Installing Carel pgd1 With Pco3

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Installing the PGD1 terminal

The address of the terminal can be set in the range between 0 and 32; addresses from 1 to 32 are used by the pLAN protocol,
while address 0 identifies the Local terminal protocol, used for point-to-point connections without graphics and to configure the




The default address is 32. The address can only be set after having powered up the terminal via the RJ12 connector.

1. To access configuration mode, press the UP, DOWN and ENTER buttons together for at least 5 seconds; the terminal will
display a screen similar to the one shown below,(release the press) with the cursor flashing in the top left corner:
*change the ‘display address setting’ only if replaced new pgd1 and the controller/unit still operating. Ensure the plan port
no termination (J11 plan). If PLAN is connected, reconfirm the rest of controller address and display address.
Example 3 units connected in PLAN

Unit1 Unit2 Unit3

Display address 16 17 18
I/0 Board address 1 2 3

After finished go to no.9 – if no controller new setup

2. To change the address of the terminal (“Display address setting”), proceed as follows.
Press the ENTER button once: the cursor will move to the “Display address setting” field.

Set as per shown below

‘Display address setting ………………….: 00’

3. Once ENTER, picture will show ‘Display Address changed’.

4. Turn OFF and ON back power to the pcO controller, then press ALARM and UP button (hold the press)

5. Released the press when picture as below appeared

6. DO NOT PRESS ENTER YET, to change the address just need to press UP or DOWN button.
Please set the PLAN address: 1, then press ENTER to firm.
7. Once press ENTER, press again the (UP, DOWN and ENTER)buttons. Picture below will be shown

8. Set the display address setting to ‘16’ by press (ENTER, then UP or DOWN) button. Once confirmed press Enter

Note: if after press ENTER the display will show ‘DISPLAY ADDRESS CHANGED’ OR ‘NO LINK’, press (UP,
ENTER and DOWN) again.

9. Set the I/O board address as 1 by press UP or DOWN button. Once confirmed press Enter

10. Press enter once the display shown as below

11. Set as per shown below. To move the cursor press ENTER, to choose the address press UP or DOWN arrow.
Note: set as per shown below

Set the TRM1 same as ‘display address setting’, if display address is 17, the TRM1 also 17. TRM2 will follow as 32.

12. Once finished, move the cursor to the last row ‘Trm3 None, once cursor at last row, press UP or DOWN to choose the
selector as ‘YES’, then press ENTER. DONE.

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