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was a small to medium-sized carnivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period,
approximately 75 to 71 million years ago. It is known for its agile and predatory nature, as well
as its appearance in popular culture, particularly in movies like Jurassic Park.

The name "Velociraptor" means "swift thief" in Latin, reflecting its likely speed and predatory
habits. Despite its portrayal in movies as a large, fearsome predator, Velociraptor was actually
relatively small, roughly the size of a turkey, with an estimated length of about 6.8 feet (2
meters) from snout to tail and standing around 1.6 feet (0.5 meters) tall at the hip.

Velociraptor had a slender, lightweight build, with a long, low skull filled with sharp teeth suitable
for tearing flesh. Its jaws were equipped with serrated teeth, ideal for slicing through the flesh of
its prey. Its hands were particularly notable, each featuring a large, curved claw on the second
digit, which could be used for slashing and disemboweling prey.

One of Velociraptor's most distinctive features was its sickle-shaped retractable claw on each
foot, similar to modern birds of prey. These claws were likely used as formidable weapons
during hunting, allowing Velociraptor to latch onto and immobilize its prey.

Despite its small size, Velociraptor was likely a highly intelligent and social dinosaur, capable of
complex behaviors and possibly hunting in packs. Fossil evidence suggests that it may have
been a swift runner, able to pursue prey over short distances with its agile limbs.

Velociraptor lived in what is now Mongolia and China during the Late Cretaceous period,
coexisting with other dinosaurs such as Protoceratops and the larger predator Tarbosaurus. Its
fossils have been found in various formations in the Gobi Desert.

Overall, Velociraptor is a fascinating dinosaur known for its speed, agility, and predatory
prowess, and its portrayal in popular culture has captivated the imagination of people around
the world.

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