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was a heavily armored, herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period,
approximately 68 to 66 million years ago. It is famous for its thick, bony plates covering its body
and a tail ending in a large, bony club, making it one of the most well-defended dinosaurs of all

The name "Ankylosaurus" means "fused lizard," derived from the Greek words "ankylos" (fused)
and "sauros" (lizard), referring to the fused nature of its bones and armor. This dinosaur
belonged to a group known as the ankylosaurids, characterized by their armored bodies and
unique defensive features.

Ankylosaurus had a low-slung, heavily built body covered in bony plates called osteoderms,
which formed a protective armor over its back, sides, and even parts of its underside. These
plates were embedded in the skin and likely provided protection against predators such as
Tyrannosaurus rex.

One of Ankylosaurus's most distinctive features was its tail, which ended in a massive, bony
club composed of fused vertebrae. This tail club could be swung with great force, capable of
delivering devastating blows to potential attackers. It likely served as a formidable weapon for
self-defense against predators or possibly in intraspecific combat during mating rituals or
territorial disputes.

Despite its impressive defensive adaptations, Ankylosaurus had a relatively small head with a
beak-like mouth and small, leaf-shaped teeth adapted for cropping vegetation. Its diet likely
consisted of low-lying plants such as ferns, cycads, and other tough vegetation.

Ankylosaurus walked on four sturdy legs, each equipped with hoof-like claws, and its body was
supported by robust limb bones. Despite its heavily armored appearance, Ankylosaurus was
likely a relatively slow-moving dinosaur, relying on its armor and defensive weaponry rather than
speed to defend itself against predators.

Fossils of Ankylosaurus have been found primarily in North America, particularly in regions such
as Montana, Wyoming, and Alberta, Canada. Its unique anatomy and impressive defensive
adaptations have made it one of the most recognizable and iconic dinosaurs of the Late
Cretaceous period.

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