AE1 - Unit 5 - Writing

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Gold Experience A2

Unit 5
Full name: WS: ST1_Day24_W

Skill: Writing QR code:



I. Look at the pictures of a story. Match the sentences with the pictures.

A. At the end of the evening, we were looking at the stars when we saw gold objects.
B. The next day, my uncle came into the kitchen. “I think there was a party in the village for
Chinese New Year,” he said “I found this in our garden.” There was a Chinese lantern in his
C. A few minutes later, we saw two more gold objects. They were coming towards us! We ran
into the house.
D. Last Sunday, I went to a party at my cousin’s house. The party was in the garden. It was very
dark. 1

Answer: 1. D 2. 3. 4.

Gold Experience A2
Unit 5

II. Look at the pictures. Put the story of Adam and Sophie in the correct order.

Correct order: …………………………………..

III. Match the words with the pictures.

1- Adam and Sophie / walk in a forest / find a cave / go in
2- Adam and Sophie / have lunch in the cave / see something/ crystal egg
3- Adam / take a photo on his phone / send the photo to a newspaper
4- Adam and Sophie / be in the newspaper
5- Adam and Sophie / go to the museum / get a prize / two new digital cameras

IV. Write a story about Adam and Sophie based on the words in Exercise III.
Last Sunday, Adam and Sophie were walking in the forest when they found a cave. They…

V. Choose a title for the story of Adam and Sophie.

A A crystal in the cave

Gold Experience A2
Unit 5

B Dark and dangerous

VI. Put the sentences (A-G) from the story in the correct order (1-7).
A In September, they gradually stopped dancing.
B Five hundred years ago, something very strange happened.
C A woman left her house and entered the street.
D The woman danced the whole day.
E They even employed professional dancers to dance with them.
F After a week, there were about 100 people dancing with her.
G In fact, nobody was playing any music at all.

Answer: 1. B 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

VII. Write about an unforgettable memory in your life. Use these questions.

1 When did it happen? 3. What happened?

2. Who was there? 4. Why was it unforgettable?

Gold Experience A2
Unit 5



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