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Reported/Indirect speech
Dalam melaporkan ucapan seseorang kita bisa menggunakan dua cara. Pertama, ujaran langsung (direct
speech) dengan menggunakan tanda kutip (quotation marks). Contoh: “I work in a bank”, atau kita
menggunakan kalimat tidak langsung/kalimat berita (reported speech). Contoh: He said he worked in a
Dalam reported speech penggunaan tenses, urutan kata (word-order) dan kata ganti (pronoun) mungkin
akan berbeda daripada kalimat aslinya.

Present simple and present continuous tenses

 Direct speech : “I travel a lot in my job”
Reported speech : He said that he travelled a lot in his job.
Catatan: The present simple tense (I travel) berubah ke past simple (he travelled)
 Direct speech : “Be quiet. The baby’s sleeping.”
Reported speech : She told me to be quiet because the baby was sleeping.
Catatan: present continuous biasanya berubah menjadi past continuous.

Direct speech : “I work in Italy”

Reported speech : He told me that he works in Italy.
Catatan: Tense tidak harus selalu berubah. Jika hal yang disampaikan masih berlaku/faktual hingga
sekarang : dia masih bekerja di Italia. Kita bisa mempertahankan present simple dalam reported

Past simple and past continuous tenses

 Direct speech : “We lived in China for 5 years.”
Reported speech : She told me they had lived in China for 5 years.
Catatan: Past simple (we lived) berubah menjadi past perfect (they had lived).
 Direct speech: “I was walking down the road when I saw the accident.” Reported speech: He told me he’d
been walking down the road when he’d seen the accident.
Catatan: Past continuous biasanya berubah menjadi past perfect continuous.

Perfect tenses
 Direct speech : “They’ve always been very kind to me”.
Reported speech : She said they’d always been very kind to her.
Catatan: Present perfect tense (have always been) berubah menjadi past perfect tense (had always been).
 Direct speech : “They had already eaten when I arrived”
Reported speech : He said they had already eaten when he’d arrived.
Catatan: Past perfect tense tidak berubah di dalam reported speech.

Ingat bahwa di dalam reported speech kita biasanya mengubah tense dari pernyataan langsung. Present
simple tense berubah menjadi past simple, past simple berubah menjadi past perfect dst.
Berikut adalah beberapa poin untuk pertimbangan.

‘Can’ dan ‘will’

 Direct speech : “I can’t remember his name.”
Reported speech : She said she couldn’t remember his name.
Catatan: ‘Can’ dan ‘can’t’ dalam direct speech berubah menjadi ‘could’ dan ‘couldn’t’
 Direct speech : “I’ll be there for 3 weeks.”
Reported speech : He told me he’d be there for 3 weeks.
Catatan: ‘Will’ dan ‘won’t’ dalam direct speech berubah menjadi ‘would’ dan ‘wouldn’t’

Modal verbs lainnya

 Direct speech : “You could be right.”
Reported speech : I said that he could be right.

 Direct speech : “You must call me.”
Reported speech : She said that I must call her.
Catatan: Modal verb selain will dan can don’t change in reported speech.

Melaporkan perintah, permintaan dan nasehat

 Direct speech : “Sit down and shut up!”
Reported speech : The teacher told me to sit down and shut up.
 Direct speech: “Can you hold this for me please?”
Reported speech: He asked me to hold it.
 Direct speech: “You should do more exercise.”
Reported speech: He advised me to do more exercise.
Catatan: perintah, permintaan dan nasehat dapat diungkapkan dengan infinitive (to verb).

Kata kerja tertentu dalam laporan

Ada sejumlah kata kerja (verb) yang biasa digunakan dalam menyatakan laporan, misalnya
promise, claim, suggest, advise, refuse, argue, confirm :
 Direct speech : “It wasn’t me who broke the window.”
Reported speech : He denied breaking the window.
 Direct speech : “I’ll help you if you want”
Reported speech: She offered to help.

Melaporkan pertanyaan
Ketika kita melaporkan pertanyaan, maka kalimat asli yang berupa pertanyaan akan berubah menjadi
pernyataan. Dengan demikian struktur kalimat berikut tanda bacanya pun ikut berubah.

a. Yes/no questions (pertanyaan yang bisa dijawab dengan yes/no)

 Direct question : “Do you like working in teams?”
Reported question : He asked if I liked working in teams.
Catatan: Ketika melaporkan pertanyaan yes-no (yes/no questions) gunakan ‘if’ atau ‘whether’.
 Direct question : “Did you enjoy the party?”
Reported question : She asked me whether I’d enjoyed the party.
Catatan: Urutan kata ( word order) bentuknya sama dengan kalimat pernyataan (affirmative sentence).
Kata bantu (Auxiliary) seperti : do did does, dll. dihilangkan

b. Questions with a question word (pertanyaan dengan kata tanya)

 Direct question : “What time does the train leave?”
Reported question : He asked what time the train left.
Catatan: Kita menggunakan kata dengan susunan urutan kata ( word order) bentuknya sama dengan
kalimat pernyataan. (‘what time the train left’ not He asked me what time did the train leave.). Kata bantu
(Auxiliary) seperti : do did does, dll. dihilangkan

Contoh lain:
 Direct question : “Who did you see?”
Reported question : She asked me who I’d seen.
 Direct question : “Where did you go to school?”
Reported question : He asked me where I’d gone to school.
 Direct question : “Why are you crying?”
Reported question : She asked him why he was crying.
Catatan: reported questions tidak diakhiri dengan tanda tanya (?)

Catatan akhir : Tidak ada perubahan tenses jika reported speech menggunakan simple present sebagai
induk kalimat (main clause)
 Direct speech : “I travel a lot in my job” (simple present)
Reported speech : He says that he travels a lot in his job.(simple present)
Catatan: ‘he says’ adalah induk kalimat dalam simple present

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