studying hard to get

good grades in our exams.

Gustavo: Yes, it sounds good. By the way, I am a business administration student and I

need to study more about document organization as it is very important. So, I'll be

ready for the exam this weekend. And you, Rose?

Rosa: Same Gustavo, since I'm studying business administration and marketing I need

to improve my technical and interpersonal skills.

Anabella: You are absolutely right, because after graduating from a business

administration and marketing degree. I would like to work in a company like Strom

Brain to improve advertising and learn a lot from them.

Gustavo: It is very important to be methodical to be successful. I would also like to work

in a recognized administrative company.

Rosa: ¿In which company would you like to work?

Gustavo: I would like to work at Coca Cola, and I will also learn everything about its

administrative process and its success.

Rosa: After I graduate I would like to work in another country.

Anabella: Yes, it is important to expand to different places to learn strategies from other

places. Therefore, my idea is to be able to specialize in another country in order to

learn much more.

Rosa: I would like to work at Zara since it is well known, and I can contribute many

innovative ideas since I consider myself a proactive person.

Gustavo: My skills are the perseverance of being able to move my work group forward.

Anabella: In my case, I consider myself a capacle person who can do anything

because I am perfectionist,Who seeks to find the method in wich I can help and thus be

able to Excel in my job.

Rosa: It's good that we all have the same expectations. I know that we can obtain

everything that we are proposing.

Gustavo: I know that we can be recognized winners.

Anabella: In addition, we have to be able to be the best in our careers and for them to

be fascinated with our work.

Gustavo: Well girls I will continue studying, take care of yourselves.

Anabella: See you later guys.

Rose: Until next time.


Anabella: See you later teacher

Rosa: See you later teacher

Gustavo: See you later teacher


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