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Complete Notes

4/20/2024 Zeshan Umar Educationist 0301-3366924 1


 This is a Greek word, derived from Phila and Sophia mean love and
wisdom respectively.
 Love of wisdom or love of knowledge.
 Passion for learning.
 This is the comprehensive picture of the world.
 A guide to a way of life.


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 Rational investigation of truth.
 A guide to a way of life.
 Plato: Knowledge of eternal nature of things.
 Plato: He who has a taste of every sort of knowledge and who is curious
to learn and never satisfied just may called a philosopher.
 Cicero: Mother of all arts.
 Aristotle: Science that investigates nature of being as it is in itself.

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Scope of Philosophy

 It covers all philosophical sciences like epistemology, axiology,
metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, religious, historical, logic,
semantics, educational, economical philosophy.
 It investigate nature of knowledge.
 Science of sciences, mother of all sciences.
 It talk about life.
 It tell about universe, its existence, it ask question, where is GOD,
why we are here, purpose of life.
 It helps to develop aims, curriculum, methods of teaching.
 It helps in solving problems, critical thinking and decision making.
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Educational Philosophy

 Educational Philosophy is the application of Philosophy.
 It helps to develop aims of education.
 It helps to decide about teaching methods.
 It helps in developing curriculum.
 It helps in decision making and critical thinking.
 It provides guidance and supervision to education.
 Philosophy and Education are the two sides of same coin by Ross.
 Philosophy is thought and education is application.
 It is the responsibility of the society to determine aims of education.
 Philosophy deals with abstract, education deals with concrete.
 Philosophy is thought and education is practical.
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Educational Philosophy


A study of fundamental questions about life, A branch of philosophy that focuses on educational theories,
knowledge, reality, and existence. principles, and practices.

Broad and encompasses various disciplines, Specific to the field of education and its theories,
including ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology. methodologies, and goals.

Seeks to understand the nature of reality, Aims to guide and inform educational practices, policies, and
knowledge, ethics, and the meaning of life. curriculum development.
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Addresses general philosophical questions Addresses specific educational issues, such as teaching
applicable to all aspects of human existence. methods, learning theories, and curriculum design.
Specifically applies to educational institutions,
Relevant to all areas of human life, including
Application teachers, students, and the process of learning and
science, ethics, politics, and art.

Examines theories of knowledge, truth, morality, Explores theories of learning, teaching, educational
and the nature of reality and existence.
 aims, and the role of education in society.

Combines philosophical reasoning with empirical

Relies on reasoning, logic, and argumentation to
Methodology research, observation, and analysis of educational
evaluate and construct philosophical theories.

Provides a foundation for various academic Shapes educational policies, curriculum

Influence disciplines and informs cultural, social, and frameworks, teaching methodologies, and
ethical perspectives. educational reforms.

Explores fundamental questions about the nature Guides the development and implementation of
Significance of knowledge, reality, morality, and the human educational systems, pedagogical approaches, and
4/20/2024 condition. instructional strategies.
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Metaphysics, axiology, epistemology

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 Philosophy deals with the most basic issues faced by human beings.
 Philosophy ask question, instead of giving answer.
 Study of question is called philosophy.
 Question must be right, mean meaningful.
 All subjects separate from philosophy.
 Divide something into parts is called branches.
 Science: the knowledge we obtain after experiments.
 Arts: describing the thoughts in your own words called arts. Writing,
poetry, painting etc.

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Branches of Philosophy

 The philosophy contend divided into three categories.
1. Metaphysics
2. Axiology
3. Epistemology

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 The study of questions concerning to the nature of reality or existence.
 Its literal means beyond the physical.
i. What is reality?
ii. Does God exist, and if so, can we prove it?
iii. What is time?
iv. What is life?
v. Is there life after death?
vi. Does soul/mind exist?
vii.Meta means beyond Real

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Metaphysical question types.

 Metaphysical question are divided into four subsets.
1. Cosmological Aspect
2. Theological
3. Anthropological
4. Ontological

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Theological Aspect

 Theology is that part of the religious theory that deals with the
conception of God.
 Is there any God?
 If so, one or more than one God?
 What are the attributes of God?
 Why powerful is God, why evil exist?
 What is his relationship with human beings and the real world of
everyday life.

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 The theology comes from two Greek words which means “god” .
 Theist: Who believe God exist.
 Atheist : they believe God does 'not exist.
 Skeptic: A skeptic is a person who remain in doubt, either God exist or
not. They doubts about things that other people believe.
 Agnosticism: the view or belief that the existence of God can’t be
known, GOD is supernatural.

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 Monotheist: they believe there is only one God. Jews, Muslims and
 Polytheist: they believes in many gods.
 Henotheist: they mean the worship of a particular god, without
disbelieving the others. Sometime tribe to tribe change, sometime work
to work change. Give percentage.
 Ditheist: believe on two gods.

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 A branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of the universe.
 Knowledge about space, galaxies, astrology, spatial bodies.
 They think by which metal this universe is made of.
 When universe end?
 How universe made?

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Cosmological Aspect

 Cosmology studies the theories of origin, nature and development of
Universe as an orderly system.
1. How did the universe originate and develop?
2. Did it come about by accident or design?
3. Does it existence have any purpose?

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Ontological Aspect

 Ontology is the study of the nature of existence, or what it means for
anything to exist.
 Is basic reality found in matter or basic reality found in matter or
physical energy.
 It is composed of one element( matter or spirit).
 Is it fixed or stable?
 Is the reality friendly, unfriendly or neutral towards humanity?

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Anthropological Aspect

 Anthropology deals with the study of human beings and ask question
like about this.
1. What is the relationship between mind and body?
2. What is humanity moral status?
3. Are people born good, evil or morally neutral?
4. To what extent human is free?
5. Does each person have a soul?
These questions influence political, social, religious, and educational ideals
and practices.
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 The study of question of value. Deals with the issues of values.
 It is called theory of values.
 It is also called moral philosophy.
 This is a Greek word, means worth, values.
 Values are the guiding principles, an something which is accepted.
 It is further divided into two types.
1. Ethics
2. Aesthetics

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 The study of moral Principles attempts to establish rational grounds for
good conduct.
 This is related to the purpose of life, ask about life.
 What is our purpose of life?
 How we can attain purpose of life?
1. What is good/bad?
2. What is right/wrong?
3. What is the foundation of moral principles?
 Questions change time to time.

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 Hedonism: we want happiness, we work for happiness, to help others
for happiness.
 Ethics is a different thing and in western philosophy many books
written on this.

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 The study of the nature and value of works of art and the aesthetic
 Aesthetic sense may differ from person to person.
 Taste is also aesthetics sense.
 The study of beauty.
1. What is beauty?
2. What is a work of art?
3. What aspects produce enjoyment.

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 The study of the nature of knowledge, source of knowledge, scope of
knowledge, application of knowledge and how these are attained and
 Derived from Greek work
 Episteme mean knowledge.
 Logos mean study of.
1. What is knowledge and how does it differ from belief?
2. What is source of knowledge?
3. Experience, justify and belief, these are the things by which we can describe
our knowledge.
4. Do absolutes exist, and if so, can we know them?
5. What is relationship between fait and belief?
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 What is knowledge?
 Sources of knowledge (Rational, Empericism)
 Validity of knowledge
 Limits/limitations of knowledge

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 This word is 1st time used to present a philosophy in English by Scottish
philosopher James Frederick Ferrier in 1854.

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 Psychology is the branch of Philosophy which deals the study of human
mind and soul.
 Now psychology is the separate branch.
 1870 separate from philosophy.

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Speculative Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy, Perspective

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Speculative Philosophy

 Styles: make in a particular form.
 Concerned with theory development.
 Theories related to purpose of creation of man, society, universe etc.
 It is related to ontology area.
 Purpose of evaluation of society.
 Thinking about various perspective of human personality.

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Analytic Philosophy

 Explains the whole with the help of part.
 Analysis of things.
 Logical reasoning.
 Conceptual clarity.
 Initially, Plato was the creator of this theory.
 Dividing the whole states into a parts.
 It is related to Epistemology

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Perspective Philosophy

 Concerned with ethics, aesthetics sense
 It is concerned with social values.
 Evaluates good and bad.
 What values are good for man.
 It set standard to measure values.
 It examine the good/bad.
 It is related to the area of axiology.

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 Plato(427-347 BC)
 Frobel
 Kant
 Gandhi, Woodrow wilson, Norman Angell, Alferd Zimmern.

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 Plato(427-347 BC)
(is the father of Idealism, he describe this in his book “The Republic”.
In this book he said there are two words. First is spiritual(eternal,
permanent, regular, universal) and 2nd is appearance(touch, smell, taste,
sound, changing, imperfect and disorderly, experience by 5 senses.
 Idealism and Utopian society were mentioned in Republic.
 Plato’s famous saying, “see with the eyes of mind”.
 Senses are illusion. Horses die and finished. Where as brave men always
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Fundamental Principles

 Oldest philosophy
 Based on Ideas and values
 Body is false and soul is true
 Focus on conscious reasoning in the mind.
 Material world is mortal and values are important.
 Mind and spirit are essential
 Human welfare and advancement in civilization.
 Bad human is because of bad environment.
 This is Psycho-centric (mind is at center of reality).
 League of nation is product of idealism.
 Psychology is an incomplete study.
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Fundamental Principles

 Based of spiritual education
 This is Monism theory, which means God is all source of knowledge.
 This is against realism, scientific method and sensory experience.
 Values are pre-determined/real and unchanging.
 Spiritual is a ultimate reality.
 Everything comes in mind is the reality.
 Focus on brain storming
 Give importance to teacher and curriculum
 It is search of truth, beauty and justice.
 Knowledge comes from revelation.
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Aims of Education

 Self realization
 Spiritual development
 Trust, beauty and goodness
 Holy life
 Conservation, promotion and transmission of cultural heritage.
 Development of intellect.
 Exaltation of human personality.
 Universal education.
 Simple living and high thinking should be the aim of education.

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 Based on ethics,
 Religion
 Logic
 History
 Literature
 Fine arts
 Humanities and cultural studies.
 Gymnastic and geography
 Favor bookish knowledge.
 Emphasis on thinking, reasoning, book reading, believe in positive education.
 Curriculum should be such subjects which is conducive to someone goals.
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Methods of teaching

Idealist focus on aims and objectives.
 Question answer method
 Conservation method
 Dialogue method
 Inductive method, deductive method, analytic method
 Lecture method
 Book study method etc.
 Imitation method
 Let the students dreams and follow their dreams.

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Teacher Role

 Teacher role is important, no teaching without teacher.
 Dominant personality
 Inspire students to find soul.
 God and Divine powers
 Co workers.

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 Inner discipline (discipline of mind and intellect)
 Self discipline.
 Restrain child freedom. Only guided freedom.
 Moral and religion instruction.

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 The major criticism is it neglect child psychology, it also ignore physical
 No significant contribution in teaching methods.
 Students have no freedom, only grow under shadow of teacher.
 It set no obtainable goals, no final goal.
 Emphasize humanities, ignore science and technology.
 It doesn’t acknowledge individual differences and special abilities of
pupils, same course of study for everyone.

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 Volition Idealism: refers to the act of making a conscious choice or
decision. volition in Idealism philosophy highlights the power of
human will and the capacity to make choices that reflect one's inner
values and principles.
 Idealism is a Greek word, come from the word idein, which means “To

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Complete Detail

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 Aristotle
 Bertrand Russell
 Munshi prem chand
 John Lock

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Aristotle(382-322 BC)

 Aristotle is also the father of scientific method
 Father of Realism
 First psychology book write (Pre Psyche)
 Discipline of logic (reasoning)
 Lyceum academy was established by Aristotle

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Fundamental Principles

 They are against Idealism
 They value real things
 Material world is the real world
 Reality is independent of mind.
 Truth is objective, what can be observed.
 Get objective from books, but oppose bookish knowledge.
 Reality is what can be felt through senses, logic(inductive, deductive)
 It doesn’t believe on existence of God.
 It is pluralistic, mean multiple source of real knowledge.

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Fundamental Principles

 Favors of traveling, observations and experiments.
 Everything change with time
 Focus on behavior and experiments
 Education is only based on science
 There is criteria, discipline of learning things.
 Reality can be more than one form.
 Develop rational powers in learners.
 Values are not absolute and changing.
 Knowledge come through senses.

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Aims of Education

 Prepare the child for future life
 Teach truth rather then beauty.
 Focus on mental and physical development
 Prepare the child for happy life
 Give professional education and it’s importance.
 Focus on present and real life
 Vocational education and skill training
 Mental power development in the child
 Education should be practical and utilitarian.

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 Physical world ( science, math) subject
 Activity based
 Character building
 Only existing things should teach.
 Curriculum should be such that student be able to solve real life
 Modern languages should be taught for social intercourses.
 Very little interest in arts, painting or music.
 Science and technology is important.

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Teaching Methods

 Inductive method
 Discovery learning
 Heuristic method
 Experimental method
 Correlation method
 Dalton plan
 Field trips
 Demonstration method
 Present the facts as they are, teacher shouldn’t include his opinion.
 The method of teaching strictly objective,
 Basic reading, writing and arithmetic in classroom.
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Teacher Role

 Teacher is dominant
 Teacher teaches material things
 Teacher is a guide.
 Teacher should has mastery of knowledge of present life.
 Teacher shouldn’t be pessimist or optimistic.
 Child should be given freedom.

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 Discipline should be based upon love, sympathy and understanding
rather then authority.
 Self discipline, moral religious education for self discipline.
 Restrain child freedom.

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Merits of Realism

1. It lays emphasizes on Practical knowledge
2. The aim of the development of a dynamic and adaptable mind.
3. Due importance to science and technology(curriculum)
4. Progressive method of teaching
(inductive-deductive, heuristic method, correlation, Dalton plan).
5. Proper concept of discipline ( discipline should be based on love,
sympathy, understanding instead of authority).

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Merits of Realism

6. Emphasis on Objectivity
7. Development of proper attitude among the students. (objective thinking
and rational judgment).
8. Physical Health
9. Instructions are given should be uniform scientific method.
10. Emphasis on vocational education.

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Demerits of Realism

1. Emphasizes on the immediate reality of the physical(ignore ultimate
and spiritual reality, only believe senses or empirical knowledge.
2. Ignore the importance of emotions, imaginations. (they are
3. No place of intuition and mediation. (they believe all knowledge come
from observation and experimentation, so no value for intuition and
4. More importance only to scientific subjects. Ignore arts, culture,
religion and morality etc.
5. No faith on eternal values and high ideals of life.
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1. A realistic teacher is said to be in a paradoxical position because they
must navigate between two contrasting aspects: Realism in Teaching
Approach: As a realistic teacher, they focus on imparting practical
knowledge, skills, and preparing students for real-life situations.
Student-Centered Approach: This approach emphasizes personalized
learning, encouraging students to explore their own passions, and self-
directed learning. The paradox arises because the realistic teacher must
balance these two approaches.

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Zeshan Umar
University of Jhang

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This is French origin school of though.
 Rousseau
 Montessori
 Darwin
 Spencer McDougall

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 Believe on nature, return to nature.
 Nature is whole reality, not spiritual.
 Something hidden by science, that need to search.
 Material world is a real world.
 Nature is the ultimate reality.
 Belief on science and scientific knowledge with time science change,
things change.
 There is no idea and supreme value.
 Roussoue write book Emile

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 No faith on soul.
 No distinction on body and mind, mind in brain and brain is matter.
 Man is good, society make him bad.
 Heredity and environment both influence personality of man.
Environment have two types physical or psychological.
 Senses are the gateway of knowledge.
 Take care of child interest.

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 No absolute good or bad, change with time.
 Nature is the source of knowledge.
 They are against traditional system of education.
 Law of natures are unchangeable.
 Against Autocratic or authoritative attitude.
 Knowledge comes through exploration (senses are the gateway of

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Naturalism and Education

 Natural environment for learning and development of child.
 Child centeredness.
 Maximum freedom.
 Happiness & healthy mood.
 Senses is the gateway of knowledge.
 Instinct are the basic of education.
 Negative education. ( using books, inside classrooms, predefined limits.

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Aims of Education

 Self expression,
 Self preservation(believe, ideas).
 Fullest development.
 Survival of the individual.
 Economic efficiency.
 Sublimation of instinct, basic instinct psychology of child.
 Maintained political and social relation.
 Adjustment with surrounding.
 Autonomous development of individual, nothing imposed.
 Enjoyment of leisure.
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Naturalism and Curriculum

 Help students in training senses.
 Such subject linkage with physical and natural environment.
 Psychology of child focused.
 No fixed curriculum.
 Math and science preferred. No spiritual knowledge.
 Simplicity, no rigidity.

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Naturalism and Curriculum

 Rousseau Focused exclusively on
 (1-12) year: Negative education, freedom at home.
 (12-20) year: training of intellect, formal education given through
experience. Text book with direct experience. History.
 Higher Stage: science instead arts. Science through exploration.
Preparing for father.

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Naturalism and Method

 direct experience with nature.
 Play way method.
 Learn by doing.
 Montessori, heuristic, Dalton, observational method.
 Motivation

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Naturalism and Discipline

 Unrestricted freedom.
 Social context.
 Not distinguishing society.
 No punishment.

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Naturalism and Role of

 Extreme naturalist ignore teacher.
 Teacher may interference in development of child.
 Nature is superior teacher.
 He teach right types of habits.
 Teacher is a manager who provides educational environment.
 Normal school was established by Pestalozi for teacher training.

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Merits of Naturalism

1. Development of child psychology
2. Scientific study of society and sociology.
3. Emphasis on experiences-centered curriculum.
4. Importance contribution in the fields of method of teaching.
5. Opposition to repression in the field of discipline.
6. Direct impetus to psychological and scientific conception of education.
7. Child centered, child has given full freedom.
8. Education should be self activity of the child.
9. 9. Self expression, fellow nature, auto education, play way, self discipline
and non interference are the main characteristics.

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Demerits of Naturalism

1. Children are given over freedom and giving most importance to
2. No importance of teacher
3. More emphasis on present needs of children.
4. It is based on one sided psychology. No individuality matters.
5. Direct experiences cannot provided all times. It become expensive also
6. It gives no space to spiritual values. Materialistic approach.

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 It give birth to progressivism.
 By supplementing with other school of thoughts, it give us best results.
 School should be flexible.
 Nature is best school.

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Complete Concepts
YouTube Link:

Zeshan Umar Educationist

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 This is oldest and traditional philosophy
 This is American Origin.
 It evolve from Realism
 This is most conservative and inflexible philosophy.
 This is teacher and subject centered philosophy.
 Focus liberal and general education instead professional.
 Vocational is less important.
 Student is passive and obedient.
 This is more conservative and strict. They talk about past.

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1. Adler
2. Hutchins
3. Maritain

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Fundamental Principles

 Education must be general, not specific
 Education must be prepare for life
 Study of great book. 100 great books of western civilization and 25 book per
year necessary study.
 Permanency is more real than change.
 Strict classroom discipline
 Focus old things, occur again and again
 This is inflexible philosophy
 All humans are same nature, Same nature mean same purpose, so curriculum
should be same, Education should be same.
 Rationality is man’s highest attribute, so teacher should train student mental.

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Fundamental Principles

 Focus of education should be the ideas that have lasted over centuries.
 Student learn from reading and analyzing the works by history’s finest
thinkers and writers.
 Ideas as relevant today as at the time of written.
 Personal development focus, such that deeply, analytically, flexibility in
 Spirituality and Education are hand to hand.
 Its roots in realism and idealism.

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 Reading great books
 Traditional subjects also important.
 Mathematics
 Science
 Music
 Social studies are essential
 Self discipline.
 Philosophy, history and science.
 Humanities, Arts, Theology, Religion, History and Great books.

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Teaching Method

 Use different methods as per situation but lecture method is basic.
 Teacher help students to learn great books.
 Focus importance of reading.
 Teacher instill learners respect for others, elders, boss etc.
 Teacher enhance critical thinking.
 Socratic Dialogue.
 Reading, writing and arithmetic.

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Teacher Role

 Teacher is responsible for all process.
 Teacher centered approach
 Teacher idea which are constant
 No permission to child, child are immature.
 Education is preparation of life.
 Develop learner rational and moral power.
 To develop a learner sound personality.

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 Discipline in classroom is necessary,
 A noisy classroom is not desirable place for learning.
 Students should be taught respect for authority and discipline.

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 Aristocracy of intellect.
 Same education for mentally retarded.

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Complete Concept

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 William Bagley,1930, America
 Thomas Briggs
 Frederick Breed

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Basic Concept

 This is American philosophy.
 This is educational philosophy and educational Theory.
 This is in reaction to progressive education.
 The follower of this theory found all over the world.
 They believe on fundamental belief, essential knowledge, Skills and Character
building, traditions.
 Its origin from idealism and realism
 Mental discipline should focus.
 They also believe values are same.
 It is conservative.

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Fundamental Principles

 Stress on mental discipline.
 Knowledge comes from hard work.
 Emphasis on useful culture and skills
 Focus on teaching on essential.
 Student should be model citizen.
 Prepare student to the contributive member of the society.
 Math science subjects.
 Knowledge comes from hard work.

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Aim of Education

 Teacher is authority and establish rules.
 Teaching essential values.
 The job of student is to listen and learn
 Students are passive.
 Transmitting the cultural heritage, intellectual knowledge and moral
 Little support for individual learning.

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 Reading, writing and arithmetic
 Knowledge that is essential for society.
 Traditional subjects
 Technology
 Foreign languages.
 Develop by subject experts.
 Focus on what is learnt not how to learn.
 Art and humanities are less important, if budget allow than do.
 Computer literacy important. Technology see valuable. Vocational not

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Teaching Method

 Socratic Method
 Direct instruction
 Method can be change according to its effectiveness.
 Lecture method.
 Mastery learning.
 Homework
 Memorization
 Give importance to traditional method.

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Teacher Role

 Teacher centered approach.
 Direct focus on task
 Important essential knowledge also impart essential knowledge.
 Teacher should teach moral values and motivate students.
 Maintain discipline, reward and punishment.
 Accountable for student learning.
 Proper sequencing, order in school.
 Teacher should take initiative.

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Complete Concept

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 Søren Kierkegaard….not believer…. (1813-1855) 19th century
 Jon poul Sartre….believer…take meaning from religious. (1905-1980)
20th century
 Karl Jaspess

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Basic Concept

 This philosophy revolve around man, Personal values, Purpose of my life.
 Man is the Groom of the world. Individual is important.
 His well should be considered.
 He is responsible of his doing, because he is free to do what he want.
 Man made his rules. Knowledge is subjective, truth is subjective.
 Man like change, and change can be done through education.
 Nothing is pre destined, man is thrown in the universe, man take
responsibility and find his way by his choice.
 Other is hell, who tease you to adopt something.
 The only purpose you choose, is the purpose of life.

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Fundamental Principles

 This is modern, Youngest and twentieth century philosophy.
 It is difficult to find its root in any philosophy.
 Every man is unique.
 No inborn human nature, man made his nature by environment, man
made culture.
 It’s man nature to exist. There is no God or supernatural power that
determines our life.
 Man can’t be taught what the world is. Because man is free to choose
and give its own meanings to the things.
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Fundamental Principles

 Individually of man is supreme.
 Man is central than truth or laws.
 Man is maker and master of culture.
 Idea of death should be accepted gracefully.
 Freedom is ultimate and highest value.
 Man can’t be taught what the world is.
 This philosophy is against spiritualism.
 Home education is better than school.

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Aims of Education

 Education should help the individual to make the human.
 Develop the emotion and esthetics side of man.
 To educate the whole person not just mind.
 Help learner to fully authentic being.
 Child learn better where there is no competition.
 No strict discipline, no fear of failure.

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 It focus on individual and relationship.
 Emphasize on freedom.
 Normative (Fine arts, drama, literature, philosophy)
 Cognitive ( Vocational, science, math)
 Learner is important, not a learning programme.
 Democracy should be promoted.

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 Home education
 Child centered approach.
 Emphasize on freedom.
 Dialogue, discussion, creativity, imagination.
 They are against assessment of students, focus on self direction, self

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Teacher Role

 Teacher should provide conducive and free environment.
 Child is central than teacher.
 Teacher is facilitator not a didactic authority.

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 Child freedom
 Self expression
 Self directed
 Self paced learning

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 This is time taking process.
 Education method is impractical.

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Complete Notes

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 Greek word, meaning ‘active and efficient’.
 American Philosophy.
 Solely based on practical utility.
 Believe on facts not ideas.
 emphasized on child individuality.

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 Charles Pierce
 William James
 John Dewey
 S. Kilpartick

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Fundamental Principles

 No ultimate values. ( man made values, truth is man made, no absolute truth,
truth is that work)
 Emphasis on Experimentation.
 Belief in Practical Philosophy.
 Human development according to the environment.
 Faith in Democracy.
 Revolt against traditionalism.
 Importance of man power.
 Faith in flexibility.
 Reality still in making.
 Importance of activity.

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Fundamental Principles

 It is pluralism
 Anthropos centric
 Reality is dynamic
 Reject metaphysics
 Education is not a preparation of life, education is life itself.
 Knowledge comes through senses.

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Aims of Education

 Science, experiments and evidence
 Child focus. Future career.
 Creation of new values
 Aims can be changed
 Harmonious development
 Personal and social adjustment.
 Reconstruction of experiences.
 All round development.
 Enable child to solve daily problem.

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 Activity curriculum
 Utilitarian curriculum
 Principle of integration

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Methods of Teaching

 Learning by doing
 Provision by real life situation.
 Project method
 Psychological and Sociological

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 Free environment.
 Cooperative and conducive for learning.
 Self discipline

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Teacher Role

 Create a real life situation for children.
 Child decide his goals, aim and objectives.
 Teacher is a friend and helper.

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Limitation of Pragmatism

 Extreme type of utilitarian.
 Against spiritual values.
 Against fixed aims.
 Humanities and cultural values not considered.
 No focus on intellectual
 No faith in eternal truth.
 It is theoretical neither practical.
 Expensive, not practical for us.

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 This is American Philosophy. They use it to solve their problems.

 William James
 John Dewey
 Kilpatrick

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Fundamental Principles

 Faith in flexibility
 No ultimate values
 Faith in democracy values and ideas.
 There is no GOD.
 Development according to the environment.
 Create problem solving skills using scientific method.
 Provide freedom to the students.
 Teaching learning how to think not what to think.

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Principles of Education

 Focus on experience and activity
 All around development
 Social adjustment

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 Language, Social sciences study.
 Knowledge is temporary not permanent.
 General science and various activity
 Experimental knowledge is important.
 It is student who decides what is worth knowing.
 Student needs are important in content selection.
 Integrated curriculum includes students interests.
 Students construct knowledge, what they see, feel and learn.
 Arts and vocational

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 Solve problem by scientific method.
 Freedom for students to unique development and follow their interest.
 Teacher students how to think, not what to think.

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Teaching Methods

 Problem solving method
 Project method
 Activity based on learning by doing
 Real life situation methods.
 Constructive and cooperative learning is preffered.

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Teacher Role

 He is a friend and guide and facilitator.
 Teacher encourages self education.
 Deal children with value and dignity.
 Students should be allowed to develop naturally.
 Teacher role is to stimulate and guide students.
 Learner is active and self motivated.
 Field trips, laboratory experiments, cooperative, project method,
problem solving and simulation.
 Teacher is facilitator.

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Educational Philosophy

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 Meaning “ again building”.
 Social Reforms, building a just society.
 This philosophy is called social reconstruction.
 This is also called critical theory.
 John Dewey suggested the term “reconstructionism” in the title of his
book “Reconstruction in philosophy”.
 Social reconstruction emphasizes the social questions and quest to
create better society and worldwide democracy.

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 George Count
 Freire
 Theodore Brameld is the major founder of this philosophy.

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Fundamental Principles

 Associated with pragmatism and Progressivism
 To create better society and worldwide democracy.
 Emphasis on democracy environment
 Addressing social questions
 Student centered philosophy
 System must be changed
 Students can change society.
 Protests are indicator of successful school programs.

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Fundamental Principles

 Reforms are necessary in all walks of life.
 Five basis of philosophy totality, revolutionary, democracy, selectivity
and coherence.
 Experiments, sense and observation are real source of knowledge.
 Culture and society are the basic source of knowledge, but may change
with time.

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 Building a just society.
 Teach student how to make decision and take action will produce a
better results.
 Advancement of technology in every walk of life.

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 Should be universal.
 According to democratic values.
 Civic education
 Ethics
 Focus on real social problems
 Community building.
 Social subjects like history, economics, social psychology and political

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 Student be able to identify injustice and search solution.
 Student explore issues and search solution.
 Students are the hope for future growth and change in society.
 Students can change society if necessary knowledge and skills given.

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Teaching Methods

 Cooperative learning
 Critical thinking
 Problem solving method and planning method are best.
 Experiential Learning, learning by doing.

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Role of Teacher

 Role model
 Resource person
 Social change activist
 Facilitator
 Teacher should teach students how we can control ( violence, hunger,
international terrorism, inflation, inequity)
 Brain storming
 Prepare students for social revolution.
 Remove past evils, make better present age and prepare students for future.

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Role of Teacher

1. Justice
2. Welfare based community
3. World peace
4. Social justice
5. Economic justice
6. Equality of opportunity
7. Freedom
8. Democracy
9. Equal opportunity to all.

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1. Banking method concept was given by Paulo Friere, in this students
have no opportunity to ask question and students is passive during

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Q1: which philosophy believes that
human desires are more important?

1. Constructivism
2. Experientialism
3. Pragmatism
4. Humanism

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Q2: which philosophy focus
practical consequences.

1. Idealism
2. Realism
3. Pragmatism
4. Existentialism

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Q3. All knowledge of the universe falls within the
pale of scientific investigation. All the things of the
universe are natural

1. Pragmatism
2. Naturalism
3. Realism
4. Idealism

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Q4. when we talk about the
universe, which philosophy is this:

1. Philosophy
2. Naturalism
3. Pragmatism
4. All above

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Q5. doing is more important.
Teacher should be guider, friend.

 Pragmatism
 Constructivism
 Realism
 Naturalism

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 This is a Greek word, derived from Philo and Sophia mean love and
wisdom respectively.
 Love of wisdom or love of knowledge.
 Passion for learning.
 This is the comprehensive picture of the world.
 A guide to a way of life.

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 Rational investigation of truth.
 A guide to a way of life.
 Plato: Knowledge of eternal nature of things.
 Plato: He who has a taste of every sort of knowledge and who is curious
to learn and never satisfied just may called a philosopher.
 Cicero: Mother of all arts.
 Aristotle: Science that investigates nature of being as it is in itself.

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Scope of Philosophy

 It covers all philosophical sciences like epistemology, axiology,
metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, religious, historical, logic, semantics,
educational, economical philosophy.
 It investigate nature of knowledge.
 Science of sciences, mother of all sciences.
 It talk about life.
 It tell about universe, its existence, it ask question, where is GOD, why
we are here, purpose of life.
 It helps to develop aims, curriculum, methods of teaching.
 It helps in solving problems, critical thinking and decision making.
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Educational Philosophy

 Educational Philosophy is the application of Philosophy.
 It helps to develop aims of education.
 It helps to decide about teaching methods.
 It helps in developing curriculum.
 It helps in decision making and critical thinking.
 It provides guidance and supervision to education.
 Philosophy and Education are the two sides of same coin by Ross.
 Philosophy is thought and education is application.
 It is the responsibility of the society to determine aims of education.
 Philosophy deals with abstract, education deals with concrete.
 Philosophy is thought and education is practical.
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Educational Philosophy


A study of fundamental questions about life, A branch of philosophy that focuses on educational theories,
knowledge, reality, and existence. principles, and practices.

Broad and encompasses various disciplines, Specific to the field of education and its theories,
including ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology. methodologies, and goals.

Seeks to understand the nature of reality, Aims to guide and inform educational practices, policies, and
knowledge, ethics, and the meaning of life. curriculum development.
4/20/2024 Zeshan Umar Educationist 0301-3366924 143
Addresses general philosophical questions Addresses specific educational issues, such as teaching
applicable to all aspects of human existence. methods, learning theories, and curriculum design.
Specifically applies to educational institutions,
Relevant to all areas of human life, including
Application teachers, students, and the process of learning and
science, ethics, politics, and art.

Examines theories of knowledge, truth, morality, Explores theories of learning, teaching, educational
and the nature of reality and existence.
 aims, and the role of education in society.

Combines philosophical reasoning with empirical

Relies on reasoning, logic, and argumentation to
Methodology research, observation, and analysis of educational
evaluate and construct philosophical theories.

Provides a foundation for various academic Shapes educational policies, curriculum

Influence disciplines and informs cultural, social, and frameworks, teaching methodologies, and
ethical perspectives. educational reforms.

Explores fundamental questions about the nature Guides the development and implementation of
Significance of knowledge, reality, morality, and the human educational systems, pedagogical approaches, and
4/20/2024 condition. instructional strategies.
Zeshan Umar Educationist 0301-3366924 144
Metaphysics, axiology, epistemology

 Philosophy deals with the most basic issues faced by human beings.
 Philosophy ask question, instead of giving answer.
 Study of question is called philosophy.
 Question must be right, mean meaningful.
 All subjects separate from philosophy.
 Divide something into parts is called branches.
 Science: the knowledge we obtain after experiments.
 Arts: describing the thoughts in your own words called arts. Writing,
poetry, painting etc.

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Branches of Philosophy

 The philosophy contend divided into three categories.
1. Metaphysics
2. Axiology
3. Epistemology

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 The study of questions concerning to the nature of reality or existence.
 Its literal means beyond the physical.
i. What is reality?
ii. Does God exist, and if so, can we prove it?
iii. What is time?
iv. What is life?
v. Is there life after death?
vi. Does soul/mind exist?
vii.Meta means beyond Real

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Metaphysical question types.

 Metaphysical question are divided into four subsets.
1. Cosmological Aspect
2. Theological
3. Anthropological
4. Ontological

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Theological Aspect

 Theology is that part of the religious theory that deals with the
conception of God.
 Is there any God?
 If so, one or more than one God?
 What are the attributes of God?
 Why powerful is God, why evil exist?
 What is his relationship with human beings and the real world of
everyday life.

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 The theology comes from two Greek words which means “god” .
 Theist: Who believe God exist.
 Atheist : they believe God does 'not exist.
 Skeptic: A skeptic is a person who remain in doubt, either God exist or
not. They doubts about things that other people believe.
 Agnosticism: the view or belief that the existence of God can’t be
known, GOD is supernatural.

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 Monotheist: they believe there is only one God. Jews, Muslims and
 Polytheist: they believes in many gods.
 Henotheist: they mean the worship of a particular god, without
disbelieving the others. Sometime tribe to tribe change, sometime work
to work change. Give percentage.
 Ditheist: believe on two gods.

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 A branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of the universe.
 Knowledge about space, galaxies, astrology, spatial bodies.
 They think by which metal this universe is made of.
 When universe end?
 How universe made?

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Cosmological Aspect

 Cosmology studies the theories of origin, nature and development of
Universe as an orderly system.
1. How did the universe originate and develop?
2. Did it come about by accident or design?
3. Does it existence have any purpose?

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Ontological Aspect

 Ontology is the study of the nature of existence, or what it means for
anything to exist.
 Is basic reality found in matter or basic reality found in matter or
physical energy.
 It is composed of one element( matter or spirit).
 Is it fixed or stable?
 Is the reality friendly, unfriendly or neutral towards humanity?

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Anthropological Aspect

 Anthropology deals with the study of human beings and ask question
like about this.
1. What is the relationship between mind and body?
2. What is humanity moral status?
3. Are people born good, evil or morally neutral?
4. To what extent human is free?
5. Does each person have a soul?
These questions influence political, social, religious, and educational ideals
and practices.
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 The study of question of value. Deals with the issues of values.
 It is called theory of values.
 It is also called moral philosophy.
 This is a Greek word, means worth, values.
 Values are the guiding principles, an something which is accepted.
 It is further divided into two types.
1. Ethics
2. Aesthetics

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 The study of moral Principles attempts to establish rational grounds for
good conduct.
 This is related to the purpose of life, ask about life.
 What is our purpose of life?
 How we can attain purpose of life?
1. What is good/bad?
2. What is right/wrong?
3. What is the foundation of moral principles?
 Questions change time to time.

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 Hedonism: we want happiness, we work for happiness, to help others
for happiness.
 Ethics is a different thing and in western philosophy many books
written on this.

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 The study of the nature and value of works of art and the aesthetic
 Aesthetic sense may differ from person to person.
 Taste is also aesthetics sense.
 The study of beauty.
1. What is beauty?
2. What is a work of art?
3. What aspects produce enjoyment.

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 The study of the nature of knowledge, source of knowledge, scope of
knowledge, application of knowledge and how these are attained and
 Derived from Greek work
 Episteme mean knowledge.
 Logos mean study of.
1. What is knowledge and how does it differ from belief?
2. What is source of knowledge?
3. Experience, justify and belief, these are the things by which we can describe
our knowledge.
4. Do absolutes exist, and if so, can we know them?
5. What is relationship between fait and belief?
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 What is knowledge?
 Sources of knowledge (Rational, Empericism)
 Validity of knowledge
 Limits/limitations of knowledge

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 This word is 1st time used to present a philosophy in English by Scottish
philosopher James Frederick Ferrier in 1854.

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 Psychology is the branch of Philosophy which deals the study of human
mind and soul.
 Now psychology is the separate branch.
 1870 separate from philosophy.

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Speculative Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy, Perspective
Speculative Philosophy

 Styles: make in a particular form.
 Concerned with theory development.
 Theories related to purpose of creation of man, society, universe etc.
 It is related to ontology area.
 Purpose of evaluation of society.
 Thinking about various perspective of human personality.

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Analytic Philosophy

 Explains the whole with the help of part.
 Analysis of things.
 Logical reasoning.
 Conceptual clarity.
 Initially, Plato was the creator of this theory.
 Dividing the whole states into a parts.
 It is related to Epistemology

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Perspective Philosophy

 Concerned with ethics, aesthetics sense
 It is concerned with social values.
 Evaluates good and bad.
 What values are good for man.
 It set standard to measure values.
 It examine the good/bad.
 It is related to the area of axiology.

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 Plato(427-347 BC)
 Frobel
 Kant
 Gandhi, Woodrow wilson, Norman Angell, Alferd Zimmern.

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 Plato(427-347 BC)
(is the father of Idealism, he describe this in his book “The Republic”.
In this book he said there are two words. First is spiritual(eternal,
permanent, regular, universal) and 2nd is appearance(touch, smell, taste,
sound, changing, imperfect and disorderly, experience by 5 senses.
 Idealism and Utopian society were mentioned in Republic.
 Plato’s famous saying, “see with the eyes of mind”.
 Senses are illusion. Horses die and finished. Where as brave men always
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Fundamental Principles

 Oldest philosophy
 Based on Ideas and values
 Body is false and soul is true
 Focus on conscious reasoning in the mind.
 Material world is mortal and values are important.
 Mind and spirit are essential
 Human welfare and advancement in civilization.
 Bad human is because of bad environment.
 This is Psycho-centric (mind is at center of reality).
 League of nation is product of idealism.
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Fundamental Principles

 Based of spiritual education
 This is Monism theory, which means God is all source of knowledge.
 This is against realism, scientific method and sensory experience.
 Values are pre-determined/real and unchanging.
 Spiritual is a ultimate reality.
 Everything comes in mind is the reality.
 Focus on brain storming
 Give importance to teacher and curriculum
 It is search of truth, beauty and justice.
 Knowledge comes from revelation.
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Aims of Education

 Self realization
 Spiritual development
 Trust, beauty and goodness
 Holy life
 Conservation, promotion and transmission of cultural heritage.
 Development of intellect.
 Exaltation of human personality.
 Universal education.
 Simple living and high thinking should be the aim of education.

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 Based on ethics,
 Religion
 Logic
 History
 Literature
 Fine arts
 Humanities and cultural studies.
 Gymnastic and geography
 Favor bookish knowledge.
 Emphasis on thinking, reasoning, book reading, believe in positive education.
 Curriculum should be such subjects which is conducive to someone goals.
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Methods of teaching

Idealist focus on aims and objectives.
 Question answer method
 Conservation method
 Dialogue method
 Inductive method, deductive method, analytic method
 Lecture method
 Book study method etc.
 Imitation method
 Let the students dreams and follow their dreams.

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Teacher Role

 Teacher role is important, no teaching without teacher.
 Dominant personality
 Inspire students to find soul.
 God and Divine powers
 Co workers.

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 Inner discipline (discipline of mind and intellect)
 Self discipline.
 Restrain child freedom. Only guided freedom.
 Moral and religion instruction.

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 The major criticism is it neglect child psychology, it also ignore physical
 No significant contribution in teaching methods.
 Students have no freedom, only grow under shadow of teacher.
 It set no obtainable goals, no final goal.
 Emphasize humanities, ignore science and technology.
 It doesn’t acknowledge individual differences and special abilities of
pupils, same course of study for everyone.

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 Volition Idealism: refers to the act of making a conscious choice or
decision. volition in Idealism philosophy highlights the power of
human will and the capacity to make choices that reflect one's inner
values and principles.

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Complete Detail

 Aristotle
 Bertrand Russell
 Munshi prem chand
 John Lock

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Aristotle(382-322 BC)

 Aristotle is also the father of scientific method
 Father of Realism
 First psychology book write (Pre Psyche)
 Discipline of logic (reasoning)
 Lyceum academy was established by Aristotle

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Fundamental Principles

 They are against Idealism
 They value real things
 Material world is the real world
 Reality is independent of mind.
 Truth is objective, what can be observed.
 Get objective from books, but oppose bookish knowledge.
 Reality is what can be felt through senses, logic(inductive, deductive)
 It doesn’t believe on existence of God.
 It is pluralistic, mean multiple source of real knowledge.

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Fundamental Principles

 Favors of traveling, observations and experiments.
 Everything change with time
 Focus on behavior and experiments
 Education is only based on science
 There is criteria, discipline of learning things.
 Reality can be more than one form.
 Develop rational powers in learners.
 Values are not absolute and changing.
 Knowledge come through senses.

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Aims of Education

 Prepare the child for future life
 Teach truth rather then beauty.
 Focus on mental and physical development
 Prepare the child for happy life
 Give professional education and it’s importance.
 Focus on present and real life
 Vocational education and skill training
 Mental power development in the child
 Education should be practical and utilitarian.

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 Physical world ( science, math) subject
 Activity based
 Character building
 Only existing things should teach.
 Curriculum should be such that student be able to solve real life
 Modern languages should be taught for social intercourses.
 Very little interest in arts, painting or music.
 Science and technology is important.

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Teaching Methods

 Inductive method
 Discovery learning
 Heuristic method
 Experimental method
 Correlation method
 Dalton plan
 Field trips
 Demonstration method
 Present the facts as they are, teacher shouldn’t include his opinion.
 The method of teaching strictly objective,
 Basic reading, writing and arithmetic in classroom.
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Teacher Role

 Teacher is dominant
 Teacher teaches material things
 Teacher is a guide.
 Teacher should has mastery of knowledge of present life.
 Teacher shouldn’t be pessimist or optimistic.
 Child should be given freedom.

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 Discipline should be based upon love, sympathy and understanding
rather then authority.
 Self discipline, moral religious education for self discipline.
 Restrain child freedom.

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Merits of Realism

1. It lays emphasizes on Practical knowledge
2. The aim of the development of a dynamic and adaptable mind.
3. Due importance to science and technology(curriculum)
4. Progressive method of teaching
(inductive-deductive, heuristic method, correlation, Dalton plan).
5. Proper concept of discipline ( discipline should be based on love,
sympathy, understanding instead of authority).

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Merits of Realism

6. Emphasis on Objectivity
7. Development of proper attitude among the students. (objective thinking
and rational judgment).
8. Physical Health
9. Instructions are given should be uniform scientific method.
10. Emphasis on vocational education.

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Demerits of Realism

1. Emphasizes on the immediate reality of the physical(ignore ultimate
and spiritual reality, only believe senses or empirical knowledge.
2. Ignore the importance of emotions, imaginations. (they are
3. No place of intuition and mediation. (they believe all knowledge come
from observation and experimentation, so no value for intuition and
4. More importance only to scientific subjects. Ignore arts, culture,
religion and morality etc.
5. No faith on eternal values and high ideals of life.
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1. A realistic teacher is said to be in a paradoxical position because they
must navigate between two contrasting aspects: Realism in Teaching
Approach: As a realistic teacher, they focus on imparting practical
knowledge, skills, and preparing students for real-life situations.
Student-Centered Approach: This approach emphasizes personalized
learning, encouraging students to explore their own passions, and self-
directed learning. The paradox arises because the realistic teacher must
balance these two approaches.

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Zeshan Umar
University of Jhang

This is French origin school of though.
 Rousseau
 Montessori
 Darwin
 Spencer McDougall

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 Believe on nature, return to nature.
 Nature is whole reality, not spiritual.
 Something hidden by science, that need to search.
 Material world is a real world.
 Nature is the ultimate reality.
 Belief on science and scientific knowledge with time science change,
things change.
 There is no idea and supreme value.
 Roussoue write book Emile

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 No faith on soul.
 No distinction on body and mind, mind in brain and brain is matter.
 Man is good, society make him bad.
 Heredity and environment both influence personality of man.
Environment have two types physical or psychological.
 Senses are the gateway of knowledge.
 Take care of child interest.

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 No absolute good or bad, change with time.
 Nature is the source of knowledge.
 They are against traditional system of education.
 Law of natures are unchangeable.
 Against Autocratic or authoritative attitude.
 Knowledge comes through exploration (senses are the gateway of

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Naturalism and Education

 Natural environment for learning and development of child.
 Child centeredness.
 Maximum freedom.
 Happiness & healthy mood.
 Senses is the gateway of knowledge.
 Instinct are the basic of education.
 Negative education. ( using books, inside classrooms, predefined limits.

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Aims of Education

 Self expression,
 Self preservation(believe, ideas).
 Fullest development.
 Survival of the individual.
 Economic efficiency.
 Sublimation of instinct, basic instinct psychology of child.
 Maintained political and social relation.
 Adjustment with surrounding.
 Autonomous development of individual, nothing imposed.
 Enjoyment of leisure.
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Naturalism and Curriculum

 Help students in training senses.
 Such subject linkage with physical and natural environment.
 Psychology of child focused.
 No fixed curriculum.
 Math and science preferred. No spiritual knowledge.
 Simplicity, no rigidity.

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Naturalism and Curriculum

 Rousseau Focused exclusively on
 (1-12) year: Negative education, freedom at home.
 (12-20) year: training of intellect, formal education given through
experience. Text book with direct experience. History.
 Higher Stage: science instead arts. Science through exploration.
Preparing for father.

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Naturalism and Method

 direct experience with nature.
 Play way method.
 Learn by doing.
 Montessori, heuristic, Dalton, observational method.
 Motivation

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Naturalism and Discipline

 Unrestricted freedom.
 Social context.
 Not distinguishing society.
 No punishment.

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Naturalism and Role of

 Extreme naturalist ignore teacher.
 Teacher may interference in development of child.
 Nature is superior teacher.
 He teach right types of habits.
 Teacher is a manager who provides educational environment.
 Normal school was established by Pestalozi for teacher training.

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Merits of Naturalism

1. Development of child psychology
2. Scientific study of society and sociology.
3. Emphasis on experiences-centered curriculum.
4. Importance contribution in the fields of method of teaching.
5. Opposition to repression in the field of discipline.
6. Direct impetus to psychological and scientific conception of education.
7. Child centered, child has given full freedom.
8. Education should be self activity of the child.
9. 9. Self expression, fellow nature, auto education, play way, self discipline
and non interference are the main characteristics.

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Demerits of Naturalism

1. Children are given over freedom and giving most importance to
2. No importance of teacher
3. More emphasis on present needs of children.
4. It is based on one sided psychology. No individuality matters.
5. Direct experiences cannot provided all times. It become expensive also
6. It gives no space to spiritual values. Materialistic approach.

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 It give birth to progressivism.
 By supplementing with other school of thoughts, it give us best results.
 School should be flexible.
 Nature is best school.

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Complete Concepts
YouTube Link:

Zeshan Umar Educationist


 This is oldest and traditional philosophy
 This is American Origin.
 It evolve from Realism
 This is most conservative and inflexible philosophy.
 This is teacher and subject centered philosophy.
 Focus liberal and general education instead professional.
 Vocational is less important.
 Student is passive and obedient.
 This is more conservative and strict. They talk about past.

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1. Adler
2. Hutchins
3. Maritain

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Fundamental Principles

 Education must be general, not specific
 Education must be prepare for life
 Study of great book. 100 great books of western civilization and 25 book per
year necessary study.
 Permanency is more real than change.
 Strict classroom discipline
 Focus old things, occur again and again
 This is inflexible philosophy
 All humans are same nature, Same nature mean same purpose, so curriculum
should be same, Education should be same.
 Rationality is man’s highest attribute, so teacher should train student mental.

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Fundamental Principles

 Focus of education should be the ideas that have lasted over centuries.
 Student learn from reading and analyzing the works by history’s finest
thinkers and writers.
 Ideas as relevant today as at the time of written.
 Personal development focus, such that deeply, analytically, flexibility in
 Spirituality and Education are hand to hand.
 Its roots in realism and idealism.

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 Reading great books
 Traditional subjects also important.
 Mathematics
 Science
 Music
 Social studies are essential
 Self discipline.
 Philosophy, history and science.
 Humanities, Arts, Theology, Religion, History and Great books.

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Teaching Method

 Use different methods as per situation but lecture method is basic.
 Teacher help students to learn great books.
 Focus importance of reading.
 Teacher instill learners respect for others, elders, boss etc.
 Teacher enhance critical thinking.
 Socratic Dialogue.
 Reading, writing and arithmetic.

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Teacher Role

 Teacher is responsible for all process.
 Teacher centered approach
 Teacher idea which are constant
 No permission to child, child are immature.
 Education is preparation of life.
 Develop learner rational and moral power.
 To develop a learner sound personality.

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 Discipline in classroom is necessary,
 A noisy classroom is not desirable place for learning.
 Students should be taught respect for authority and discipline.

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 Aristocracy of intellect.
 Same education for mentally retarded.

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Complete Concept

 William Bagley,1930, America
 Thomas Briggs
 Frederick Breed

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Basic Concept

 This is American philosophy.
 This is educational philosophy and educational Theory.
 This is in reaction to progressive education.
 The follower of this theory found all over the world.
 They believe on fundamental belief, essential knowledge, Skills and Character
building, traditions.
 Its origin from idealism and realism
 Mental discipline should focus.
 They also believe values are same.
 It is conservative.

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Fundamental Principles

 Stress on mental discipline.
 Knowledge comes from hard work.
 Emphasis on useful culture and skills
 Focus on teaching on essential.
 Student should be model citizen.
 Prepare student to the contributive member of the society.
 Math science subjects.
 Knowledge comes from hard work.

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Aim of Education

 Teacher is authority and establish rules.
 Teaching essential values.
 The job of student is to listen and learn
 Students are passive.
 Transmitting the cultural heritage, intellectual knowledge and moral
 Little support for individual learning.

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 Reading, writing and arithmetic
 Knowledge that is essential for society.
 Traditional subjects
 Technology
 Foreign languages.
 Develop by subject experts.
 Focus on what is learnt not how to learn.
 Art and humanities are less important, if budget allow than do.
 Computer literacy important. Technology see valuable. Vocational not

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Teaching Method

 Socratic Method
 Direct instruction
 Method can be change according to its effectiveness.
 Lecture method.
 Mastery learning.
 Homework
 Memorization
 Give importance to traditional method.

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Teacher Role

 Teacher centered approach.
 Direct focus on task
 Important essential knowledge also impart essential knowledge.
 Teacher should teach moral values and motivate students.
 Maintain discipline, reward and punishment.
 Accountable for student learning.
 Proper sequencing, order in school.
 Teacher should take initiative.

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Complete Concept

 Sorian Kiekargard….not believer…. (1813-1855) 19th century
 Jon poul Sartre….believer…take meaning from religious. (1905-1980)
20th century
 Karl Jaspess

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Basic Concept

 This philosophy revolve around man, Personal values, Purpose of my life.
 Man is the Groom of the world. Individual is important.
 His well should be considered.
 He is responsible of his doing, because he is free to do what he want.
 Man made his rules. Knowledge is subjective, truth is subjective.
 Man like change, and change can be done through education.
 Nothing is pre destined, man is thrown in the universe, man take
responsibility and find his way by his choice.
 Other is hell, who tease you to adopt something.
 The only purpose you choose, is the purpose of life.

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Fundamental Principles

 This is modern, Youngest and twentieth century philosophy.
 It is difficult to find its root in any philosophy.
 Every man is unique.
 No inborn human nature, man made his nature by environment, man
made culture.
 It’s man nature to exist. There is no God or supernatural power that
determines our life.
 Man can’t be taught what the world is. Because man is free to choose
and give its own meanings to the things.
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Fundamental Principles

 Individually of man is supreme.
 Man is central than truth or laws.
 Man is maker and master of culture.
 Idea of death should be accepted gracefully.
 Freedom is ultimate and highest value.
 Man can’t be taught what the world is.
 This philosophy is against spiritualism.
 Home education is better than school.

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Aims of Education

 Education should help the individual to make the human.
 Develop the emotion and esthetics side of man.
 To educate the whole person not just mind.
 Help learner to fully authentic being.
 Child learn better where there is no competition.
 No strict discipline, no fear of failure.

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 It focus on individual and relationship.
 Emphasize on freedom.
 Normative (Fine arts, drama, literature, philosophy)
 Cognitive ( Vocational, science, math)
 Learner is important, not a learning programme.
 Democracy should be promoted.

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 Home education
 Child centered approach.
 Emphasize on freedom.
 Dialogue, discussion, creativity, imagination.
 They are against assessment of students, focus on self direction, self

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Teacher Role

 Teacher should provide conducive and free environment.
 Child is central than teacher.
 Teacher is facilitator not a didactic authority.

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 Child freedom
 Self expression
 Self directed
 Self paced learning

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 This is time taking process.
 Education method is impractical.

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Complete Notes

 Greek word, meaning ‘active and efficient’.
 American Philosophy.
 Solely based on practical utility.
 Believe on facts not ideas.
 emphasized on child individuality.

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 Charles Pierce
 William James
 John Dewey
 S. Kilpartick

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Fundamental Principles

 No ultimate values. ( man made values, truth is man made, no absolute truth,
truth is that work)
 Emphasis on Experimentation.
 Belief in Practical Philosophy.
 Human development according to the environment.
 Faith in Democracy.
 Revolt against traditionalism.
 Importance of man power.
 Faith in flexibility.
 Reality still in making.
 Importance of activity.

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Fundamental Principles

 It is pluralism
 Anthropos centric
 Reality is dynamic
 Reject metaphysics
 Education is not a preparation of life, education is life itself.
 Knowledge comes through senses.

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Aims of Education

 Science, experiments and evidence
 Child focus. Future career.
 Creation of new values
 Aims can be changed
 Harmonious development
 Personal and social adjustment.
 Reconstruction of experiences.
 All round development.
 Enable child to solve daily problem.

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 Activity curriculum
 Utilitarian curriculum
 Principle of integration

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Methods of Teaching

 Learning by doing
 Provision by real life situation.
 Project method
 Psychological and Sociological

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 Free environment.
 Cooperative and conducive for learning.
 Self discipline

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Teacher Role

 Create a real life situation for children.
 Child decide his goals, aim and objectives.
 Teacher is a friend and helper.

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Limitation of Pragmatism

 Extreme type of utilitarian.
 Against spiritual values.
 Against fixed aims.
 Humanities and cultural values not considered.
 No focus on intellectual
 No faith in eternal truth.
 It is theoretical neither practical.
 Expensive, not practical for us.

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 This is American Philosophy. They use it to solve their problems.

 William James
 John Dewey
 Kilpatrick

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Fundamental Principles

 Faith in flexibility
 No ultimate values
 Faith in democracy values and ideas.
 There is no GOD.
 Development according to the environment.
 Create problem solving skills using scientific method.
 Provide freedom to the students.
 Teaching learning how to think not what to think.

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Principles of Education

 Focus on experience and activity
 All around development
 Social adjustment

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 Language, Social sciences study.
 Knowledge is temporary not permanent.
 General science and various activity
 Experimental knowledge is important.
 It is student who decides what is worth knowing.
 Student needs are important in content selection.
 Integrated curriculum includes students interests.
 Students construct knowledge, what they see, feel and learn.
 Arts and vocational

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 Solve problem by scientific method.
 Freedom for students to unique development and follow their interest.
 Teacher students how to think, not what to think.

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Teaching Methods

 Problem solving method
 Project method
 Activity based on learning by doing
 Real life situation methods.
 Constructive and cooperative learning is preffered.

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Teacher Role

 He is a friend and guide and facilitator.
 Teacher encourages self education.
 Deal children with value and dignity.
 Students should be allowed to develop naturally.
 Teacher role is to stimulate and guide students.
 Learner is active and self motivated.
 Field trips, laboratory experiments, cooperative, project method,
problem solving and simulation.
 Teacher is facilitator.

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Educational Philosophy

 Meaning “ again building”.
 Social Reforms, building a just society.
 This philosophy is called social reconstruction.
 This is also called critical theory.
 John Dewey suggested the term “reconstructionism” in the title of his
book “Reconstruction in philosophy”.
 Social reconstruction emphasizes the social questions and quest to
create better society and worldwide democracy.

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 George Count
 Freire
 Theodore Brameld is the major founder of this philosophy.

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Fundamental Principles

 Associated with pragmatism and Progressivism
 To create better society and worldwide democracy.
 Emphasis on democracy environment
 Addressing social questions
 Student centered philosophy
 System must be changed
 Students can change society.
 Protests are indicator of successful school programs.

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Fundamental Principles

 Reforms are necessary in all walks of life.
 Five basis of philosophy totality, revolutionary, democracy, selectivity
and coherence.
 Experiments, sense and observation are real source of knowledge.
 Culture and society are the basic source of knowledge, but may change
with time.

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 Building a just society.
 Teach student how to make decision and take action will produce a
better results.
 Advancement of technology in every walk of life.

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 Should be universal.
 According to democratic values.
 Civic education
 Ethics
 Focus on real social problems
 Community building.
 Social subjects like history, economics, social psychology and political

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 Student be able to identify injustice and search solution.
 Student explore issues and search solution.
 Students are the hope for future growth and change in society.
 Students can change society if necessary knowledge and skills given.

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Teaching Methods

 Cooperative learning
 Critical thinking
 Problem solving method and planning method are best.
 Experiential Learning, learning by doing.

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Role of Teacher

 Role model
 Resource person
 Social change activist
 Facilitator
 Teacher should teach students how we can control ( violence, hunger,
international terrorism, inflation, inequity)
 Brain storming
 Prepare students for social revolution.
 Remove past evils, make better present age and prepare students for future.

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Role of Teacher

1. Justice
2. Welfare based community
3. World peace
4. Social justice
5. Economic justice
6. Equality of opportunity
7. Freedom
8. Democracy
9. Equal opportunity to all.

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Q1: which philosophy believes that
human desires are more important?

1. Constructivism
2. Experientialism
3. Pragmatism
4. Humanism

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Q2: which philosophy focus
practical consequences.

1. Idealism
2. Realism
3. Pragmatism
4. Existentialism

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Q3. All knowledge of the universe falls within the
pale of scientific investigation. All the things of the
universe are natural

1. Pragmatism
2. Naturalism
3. Realism
4. Idealism

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Q4. when we talk about the
universe, which philosophy is this:

1. Philosophy
2. Naturalism
3. Pragmatism
4. All above

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Q5. doing is more important.
Teacher should be guider, friend.

 Pragmatism
 Constructivism
 Realism
 Naturalism

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