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Crane 1

Justin Crane

Professor Hana Jabr

English 2010


Cover Sheet

I chose this issue because I can think of only a few other problems in the world that can

be remotely paralleled in significance as human trafficking. It’s a horrible thing that takes place

constantly throughout the world but also in our own local communities, yet I never hear about it

happening in the news or hear other people talking about the issue. I don’t understand that, and I

wish to change that, that’s why I chose to talk about human trafficking. I conveyed that in my

project by talking about how human trafficking is misunderstood and overlooked by people. My

purpose behind it was so I could then inform people on what it is, how it happens, the amount,

and everything else pertaining to it, so people would take it more seriously. I heavily relied on

ethos, logos, and pathos throughout the entire project. I used ethos by having very credible

sources that have experts and people who are highly informed about human trafficking. I used

pathos in multiple ways, I put pictures in that sparks emotion in the readers to try and get them to

see how horrible it is. I also talked about children being trafficked a lot and how people who are

trafficked are traumatized for life. I then used logos by having statistics and facts about human

trafficking that can make it real for the audience so they can actually see how much it is

happening. I chose to do a website as my genre because in today's world, anything online is

easier to access and more widespread. I feel like it was a good genre to use for this topic because

it is a heavy hitting and serious topic so I wanted to make something professional. My audience
Crane 1

is kind of broad because it's a topic for everyone, but some examples would be parents, kids,

teenagers, maybe even the news so they could publish the toolkit for everyone to see. The main

purpose I would want people to do is just be aware of how prevalent the issue really is and be

more aware of it. I want them to look out for it in their local communities and take precautions

and steps to avoid it for their loved ones.

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