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Macroelements in Milk and Dairy Products, Nutritional Signi®cance see Minerals in
Dairy Products: Macroelements, Nutritional Signi®cance.


H Nursten, University of Reading, Reading, UK and thin-layer chromatography (TLC) on solvent-

Copyright 2002, Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved soluble material only (which constitutes as little as
0.1% w/w of the reactants), about 100 components
can be detected as reaction products from xylose
Chemistry and glycine.
In order to understand something so complex,
There are three main mechanisms by which non- simpli®cation is required. This was achieved remark-
enzymic browning occurs in foods: the Maillard ably successfully in 1953 through Hodge's scheme
reaction, caramelization, and ascorbic acid ox- (see Figure 1).
idation. The ®rst is the most important, involving Hodge subdivided the Maillard reaction as
a reactive aldehyde (usually a reducing sugar) and follows:
an amine (usually an amino acid, peptide or protein).
The second is undergone by sugars without amines, I. Initial stage: products colourless, without ab-
but, in consequence, normally requires a consider- sorption of UV radiation (about 280 nm).
ably higher temperature. The third is based on as- A. Sugar±amine condensation
corbic acid, which acts as a particularly reactive B. Amadori rearrangement
sugar, but can also be oxidized enzymically and so II. Intermediate stage: products colourless or yel-
leads on to polyphenolic compounds, the normal low, with strong absorption of UV light.
type of substrate for enzymic browning in foods. C. Sugar dehydration
Enzymic browning is virtually of no consequence D. Sugar fragmentation
for dairy products, but is important for beverages, E. Amino acid degradation (Strecker degradation)
such as tea, coffee and cocoa, which are likely to III. Final stage: products highly coloured.
come into contact with milk and dairy products. F. Aldol condensation
The chemistry of the Maillard reaction is very G. Aldehyde±amine condensation and formation
complex and can be thought to comprise cara- of heterocyclic nitrogen compounds.
melization and ascorbic acid oxidation as special Others have called the three stages Early, Advanced
cases. Even a simple example of the Maillard reac- and Final Maillard Reactions, respectively. The way
tion, that between glucose and ammonia, leads to these reactions ®t together is outlined in Figure 1.
more than 15 compounds and glucose and gly- The ®nal products of nonenzymic browning are
cine give more than 24, and that is without the called melanoidins to distinguish them from the
use of modern chromatographic methods. Using melanins produced by enzymic browning. Theoret-
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) ically, the distinction is clear, but in practice it is

+amino compound –H2O




–3 H2O
C –2 H2O

FURFURAL (acetol, diacetyl,
REDUCTONES pyruvaldehyde, etc.)

+2 H –2 H
SUGARS –amino
compound E
E +amino
HMF OR acid

G + amino
G G compound

+amino +amino +amino

G compound compound


Figure 1 Nonenzymic browning. HMF, hydroxymethylfurfural. (Based on Hodge, 1953.)

very dif®cult to classify the dark brown products A. Sugar±Amine Condensation

formed in foods, since they tend to be very complex
This reaction is reversible. The amine can be a pro-
mixtures and chemically relatively intractable.
tein and, for example, it has been shown that insulin
Oxygen plays an essential part in enzymic
will react with glucose at a signi®cant rate even at
browning but it is not essential for nonenzymic
room temperature.
browning. It may help in fact, for example, in the ox-
There is no fundamental reason why the glycosyl-
idation of reductones, such as ascorbic acid to
amine should not act as the amine for a further
dehydroascorbic acid, but it may also hinder the
molecule of aldose, thus giving a diglycosylamine.
progress of the reaction, for example, in oxidizing
Lysine complexed as e-glycosylamine appears to be
pyruvaldehyde to pyruvic acid.
nutritionally available.
Table 1 lists 12 symptoms of nonenzymic brown-
ing and shows how these develop in relation to the
B. Amadori Rearrangement
three stages of it. Note, in particular that, as far as
browning itself is concerned, and also (off-)¯avour This reaction, which is thought to be acid catalysed,
production, there is an induction period. can be depicted as in Figure 2.
Hodge's scheme as outlined above, was subdivided It is important to note that, overall, the Amadori
into eight reactions, A to G (for H, see under G), each rearrangement is not reversible. The reaction goes
of which will be considered further in turn. spontaneously even at 25  C. Support for the above

Table 1 Nonenzymic browning

Symptoms Stage

Initial Intermediate Final

1. Browning ÿ ‡ ‡‡‡
2. (Off-) ¯avour production ÿ ‡ ‡‡
3. Production of water ‡ ‡ ‡
4. Production of carbon dioxide ? ‡ ?
5. pH lowering ? ? ?
6. Reducing power (antioxidant activity) ‡ ‡ ‡
7. Solubility loss ÿ ÿ ‡
8. Loss of vitamin C ‡ ÿ ÿ
9. Loss of biological value of protein ‡ ‡ ‡
10. Chelation of metals ÿ ? ?
11. Toxicity ÿ ÿ ?
12. Fluorescence ÿ ‡ ÿ



CH (CHOH)n–1 (CHOH)n–1 (CHOH)n–1


N -substituted cation of enol form keto form

glycosylamine Schiff's base N-substituted 1-amino-2-deoxy-2-ketose

Figure 2 Amadori rearrangement leading to the Amadori compound N-substituted 1-amino-2-deoxy-2-ketose.

mechanism comes from the fact that, if the hydroxy However, browning reactions of fructose differ from
group on C2 is blocked by, e.g. a methyl group, those of glucose, e.g. loss of amino acids or of free
rearrangement becomes impossible. Further support amino groups (casein) is much lower. It is worth
comes from the fact that 11 fructoseamino acids noting that lactulose stimulates the growth of bi®do-
and two difructoseamino acids have been found in bacteria in the gut.
stored, freeze-dried apricots and peaches and some Even when milk is exposed to only very mild
have also been detected in dehydrated carrots, heating (60  C, 20 s), b-lactoglobulin is modi®ed,
cabbage, spray-dried tomato powder, tea (glutamic whereas both a-lactalbumin and b-casein are unaf-
acid, theanine), beet molasses, liquorice, roasted fected. On HPLC, b-lactoglobulin then appears not
meat and pig's liver extracts. only as its two genetic variants, A and B, but each
Compared with the N-substituted glycosylamines, has a higher molecular mass component following
the 1-amino-1-deoxy-2-ketoses are more stable to it. When HPLC is combined with electrospray mass
moist acid atmospheres, but are still heat labile spectrometry (MS), the difference in mass for each
and decompose rapidly in mild alkali. They exert pair was shown to be 324 Da, corresponding to the
greater reducing power, though less than reduct- lactulosyl group. The lactulose has been found to be
ones. They brown more easily with amino acids. attached to Lys47. When the Maillard reaction was
Acid hydrolysis gives much, compared with little, made more intense by storing the freeze-dried reac-
hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), but no hexose is re- tion mixture at 65% rh, 2±11 lactulose molecules
covered, in keeping with the reaction's being became attached in 22 h at 50  C, with 1±7 in the
irreversible. ®rst 10 h. Lactulose became attached to 14 of the
Ketoses undergo a similar series of reactions, leading 15 lysine residues (not Lys101) and to the a-amino
to 2-amino-2-deoxyaldoses (Heyns rearrangement). group, 6.5 lactulosyl groups being bound per

b-lactoglobulin molecule on average at 50  C, but and that of glucose to HMF. The reason seems
only 0.5 in the more familiar aqueous systems. The to be that the Amadori product dehydrates more
order of reactivity was Lys47, 91 (t ˆ 0 h)>a-amino, readily than the original aldose or N-substituted
Lys15, 70, 100 (t ˆ 2 h)>Lys60, 69, 75, 77, 83, 135, glycosylamine, giving the Schiff's base of furfural,
138 (t ˆ 6 h)>Lys8, 141 (t ˆ 10 h). which is then hydrolysed, reliberating part of the
Beta-lactoglobulin can also clearly be seen in its amine, but also condensing to melanoidins. It is gen-
two genetic variants by capillary electrophoresis. erally thought that HMF has low browning potential
Beta-lactoglobulin from skim milk powder exhibits and is not on the main pathway to melanoidins.
not just such a double peak, but a broad tail,
which can be resolved into three or more progress- Reductone formation Reductones can be thought
ively weaker pairs of peaks. By electrospray MS of as products formed from sugars by the loss
the difference in mass between successive pairs has of only two molecules of water as compared with
been shown to be 324 Da, corresponding, as above, the loss of three that leads to furfurals. Reduct-
to the attachment of a lactulose moiety. Native ones are compounds which contain the group ±CO±
b-lactoglobulin has been shown by capillary iso- C(OH):C(OH)±, as in ascorbic acid, and a hexose
electric focusing to fall from 70% to <20% of total can readily be converted on paper to the vinylogue of
b-lactoglobulin of the whey protein fraction when a reductone. Compounds such as reductones explain
milk powder was kept for 1 day at 37  C and the reducing power which develops during brown-
86% rh, making this a fast and convenient method ing, but they take part in browning in the dehydro
for monitoring storage conditions. form and therefore need oxygen to be converted to
Examination of milk and dairy products by such it. Like furfurals, they brown more readily in the
methods has far-reaching implications for elucid- presence of amines.
ating and controlling quality parameters. One
D. Sugar Fragmentation
of the most important is that lysine locked up in
e-Amadori compounds becomes nutritionally not The mechanism by which sugar fragmentation oc-
available; this poses considerable analytical prob- curs is accepted to be principally retroaldolization,
lems (see below). though oxidative ®ssion is also thought to play
a role. It should be recalled that retroaldolization
C. Sugar Dehydration
is an important part of the Embden±Meyerhof
There are two ways in which this occurs: under glycolytic pathway (EMP), where fructose-1, 6-
acid conditions, furfurals are produced, whereas in diphosphate is split into dihydroxyacetone-phos-
neutral or alkaline conditions and/or in the presence phate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. The sort of
of amines in nearly anhydrous systems, 6-carbon and reactions that occur is illustrated in Figure 4.
other reductones are produced (see Figure 3). Fragments which retain the a-hydroxymethyl-
carbonyl grouping will undergo browning alone
Furfural formation Various compounds can accel- in aqueous solution, but this will be greatly
erate furfural formation, for example, glycine accel- accelerated by the presence of amines. The relative
erates both the conversion of xylose to furfural reactivities of a-hydroxymethylcarbonyl compounds


CH[N CH\N –amine CH\O CH\O

| | |

+ H2O
– C[OH C\O –H2O
C\O 5-hydroxymethyl-
| | |

1,2-enolization furfural
CHOH CH +amine CH2 CH
low pH
| | | –H2O

| | | | +amine
CH2[N –H2O

1,2-enaminol 3-deoxyhexosulose
| melanoidins
| CH2[N

CH2 CH3 CH3 –H2O

| | | +amine

2,3-enolization C[OH C[OH C\O C\O fission
| | |

high pH
| | | C -methyl reductones

CHOH CHOH CHOH C[OH and α-dicarbonyls

| | | |
2,3-enediol 1-methyl1-2,3-dicarbonyl a reductone

Figure 3 Maillard reactions: the two major pathways from Amadori compounds to melanoidins. (Based on Hodge, 1967.)

| | CH2OH
CH2 CH2 –RNH2 |
| | C\O dihydroxyacetone
CO CO +H2O |
| | CH2OH
CHOH retroaldolization CH2OH
| CHOH glyceraldehyde
Amadori compound
| acetic acid
CH3 oxidative fission +
CO COOH glycollic acid
| |
2,3-enolization CO CH2OH
+ saccharinic | acetic acid
CHO rearrangement
etc. |
glycolaldehyde | acetic acid
retroaldolization +
CO oxidative fission |
CO |
| dehydration
(furan formation)
1-deoxyosulose COCH3
formation) O CH3

CH3 2 mol CH3.CO.CHO pyruvaldehyde

| hydrolysis
| CH3.CO.CO.CH2OH + CH3.COOH acetic acid
CHOH CH3.CO.CO.CHO + CH3.CHO acetaldehyde
| CH3.CO.CH2OH + CH3.CO.COOH pyruvic acid

Figure 4 Some examples of sugar fragmentation.

and other sugar fragments are given in decreasing their vinylogues, or compounds which can give rise
order in Table 2. to them readily, such as reductones by dehydrogen-
ation or imino analogues by hydrolysis. The reaction
E. Strecker Degradation may therefore by represented as follows:
This is a reaction of a-amino acids, in which they R:CHNH2 :COOH ‡ R0 :CO:CO:R0 !
are oxidized to the corresponding aldehyde, carbon
R:CHO ‡ CO2 ‡ R0 :CHNH2 :CO:R0
dioxide is given off, and ammonia is transferred
to other components of the system, very little Studies with radioactive carbon have shown that
being liberated as such. The reaction is initiated by the carbon dioxide liberated in the Maillard reac-
compounds such as a-dicarbonyl compounds and tion does indeed originate from amino acids.

Table 2 Sugar fragmentation products in decreasing order of reactivity

Sugar fragmentation product Formula Reactivity

Glycolaldehyde CH2OH.CHO highest

Glyceraldehyde CH2OH.CHOH.CHO Ð
Pyruvaldehyde CH3.CO.CHO Ð
Acetol CH3.CO.CH2OH Ð
Dihydroxyacetone CH2OH.CO.CH2OH Ð
Acetoin CH3.CHOH.CO.CH3 Ð
Diacetyl CH3.CO.CO.CH3 Ð
Acetaldehyde CH3.CHO slightly lower
Aldol CH3.CHOH.CH2.CHO still lower
Propionaldehyde CH3.CH2.CHO very low
Pyruvic acid CH3.CO.COOH even lower
Levulinic acid CH3.CO.CH2.CH2.COOH Ð
Saccharinic acid e.g. CH2OH.(CHOH)2.CH2.CHOH.COOH not at all
Lactic acid CH3.CHOH.COOH Ð
Acetic acid CH3.COOH Ð
Formic acid H.COOH Ð
Formaldehyde H.CHO inhibits

The Strecker degradation enters browning reac- catalysts. Additional carbonyl compounds which
tions in two ways: on the one hand, the aldehyde can participate in the condensation may be derived
formed can take part in aldol condensation leading by the oxidation of fats.
to nitrogen-free polymers or can react with amino Browning has been demonstrated for pyruval-
compounds to give melanoidins via aldimines, but dehyde alone, furfurals, and pyruvate plus furfural.
this is thought to be not a major colour-producing Less browning occurs with sugars or with aldol itself.
reaction, because glycine can at times give more Two molecules of diacetyl can undergo a similar
browning with sugars than alanine, yet glycine pro- reaction twice to form 2,5-dimethyl benzoquinone.
duces formaldehyde by the Strecker degradation, Benzoquinones can act as dicarbonyl components
which has a negative effect on browning. Further- in the Strecker reaction, they readily form imines
more, amino acids other than the a-ones can also in the cold, and they can be involved in the pro-
produce melanoidins, but cannot undergo the duction of melanoidins.
Strecker degradation. On the other hand, the dehydro-
reductones, derived from Amadori products by G. Aldehyde±Amine Condensation
dehydration and dehydrogenation, or the dicarbonyl Aldehydes, particularly a,b-unsaturated ones, react
®ssion products, pick up the amino acid nitrogen readily at low temperature with amines to give
and go on to form melanoidins. `polymeric' high-molecular-mass, coloured products
Dehydroascorbic acid (but see later) and quinones of unknown structure. Heterocyclic rings, such as
formed enzymically from polyphenols can also take those of pyridines, pyrazines, pyrroles and imida-
the part of the dicarbonyl compound in the reac- zoles, have been shown to be present. Melanoidins
tion. Diacetyl is a well known fermentation product. usually contain 3±4% nitrogen.
Being volatile, the aldehydes formed in the The constitution of melanoidins differs somewhat,
Strecker degradation have often been thought to be depending on how they have been produced, for
important contributors to the aroma of foodstuffs example:
and many patents have been granted for `reaction
¯avours', which use the Strecker degradation to furfural ‡ glycine ! high ether content
produce ¯avouring materials of various types, such glucose ‡ glycine ! high alcoholic content
as maple, chocolate, coffee, tea, honey, mushroom pyruvaldehyde ‡ glycine ! high enolic hydroxyl
and bread.
and low ether content
F. Aldol Condensation As the condensations proceed, so higher molecular
mass products are formed, long-period products being
Aldehydes can arise by Reactions C, D and E, and
nondialysable. The results in Table 3 bear on this.
they can then react with each other by the aldol
condensation. Amines (and particularly their salts), 1. In relation to high molecular mass material, tem-
including peptones and egg albumin, are effective perature seems much more important than time.

Table 3 Composition of retentate of melanoidins from xylose and glycine (molar ratio 1 : 1)

Reaction conditions Yield (%)a Microanalytical data (%)

Temperature ( C) Time Retentate Diffusate C H N

22 9 months 4.2 Ð 50.3 5.3 8.0

68 6 weeks 39.6 30.0 57.0 6.1 7.3
100 38 hours 30.7 15.8 57.8 5.4 6.7
Yield based on total reactants. Membrane cut-off, 12 kDa.

The proportion of high-molecular-mass material It therefore seems that Amadori compounds can
increased with temperature. undergo 1,2-enolization much more easily and
2. Loss of material, presumably H2O and CO2, is under milder acid conditions than the original sugar.
much greater at 100  C (54%) than at 68  C Under weakly acid conditions, some 2,3-enolization
(30%). occurs.
3. The composition of the retentate formed at 22  C It is probable that the Amadori forms of the
corresponds quite closely to the loss of 3 mol 1,2-enediol, of its derivative formed by loss of a
H2O: C, 49.1; H, 5.3; N, 8.2%, i.e. all N appears hydroxyl ion, and of the 3-deoxyhexosulose (norm-
to be retained. N is lost subsequently, some ally unstable to strong acid) are all relatively
presumably as volatiles. more stable and/or have longer lifetimes (Figure 3),
4. It is not clear to what extent, if any, these high- thus allowing them to equilibrate and to undergo
molecular-mass materials are coloured. side reactions.
4-Hydroxy-5-methyl-3(2H)-furanone is an im-
Melanoidins are also being studied in other ways.
portant contributor to cooked beef ¯avour, though
The 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spec-
it has a caramel-type odour. It can be obtained
trum of high molecular mass water-soluble mater-
by heating xylose, ribose or ribose-phosphate with
ial from glucose and glycine has been found to be
amine salts and is formed by 2,3-enolization and
very like that of the corresponding Amadori com-
dehydration in a way similar to that shown in
pound, there being no evidence of unsaturated or
Figure 4 for the formation of isomaltol from a hex-
aromatic carbon atoms. The material is very dif®cult
ose. The furanone can be taken as symptomatic of
to hydrolyse, suggesting that the glucose units are
2,3-enolization just as furfural and HMF are symp-
linked by C±C bonds.
tomatic of 1,2-enolization.
The products of the interaction of a- or b-alanine
Table 4 shows clearly that low pH favours
with arabinose give rise to electron spin resonance
the formation of 2-furaldehyde (1,2-enolization),
(ESR) spectra with 17 and 23 lines, respectively.
whereas higher pH favours the formation of
These signals have been attributed to the presence
the furanone (2,3-enolization). It also illustrates
of the N,N 0 -dialkylpyrazine cation radicals. The rad-
how basicity of the amine can affect the route;
icals are detected before the Amadori compound
the least basic (dibenzylamine) is less likely to be
and hence it was thought that a new pathway (H)
protonated and therefore more liable to undergo
for browning had been discovered.
Some of the above reactions have been carried
Use of 1-14C has shown that the methyl group is
out in D2O or tritiated (T2O, radioactive) water, to
derived from C1 of the hexuronic acid or the
study the extent of H exchange.
pentose. If prepared in D2O, NMR shows hydrogen
strong acid exchange from both C2 and CH3. This accords
(3 M HCl)
HMF no incorporation of D with CH2:C(OH) . . . intermediates (on the 2,3-enol-
into C-H bonds ization route).
strong acid
(3 M HCl)
furfural no incorporation of T Caramelization
into C-H bonds
Sugars, polysaccharides, polyhydroxycarboxylic
M HCl acids, reductones, a-dicarbonyl compounds and
Amadori compounds no incorporation at C3, but
from glucose some at C1 (aldehydic C-H)
quinones will undergo browning in the absence of
amino compounds.
2 M HOAc
strong incorporation at both Such reactions, even in the absence of a catalyst,
C3 and C1 are important in the food industry, but they require

Table 4 Conditions affecting 1,2-enolization and 2,3-enolization

Amadori form 2 M H2SO4 at 100  C pH 7 at 100  C

2-Furaldehyde Furanone 2-Furaldehyde Furanone

Glucuronic acid ‡ 1 M dibenzylamine 16% traces 0 present

(derivative of fructuronic acid)
Glucuronic acid ‡ 1 M benzylamine 23% 0 0 present
(derivative of fructuronic acid)
Xylose ‡ 1 M benzylamine 41% 0 0 present
(derivative of xylulose)

high temperatures, not often encountered. For Effect on Product Quality

example, glucose decomposes only above 150  C.
The symptoms listed in Table 1 are closely linked to
Caramelization is accelerated by carboxylic acids
qualities important in dairy products. They will
and their salts, phosphates and metallic ions, but,
therefore be considered in turn.
even when so catalysed, the energy requirements
exceed those of sugar±amine reactions.
As with the Maillard reaction, odorous com-
pounds are formed, water and carbon dioxide are Although colour is the named characteristic in
liberated, the pH drops during the reaction, colour nonenzymic browning, much remains to be dis-
formation is markedly increased by increasing the covered about this aspect of the Maillard reaction.
pH, oxygen has only a slight enhancing effect on There are two fundamental questions: from where
colour production, and the reaction is inhibited by does the colour come, i.e. what chromophore(s) is
sulphur dioxide. (are) formed? and where does the colour reside, in
The main reactions are 1,2-enolization (Lobry de the high- and/or the low molecular mass material
Bruyn±Alberda van Ekenstein rearrangement, cf. formed? Contemporary workers are trying hard
Amadori rearrangement), dehydration to furfurals to answer both questions.
and ®ssion. As regards chromophore(s), the answer is de®n-
The volatiles produced by degradation of sugars itely in the plural and a range of relevant compounds
can make an important contribution to ¯avour. identi®ed mainly among the low molecular mass
Glucose decomposition at 300  C has been shown fraction of model Maillard systems is depicted in
to give more than 130 volatile degradation prod- Figure 5. Several of the molecules are worthy of
ucts, including maltol, which is also present in comment.
a variety of food products. It should be noted that Compounds 1 and 2 are
built up of two C5 moieties, each derived, apparently
without chain fragmentation, from xylose, but one
Ascorbic Acid Oxidation is formed by 1,2-enolization and the other by 2,3-
Ascorbic acid alone will brown in aqueous solu- enolization of the Amadori compound (see Figure 3).
tion above 98  C, producing furfural and carbon Since these reactions require low and moderate
dioxide. Even in the presence of glycine, the pH, respectively, pH of the medium must be a key
carbon dioxide comes essentially from ascorbic factor and the nature of the amino component of
acid (cf. Strecker degradation). The browning with the Amadori compound will play an important
ascorbic acid also increases with pH and above role. The amino acid clearly forms a component of
pH 7 autooxidation and browning occur even at Compound 1, but, as regards Compound 2, its role is
25  C. Other reductones will react similarly. catalytic.
Glucose and fructose decrease the rate of browning Compound 3 is built up from three C5 moieties,
and so do amino acids initially, though later they but, whereas the central furanone moiety is bifunc-
increase it. tional, furfural is monofunctional and thus acts as
Ascorbic acid is converted into furfural via a capping group. It can be seen to ful®l the same
a pentose by loss of carbon dioxide. The dehydro function in other compounds. Compound 4 is also
form ring opens into 2,3-diketogulonic acid, which built up from three C5 moieties, but could readily
degrades readily, also leading to browning. react further at its active methyl group.



1 X = NCH2COOH orange (xyl + gly) 3 deep orange (xyl + gly) 5 yellow (xyl + gly or lys)
2 =O yellow (xyl + gly)


O 6 red (xyl + furfural
+ ala or val) 4 yellow (xyl + gly)
7 intense orange (xyl + ala + furfural)

N N N +
N O 10 intense yellow (pro + furfural)
9 deep red (N -acetylarg + glyoxal + furfural)

8 red-orange (furfural + ala)

Figure 5 The structures of some low molecular mass coloured compounds formed in model Maillard reactions. xyl, xylose; gly,
glycine; ala, alanine; val, valine; pro, proline; lys, lysine.

Compound 5 possesses a chain of eight carbon When 5 : 1 mixtures of glucose and glycine or
atoms, which must involve fragmentation of the alanine in phosphate buffer, pH 7, are heated for
xylose skeleton and reassembly of fragments (cf. 4 h at 95  C and separated by ultracentrifugation
Figure 4). Here, the amino acid supplies the nitrogen through a series of membranes with progressively
only and so both glycine and lysine have given rise smaller pore size, the molecular mass of almost
to it through interaction with xylose. Similarly, 80% of the product is <1000 Da and nearly 20%
alanine or valine supplies only the nitrogen for at 1000±3000 Da, representing 97±99% and 3±1%
Compound 6, for which four C5 units are required. of the recovered colour, respectively, i.e. very little
Compound 7 is built up from a C2 fragment and high molecular mass material has been formed and
three C5 units, but without the amino acid's nitrogen. by far the greatest proportion of the colour
On the other hand, Compound 8 does involve resides in low molecular mass material. When the
alanine along with four C5 units. amino acid is replaced by an equivalent amount of
Other amino acids can give rise to different types b-casein, the result is very different: the molecular
of chromophore. Thus, arginine can lead to Com- mass of 43% of the product lies >100 kDa, 18% at
pound 9 and proline (an imino acid) to Compound 50±100 kDa, and 24% at <1000 Da, representing
10. Note that here furfural provides an open chain 90%, 9%, and <0.1% of the recovered colour, re-
of ®ve carbon atoms. spectively, i.e. over 60% of the material is >50 kDa
The above illustrates quite a range of chromo- and represents virtually all of the recovered colour.
phores, but all of these were part of low molecu- The b-casein (molecular mass 24 kDa) is cross-
lar mass compounds. What about high molecular linked into dimeric and progressively larger
mass compounds? entities, presumably through carbohydrate-derived

crosslinks between appropriate amino acid side picks up ammonia in the Strecker degradation, as
chains, as illustrated by some of the structures in shown in the equation in Section E above. The
Figure 5. When sodium caseinate is heated with mechanism is shown in Figure 6. Pyrazine formation
lactose or glucose in milk-salts solution at 110± is favoured by higher temperature and pH, but
150  C starting at pH 6.65, most of the browning is intermediate aw (0.75). Pyrroles can be formed by
also due to pigments bound to protein. replacement of the ring oxygen with ammonia or
amines in parallel to the nonvolatile but coloured
Volatile Compounds products included in Figure 5.
About 3500 volatile compounds have been reported The Maillard reaction can lead to some non-
to be formed by the Maillard reaction. Some ration- volatile compounds with bitter attributes, but these
alization is thus required. Accordingly, the volatile have not so far been found to have signi®cance in
products of the Maillard reaction can be arranged milk and dairy products.
in three groups, as listed in Table 5.
From a ¯avour point of view, pyrazines are the
most important compounds of Group 3. They are The Maillard reaction produces water and so
derived from the dicarbonyl compound which may increase aw, but the effect of aw on the Maillard

Table 5 Volatile products of the Maillard reaction

Group 1 `Simple' sugar dehydration/fragmentation products

Furans (e.g. HMF)
Pyrones (e.g. maltol)
Cyclopentenes (e.g. methylcyclopentenolone)
Carbonyls (e.g. CH3COCOCH3)
Acids (e.g. CH3COOH)

Group 2 `Simple' amino acid degradation products

Aldehydes, cf. Strecker degradation
Glycine CH2O
Alanine CH3CHO
Valine (CH3)2.CH.CHO
Leucine (CH3)2.CH.CH2.CHO
Isoleucine CH3.CH2.CH(CH3).CHO
Phenylalanine C6H5.CH2CHO
Aspartic acid
Glutamic acid
Serine CH2OH.CHO
Threonine CH3CHOH.CHO
Cysteine CH2SH.CHO
Methionine CH3S.CH2CH2CHO, methional
Proline cannot
Hydroxyproline cannot
Sulphur compounds
Cystine H2S
Methional CH3SH ‡ CH2:CH.CHO

Group 3 Volatiles produced by further interactions

Compounds ex aldol condensations

R NH2 O R9 R N R9 R N R9
HC C –2H2O –2H
R9 O H2N R R9 N R R9 N R

2 M ex Strecker reagent a dihydropyrazine a pyrazine

Figure 6 Formation of pyrazine from products of the Strecker degradation.

reaction is of much greater interest. Since loss of Solubility Loss

water is part of the Maillard reaction, the mass
Melanoidin formation is invariably accompanied by
action effect of water at high aw will tend to hinder
an increase in molecular size, which almost always
the reaction, as will the dilution of the reagents.
results in a decrease in solubility. However, the
On the other hand, as systems become more con-
stability of milk to lowering of pH and to calcium is
centrated, mobility of the reagents is reduced.
improved by preheating, which is attributed to the
Hence Maillard browning tends to exhibit a max-
modi®cation of lysine residues and the consequently
imum at intermediate aw (e.g. whey powder at about
increase in negative charge on casein.
0.44, dried milk at 0.68).
Loss of Vitamin C
pH and Loss of CO2
Ascorbic acid is a reductone and is involved in
During the Maillard reaction, pH is lowered, both
nonenzymic browning, as has been outlined above.
by the production of acids (see Figure 4) and the
Milk is a signi®cant source of vitamin C and any loss
conversion of amines to cyclic nitrogen compounds,
would detract from its nutritional value.
though these changes would be counteracted to some
extent by the loss of carbon dioxide. Loss of Biological Value

Antioxidant Activity (Reducing Power) Lysine is an essential amino acid and so its loss
through the Maillard reaction seriously detracts from
Most sugars have some reducing power and this in-
the nutritional value of milk, which is a good source
creases progressively as they are converted to glyco-
of it. Such loss becomes even more important in the
sylamines, Amadori compounds and reductones.
case of infant formulae.
Maillard reaction products themselves also possess
antioxidant activity. In addition, their ability to com- Determination of nutritionally blocked lysine As
plex metals and to scavenge free radicals have rele- described in Section B, the Amadori rearrangement of
vance here. e-N-glucosyllysine irreversibly gives e-N-deoxy-
In suppressing hexanal formation through linoleic fructosyllysine (I). Thus, lysine has become nutri-
acid oxidation, Maillard reaction products from tionally no longer available from that point onwards.
all the three sugars examined, fructose, glucose and Amino acid analysis of proteins normally involves
xylose, were very effective when combined with 6 M HCl. The effect on I of hydrolysis with such
histidine, which is a known metal chelator. Only strong acid is shown in Figure 7. In amino acid
xylose±arginine produced a comparable result. The analysis by ion exchange, pyridosine elutes ahead
products from lysine were somewhat less effective. of lysine, and furosine elutes well after arginine.
Equimolar amounts of the reactants are probably Because of the partial recovery of lysine, interpret-
to be preferred. ing the results of analysis is complicated. It is import-
Ultra®ltration of the products led to the greatest ant to appreciate that lysine locked up in the Amadori
activity for the xylose±glycine fraction of about compound, although partially recoverable by amino
4500 Da, its effect being greater than that of butyl- acid analysis, is no longer available nutritionally.
ated hydroxyanisole (BHA), but less than that of When lactose reacts with protein in dairy prod-
butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) on an equal-weight ucts, lactulosyllysine residues are formed. On hy-
basis. There was a strong synergistic effect between drolysis, these give yields of 40% recovered lysine
it and BHA. With glucose±histidine, the fraction and 32% furosine. The lysine residues nutritionally
>1000 Da had six times the activity of that of the blocked can then be calculated as follows:
crude reaction mixture.
% lysine nutritionally blocked ˆ
Much still needs to be discovered in this area,
which is also of physiological importance, and con- 3:1 furosine
tinues to be an active subject of research. total lysine ‡ 1:87 furosine

6 M HCl
ε-N-deoxyfructosyllysine CH.(CH2)4.NH2 50%
24 h

+ ---NH.CH2.CO O 20%



+ ---N O 10%


Figure 7 The products of hydrolysis of e-N-deoxyfructosyllysine under protein analysis condition.

The factors are derived thus: 100/32 ˆ 3.1 and Table 6 Lysine damage in good manufacturing practice
60/32 ˆ 1.87. Total lysine represents the total lysine
Process Lysine
recovered in the analysis, i.e. unreacted lysine
damage (%)
plus lysine recovered from lactulosyllysine residues.
Table 6 gives results that have been obtained in Raw or freeze-dried milk 0
this way for lysine damage in good manufactur- Pasteurized (74  C, 40 s) 0±2
ing practice. For UHT milks, the ratio of pyridosine UHT sterilized (135±150  C, a few s) 0±3
Spray-dried powder 0±3
to furosine was 0.36. UHT milk with furosine Sweetened condensed 0±3
>50 mg lÿ1 should be regarded as overprocessed. In-container sterilized ¯uid 8±12
Ne-Carboxymethyllysine (see below and Figure 8) Roller-dried (without precondensation) 10±15
correlates well with furosine (r ˆ 0.96), from which Evaporated 15±20
it is probably derived by oxidation. Hydroxy- Roller-dried (conventional) 20±30
methylfurfural, which is more readily determined, From Mauron (1981).
by gas chromatography, correlates with furosine
equally well (r ˆ 0.96) for pilot-plant UHT milk, but
less well (r ˆ 0.85) for commercial UHT milk. high (30 mg lÿ1). Levels (mg lÿ1) found in milk are
Determination of furosine in acid hydrolysates by as follows: pasteurized, 0±82; UHT direct, 41±670;
reversed-phase HPLC in conjunction with an ex- UHT indirect, 120±1430; sterilized, 412±1840. The
ternal standard of 2-acetylfuran is about 10 times different classes of milk are therefore not clearly
as sensitive and leads to values more than double differentiated by lactulose content alone. There
those given above. is little, if any, increase in lactulose on nor-
Milk and dairy products can also be hydrolysed mal storage and lactulose does not appear to be
by a succession of selected enzymes and the result- formed during milk drying, but lactulose correlates
ant hydrolysates examined by amino acid analyser, extremely well with furosine for fresh UHT milk
when lactulosyllysine elutes shortly after phenyl- (r ˆ 0.99). There is thus scope for the ratio of furo-
alanine. The results for percentage lysine modi®ed sine to lactulose to provide additional informa-
obtained in this way for nine samples of different tion on the thermal history of a sample, particularly
infant formulae were 3±5.5 times as high as those of sterilized milk.
obtained by the furosine method. This reinforces the The e-N-deoxyfructosyl groups, which on acid
view that the results given above are considerable hydrolysis give rise to furosine and pyridosine,
underestimates. can undergo a number of reactions (cf. Figure 4),
Lactose not only participates in the Maillard leading, for example, to acetic acid. If this were to
reaction, but can also undergo a variety of other re- remain attached to the e-amino group, carboxy-
actions, of which isomerization to lactulose (Lobry methyllysine (CML) would result (Figure 8). CML
de Bruin±Alberda van Ekenstein rearrangement) is levels can be determined by reversed-phase HPLC
the most important. Accordingly, lactulose concen- with ¯uorescence detection and precolumn de-
tration is a useful index of exposure to heat, even rivatization with o-phthalaldehyde, reproducibil-
though the smallest amount determinable is quite ity being very good (RSD 2.2%). CML was not


N +
carboxymethyllysine pyrraline pentosidine

R = (CH2)4.CH(NH2)COOH
R9 = (CH2)3.CH(NH2)COOH

Figure 8 Some amino acids combined with intermediate Maillard products and determined in milk and dairy products.

detected in UHT milk, most ¯avoured milks, and all Chelation of Metals
cheeses (n ˆ 49), except for a whey cheese, which
Melanoidins have metal-chelating properties. Includ-
had the highest amount (1691 mg kgÿ1), followed
ing 10% of the Maillard reaction product (MRP)
by an evaporated milk (1015 mg kgÿ1, n ˆ 9, me-
from glucose±glutamate in the diet of rats has been
dian 499). A single sterilized milk sample out of 13
shown to lead to severe diarrhoea and nephro-
had 343 mg kgÿ1 protein. CML is questionable as a
calcinosis. Rats similarly fed 0.5% MRP did not
marker of heat damage in conventional milk prod-
show signi®cant changes in the retention of calcium,
ucts, whereas furosine allows evaluation of the early
magnesium, copper or iron, but zinc retention was
stages of the Maillard reaction. Determination of
reduced by about a third. Zinc is one of the metals
CML becomes useful for a range of products: se-
in which human diets tend to be marginal.
verely heat-treated samples, products where a long
shelf-life is required and where stability is achieved Toxicity
with salt additions, milk products made with com-
The content of 4-methylimidazole in ammonia
ponents that have already been compromised (e.g.
caramel has a legal limit of 200 mg kgÿ1. Abnor-
cocoa products), and other products, such as `follow-
malities associated with its ingestion by rats in-
on' milks.
clude lymphocytopenia, but its control is more as
HMF is an important breakdown product of
an indicator of good manufacturing practice than
hexoses via the Amadori compound and 1,2-enol-
because of a threat of toxicity. Mutagenicity in
ization. One can imagine its reacting with e-amino
Maillard products has been traced to compounds
groups to give pyrraline (Figure 8). Pyrraline can
such as imidazoquinolines and imidazoquinoxalines,
be determined by reversed-phase HPLC with elec-
the formation of which involves creatine and/or
trochemical detection and it has been shown to
creatinine, compounds present primarily in muscle
increase progressively in the deproteinized whey
fraction of non-fat dried milk over 6 h at 80  C
from 2 to 133 mg kgÿ1. It has also been found in a Fluorescence
range of processed foods, including a cheese gravy.
During storage of freeze-dried milk at 70  C, pyr- Although ¯uorescence has been noted in Maillard
raline (determined after enzymic hydrolysis) in- products, particularly at the intermediate stage, no
creased almost linearly with time and the amount systematic study has been made of it. Fluorescence
formed increased with moisture content, reaching has proved useful, especially in examining sec-
more than 5000 mg kgÿ1 protein in 50 h at 9% tions under the microscope. Several molecules de-
moisture. Values up to 3100 mg kgÿ1 protein were rived from crosslinks obtained under physiological
found in some samples of milk or whey powder, conditions ¯uoresce (Exmax 320±380, Emmax 380±
attributable to overprocessing and/or storage under 465 nm), providing speci®c data to supplement the
adverse conditions. relatively characterless visible absorption spectra.
Once the Maillard reaction has led to the conver- However, quenching of ¯uorescence provides a po-
sion of an e-sugar residue to an a-diketo com- tential drawback.
pound, such as a 3-deoxy-1,2-osulose, reaction with
an arginine residue becomes possible, crosslinking Practical Applications
the protein. Pentosidine (Figure 8) is a compound
formed in such a way. It has been found in small
amounts (2±5 mg kgÿ1 protein) in acid hydrolysates The development of colour due to the Maillard re-
of sterilized milk and in evaporated milk. actions is usually detrimental for dairy products and

therefore normally becomes a question of avoidance Functionality

or moderation. This is done by using where feasible
Furosine level is a useful indicator of heat treatment
lower temperatures, shorter processing and storage
and of storage conditions. With milk, there is little
times, and lower pH, and avoiding intermediate aw.
change on pasteurization and 8.6 mg furosine
100 gÿ1 protein is thought to be a useful upper limit
Volatile Compounds
for pasteurized, peroxidase-positive milk. Seven
Individual samples of milk and dairy products have commercial samples of such milk from Germany
been found to yield up to 400 volatile components, gave values in the range 6.0±7.3 mg 100 gÿ1 protein.
most of which are derived from milk lipids or Twenty-six samples of Italian pasteurized milk out of
microbial action. The Maillard reaction becomes 124 examined gave higher results (some even ex-
important when heat is applied or on longer storage. ceeding 100 mg 100 gÿ1 protein), implying the pres-
Hydroxymethylfurfural is a product of the inter- ence of reconstituted milk powder.
mediate stage of the Maillard reaction and it is UHT treatment brings about a more than ten-
volatile. However, the total amount formed is fold increase over raw milk and in-bottle steriliza-
variable and does not correlate well with process- tion one that is more than 50-fold. Formation of
ing conditions, values ranging from traces to furosine continues on storage, for example, in pas-
24.1 mmol lÿ1 over raw, UHT (direct and indirect), teurized milk at 6±8  C at 1 mg 100 gÿ1 protein every
and in-can sterilized milks. Nevertheless, HMF has 16 days.
been used to follow successfully indirectly heated With skim milk powder, there is again little sen-
UHT cow/buffalo (1 : 1) milk through storage at sitivity to pasteurization conditions, but a greater
37  C and 22  C, total HMF falling initially than tenfold increase on drying, during which the
from 18.3 to 15.0 and 12.8 after 9 days, in parallel whey protein nitrogen index (WPNI) changes little.
with the decrease in sulphydryl groups, and then During drying, the powder passes through the region
increasing progressively to 26.8 and 21.9 mmol lÿ1, of aw of maximum Maillard reactivity, resulting
respectively, after 33 days, as residual oxygen con- in a range of furosine values from 55 mg 100 gÿ1
tinues to be depleted. The product became unac- protein for extra low-heat to 350 mg 100 gÿ1 protein
ceptable sensorily after about 25 days. for high-heat samples. Similar results have been ob-
At least 67 volatile compounds can be detected in tained for skim milk powder by determining lactulo-
the headspace above whey protein concentrate equili- syllysine after enzyme hydrolysis. Because of the
brated to 75% rh and kept under accelerated sto- increased furosine content of milk powder, furosine
rage conditions of 70  C for 4 days. Most of the determination can indicate the adulteration of fresh
33 compounds identi®ed were clearly lipid break- milk with reconstituted. The ratio of furosine to
down products, but 2-methylbutanal can be attrib- lactulose can similarly indicate the adulteration of
uted to the Strecker degradation, 2-furanmethanol UHT milk with reconstituted.
to carbohydrate degradation, methyl- and 2,6-di- Furosine has been used to indicate the degree to
methylpyrazine to the Maillard reaction (Group 3), which lysine has been damaged in milk-based
and dimethyl disulphide and trisulphide to meth- foods with the following results: condensed milk,
ionine breakdown. 36.3%; milk nougat, 34.3%; soft nougat, 33.0%;
Block milk or white crumb is an intermediate milk chocolate, 27.1%; white chocolate, 18.5%;
product in the manufacture of milk chocolate and chocolate cream, 14.8%; milk tablet 1, 13.4%; rice
white chocolate. It is made from concentrated milk cream, 11.2%; milk tablet 2, 11.0%; cooked
and sugar and more than 30 volatiles have been cream, 2.6%; yoghurt mousse, 2.6%; and dietetic
identi®ed in the headspace. Of these, again, most meal, 2.5%.
are clearly lipid breakdown products, as with the For most infant formulae, the proportion of lysine
whey protein concentrate (above), but they also blocked (13±27%) is not high enough to reduce
included 2- and 3-methylbutanal, dihydro-2-methyl- the lysine intake to below the FAO suggested
3(2H)-furanone, 2/3-furfural, 1-(2-furanyl)ethanone, value of 102 mg kgÿ1 dayÿ1. The amount of lysine
2/3-furanmethanol, pyrazine, methylpyrazine, pyr- blocked can be lowered by substituting lactose with
role, dimethyl disulphide and trisulphide, formic glucose syrup of dextrose equivalent <15. The
acid and 2- and 3-methylbutanoic acid. Quantit- production of dietetic milks by enzymic hydrolysis
ative descriptive analysis resulted in a list of nine of lactose can double the concentration of redu-
¯avour and ®ve taste attributes, including milk, cing sugars and is thus liable to increase the amount
nutty, caramel and burnt. Considerable further of lysine blocked, but in none of the milks ana-
work is required. lysed was the level of free lysine residues lowered

so far as to make lysine the limiting amino acid. It Fluorescence

is important that `lactose-free' milk, in particular, is
Two readings with ex and em at 290 and 340 and
stored <4  C.
350 and 440 nm, respectively, taken on the trans-
When skim milk powder was stored at 20±30  C
parent soluble fraction of milk at pH 4.6, can be
for 6 months, a further 15% lysine ceased to be
used to determine tryptophan and intermediate
available, as indicated by the dye-binding method.
Maillard reaction products, respectively. The former
During storage, whey protein solubility changes
is a marker of protein denaturation and thus of
little, whereas furosine level can more than double
low-temperature treatment of milk, such as in pas-
in 10 months, in accord with changes in rennet
teurization, whereas the latter is an indicator of
coagulation time and curd tension. Values of up to
high-temperature treatment, such as indirect UHT
1200 mg furosine 100 gÿ1 protein have been ob-
processing. From an examination of 80 samples,
tained for atomized skim milk powder on storage at
ranging from raw to indirect UHT-treated milk, it
30  C and 0.44 aw for 90 days.
was concluded that the method allows rapid dis-
Industrial production of Mozzarella cheese
tinction between the various types of milk and could
involves only limited exposure to heat and so does
form the basis of a rapid quality control system in
not produce furosine values greater than 8 mg
plants heat-treating milk.
100 gÿ1 protein. Data for European commercial
The relationship between ¯uorescence (ex
cheeses (n ˆ 73) gave 4±38 mg 100 gÿ1 protein, sug-
347 nm, em 415 nm) and heat treatment of milk
gesting some use of raw materials other than
has already been studied, using percentage relative
fresh liquid milk.
¯uorescence in the form of a ¯uorescence index.
Rennet casein is the protein of choice in the
Mean results for Spanish milks were as follows:
manufacture of Mozzarella cheese analogues
pasteurized, 20  2 (n ˆ 9); UHT, 28  4 (n ˆ 36);
having melt and ¯ow characteristics suitable for
in-bottle sterilized, 44  5 % (n ˆ 6). For the UHT
pizza toppings. Their functionality in this regard can
samples, there was a good linear correlation with
be very variable. The furosine level was found to
HMF content (r ˆ 0.935). The behaviour of the
range from 6.2 to 123.8 mg 100 gÿ1 protein and
¯uorescence on storage of the milks has not been
correlated with hydration characteristics, such as
studied and may well confound the results. In
time taken to reach maximum viscosity index. The
model systems, lactose in the absence of casein and
variability may be due to the temperature and dura-
whey proteins gave 500 to 1000 times less ¯uores-
tion of washing the curd and of drying, the heat-
cence than when either protein was present.
ing effects of grinding or milling, and the storage
From the above, it can be seen that the network
of the Maillard reactions is well established, but
The MRPs of alanine/xylose (500 mg kgÿ1) and
that a great deal of detail needs to be ®lled in as
lysine/lactose (1000 mg kgÿ1) possess greater anti-
regards most of its aspects, chemical, quality-related
oxidant activity in relation to butter stored at 6  C
and applied.
than BHT (200 mg kgÿ1), whereas other MRPs,
such as that of alanine/xylose (1000 mg kgÿ1),
See also: Lactose: Properties, Production, Applications.
exhibited a slight prooxidant effect. Development of Lipids: Lipid Oxidation. Liquid Milk Products:
acidity was retarded most by the MRP of proline/ Sterilized Milk. Milk Powders: Physical and Functional
xylose and lysine/xylose (both 1000 mg kgÿ1). Properties. Milk Proteins: Beta-Lactoglobulin.
Nutritional Role of Dairy Products: Effects of
Toxicity Processing on Protein Quality of Milk and Milk Products.
The presence of imidazole mutagens has not been
reported for dairy products, though some muta- Further Reading
genicity will develop in dairy products as in many Hodge JE (1953) Chemistry of browning reactions in
other foods on severe heat treatment. There is no model systems. Journal of Agricultural and Food
mutagenic activity in HTST pasteurized milk, in Chemistry 1: 928±943.
UHT milk, or in in-bottle sterilized milk. In fact, Hodge JE (1967) Origin of ¯avor in foods: nonenzymatic
mutagen binding to casein may reduce the muta- browning reactions. In: Schultz HW, Day EA and
genicity of some food systems. Libbey LM (eds.) The Chemistry and Physiology of
Allergenicity of b-lactoglobulin may be enhanced Flavors, pp. 465±491. Westport: AVI.
by the Maillard reaction, so in manufacturing IDF (1991) Standard 147: Heat Treated Milk. Determina-
hypoallergenic milk formulae it is advisable to re- tion of Lactulose Content. High Performance Liquid
Chromatography (Reference Method). Brussels: Inter-
duce the concentration of lactose.
national Dairy Federation.

McSweeney PLH, Nursten HE and Urbach G (1997) O'Brien J (1997) Reaction chemistry of lactose: non-
Flavours and off-¯avours in milk and dairy products. enzymatic degradation pathways and their signi®cance
In: Fox PF (ed.) Advanced Dairy Chemistry, vol. 3, in dairy products. In: Fox PF (ed.) Advanced Dairy
Lactose, Water, Salts and Vitamins, pp. 403±468. Chemistry, vol. 3, Lactose, Water, Salts and Vitamins,
London: Chapman & Hall. pp. 155±231. London: Chapman & Hall.
Mauron J (1981) The Maillard reaction in food: a critical O'Brien J, Nursten HE, Crabbe MJC and Ames JM (eds.)
review from the nutritional standpoint. In: Eriksson C (1998) The Maillard Reaction in Foods and Medicine.
(ed.) Maillard Reactions in Food: Chemical, Physiolo- Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry.
gical and Technological Aspects, pp. 5±35. Oxford:
Pergamon Press.


I A Forsyth, The Babraham Institute, Cambridge, UK remarkably similar in all these groups, although
Copyright 2002, Elsevier Science Ltd. All Rights Reserved monotreme glands do not have nipples. Instead of
being suckled, the hatched young lick milk from
a specialized skin area.
The early mammal-like reptiles appear in the fossil
record (Table 1) during the Permian and Triassic
Periods. Mammals are thought to have evolved at
the close of the Triassic from small therapsid reptiles,
called cynodonts. These are found from the late
Mammals are de®ned by the ability to produce milk Permian and already share some bony features with
for the nurture of their offspring. Living members mammals, such as specialization of teeth and a hard
of the class Mammalia belong to one of three palate (see `Mammalian Characteristics', below).
groups: the egg-laying monotremes (the duck-billed Progression to producing milk is suggested to involve
platypus and the echidna) in the subclass Proto- the development of cutaneous glands in egg in-
theria and in the subclass Theriiformes (therians), the cubation patches producing antimicrobial secretions
marsupials and the eutherian (placental) mammals. to ®rst protect the eggs and later supply nutrients
The basic structure of the mammary glands is to the hatchlings. Part of the argument for this

Table 1 The geological time-scale, in millions of years ago (mya)

Era Period Epoch

Paleozoic Cambrian (540-505 mya) to Ð

540-245 mya Permian (286-245 mya)

Mesozoic 245-66 mya Triassic (245-210 mya) Ð

`Age of Reptiles' Jurassic (210-144 mya)
Cretaceous (144-66 mya)

Cenozoic 66 mya ± present Tertiary (66-1.8 mya) Paleocene (66-57 mya)

`Age of Mammals' Eocene (57-36 mya)
Oligocene (36-23 mya)
Miocene (23-5 mya)
Pliocene (5-2 mya)

Quaternary (1.8 mya ± present) Pleistocene (2 mya-10 000 ya)

Holocene (10 000 ya ± present)

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