Self Analysis

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Antonio Young

Dr. Felder/Stowe

SPM 4601-01

22 April ,2024

Self-Analysis Report

Over the duration of this internship, I have appreciated my time spent and ups and downs in the

work force with this being the only thing left between me and graduation. I can truly say I will be

an asset in the sports industry due to the experience I have gained over the duration of this

internship. First, with the athletic department it wasn’t a dull moment; over there we worked long

hours and had fun doing so. At times it didn’t feel like work, and I was so appreciative of Ms.

April for giving us the green light to experience the good and bad about the athletic department.

For a while I was only looking at the athletic department from a manager of a team lens but

actually being inside the department making those connections and working alongside the best in

the CIAA you become appreciative of hard work. We got to work immediately as soon as all the

interns came in January 8th, we had to work a game so setting up the stream for all people

watching at home. My experience was a little different from other interns as I would do most of

my work early in the week before the day of the game due to me being a manager for the team. I

would be doing mainly graphics and any groundwork the day before like setting up the scores

table, making sure the clocks work and setting up chairs. As the weeks progressed us interns

found it easier for us to go over to Gaines either the day before the game or start in Gaines the

day of the games. Over the time period at the athletic department working in the capacity of just

marketing I enhanced skills I already had like time management and accountability, those were
two key skills that were often used throughout the entire department. Also, with the good things

that happened at the department there were also tough times that challenged me as a intern and

that was understanding that things can change any second. Their were times while working at the

athletic department where I would get frustrated about not always having something to do but I

finally grasped the concept of things that were on a fly sometimes at the department. Other

challenges I faced was not being specific in my questions or hesitating to ask certain questions

that can benefit all interns. The time spent in the athletic department helped me in a mental

aspect of understanding where I was as a student and a person that is trying to get into the sports

world. As I went to offices some days having these conversations with Ms. Dunlap, Ms. Hunt,

AD Thomas and Ms. Hurt and understanding their path in athletics. Not all of them were

fortunate enough to start their career in sports right away, it was later down their journey where

they got the opportunity to get into sports. Which at the time I needed to hear especially as a

student in SPM that things may not coming after graduation and you still have to survive. Ms.

April was a great supervisor and dropped gems frequently throughout my time in the athletic

department. She even asked other professionals who graduated from the SPM program to come

speak to us. I remember one person in particular Breon Hagans he gave us great information

about his own journey in sports and exactly what to look for after graduation and understanding

that all work isn’t for some form of compensation at times its about the connection. Breon told us

that there were times where he was on a path to work in the corporate world where they were

paying him well and a opportunity came through a connection he made at the CIAA although he

would be making less money he took the opportunity with the CIAA to work in sports. Overall

my experience with the athletic department will help me in the sports industry far more than I
can comprehend at this time considering I have done a diversity of roles within the athletic


When I switched to UREC it was for me to understand recreation as being within the Athletic

department for quite some time. I knew it like the back of my hand just being it made me really

see what an athletic department is and does. UREC has impacted me from a point of healthy

living and making connections with people who I may not Interact with daily. Through my time

at UREC I have learned what recreation truly is and what it means to the staff at our school.

Jordan is a new director for our UREC has been a great supervisor from beginning to end as the

recreation scene was extremely new to me and understanding how recreation can be used. Jordan

displayed many characteristics that I personally have took into myself. While at UREC I

understand the liabilities about everything from lifting weights to letting tourist come into the

facility and use it. Speaking of I didn’t understand the risk of me letting tourists come in to play

basketball knowing they didn’t have a membership essentially meaning if anything was to

happen and a tourist got hurt UREC and the University would be at fault. I overlooked the

liability that could’ve cost the university some money all because I wanted tourist to have a good

time in my eyes when in a director’s eyes that’s a liability. Greeting students was one of my

favorite part about this internship speaking to new people making connections having

conversations about life on campus and what they are looking to do in the facility for the day. A

conversation can go a long way in life I didn’t mind taking the time out of my day to converse

with students to making sure they are ok and getting to know them. I also was a referee for the

intramural basketball games which was over months. It would be tough sometimes depending on

the other partners I had refereeing as they would miss calls or call the wrong call and students
would be frustrated but unfortunately, I can’t change their call. Greg, who is the head of

intramural sports at UREC would frequently give me tips when refereeing on what I could do

better what I do well he was the perfect mentor for me to get through the season refereeing. I

would often be able to get a workout in during my shift as well as doing my rounds throughout

the facility to make sure things are clean and weights are properly but up. Making graphics for

events we had coming up to post on our social media to update students on things that can look

forward to. With any internship there is ups and downs you just have to have more ups then

downs. Here recently I actually had a hiccup where If I was an actually employee I would have

gotten written up and that was me being late one day although I am usually not late it was more

so about the principle Jordan cared about. Then I had to meet Felder, and he wasn’t happy at all.

All I could do was say I will do better it was no excuse or explanation I could give him, but it

motivated me to make sure this minor mistake doesn’t happen in this position or any position to

come. Overall, UREC has been a great internship for me to see how recreation can translate into

the sports world from understanding liabilities to mental health. Recreation has gave me skills

and enhanced skills I already obtain to make sure I will strive in the sports industry.

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