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NAME: Ingrid E.


TITLE OF ART RESEARCH: The Forgotten Juan Dela Cruz

SPECIALIZATION: Creative Writing

INSTITUTION: Special Program in the Arts

Lopez Jaena National High School


CO-ADVISER: John C. Divinagracia Jr., PhD-CAR, DTAD


Every community has a lot of untold stories to tell. Everyone has untold

stories and experiences that have never been shared with anyone but

passed by their ancestors. Each community has its own beliefs,

knowledge, and experiences that still exist in this modern age. The locals

of Murcia have those knowledge and own story to share about statues to

everyone that can be very valuable to the young generations nowadays.

Keywords: statues, untold stories, experiences, young generations.

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Every community has a lot of stories and history to tell. Some are

statues, while others are landmarks. One of them is the Juan Dela Cruz

landmark in the Municipality of Murcia. The community was not really

fond in knowing its cultural significance and value nowadays. Nations

and communities have various options for dealing with controversial

monuments. One is to remove them entirely, part of a wider effort to

exorcise the spectre of National Socialism. Some who oppose particular

monuments do not wish to take them down entirely, asserting that

simply removing a statue is tantamount to pretending a traumatic event

in the past never happened. They advocate removing controversial

statues while retaining their pedestals as a reminder of the events that

they invoke.

The moment you enter the town, you are welcomed by the famous

Juan Dela Cruz landmark. This statue was inaugurated in the year 1960

to commemorate the centennial year of Murcia as a town, under the

Administration of Mayor Elizalde P. Rodrigazo, Vice Mayor Jesus D.

Santiago and councilors. This is made possible with the artistic minds

and craftsmanship of the foreman Sir Romeo R. Villarosa, co-assisted by

Sir Jose M. Garzon and also one of the Murcia's well- known Sculptor

Artist Mr. Felix V. Garzon Sr. During the inauguration day group of Aetas
danced the Sinulog Ritual Dance around the humble town as part of the

celebration. This has been part of the memories of Murciahanon, you

take a short stop here every time you roam around the public plaza. The

rocks at the feet of the Juan Dela Cruz were the Barangays of Murcia.

For these reason, the researcher will be able to create a literary

piece through this Art Research topic. Also for the researcher’s curiosity

to know why the statue located at the front of the plaza welcoming

everyone who will be entering Murcia. The importance of this study is to

advocate young generations to discover and to know more about the local

cultural heritage. In this way, the researcher will be able to discover why

the statue is forgotten in the present day, its history, contribution, and

the importance and value to Murciahanon’s.


A. General

This study aims to document the story behind the forgotten Juan

Dela Cruz landmark in Murcia public plaza, by creating reflective

short story or a literary piece for the preservation of local cultural


B. Specific

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1.Describe the Juan Dela Cruz statue in the Municipality of Murcia

Negros Occidental in this components:

a. Respondent’s knowledge about the landmark.

b. Stories behind the landmark.

2. Describe the settings of the history of Juan Dela Cruz landmark in

terms of these variables:

a. Date and time it was built in the Murcia public plaza.

b. Location of the statue.

3. What are the Cultural significance of the historical landmark in


4. Based in the findings of the art research, what output can be created?
Significance of the Study

This research study would be beneficial to the following:

SPA Teacher-Specialist

As one of the beneficiaries of the art research, the results will

provide the teacher-specialists with an overview and knowledge of the art

research being studied. It will give them insights into the possible

subjects that can be studied and created as art compositions.

The findings of this study will inspire the teacher specialist to

further improve the lesson and incorporate local literature into their

curriculum. At the end of the study, the teachers would be aware and

motivated to help promote and preserve local culture, traditions, and


SPA Education Program Supervisor

The data from this study will be beneficial to the SPA Education

Program Supervisors of Divisions because it will give them awareness

and insights to understand the importance of art research as part of the

Special Program in the Arts (SPA) curriculum. It will inspire them to give

support to the teacher specialists to enhance their lessons when it comes

to local literature. This study also gives them awareness of the local

literature and beliefs of the community and allows them to take part in

its preservation. The findings of this study will provide them with

information on how they can contribute to the improvement of the

Special Program in the Arts curriculum and provide support for Special

Program in the Arts learners' progress.

SPA Learners

This art research will be beneficial to the Special Program in the

Arts (SPA) learners, wherein it will develop their ability to express their

ideas and feelings through their chosen art forms, be responsive to

national excellence and globalization, and encourage them to be

committed to the preservation of Filipino culture and heritage. It will be

beneficial to the learners of SPA to add their knowledge of the local

literature and beliefs of their community. The findings will also motivate

them to engage with their community in the preservation of their cultural


Present Researcher

This study will give the researcher a deeper understanding and

realization of the Filipino culture and heritage. The researcher could

provide the findings of this study to the school principals, school district

supervisors, and division personnel so that they could be aware of the

development, promotion, and preservation of local culture and heritage.

The researcher could provide the findings of this study to the SPA

education supervisor and teacher specialist so that they could give advice

and be aware of the beliefs and local stories of the community so that

they could provide a lesson plan to the SPA students to engage in

learning and preservation of culture and arts in their community.

Future Researchers

The ideas presented may be used as reference data in conducting

new research or in testing the validity of other related findings. This

study will also serve as a cross-reference that will give them a

background or an overview of how they can create or develop art


This study will motivate future researchers to do more and to add

more knowledge about the local culture and arts. This study will also

serve as a cross-reference that will give them a background or an

overview of the cultural heritage that is present in the community.

Definition of Terms


Conceptually, a three-dimensional representation usually of a

person, animal, or mythical being that is produced by sculpturing,

modeling, or casting. (, 2023)

This term is used in the study as one of the variables being

considered which describe the statue in every Municipality that has its

own history and value to the community.

Conceptually, an object (such as a stone or tree) that marks the

boundary of land. Especially one of that is officially designated and set

aside for preservation. (, 2023)

This term is used in the study as one of the variables being

considered which describe the landmark being a valuable monument in

every municipality.


As used in the study, this term refers to the respondents of the

study as the people who live in the community of the Municipality of

Murcia. Murciahanon is the endearment to the population in the town.


As defined by Crow Canyon Archeological Center (2014) it is a term

meaning “village” or “town”. This word is used both to describe a style of

building and to refer to specific group of people who live in pueblos and

come from an agricultural tradition.

This term is used in the study as one of the variables being

considered which describe the Murcia as one of the village or town

National Socialism

Conceptually, a form of nationalism with socialist characteristics

that is sometimes referred to as nationalist socialism. (Wikipedia, 2023)

This term is used in the study as one of the variables being

considered which describe the characterization of every statue in the

places where they belong.

Scope of the Study

This study focuses on documenting the history and the story

behind of the Juan Dela Cruz landmark in the Municipality of Murcia

based on their own stories to tell that had been orally passed by their

ancestors. This study will use the descriptive qualitative research as the

researcher conducts the study in the Municipality of Murcia using the

researcher-made questionnaire. The respondents of this study will be the

locals, specifically the people who are knowledgeable about the statue.
Chapter 2

Research Methodology

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were selected residents of the

Municipality of Murcia, Negros Occidental. The respondents are

identified and served as the primary source of data needed for this art

research and they presented their stories to tell or have been passed

orally in the community. The key respondents and primary sources of

data are the following:

1. Leonel Garzon

A 60-year-old and resident of Lavaro Street, Murcia, Negros

Occidental. He resides in Zone IV for almost 57 years. Leonel is a

sculptor, landscaper and an artist and sculpting is his primary

source of income, he is a college graduate. He is a father of four

children and married to Agnes C. Garzon. Leonel is a grandson of

one the famous sculptor Mr. Felix V. Garzon Sr.

2. Rodolfo Reveche

A 67-year-old and resident of Regent Pearl Subdivisions,

Alijis, Bacolod City. He resides in 79 Rizal Street, Murcia, Negros

Occidental for almost 65 years and transferred to his current

address. Rodolfo is a Tourism Officer of Murcia in 1997 until 2003

and currently a Consultant of Murcia Tourism Arts and Culture,

he is a college graduate. He is single until now. Rodolfo was one of

the knowledgeable person about the Juan Dela Cruz landmark and

other statues in Murcia public plaza as he was working at the

Municipal Tourism Office.

3. Nelly Sillador

A 69-year-old and resident of Prk. Kamunsil, Brgy Lopez

Jaena, Murcia, Negros Occidental. She resides in Prk. Kamunsil

for almost 50 years. Nelly is a retired teacher from Lopez Jaena

Elementary School, she is a college graduate and become a

pensioner after she retired. She is single until now and has no

children to take care of. She was knowledgeable about the Juan

Dela Cruz landmark in the Murcia Public Plaza.

4. Celina Esparas

A 78-year-old and resident of Prk. Narra, Brgy. Lopez Jaena,

Murcia, Negros Occidental. She resides in Prk. Narra for almost 78

years. Celina was a farmer and seamstress when she was young as

source of income to provide to her family, she is a high school

graduate. She is a mother of six children and married to Ernesto

Esparas Sr. Celina was one of the resident in Murcia that who

really knows the story behind of the Juan Dela Cruz statue.
5. Nimfa Maque

A 85-year-old and resident of Prk. Narra, Brgy. Lopez Jaena,

Murcia, Negros Occidental. She resides in Prk. Narra for almost 85

years. Nimfa was once a farmer when she was young but became a

“manog luy-a” until now, she is elementary graduate. She is a

mother of four children and married to Rene P. Maque. Nimfa was

one of the Murcia’s resident that knowledgeable about the statues

in the plaza, especially the Juan Dela Cruz statue.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted in Brgy. Lopez Jaena and Zone IV,

Murcia, Negros Occidental. Murcia public plaza is located 5.9 kilometers

away from Lopez Jaena. Riding a public transportation would cost 15-20

pesos per person from Brgy. Lopez Jaena to Murcia. Bounded by Brgy.

Sta. Cruz on the East, Brgy. Binitin on the North, Brgy. Blumentrit on

the West and Brgy. Talotog on the South. Murcia has a total land area of

6,7560 ha. Murcia consists many barangays which are: Abo-abo, Alegria,

Amayco, Blumentrit, Cansilayan, Lopez Jaena, Santa Cruz, San Miguel,

Minoyan, Iglau-an Pandanon, Caliban, Buenavista, Canlandog, Damsite,

Salvacion, Santa Rosa, Talotog, and Zone I to V and the local of the study

which is the Murcia public plaza. Based on the latest population survey
of barangay it has 88,868. While Murcia proper zone I to V has a

4,614total population. Municipality of Murcia was one of the blessed

municipality in the province of Negros Occidental. Murcia has so many

spots to offer and has so many historical stories to tell.


The study went through three phases: Phase 1- Pre-Survey, Phase

2-Data Gathering, Phase 3- Analysis and Documentation.

Phase 1


The Researcher upon the approval of the title, scheduled a visit to

Murcia public plaza last June 20, 2023. Almost 10minutes travel from

Lopez Jaena National High School Barangay Lopez Jaena, Murcia,

Negros Occidental through Mambukal to Bacolod bus.

Last June 20, 2023, at exactly 10: 30 in the morning the

researcher, went to the of Murcia Tourism Office to ask permission from

the head of Tourism Mrs. Estela Yu Barbo. The head of Tourism and

staffs accommodate the researcher and provide some information about

the research study. Particularly about the history behind the Juan Dela

Cruz statue.

After the approval of the permission to conduct the study, the

researcher bids goodbye at exactly 11:30 in the morning. At the end of

the day, the researcher has the approval of permission and scheduled an

interview last June 21, 2023.

Phase 2

Data Gathering

The researcher conducted a survey last June 21, 2023. Around

8:30 in the morning the researcher went to the house of the first

respondent Leonel Garzon. After several minutes the researcher arrived

at the first respondent’s house. The researcher saw Leonel sitting

comfortably on their balcony and the researcher asked him to have some

interview. The interview began, the researcher asked the first question to


How many years that you are residing in the Municipality of


“Dugay na ah, 57 years na bala mo. Gin bata ko sa Bacolod sa isa

ka centro lapit sa amon balay pero ang akon lolo taga Murcia gid ya. Ti

sang nag tatlo ko ka tuig nag balik kami sa Murcia.”

It’s been a long time. I think 57 years later already. My mother gave

birth at the public medical center near our house but the home address of

my grandfather is Murcia. When I turned 3-years-old we came back to my

father’s hometown.

The researcher asked the second question to Leonel. What is your

occupation, livelihood and source of income?

“Isa ako ka sculptor diri sa Negros Occidental parehos sa akon lolo

kag amo ni akon gina pagkakita-an.”

I’m a sculptor here in the province of Negros Occidental just the

same with my grandfather and that is my source of income.

What are your stories to tell about the Murcia’s Juan Dela Cruz


“Ang lolo ko ang nag himo sang istatwa ka Juan Dela Cruz sa

plasa kag gin istoryahan niya man ako tungkol sa isa ka importante nga

monumento nga iya gin himo. Base kay lolo ang Juan Dela Cruz

landmark kono isa ka pinaka-importante nga istatwa sa Murcia kay ini

naga simbolo sang pagka-Murciahanon sang mga tawo nga naga puyo

diri. Base man kay lolo ang Juan Dela Cruz kono sa Murcia lain gid sa

tanan nga istatwa kay ini lang ang ga simbolo sang pagpangabuhi sng

mga tawo bilang mga mangunguma.”

My grandfather was the one who sculpted the statue of Juan Dela

Cruz in the plaza and he told me about how important the monument he

made that day. Base on my grandfather the statue he made was very

important because it represents the livelihood and the life of Murciahanon.

Base also on what my lolo said Juan Dela Cruz statue was really different

to the other statues because it is the only unique one that represents and

symbolizes the people in the community as farming was the major source

of income.
The researcher asked the respondent the last question remained.

What did you do after you heard the story from your ancestor about the

statue and what is your view about its importance?

“Siyempre na lingaw gid ako sang pamati sa istorya ka lolo ko kag

sugod didto mas gin hatagan ko pagid importansiya ang mga istatwa kag

makasaysayan nga mga butang sa akon palibot kag gusto ko ini pabati

man sa iban.”

I was really happy and enjoyed while listening to my grandfather’s

stories and after he told me about those valuable and historical things in

my surroundings I really appreciate them all and I wanted to share it also

to my children and to others.

The researcher went to the next respondent. Around 9:30 in the

morning the researcher reached the office of the next respondent.

Rodolfo was checking some papers on his desk as the researcher

approached and greeted him a good morning and ask for some interview.

He gladly accepted the researcher and joined the interview. The

researcher told him that he can continue to scan the papers while

interviewing, then the conversation begins and the researcher begins to

ask question to Rodolfo.

How many years that you are residing in the Municipality of

“Diri gid ko ya gin bata sa Murcia kay ang akon nanay kag tatay

taga diri gid ya so bale mga 65 na gid man siguro ka tuig ah. Una-una

nag ubra ko ya sa Bacolod kag ga puli-puli lang kun sabado pero diri

nako nag settle nga mag ubra gid sa Murcia asta mag retired na ko ah

kay amo gid ni ya bi ang akon balay halin sang gin bata ko.”

I was staying here in Murcia for almost 65 years. My father and my

mother was a pure Murciahanon. I spend my first experience in working at

Bacolod and I’ll just come back home every Saturday to spend my rest day

here. Currently I’m settling here to work until I retired because this is my

home when I was young until now.

The researcher asked the second question to Rodolfo. What is your

occupation, livelihood and source of income?

“Jusmeyo hahaha, sa subong diri lang ko ga ubra sa Murcia

Tourism Office ah bilang isa ka consultant sang Arts and Culture in

Tourism. Amo man ini ang akon source of income kay single lang man

ko ti daw ka okay lang man ah.”

Omygosh hahaha, currently I’m settled to work here in Tourism

Office as a Consultant of Arts and Culture in Tourism. This is also my

source of income and I’m single so I don’t have any other person to take

care of so it’s okay to me now.

What are your stories to tell about the Murcia’s Juan Dela Cruz

“Ahhh, bale sang bata ko hilig gid na ya sang tatay ko mag lagaw

sa plasa. Ti samtang ga lagaw kami siyempre daw gaka curious man ko

bala haw kun ngaa may mga istatwa gd da ya nga ga tindog sa plaza kag

kun ngaa gin butang gid da nila kay way man ko ya kabalo ti siyempre

namangkot man ko eh, kag didto ko nabal an ang tanan nga istorya sa

likod sang kada istatwa nga ara to sa plasa. Ang isa ka istatwa nga naka

kuha gid sang akon atensiyon is ang lalaki na bala nga may binangon

kag arado bala ka karabao haw kag ato gali ang Juan Dela Cruz nga ga

simbolo sang pagka Murciahanon bilang ang pangabuhi-an isa ka

mangunguma. Tungod sa mga interes ko sa mga amo to nga bagay nag

ubra ko sa Tourism.”

Uhhh, actually when I was young my father really loves to roam

around the plaza. As we roam around I’ve got so curious why there are so

many statues displayed at the plaza. Because of my too much curiosity I

asked my father about it and after that I discovered all the story behind

those statues displayed there and their importance in the Municipality and

to the people itself. One of the statue that really caught my all attention

was the man with the something long knife that “binangon” they call and

with the “arado” on his shoulder and they called that statue as Juan Dela

Cruz as he symbolizes the whole Murciahanon for being a farmer and fond

of agricultural works.
The researcher asked the respondent the last question remained.

What did you do after you heard the story from your ancestor about the

statue and what is your view about its importance?

“Mas na appreciate ko gid ang mga amo to nga bagay kag nag

handom gid ako dayon maging isa ka historian kay sugod to mas

nanamian na ko mag hibalo ka mga istorya sa likod sang mga istatwa

labi nag gid ang Juan Dela Cruz. Ako naging isa ka opisyales sa Tourism

kay gusto ko man ini I palapta sa iban para kabalo man sila kag tagaan

man nila importansiya ang mga amo na nga butang sa aton


I appreciate those things and I dreamed to be an historian because

after my father shared the story it made me feel happy to discover every

story behind the statue especially the Juan Dela Cruz statue. I become one

of the officials in the Murcia Tourism Office because I wanted to share my

knowledge to everyone for them to be informed and so that they can give

the importance that the statue and other historical things that being

preserved until now the importance that they deserve in the community.

The researcher went to the third respondent’s house. Nelly was

watching television inside her house as the researcher called her. She

opened the door and the researcher greeted her a pleasant morning. The

researcher asked politely if she can have a short interview for her study

and the respondent gladly accepted the interview. The conversation

begins as the researcher asked the first question.

How many years that you are residing in the Municipality of


“Ako naga istar sa Prk. Kamunsil, Brgy. Lopez Jaena, Murcia mga

50 ka tuig naman siguro ah. Sa Manila ako gin bata kag diri na nag dako

kag nag dalaga sa Murcia asta ako naging isa ka maistra sa Lopez Jaena

National High School. Waay man ko ka pamana tungod kay waay ko oras

para sa mga amo na kay ka damo gid ako may gina pa iskwela nga mga


I live in Prk. Kamunsil, Brgy. Lopez Jaena, Murcia I think for almost

50 years. I was born in Manila but I’ve grow up and become a teenager

here in Murcia. Until I become a teacher in Lopez Jaena National High

School. I didn’t have a chance to be married to find my supposedly partner

in life because I don’t have time for it and because I have many nieces and

nephews to take care of and to support them and so that they can go to

school to study.

The researcher asked the second question to Nelly. What is your

occupation, livelihood and source of income?

“Retired na ko subong inday kag pensyondo naman. Pero sang una

isa ako ka maistra sa History, amo gid ni ang pinaka paborito ko daan

nga subject sang una. Ti amo ni gin kuha ko nga kurso sa kolehiyo.

Halin sang gamay ko hilig ko na gid ya daan ang mga history kag mga

istorya nga halin pa sang una. Amo man ini ang akon nangin source of

income kag napa iskwela ko akon mga hinablos.”

I am retired and a pensioner now inday. I’m a History teacher, this

is really my passion and my most favorite subject. So I took Bachelor of

Education in college and I took history as a major subject. When I was still

young I really love history and those stories that are from the past that

needed to be preserved. It became my source of income and because of

that I successfully sent my nieces and nephews in school.

What are your stories to tell about the Murcia’s Juan Dela Cruz


“Isa ako ka history teacher kag gina hatagan ko man sing madako

nga importansya ang mga makasaysayan nga istorya kag mga butang

diri sa kalibutan. Ako naga istar sa Murcia kag ini may madamo man

inagyan kag mga importante nga bagay nga gina pabugal labi na gid ang

mga istatwa nga ara ga tindog sa plasa. Kada isa sina may importansiya

sa komunidad kag sa mga pumuluyo nga dapat ipa lapta. Sang una sang

ma dumduman ko pa kada Disyembre 8 ga kadto gid na ang mga tawo

sa plasa para mag lantaw mga palagwaon kay tungod pista sa banwa.

Kada kompetisyon ang tropeyo istatwa gid na ka Juan Dela Cruz nga ga

simbolo sang mga Murciahanon.”

I’m a history teacher and I really appreciate the historical things and

stories in the world. I live in Murcia and it has so many experiences from

the past and so many things to share especially statues that are located at

the plaza. Each one of them has its own importance in the community and

to the people around it that needed to be spread and share to others

whose clueless. As I can still remember every December 8 people will go to

the plaza to watch activities and shows because of the fiesta. Every

competition has a trophy and the trophy has the mini statue of Juan Dela

Cruz as it symbolizes of being Murciahanon.

The researcher asked the respondent the last question remained.

What did you do after you heard the story from your ancestor about the

statue and what is your view about its importance?

“Ang tinaga nga history is isa gid ka pinaka importante sa akon

kabuhi kay kun waay ta sina waay man kita subong sa aton sitwasyon.

Tungod sa mga natabo sang nag ligad kita naga uswag kag naga

pangabuhi sang maayo. Ang Juan Dela Cruz statue nga ma kita sa plaza

kag gin patindog sang tuig sang 1960 is isa gid ka bugal sang

Murciahanon, kaso masubo nga kalabanan sang mga kabataan subong

indi na interesado nga hibaluon ang istorya sini. Pero kabay pa tani nga

dumduman man nila ini kag indi pag kalimtan nga dapat ila kilalahon

kag I istorya man sa iban.”

The word history is a one of the important thing in my life because if

we don’t have that were not here in our situation right now. As the result

of what happened in the past, we experience the bountiful life now. The

Juan Dela Cruz statue that can be seen in the Murcia public plaza and

inaugurated in the year of 1960 is one of the most important historical

thing that a Murciahanon have, but sadly most of the young generations
now are not interested to know those stories behind of it. Hoping that

they’ll still remember and familiarize it and to share it to everybody.

The researcher was finished asking the last question to the

respondent and thanked her as bidding goodbyes. She walked almost 20

meters and the researcher reached the house of the fourth respondent.

The researcher called the respondent as she arrived at the front of

the house. Celina was listening to her radio as she lay in a folding bed in

their balcony while resting. The researcher greeted her a good morning

and the respondent replied. The researcher asked politely if she can have

a short interview for her study and the respondent gladly accepted the

interview. The conversation begins as the researcher asked the first


How many years that you are residing in the Municipality of


“Naga istar ako diri sa Murcia mga 78 years na halin sang gin bata

ko asta subong diri lang gid ako. Asta sang naka pamana kag naka bata

man ako. Diri kami gin pa dako sang amon ginikanan kag ini akon

pinalangga nga lugar. Biskan diin man ko mag kadto maga pauli gid ko

di ya day kay gina pa ngita ko gid ang Murcia.”

I’m living here in Murcia for almost 78 years already since when I

was a baby until now I’m still here. Until I got married and have my

children. Our parents raised me and my brothers and sisters here in my

favorite and most loved place. Wherever I go, still I really want to come
back and spend my remaining years here because I’ll really seek the air of


The researcher asked the second question to Celina. What is your

occupation, livelihood and source of income?

“Isa na ako ka pensyonado subong ka gobyerno ta. Pero sang una

isa ako ka mangunguma kag mananahi diri sa Murcia. Gin padako kag

gin pa iskwela ko akon kabataan paagi sa amo ni nga ubra kag sila naka

tapos man sa kolehiyo ah. Kabalo ka sang una daan day ya kun indi ka

katapos elementary or high school waay ka gid may ma kita nga ubra mo

ti nag tinguha gid ako sang pang panguma kag panahi para mapa

iskwela ko sila. Waay man kami nagakawad-an bugas kay tungod permi

ko ga pangani. Ti subong kay pensyonado nako kag gina gaan man ko

sang kabataan ko allowance medyo tawhay na ko ah.”

I’m a pensioner of our government now. But I’m a farmer and

seamstress when I’m in my 20’s. In that way I raised and send to college

my children in that job and they all finish their college courses. Do you

know day that if you didn’t finish elementary or even high school you can’t

have a decent work, so I really worked hard and do good as a farmer and

a seamstress so that I can send them to school. We didn’t even experience

to seek for rice to eat because I always plant rice for us to consume. So

now that I’m a pensioner my children gave me also an allowance I’m

relieved now and enjoying my retired days.

What are your stories to tell about the Murcia’s Juan Dela Cruz


“Sang una, kada Disyembre 8 ga kadto kami nga mga

mangunguma sa banwa kay may ayuda para sa amon kay tungod pista.

Kami nga mga mangunguma gina gaan gid nila importansya kay ang

panguma isa gid ka palangabuhi-an diri sa Murcia sang mga tawo diri.

Ang Juan Dela Cruz nga istatwa nga makita sa plasa kag naga welcome

sa maga sulod sa Murcia isa gid ka importante nga bagay sa amon

bilang mangunguma. Bit bit niya ang arado kag ang binangon bilang isa

gid ka Murciahanon nga mangunguma.”

Long time ago, every December 8 farmers like me will go to the town

to get our bonus because its fiesta. We the farmers are very important to

them because farming is the number one job here in Murcia. The Juan Dela

Cruz statue that can be seen in the plaza and welcoming everyone who

will be entering Murcia is one of the important thing especially to the

farmers. Handling the “arado” and “binangon” as a real Murciahanon


The researcher asked the respondent the last question remained.

What did you do after you heard the story from your ancestor about the

statue and what is your view about its importance?

“Subong, kada kadto diri ka mga apo ko gina istoryahan ko gid sila

sang mga pangabuhi namon sang una sang ila ginikanan. Sila masadya

man nga naga pamati kag ga pamangkot kay siyempre wala na na nila
gaka ekperyensiyahan ya subong kay may mayo na nga ubra ila mga

mama kag papa. Gusto ko nga ila man ini dumdumon ang mga

makasaysayan nga mga bagay nga makita sa kumunidad sang Murcia.

Labi na gid ang mga istatwa kag ang pinaka importante nga istatwa ang

Juan Dela Cruz nga naga simbolo sang mga mangunguma pareho sa


Right now, every time my grandchildren will visit me I share a story

to them on what is my job and our source of income in the past with their

parents. They happily listen with my story and sometimes they’ll ask

questions because of curiosity as a result, they didn’t experience those

hardships because their parents have a decent job to sustain them.

Iwanted them to remember the historical things that can be seen here in

the community. Especially statues and the most important statue is the

Juan Dela Cruz that symbolizes the farmers like me.

The researcher thanked the respondent as the interview finished

and bid goodbyes. The researcher walked 3 meters in a rough road and

cross the bridge until it reached the last respondent’s house. The

researcher knocked the door and the last respondent opened it. They

share greetings a good morning and it’s almost 11 am.

The researcher asked politely if she can have a short interview for

her study and the respondent gladly accepted the interview. The

conversation begins as the researcher asked the first question.

How many years that you are residing in the Municipality of


“Gin bata ako diri sa Murcia day mga 85 years na. Nakapamana

ako sang palangga ko nga lalaki kag nag buo kami sang madako nga

pamilya. Masadya diri sa Murcia kag madamo gid ako naging abyan.

Puno sing prutas kag gulay sa palibot kay kanami sang duta diri kag

pwede gid ma tamnan biskan ano nga tanom.”

I was born here in Murcia and living for almost 85 years already. I

married the love of my life here and we build a big family. Living in Murcia

always make me feel the happiness and I have so many friends that I can

rely on here. Wherever you glance there are different kinds of fruits and

vegetables to eat because the soil here is good for planting.

The researcher asked the second question to Nimfa. What is your

occupation, livelihood and source of income?

“Ako isa ka mangunguma 75 ka tuig na kag ako madamo na na

agyan sap ag pangabuhi. Isa man ako ka pensyonado subong sang aton

gobyerno. Ako naga pahuway huway nalang kag gina enjoy ang akon pag

ka retiro sa ubra. Napatapos ko akon mga kabataan biskan sa amo lang

na nga ubra kag ako ga pasalamat gid sa Ginoo nga asta subong pagsik

pa ako ah.”

I’m a farmer for 75 years already and I have so many hardships

and difficulties that I’ve encountered and overcome. I’m a pensioner of our

government right now. I’m enjoying my retirement and just resting in my

house. All of my children finished already their desired courses because I

work as a farmer and I’m so proud of it. I’m so very thankful to God that

I’m still healthy and in good condition.

What are your stories to tell about the Murcia’s Juan Dela Cruz


“Sang una, sang bata pa ko ang akon ginikanan mga

mangunguma man kag permi ko gid na sila gaka kita nga masadya kung

Disyembre 8 na kay magakuha sila kuno ayuda sa Munisipyo para sa

mga mangunguma kay pista sa banwa. Gina istorya man nila sa akon

ang mga importante kag makasaysayan nga mga butang nga makita sa

Murcia labi na gid sa plasa. Madamo sing istatwa ang ara sa plasa ang

pinaka dako didto ang Juan Dela Cruz statue. Namangkot ako sa akon

tatay kun ngaa may bit bit man ni siya arado kag binangon. Gin sabat

ako sang akon amay nga ina kuno nga istatwa naga simbolo sang

palangabuhi-an ka Murciahanon ang panguma.”

Long time ago when I was still a little, my parents are farmers also

and I can see always the happiness on their faces every December 8

comes because as I can still remember they said that they’ll going to have

their bonus from the government as a farmer because of the fiesta in the

town. Sometimes if they free time they’ll share historical stories to me and

to my siblings that can be seen and happened in Murcia especially in the

plaza. There are so many statues in the plaza and the biggest one

standing there is the Juan Dela Cruz statue. I asked my father why he has
a “binangon” and “arado in his arms. My father answered, he said Juan

Dela Cruz statue is the one who symbolizes the livelihood and source of

income of every Murciahanon which is farming.

The researcher asked the respondent the last question remained.

What did you do after you heard the story from your ancestor about the

statue and what is your view about its importance?

“Namangha gid ko sang mga istorya bala day kag kanami gid sa

baltyagon nga mabatian gid ang ila mga istorya. Asta sang naka pamana

kag nagka bata ako ini gin istorya ko man sa ila kag gin sugid kung ano

ka dako sang importansiya sang istatwa ka Juan Dela Cruz sa mga

Murciahanon labi na gid sa mga mangunguma.”

I was amazed to those stories inday and it feels good hearing those

things from them. Until I got married and I have children to take care of I

still share and tell them how really big the importance of the Juan Dela

Cruz statue to Murciahanon especially to those farmers.

The last respondent enjoyed sharing her stories and experiences

with the researcher. The conversation between the researcher and the

last respondent lasted for almost an hour. The researcher bids goodbye

to the last respondent.

The researcher gathered and heard different stories and

experiences of the locals of Murcia. Around 12 in the noon the researcher

went home with a smile because of the inspiring and exciting stories that

the researcher heard from the five respondents.

Phase 3 Documentation and Analysis


To analyze means to break a topic or concept down into its parts to

inspect and understand it, and to restructure those parts in a way that

makes sense to you. In an analytical research paper, you do research to

become an expert on a topic so that you can restructure and present the

parts of the topic from your perspective.

Creative writing output, analysis, interpretation, and

documentation were based on the data gathered. The researcher focused

on the personal experiences and stories of the respondents to create an

output. The researcher asked questions to the respondents and here is

the data gathered.

Based on the first question if how many years did the respondents

reside in the Municipality of Murcia. The first respondent answered for

almost 57 years, the last two respondents said that almost their entire

life they lived in Murcia. The data gathered showed that the respondents

who are residing in Murcia for how many years have heard a lot of

stories about the Juan Dela Cruz statue.

The second question that the researcher asked the respondents

what are their occupation, livelihood, and source of income. The three

respondents are professional and the others two were farmers that their

source of income is farming given that Murcia is an agricultural place.

The third question, what are your stories to tell about the Murcia’s

Juan Dela Cruz statue, the respondents said that they have their own

experiences regarding this topic. They have their personal shared stories

about the Juan Dela Cruz landmark by their parents and even ancestors.

The last question, what did you do after you heard the story from

your ancestor about the statue and what is your view about its

importance. The respondents said that they were amazed and proud to

know the story behind the Juan Dela Cruz statue. They said that they

also share and spread the story to their families, children and others.

Based on the data gathered it is analyzed by the researcher

through creative pieces inspired by the real-life experiences and true

stories of every respondent in the Municipality of Murcia.


The documentation of the data was done with the use of the

smartphone as a recorder to record the given information.

The researcher went to the Murcia Tourism Office and asked for

some data that can be used in conducting this study. The researcher is

given by the Tourism Office staffs a document related on the study and

the needed information.

Juan Dela Cruz Statue

The picture above is showing the Juan Dela Cruz statue at the

Murcia Public Plaza. The year when it is inaugurated and the Barangays

of Murcia can be seen under the statue written on the arranged rocks.

Murcia Public Plaza

The photo above is the back view of the Juan Dela Cruz statue

which is the wide lawn as the playground for children who will be visiting

the public plaza.

Murcia Public Plaza

The photo above is the view of the wide lawn where some of the

teenagers will play their favorite sports and be their practice site as the

surroundings was so peaceful and wide.

Chapter 3

Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation


Findings are the key outcome of the investigation. It is a key fact

that you can discover during an investigation. Research findings are

facts and phrases, observations, and experimental data resulting from


It is important to note that "finding" does not always imply "factual

information," as conductive research is based on outcomes and

implications rather than measurable facts.

The study proved that the people of Murcia have many stories to

tell about statues that have been passed down from generation to

generation. They have their own stories to tell with the Juan Dela Cruz


The findings are stated below:

As the researcher finds out, the respondent’s knowledge about the

Juan Dela Cruz statue was passed by their ancestors. Base on their

statements it is the only one unique statue that symbolizes the people in

the community as farming is the first source of income in the town.

The Juan Dela Cruz landmark is a statue that represents Murcia

as an agricultural town and blessed with its fertile land. The statue

contains equipment that everyone can see on its appearance and he have
this “binangon” or a bolo in his waist and an “arado” or a plow in his

arms and a big knitted buri hat for protection from sun heat.

The livelihood, source of income, and occupation of the locals is

farming. Murcia is an agricultural town blessed with fertile land.

As the respondent live in the town they were told by their parents

or ancestors about the most valuable statue that inaugurated in the 8th

day of December 1960, located at the West part of the Murcia Public

Plaza near at the Library and Tourism Office.

Most of the respondents really wanted to share all their stories

and knowledge about the statue to the young generations.

Each one of the respondent’s statement about the Juan Dela

Cruz statue has significance in the community and to the people. The

researcher finds out that some of the stories of the Murciahanon about

the Juan Dela Cruz statue was vanished as time went by. One of the

reasons is the modernization and technology that hit the community. At

the same time, the locals are awakened to the truth and they have a

strong faith in God. This statue reminds everybody that Murcia is a

blessed town for its productive agricultural supplies and the significance

of the statue to the community was it help people to connect themselves

with the town.

Lastly, the researcher also found out that this statue is very important

and valuable in the community of Murcia for it signifies their history,

culture and tradition that reflects in their daily lives.

The researcher finds out that hearing those knowledge and

personal stories about the statue, the researcher can create a literary

piece or a short story as an output to be created.


The researcher found out after conducting this study that there are

still historical things like statues that are valuable to the community and

to the people as it has its own story behind that needed to be preserved

and to be known by everyone.

The researcher also concluded that there are people, especially in

the town that has all the knowledge about the statues and valuable

things containing history and cultural significances that must be passed

to the new generation. It is because many of the young generation today

was busy using technologies and doesn’t have time to read important

and knowledgeable books.

Therefore, the researcher believes that in every community there

are a lot of stories and histories to tell. Whether it is statue or structures

that has a big role and importance to the people and to the community.

Lastly, as the researcher found out after conducting this study

that Juan Dela Cruz statue was one of the unique and different to the

other statues. This is the only landmark that signifies the people in the

Municipality of Murcia as farming is the number one source of income

the livelihood of every Murciahanon.


Based on the findings and conclusions the following

recommendation is advised:

1. Creating a booklet for short story about the Art Research topic as an

output to be created as the young generations can learn to read and

to know the important details of the certain topic.

2. Uploading the short story about Juan Dela Cruz statue at the online

tabloids so that young generations can read it and for them to know

the histories and stories behind the statue.

3. The stories gathered can be utilized in the Creative Writing topic of a

Special Program in the Arts Department of Lopez Jaena National

High School to preserve the story behind the Juan Dela Cruz statue.

4. The researcher's findings and stories can serve as the foundation or

inspiration for future creative writers to develop their works.

5. The local government should reinforce a program in the community

to preserve historical things like statues that has its own story

behind and cultural significance that were passed down by their


Landmark-, (2023)



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Pueblo- Crow Canyon Archeological Center, (2014).



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Statue-, (2023)



Penas, Ingrid (n.d.) JUAN DELA CRUZ STATUE- Google Drive. JUAN DELA



Penas, Ingrid (n.d.) Murcia Public Plaza- Google Drive. MURCIA PUBLIC



Penas, Ingrid (n.d.) Murcia Public Plaza- Google Drive. MURCIA PUBLIC



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