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Laboratory Manual

Antennas and Propagation

B.E. Semester 6 (E.C.)

Enrollment No.:: __________________________________________________

Name of Student: _________________________________________________

Batch Name: ______________________________________________________

Semester – Year: 6th Even - 2024

Electronics and Communication Engineering Department

Government Engineering College, Rajkot

Directorate of Technical Education, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

E. C. Engineering Department, LDCE Ahmedabad

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024


This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ___________________________________

Enrollment No. _______________ of B.E. Semester 6 Electronics and
Communication Engineering of this Institute (GTU Code: Code:020) has
satisfactorily completed the Practical / Tutorial work for the subject Antenna
and Propagation (3161003
61003) for the academic year 2022-23.23.

Place: __________
Date: __________

Name and Sign of Faculty member Head of the Department

E. C.. Engineering Department, LDCE Ahmedabad

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Main motto of any laboratory/practical/field work is for enhancing required skills as well as
creating ability amongst students to solve real time problem by developing relevant
competencies in psychomotor domain. By keeping in view, GTU has designed competency
focused outcome-based curriculum for engineering degree programs where sufficient weightage
is given to practical work. It shows importance of enhancement of skills amongst the students
and it pays attention to utilize every second of time allotted for practical amongst students,
instructors and faculty members to achieve relevant outcomes by performing the experiments
rather than having merely study type experiments. It is must for effective implementation of
competency focused outcome-based curriculum that every practical is keenly designed to serve
as a tool to develop and enhance relevant competency required by the various industry among
every student. These psychomotor skills are very difficult to develop through traditional chalk
and board content delivery method in the classroom. Accordingly, this lab manual is designed
to focus on the industry defined relevant outcomes, rather than old practice of conducting
practical to prove concept and theory.
By using this lab manual students can go through the relevant theory and procedure in advance
before the actual performance which creates an interest and students can have basic idea prior
to performance. This in turn enhances pre-determined outcomes amongst students. Each
experiment in this manual begins with competency, industry relevant skills, course outcomes as
well as practical outcomes (objectives). The students will also achieve safety and necessary
precautions to be taken while performing practical.
This manual also provides guidelines to faculty members to facilitate student centric lab
activities through each experiment by arranging and managing necessary resources in order that
the students follow the procedures with required safety and necessary precautions to achieve the
outcomes. It also gives an idea that how students will be assessed by providing rubrics.
Students of EC Engineering need to possess good understanding of the fundamentals and
applications of Antenna and wave propagation, including radiation from point sources as
applied to antenna, antenna types and their radiation patterns. They are expected to be able to
design different antennas for specific given frequency and application. They should be
acquainted with concept of arrays and antenna measurement methods. They will be practiced in
study of antenna radiation patterns and in measurement of different antenna parameters. They
will be able to design and analyze some basic antennas in hardware and application specific
antenna in HFSS or CST.
Utmost care has been taken while preparing this lab manual however always there is chances of
improvement. Therefore, we welcome constructive suggestions for improvement and removal
of errors if any.

E. C. Engineering Department, LDCE Ahmedabad

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Practical – Course Outcome matrix

Course Outcomes (COs):

1. Understand the radiation phenomenon and identify different types of antennas
and antenna parameters
2. Describe aperture antennas, arrays of dipole antennas and reflector antenna by
doing analysis on it.
3. Demonstrate the configuration of wire antennas, lens antennas, Broadband
antennas, Frequency – independent antennas for special applications
4. Design Microstrip Patch antennas and analyze antenna arrays and matching /
feeding networks for antennas.
5. Understand the fundamentals of radio – wave propagation and demonstrate the
antenna measurement techniques.
Objective(s) of Experiment
No. 1 2 3 4 O5

1. To study different types of antenna √

To plot the variation of radiated field with distance

2. √
from transmitting antenna.
To plot the radiation pattern of Omni-directional and
3. √ √
Directional antenna
To study Phenomena of Circular, Linear and Elliptical
4. √
Polarization of antennas

5. To plot the radiation pattern of Folded dipole antenna √ √

To plot the radiation pattern of 3 and 7 element Yagi –

6. √ √
Uda antenna
To study and plot the radiation pattern of Helical
7. √ √
To study and plot the radiation pattern of Log –
8. √ √
Periodic Antenna
To study and compare the radiation pattern of
9. √
To study and design the simple dipole antenna using
10. √ √
Ansys HFSS
To plot and design the Microstrip Patch Antenna
11. √ √
using Ansys HFSS

E. C. Engineering Department, LDCE Ahmedabad

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Industry Relevant Skills

The following industry relevant competency is expected to be developed in the student by
undertaking the practical work of this laboratory.
1. Antenna Fundamentals: A thorough grasp of antenna fundamentals, including antenna
parameters such as gain, radiation pattern, impedance, and efficiency.
2. Antenna Types and Characteristics: Knowledge of various antenna types (dipole, folded
dipole, Yagi-Uda, helical, log-periodic, microstrip patch, etc.) and their characteristics,
such as size, bandwidth, and polarization.
3. Radiation Patterns: The ability to analyze and plot radiation patterns, which involves
understanding how the electromagnetic field radiates from an antenna in different
4. Polarization: Understanding the concept of polarization and being able to study and
manipulate circular, linear, and elliptical polarization in antennas.
5. Measurement Techniques: Familiarity with measurement techniques and equipment used
to characterize antenna performance, such as anechoic chambers and vector network
6. Simulation Software: Proficiency in using electromagnetic simulation software like
Ansys HFSS for designing and analyzing antennas. This includes the ability to create
accurate antenna models and interpret simulation results.
7. Design and Optimization: Skills in designing and optimizing antenna structures to
achieve desired performance parameters, such as radiation pattern shape, gain, and
8. Array Antennas: Understanding the principles of linear arrays, including uniform and
non-uniform arrays, and how to design and analyze them for specific applications.
9. Practical Construction: Hands-on experience in building and testing antennas, which
may involve soldering, tuning, and troubleshooting.
10. Signal Processing: Knowledge of signal processing techniques for improving antenna
performance, such as beamforming and null steering in array antennas.
11. Documentation and Reporting: The ability to document antenna designs, measurements,
and simulation results in a clear and organized manner, often using software tools like
MATLAB or Python for data analysis and visualization.
12. Safety Awareness: Understanding safety protocols when working with high-frequency
and high-power antennas, especially in lab or field settings.
13. Communication Skills: Effective communication skills are essential for collaborating
with team members, presenting findings, and explaining complex antenna concepts to

These skills are valuable in industries related to telecommunications, wireless communication,

radar systems, satellite technology, and many others where antennas play a critical role in signal
transmission and reception. Keep in mind that staying updated with advancements in antenna
technology and industry trends is also important to remain competitive in this field.

E. C. Engineering Department, LDCE Ahmedabad

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Guidelines for Faculty members

1. Teacher should provide the guideline with demonstration of practical to the students with
all features.
2. Teacher shall explain basic concepts/theory related to the experiment to the students
before starting of each practical
3. Involve all the students in performance of each experiment.
4. Teacher is expected to share the skills and competencies to be developed in the students
and ensure that the respective skills and competencies are developed in the students after
the completion of the experimentation.
5. Teachers should give opportunity to students for hands-on experience after the
6. Teacher may provide additional knowledge and skills to the students even though not
covered in the manual but are expected from the students by concerned industry.
7. Give practical assignment and assess the performance of students based on task assigned
to check whether it is as per the instructions or not.
8. Teacher is expected to refer complete curriculum of the course and follow the guidelines
for implementation.

Instructions for Students

1. Students are expected to carefully listen to all the theory classes delivered by the faculty
members and understand the COs, content of the course, teaching and examination
scheme, skill set to be developed etc.
2. Students shall organize the work in the group and make record of all observations.
3. Students shall develop maintenance skill as expected by industries.
4. Student shall attempt to develop related hand-on skills and build confidence.
5. Student shall develop the habits of evolving more ideas, innovations, skills etc. apart from
those included in scope of manual.
6. Student shall refer technical magazines and data books.
7. Student should develop a habit of submitting the experimentation work as per the schedule
and s/he should be well prepared for the same.

E. C. Engineering Department, LDCE Ahmedabad

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Common Safety Instructions

1. Equipment Familiarity: Learn how to operate all lab equipment properly. Do not use any
equipment without proper training. Keep all equipment and work areas clean and
2. Electrical Safety: Be cautious when working with electrical components. Ensure that
equipment is properly grounded. Avoid working on live circuits unless specifically
instructed and trained to do so.
3. Radiofrequency (RF) Safety: Follow RF safety guidelines and maintain a safe distance
from transmitting antennas, Avoid exposure to excessive RF radiation, and be aware of
warning signs and posted safety limits.
4. Antenna Assembly and Handling: Handle antennas and related components with care to
prevent damage or injury. Do not touch antennas while they are transmitting or connected
power sources.
5. Tool Safety: Use tools and equipment for their intended purposes only, and use them
safely. Be cautious when handling sharp objects or tools that could cause injury.
6. Communication: Maintain clear communication with lab partners and the instructor,
especially when working with potentially hazardous equipment. Report any equipment
malfunctions or unsafe conditions promptly.
7. No Food or Drink: Do not bring food or drinks into the lab to prevent contamination of
equipment and ensure a safe working environment.
8. Post-Experiment Cleanup: Clean up your work area after each experiment or lab session.
Dispose of materials properly, and return equipment to its designated place.
9. Documentation: Keep detailed records of your lab work, including measurements,
observations, and any safety incidents or concerns.
10. Ask for Help: If you are unsure about any aspect of the lab work, equipment, or safety
procedures, don't hesitate to ask your instructor or a lab assistant for guidance.
11. Respect Labmates: Be respectful of your fellow students, their workspaces, and their

By following these safety instructions and maintaining a vigilant and responsible attitude in the
antenna lab, students can ensure a safe and productive learning experience. Always prioritize
safety to minimize risks and promote a culture of safety in the lab environment.

E. C. Engineering Department, LDCE Ahmedabad

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024


Assess Sign. of
Sr. Objective(s) of ge Date of Date of Remark
ment Teacher
No. Experiment No performance submission s
Marks with date
To study different types of
To plot the variation of
2. radiated field with distance
from transmitting antenna.
To plot the radiation pattern
3. of Omni-directional and
Directional antenna
To study Phenomena of
Circular, Linear and
Elliptical Polarization of
To plot the radiation
5. pattern of Folded dipole
To plot the radiation
6. pattern of 3 and 7 element
Yagi – Uda antenna
To plot the radiation
pattern of Helical Antenna
To plot the radiation
8. pattern of Log – Periodic
To study and compare the
radiation pattern of
UNIFORM Linear array.
To study and design the
10. simple dipole antenna
using Ansys HFSS
To plot and design the
11. Microstrip Patch Antenna
using Ansys HFSS

1 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Rubrics for Experiments:

Rubric No. Title of Rubric Weightage
1 Presence and efforts 4
2 Safety in Laboratory 4
3 Preparedness 4
4 Quality of Lab. Manual 4
5 Ability to Use Laboratory Apparatus 4

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Absent in regular
Present in Absent in regular
Present in regular lab but perform
regular lab and lab but perform the
lab and worked the experiment
Presence and showed experiment with
very diligently and and showed
efforts reasonable effort, Little or inconsistent
efficiently in the reasonable effort,
diligence, and effort, diligence, or
lab. diligence, and
efficiency. efficiency.
Student always Student had
consistently Student usually
Safety in the follows safety inconsistent
follows safety follows safety
Laboratory guidelines without adherence to safety
guidelines with protocols.
prompting standards.
occasional lapses.
Student is Student is
Student is always Student is often not
prepared and unprepared OR
prepared, has read prepared AND
only required required
the experiment, is required repeated
minimal repeated
Preparedness 100% ready to assistance from
assistance from assistance from
work including classmates, lab
classmates, lab classmates, lab
notebook, lab coat, instructor and/or
instructor and/or instructor and/or
and goggles TA.
All of the
information (date, Equation(s)
No equation(s)
title, balanced presented is (are)
Information given;
equations, TOC not balanced or
presented neatly, title/date/TOC
Quality of Lab entry, conclusion, incorrect; date,
but citation, date, entry missing
manual graphs etc.) is TOC entry,
abstract, or TOC completely. No
presented neatly, abstract or
entry missing. reference to exact
and the citation missing.
citation is made
Student generally
Student generally
handled Student generally
Student handled handled
equipment and handled equipment
equipment and equipment and
Ability to Use supplies with and supplies with
supplies with care supplies with
Laboratory care but there care but there were
and there were no care and there
Apparatus was more than several incidents of
incidents of lost or was one incident
one incident of a a lost or broken
broken items. of a lost or
lost or broken items
broken item.

2 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Experiment 0
Vision of the EC department
To bring out technically competent, responsible, ethical and environment friendly Electronics and
Communication engineers for the society and industries

Mission of the EC department

1. Developing technical competency in the students of electronics and communication
engineering through hands on practice.
2. Imparting quality technical education to the students through advance teaching learning
3. Creating vibrant atmosphere in the department to imbibe discipline, ethics and social
responsibilities in students.
4. Facilitating students to work on innovative projects related to Electronics and
Communication Engineering.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

1. To make students capable for the post-graduate courses, research, successful career in
industries or entrepreneurship in the field of electronics and communication engineering.
2. To design, draft, erect and maintain electronics production.
3. To acquire communication skills to effectively communicate problems and solutions of
electronics and communication engineering individually as well as in a team.
4. To be engaged in lifelong learning and adapt changing technological and social needs.
5. To be ethically and professionally sensitive to the consequence of work for promising career.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

1. Apply fundamental concepts of electronics and communication engineering to identify and
solve real life problems.
2. Utilize analytical and design skills to inculcate habit of working individually and in a group
through experiments and project work.
3. Ability to use modern tools to produce environment friendly ideas and products.

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Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Program Outcomes (Po)

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals and electronics and communication engineering to the solution of complex
engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and
design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of
the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant
to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of and need
for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and
receive clear instructions.

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Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Course Outcomes (COs):

1. Understand the radiation phenomenon and identify different types of antennas
and antenna parameters
2. Describe aperture antennas, arrays of dipole antennas and reflector antenna by
doing analysis on it.
3. Demonstrate the configuration of wire antennas, lens antennas, Broadband
antennas, Frequency – independent antennas for special applications
4. Design Microstrip Patch antennas and analyze antenna arrays and matching /
feeding networks for antennas.
Understand the fundamentals of radio – wave propagation and demonstrate the
antenna measurement techniques.

5 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024


Experiment 1
OBJECTIVE: To study different types of antenna.

Relevant CO: Understand the radiation phenomenon and identify different types of
antennas and antenna parameters

Wire antenna
This is the oldest, simplest, cheapest and most versatile type of antenna for many applications. It
may have a linear, loop or some complicated shape like helix.

a. Linear wire antenna

Antennas which are in the form of straight wire are called as linear wire antennas. It is also called
as dipole.A dipole antenna is a radio antenna that can be made
of a simple wire, with a center-fed driven element. It consists of
two metal conductors of rod or wire, oriented parallel and
collinear with each other, with a small space between them. The
radio frequency voltage is applied to the antenna at the center,
between the two conductors. These antennas are the simplest
practical antennas from a theoretical point of view. They are
used alone as antennas, notably in traditional “rabbit ears”
television antennas, and as the driven element in many other
types of antennas, such as the yagi. Dipole antennas were invented by German physicist Heinrich
Hertz around 1886 in his pioneering experiments with radio waves.

b. Loop antenna

When is used to form a loop it is called as loop antenna. A loop antenna is a radio antenna
consisting of a loop (or loops) of wire, tubing, or other
electrical conductor with its ends connected to a balanced
transmission line. Within this physical description there are
two very distinct antenna designs: the small loop (or magnetic
loop) with a size much smaller than a wavelength, and the
resonant loop antenna with a circumference approximately
equal to the wavelength.

1 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Small loops have a poor efficiency and are mainly used as receiving antennas at low frequencies.
Except for car radios, almost every AM broadcast receiver sold has such an antenna built inside of
it or directly attached to it. These antennas are also used for radio direction finding. A technically
small loop, also known as a magnetic loop, should have a circumference of one tenth of a
wavelength or less. This is necessary to ensure a constant current distribution round the loop. As
the frequency or the size is increased, a standing wave starts to develop in the current, and the
antenna starts to have some of the characteristics of a folded dipole antenna or a self-resonant
loop. Self-resonant loop antennas are larger. They are typically used at higher frequencies,
especially VHF and UHF, where their size is manageable. They can be viewed as a form of folded
dipole and have somewhat similar characteristics. The radiation efficiency is also high and similar
to that of a dipole.

c. Helical antenna

A helical antenna is an antenna consisting of a conducting wire wound in the form of a helix. In
most cases, helical antennas are mounted over a ground
plane. The feed line is connected between the bottom
of the helix and the ground plane. Helical antennas can
operate in one of two principal modes: normal mode or
axial mode.

In the normal mode or broadside helix, the dimensions of the helix (the diameter and the pitch)
are small compared with the wavelength. The antenna acts similarly to an electrically short dipole
or monopole, and the radiation pattern, similar to these antennas is omnidirectional, with
maximum radiation at right angles to the helix axis. The radiation is linearly polarized parallel to
the helix axis.

In the axial mode or end-fire helix, the dimensions of the helix are comparable to a wavelength.
The antenna functions as a directional antenna radiating a beam off the ends of the helix, along
the antenna's axis. It radiates circularly polarized radio waves.

Aperture antenna
A waveguide is basically hollow metallic tube through which
waves travel depending upon the cross-section it is either
rectangular or circular wave guide. A horn as shown in the figure
below is an example of an aperture antenna. These types of
antennas are used in aircraft and spacecraft.

When one end of the tube is tapered (flared) to a large opening,

the structure waves like antenna. These antennas are referred as

2 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

aperture antennas. Due to its horn shape they are also called as horn antennas. The type of horn,
direction and amount of taper can have significant effect on overall performance of these horns as
a radiator.

Microstrip antenna
A patch antenna is a narrowband, wide-beam antenna fabricated by etching the antenna element
pattern in metal trace bonded to an insulating dielectric substrate, such as a printed circuit board,
with a continuous metal layer bonded to the opposite side of the substrate which forms a ground
plane. Common microstrip antenna shapes are square, rectangular, circular and elliptical, but any
continuous shape is possible. Some patch antennas do
not use a dielectric substrate and instead made of a
metal patch mounted above a ground plane using
dielectric spacers; the resulting structure is less rugged
but has a wider bandwidth. Because such antennas have
a very low profile, are mechanically rugged and can be
shaped to conform to the curving skin of a vehicle, they
are often mounted on the exterior of aircraft and
spacecraft, or are incorporated into mobile radio
communications devices.

Microstrip antennas are relatively inexpensive to manufacture and design because of the simple 2-
dimensional physical geometry. They are usually employed at UHF and higher frequencies
because the size of the antenna is directly tied to the wavelength at the resonant frequency. A
single patch antenna provides a maximum directive gain of around 6-9 dBi. It is relatively easy to
print an array of patches on a single (large) substrate using lithographic techniques. Patch arrays
can provide much higher gains than a single patch at little additional cost; matching and phase
adjustment can be performed with printed microstrip feed structures, again in the same operations
that form the radiating patches. The ability to create high gain arrays in a low-profile antenna is
one reason that patch arrays are common on airplanes and in other military applications. Such an
array of patch antennas is an easy way to make a phased array of antennas with dynamic beam
forming ability.

An advantage inherent to patch antennas is the ability to have polarization diversity. Patch
antennas can easily be designed to have vertical, horizontal, right hand circular (RHCP) or left
hand circular (LHCP) polarizations, using multiple feed points, or a single feedpoint with
asymmetric patch structures. This unique property allows patch antennas to be used in many types
of communications links that may have varied requirements.

3 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Array antenna
Antenna array (electromagnetic) a group of isotropic radiators such that the currents running
through them are of different amplitudes and phases. Interferometric array of radio telescopes
used in radio astronomy. Phased array, also known as a smart antenna, an electronically steerable
directional antenna typically
pically used in Radar and in wireless communication systems, in view to
achieve beam forming, multiple
multiple-input and multiple-output
output (MIMO) communication or space-time
coding. Directional array refers to multiple antennas arranged such that the superposition oof the
electromagnetic waves produce a predictable electromagnetic field. WatsonWatson-Watt / Adcock
antenna array the Watson-Watt
Watt technique uses two Adcock antenna pairs to perform an amplitude
comparison on the incoming signal.

patch array

Reflector antenna
An antenna reflector is a device that reflects electromagnetic waves. It is often a part of an
antenna assembly. A passive element slightly longer than and located behind a radiating dipole
element that absorbs and re-radiates
radiates the sig
nal in a directional way as in a Yagi antenna array.
Corner reflector which reflects the incoming signal back to the direction it came from parabolic
reflector which focuses a beam signal into one point, or directs a radiating signal into a beam. F
reflector which just reflects the signal like a mirror and is often used as a passive repeater.

Lens antenna
A lens is an optical device with perfect or approximate axial symsymmetry
metry which transmits and
refracts light, converging or diverging the beam. A simple lens consists of a single optical
element. A compound lens is an array of simple lenses (elements) with a common axis; the use of
multiple elements allows more optical ab
errations to be corrected than is possible with a single

4 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

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element. Lenses are typically made of glass or transparent plastic. Elements which refract
electromagnetic radiation outside the visual spectrum are also called lenses: for instance, a
microwave lens can be made from paraffin wax.

Lenses are classified by the curvature of the two optical surfaces. A lens is biconvex (or double
convex, or just convex)) if both surfaces are convex. If both surfaces have the same radius of
curvature, the lens is equiconv
equiconvex. A lens with two concave surfaces is biconcave (or just concave).
If one of the surfaces is flat, the lens is plano-convex or plano-concaveconcave depending on the
curvature of the other surface. A lens with one convex and one concave side is convex-concave or
meniscus.. It is this type of lens that is most commonly used in corrective lenses.

If the lens is biconvex or plano

convex, a collimated beam of light travelling parallel to the lens
axis and passing through the lens will be converged (or focused) to a spot on the axis, at a certain
distance behind the lens (known as the focal length).
). In this case, the lens is called a positive or
converging lens.


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1. Draw the flow-chart of types of antenna

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2. Write the application/s of antenna.

Antenna Application/s Antenna Application/s

Half – wave dipole

Slot Antenna

Monopole Antenna Horn Antenna

Folded dipole Microstrip Patch

Antenna Antenna

Loop Antenna Turnstile Antenna

Log-Periodic Dipole
Biconical Antenna
Array Antenna

7 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

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Yagi-Uda Antenna Helical Antenna

Parabolic Reflector
Spiral Antenna

Lens Antenna

3. dBi stands for_________________________________________________

4. LOS stands for ____________________________________________________

5. RSE stands for ____________________________________________________

6. Rx stands for _____________________________________________________

7. Tx stands for ______________________________________________________

8. S11 stands for _____________________________________________________

9. TIS stands for ____________________________________________________

10. VSWR stands for ___________________________________________________

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Quality of Ability to Use

Presence Safety in
Rubrics Preparedness Lab. Laboratory Total
and efforts Laboratory
Manual Apparatus


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Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024


Experiment 2
OBJECTIVE: To plot the variation of radiated field with distance from
transmitting antenna.

Relevant CO: Understand the radiation phenomenon and identify different types of
antennas and antenna parameters

Near and Far Field Regions
The field patterns, associated with an antenna, change with distance and are associated with two
types of energy: radiating energy and reactive energy. Hence, the space surrounding an antenna
can be divided into three regions, as shown in Figure.

Figure 1. Near and far field pattern

 Antenna transmitter, antenna receiver, Dipole and detector mount Antenna, Co-axial
Cable and its connector, Receiver Stepper Tripod, Measure Tape.

1. Get the setup ready. Mount any antenna on the top of the transmitting mast.
2. Keep the RF detector at a distance of approximately 20cm. from the transmitting antenna and
align it. Adjust level of RF Generator & Detector so that the reading should be ¾ of the main
units reading.
3. Note the above reading for 20cm distance.
4. Now shift receiving antenna mast away from transmitting mast to increase the distance to
30cm and note the reading.
5. Similarly take the readings for 10 cm increment every time.
6. Plot a graph of received reading with distance.
7. Same experiment can be done with other antennas.
9 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name
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Experimental Setup: Draw below figure /block diagram of experiment setup.

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Sr. No. Distance Pr Sr. No. Distance Pr


𝑅 = 0.62 𝐷 /𝜆 𝑅 = 2𝐷 /𝜆

Distance Value

Field Pattern

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Name of Experiment:
X-axis: __________ Y-Axis:_____________

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1. What are field zones?

2. Name the field zones.

3. Which pattern is generated due to plotting of square of amplitude of an electric field?

a. Field pattern b. Voltage pattern c. Power pattern d. All of the above

4. Equipotential surfaces about a point charge are in which of the following forms?
a. Spheres b. Planes c. Cylinders d. Cubes

13 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

5. Write a MATLAB program to find out the value of Beam Area also show its output.
𝟐𝝅 𝝅
Equation of Beam area is:𝜴𝑨 = ∫∅ 𝟎 ∫𝜽 𝟎 𝑷𝒏 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜽 𝒅𝜽 𝒅∅ ; Directivity is: D =



close all;

clear all;

theta = (0:180)(pi/180);

phi = (0:360)(pi/180);

dtheta = theta(2) - theta(1);

dphi = phi(2) - phi(1);


P=input('Enter the power value = ');


fprintf('\nBeam Area = %3.2f

Steradian \n',BA);

D = 4pi/BA

fprintf('\n Directivity = %3.2f

Steradian \n',D);

14 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024


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(3 2024


Experiment 3
OBJECTIVE: To plot the radiation pattern of Omni - Directional and Directional

Relevant CO: Understand the radiation phenomenon and identify different types of
antennas and antenna parameters & understand the fundamentals of radio – wave
propagation and demonstrate the antenna measurement techniques.

A simple Dipole is the simplest form of antenna having 2 poles each of length ((λ/2). The nominal
impedance of this antenna is 73
73Ω. The actual value
departs from this due to construction constraints, such
on non-zero
zero diameter rods, presence of BNC
connector body and the antenna m
mast. The effect of
all this are partially corrected by a "Y match"
arrangement connection. See Figure below. The
on pattern of simple Dipole ((λ/2) is uniform in
forward & reverse direction. The polarisation is horizontal.

 Antenna transmitter,
tter, antenna receiver, Dipole and detector mount Antenna, Co-axial
C Cable
and its connector, Receiver Stepper Tripod, Measure Tape.

1. Connect the detector mount Antenna to receiver Stepper tripod and set the frequency 750
MHz. Set the antenna dime
nsions as per figure. Keep the antenna in horizontal plane.
2. Point the detector mount antenna is the direction of dipole with their elements parallel to each
other as per figure. Set the distance between the antennas to be around 1m.
3. Remove any stray object from around the antennas, especially in the line of sight.
4. Avoid any unnecessary movement while taking the readings.
5. Now rotate the half wave dipole antenna around its axis in steps of 10 ᵒ using pointer.
6. Take the readings in receiver
iver at each step and note down. Plot the readings on the graph paper
provided at back.
16 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

7. Observe the two plots and find if they are any different from each other.

Experimental Setup: Draw below figure /block diagram of experiment setup.

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Calculation and Observation Table:

Transmitted Power level - _____________________

Received Power Level Received Power Level Received Power Level

(Pr) (Pr) (Pr)
Omni - Directional Omni - Directional Omni -
Angle Angle Directional
directional directional directional

0 ͦ/
120 ͦ 240 ͦ
360 ͦ

10 ͦ 130 ͦ 250 ͦ

20 ͦ 140 ͦ 260 ͦ

30 ͦ 150 ͦ 270 ͦ

40 ͦ 160 ͦ 280 ͦ

50 ͦ 170 ͦ 290 ͦ

60 ͦ 180 ͦ 300 ͦ

70 ͦ 190 ͦ 310 ͦ

80 ͦ 200 ͦ 320 ͦ

90 ͦ 210 ͦ 330 ͦ

100 ͦ 220 ͦ 340 ͦ

110 ͦ 230 ͦ 350 ͦ

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Antenna Radiation Characteristics


Observation from radiation pattern:

Sr no Parameter values
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Antenna Radiation Characteristics


Observation from radiation pattern:

Sr no Parameter values
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024



1. A cell phone uses a frequency of 2 GHz. Find the length of half wave dipole antenna.

2. What is the gain of half wave dipole antenna?

3. Lowest value of directivity is _____dB.

4. Rubric wise marks obtained:

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Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Date: .

Experiment 4
OBJECTIVE: To study the phenomenon of linear, circular and elliptical Polarization

Relevant CO: Understand the radiation phenomenon and identify different types of
antennas and antenna parameters

The polarization is described in terms of Electric Vector E. Polarization or plane of polarization
of a radio wave can be defined by the direction in which the electric vector E is aligned during the
passage of atleast one full cycle. The position and direction of the electric field with reference to
the earth’s surface or ground determines the wave polarization. Polarization of a wave refers to
the time varying behavior of the electric field strength vector at some fixed point in space. Let us
consider the wave travelling in +z direction and hence it has 𝐸 and 𝐸 components as
𝐸 = 𝐸 cos (𝜔𝑡 − 𝐾𝑧) and 𝐸 = 𝐸 cos (𝜔𝑡 − 𝐾𝑧 − 𝛿)
Where,E = amplitude of wave in x − direction , E = amplitude of wave in y − direction and
δ = Phase angle between E and E
There are three types of polarization:

1. Linear Polarization:

A plane electromagnetic wave is said to be linearly polarized. The transverse electric field wave is
accompanied by a magnetic field wave as illustrated.
Consider for a wave only 𝐸 component is present and
𝐸 = 0. Then the total electric field is consisting of only
𝐸 component given by
𝐸 = 𝐸 cos (𝜔𝑡 − 𝐾𝑧)𝑎
Consider for a wave only 𝐸 component is present and
𝐸 = 0. Then the total electric field is consisting of only
𝐸 component given by
𝐸 = 𝐸 cos (𝜔𝑡 − 𝐾𝑧 − 𝛿)𝑎

2. Circular Polarization :

Circularly polarized light consists of two perpendicular electromagnetic plane waves of equal
amplitude and 90° difference in phase. The light illustrated is right- circularly polarized. 𝑬𝟏 =
𝑬𝟐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝜹 = 𝟗𝟎°

22 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

If light is composed of two plane waves of equal

amplitude but differing in phase by 90°, then the
light is said to be circularly polarized. If you
could see the tip of the electric field vector, it
would appear to be moving in a circle as it
approached you. If while looking at the source,
the electric vector of the light coming toward you
appears to be rotating counterclockwise, the light
is said to be right-circularly polarized. If
clockwise, than left-circularly polarized light.
The electric field vector makes one complete revolution as the light advances one wavelength
toward you. Another way of saying it is that if the thumb of your right hand were pointing in the
direction of propagation of the light, the electric vector would be rotating in the direction of your

3. Elliptical Polarization :

Elliptically polarized light consists of two

perpendicular waves of unequal amplitude which
differ in phase by 90°. The illustration shows right-
elliptically polarized light.
𝑬𝟏 ≠ 𝑬𝟐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝜹 = 𝟗𝟎°
If the thumb of your right hand were pointing in the
direction of propagation of the light, the electric vector
would be rotating in the direction of your fingers.
The ratio of E2 to E1 is called the Axial Ratio (AR).
For circular polarization AR = 1, for linear polarization 𝐴𝑅 = ∞ and for elliptical polarization
1 ≤ 𝐴𝑅 ≤ ∞.

Antenna transmitter, antenna receiver; Dipole, helical, loop and broadside Antennas, Co-axial
Cable and its connector.; Receiver Stepper Tripod, Measure Tape.

1. Connect the BNC-RF cable to the transmitter tripod and attach a dipole antenna to it using a
polarization adapter. Set the attenuator upwards for high RF output to maximize receiver
sensitivity. Set the length of the antenna elements to λ/4 or 12cm each from centre of the
boom. Keep the antenna in horizontal direction.
2. Now connect another dipole antenna to the receiver Stepper tripod using polarization
connector in between and set the receiver to 750 MHz. Set the attenuator upwards for
maximum sensitivity.
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

3. Set the distance between the antennas to be around 1m. Remove any stray object from around
the antennas, especially in the line of sight. Avoid any unnecessary movement while taking
the readings.
4. Keep both the dipoles in the horizontal planes and pointing towards each other. The elements
of both antennas should be parallel to each other.
5. Now rotate one of the dipole at the Stepper pod in vertical plane using polarization adapter.
Take the level reading in receiver with dipole in vertical plane and note down. Take care not
to change the direction of antenna.
6. Now using a polarization connector at the other tripod, make the other dipole also vertical.
7. Observe the change in readings.
8. Now rotate the dipole antenna at the receiver by 360 degrees in vertical plane using
polarization adapter. Observe the change in readings. Observe its difference from an ordinary
dipole antenna.
9. Find the correlation between plane of antennas at Tx & Rx and Rx readings.
10. Find the plane of polarization of dipole, helical, end fire, broadside, square loop antennas.
11. Try replacing one of the dipole with various antennas and observe the change in readings on
rotating the other dipole from horizontal to vertical.

Observation Table and Calculation:

X-polarized Y-polarized Axial
Sr. No. Name of Antenna Polarization
Power power Ratio




Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Experimental Setup: Draw below figure /block diagram of experiment setup.

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024



1. Application of antenna polarization:

Application Polarization Type

General Radio Communication

Mobile Communications

Long Distance HF ionospheric Communication

Medium Wave Broadcasting

Satellite Communications

2. What is the polarization of discone antenna?

Vertical Horizontal Circular Spiral.

1. In what range of frequencies are most omni – directional horizonatally polarized antennas used?


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Antennas and Propagation (3161003)
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Date: .

Experiment 5
OBJECTIVE: To plot the radiation pattern of Folded Dipole antenna

Relevant CO: Understand the radiation phenomenon and identify different types of
antennas and antenna parameters & Understand the fundamentals of radio – wave
propagation and demonstrate the antenna measurement techniques.

A very important variation of conventional half wave dipole is the Folded Dipole as shown in
figure below. Here two half-wave
wave dipoles – one continuous and the other split at the center. Both
half wave dipoles are folded and joined together in parallel ends.

Figure 1: Folded Dipole Antenna

The split dipole is fed at the centre by a balanced transmission line. The two dipoles, therefore,
have the same voltages at their ends. They are essentially two dipoles in parallel as far as field
pattern is concerned. The radiation pattern of folded dipole and conventional dipole is same but
the input impedance of the folded dipole is higher. Folded dipole differs from conventional dipole
in two respects, i.e. directivity and broadness in band width. Directivity of folded dipole is bi –
directional but because of the distribution of currents in the parts of the folded dipole the input
impedance becomes higher. The input impedance at the terminals of a folded dipole antenna is
equal to the square of number of conductors comp comprising
rising the antenna times the impedance at the
terminals of a conventional dipole.

27 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Antenna transmitter, antenna receiver , Folded Dipole Antenna, detector mount antenna, Co-axial
Cable and its connector; Receiver Stepper Tripod, Measure Tape.

1. Connect the dipole antenna to the Polarization connector of the tripod. Dipole antenna shall
now rest in vertical direction. The dipole dimensions are set for 750 MHz
2. Connect the folded dipole antenna to the Stepper tripod and set the frequency of receiver to
750 MHz and attenuator upwards for maximum sensitivity. Set the length of the antenna to
λ/4. Keep the antenna in horizontal direction.
3. Set the distance between the antennas to be around 1m to 1.5m Increasing or deceasing the
height of any tripod should not vary the level reading by more than 4-6 dB. This ripple can
lead to erroneous results.
4. Keep the antennas in the same horizontal plane. Remove any stray object from around the
antennas, especially in the line of sight. Avoid any unnecessary movement while taking the
5. Using Stepper Tripod, rotate the vertical monopole antenna around its axis in steps of 10
degrees. Take the readings from receiver level display at each step and note down.
6. Plot the readings on a polar or Cartesian plane using log/linear scales on graph. While
plotting take maximum reading as zero reference and subtract the subsequent readings from
this reference reading and plot. Thus all the readings of level shall be dBm as per the graph.
Observations: Transmitted Power level - _____________________

Received Received Received

Angle Power Angle Power Angle Power
Level (Pr) Level (Pr) Level (Pr)
0 ͦ/ 360 ͦ 120 ͦ 240 ͦ
10 ͦ 130 ͦ 250 ͦ
20 ͦ 140 ͦ 260 ͦ
30 ͦ 150 ͦ 270 ͦ
40 ͦ 160 ͦ 280 ͦ
50 ͦ 170 ͦ 290 ͦ
60 ͦ 180 ͦ 300 ͦ
70 ͦ 190 ͦ 310 ͦ
80 ͦ 200 ͦ 320 ͦ
90 ͦ 210 ͦ 330 ͦ
100 ͦ 220 ͦ 340 ͦ
110 ͦ 230 ͦ ͦ 350 ᵒ
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Experimental Setup: Draw below figure /block diagram of experiment setup.

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Antenna Radiation Characteristics

Name of Antenna:

Observation from radiation pattern:

Sr no Parameter values
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024




1. What is practical technical difference between dipole and folded dipole antenna?

2. Show that input impedance of folded dipole antenna is equal to square of conductors
comprising the antenna times the impedance at the terminals of conventional dipole.
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Rubric wise marks obtained:

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Presence Safety in
Rubrics Preparedness Lab. Laboratory Total
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Manual Apparatus

Antennas and Propagation (3161003)
(3 2024

Date: .

Experiment 6
OBJECTIVE: To plot the radiation pattern of 3 and __ element Yagi - Uda antenna

Relevant CO: Understand the radiation phenomenon and identify different types of
antennas and antenna parameters & Understand the fundamentals of radio – wave
propagation and demonstrat
demonstratee the antenna measurement techniques.


Uda was known after the names of Professor S. Uda and H. Yagi. It consists of a driven
element, a reflector and one or more directors. Driven element is also called as an active element
where the power from om the Transmitter is fed or which feed received power to the Receiver.
Driven element is a resonant half – wave dipole usually of metallic rod at the frequency of
operation. Parasitic elements or passive elements are not connected directly to the transmis
line but electrically coupled. The parasitic elements of continous metallic rods are arranged
parallel to the driven element and at the same line of sight level. They are arranged collinearly and
close together as shown in figure with one reflector an
and one director.

The parasitic elements receive their

excitation from the voltages induced in them
by the current flow in the driven element.
The phase and currents flowing due to the
induce voltage depend on the spacing
between the elements and upon the
reactance of the elements. The reactance
may be varied by dimensioning the length of
the parasitic element. The parasitic element
in front of driven element is known as
director and its number may be more than
one, whereas the back of it is known as
tor. Generally, both directors and reflectors are used in the same antenna. The reflector is
5% more and director is 5% less than the driven element which is λ/2 at resonant frequency.

Further use of parasitic elements in conjunction with driven element ccauses

auses the dipole impedance
to fall well below 73Ω. It may be as low as 25Ω and hence it becomes necessary to use either
shunt feed or folded dipole so that input impedance could be raised to a suitable value, to match
the feed cable. The polarisation is ho

33 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Antenna transmitter, antenna receiver, Yagi – Uda antennas and detector mount Antenna, Co-
axial Cable and its connector, Receiver Stepper Tripod, Measure Tape.


1. Connect the detector mount Antenna to receiver Stepper tripod and set the frequency 750
2. Set the antenna dimensions as per figure. Keep the antenna in horizontal plane.
3. Now connect a Yagi – Uda antenna to the transmitter tripod.
4. Point the detector mount antenna is the direction of dipole with their elements parallel to
each other as per figure. Set the distance between the antennas to be around 1m.
5. Remove any stray object from around the antennas, especially in the line of sight.
6. Avoid any unnecessary movement while taking the readings.
7. Now rotate the Yagi – Uda antenna around its axis in steps of 10 ᵒ using pointer.
8. Take the readings in receiver at each step and note down. Plot the readings on the graph
paper provided at back.
9. Observe the two plots and find if they are any different from each other.

Write the design equations for Yagi - Uda Antenna.

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Experimental Setup: Draw below figure /block diagram of experiment setup.

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Observation Table:
Transmitted Power level - ____20 dBm__@ 750 MHz_____
Received Power Level Received Power Level Received Power Level
(Pr) (Pr) (Pr)

Angle 3- Angle 3- Angle 3-

element - element element - element element - element
Yagi Uda Yagi Uda Yagi Uda Yagi Uda Yagi Uda Yagi Uda
Antenna Antenna Antenna Antenna Antenna Antenna

0 ͦ/
120 ͦ 240 ͦ
360 ͦ

10 ͦ 130 ͦ 250 ͦ

20 ͦ 140 ͦ 260 ͦ

30 ͦ 150 ͦ 270 ͦ

40 ͦ 160 ͦ 280 ͦ

50 ͦ 170 ͦ 290 ͦ

60 ͦ 180 ͦ 300 ͦ

70 ͦ 190 ͦ 310 ͦ

80 ͦ 200 ͦ 320 ͦ

90 ͦ 210 ͦ 330 ͦ

100 ͦ 220 ͦ 340 ͦ

110 ͦ 230 ͦ 350 ͦ

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Antenna Radiation Characteristics

Name of Antenna: 3 - element Yagi Uda

Observation from radiation pattern:

Sr no Parameter Values for 3 -

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Antenna Radiation Characteristics

Name of Antenna: ___ element Yagi Uda

Observation from radiation pattern:

Sr no Parameter Values for 7 -

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024



𝜃 = 𝜃 = 𝑃@𝜃 ° =

𝜃 = 𝜃 = 𝑃@𝜃 ° =
3 - element
Yagi Uda

𝜃 = 𝜃 = 𝑃@𝜃 ° =

𝜃 = 𝜃 = 𝑃@𝜃 ° =

7 - element Yagi
Uda Antenna

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024


1 Which statement regarding Yagi – Uda antenna is wrong?

a. It is an arran consisting of a driven element and parasitic elements arranged

collinearly and closely.
b. It has extremely high gain.
c. It has a folded dipole as the driven element.
d. It is oftern employed as VHF television receiving antenna

2 List the difference between 3-element and 7-element Yagi – Uda antenna observed during

3 What is the maximum number of director element in Yagi - Uda antenna and why?

Rubric wise marks obtained:

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Rubrics Preparedness Lab. Laboratory Total
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Manual Apparatus

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Date: .

Experiment 7
OBJECTIVE: To plot the radiation pattern of Helical antenna

Relevant CO: Demonstrate the configuration of wire antennas, lens antennas,

Broadband antennas, Frequency – independent antennas for special applications &
Understand the fundamentals of radio – wave propagation and demonstrate the
antenna measurement techniques


Helical Antenna is another basic type of radiator and

perhaps it is the simplest antenna to provide circularly
polarized wave. Helical Antenna is broadband VHF
and UHF antenna to provide circular polarization
characteristics. It consists of a helix of thick copper
wire or tubing wound in the shape of screw thread and
used as an antenna in conjunction with a flat metal
plate called a ground plate. One end of conductor is
connected to the center of conductor of the cable and
the outer conductor is connected to the ground plane.
The geometrical configuration of a helix consists usually of N turns, diameter D and spacing S
between each turn. The total length of the antenna is L = NS while the total Length of wire is

L = NL = N S + C

L0 is the length of the wire between each turn and C = πD is the circumference of the helix.
Another important parameter is the pitch angle α which is the angle formed by a line tangent to
the helix wire and a plane perpendicular to the helix axis. The pitch angle is defined by

α = tan = tan
πD C

41 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

The radiation characteristics of the antenna can be varied by controlling the size of its geometrical
properties compared to the wavelength. The input impedance is critically dependent upon the
pitch angle and the size of the conducting wire, especially near the feed point, and it can be
adjusted by controlling their values. The general polarization of the antenna is elliptical. However
circular and linear polarizations can be achieved over different frequency ranges.

There are two modes of radiation

In the direction at right angles to the axis of the helix or Normal mode of radiation: This mode of
operation is very narrow in bandwidth and its radiation efficiency is very small. Practically this
mode of operation is limited and it is hardly used.

Axial Mode: This is more practical mode of operation which is generated with great ease.

Antenna transmitter, Antenna receiver; Dipole, helical, Co-axial Cable and its connector.
Receiver Stepper Tripod.

1. Connect the detector mount Antenna to receiver Stepper tripod and set the frequency 750
2. Set the antenna dimensions as per figure. Keep the antenna in horizontal plane.
3. Now connect a Helical antenna to the transmitter tripod.
4. Point the detector mount antenna is the direction of dipole with their elements parallel to
each other as per figure. Set the distance between the antennas to be around 1m.
5. Remove any stray object from around the antennas, especially in the line of sight.
6. Avoid any unnecessary movement while taking the readings.
7. Now rotate the Helical antenna around its axis in steps of 10 ᵒ using pointer.
8. Take the readings in receiver at each step and note down. Plot the readings on the graph
paper provided at back.
9. Observe the two plots and find if they are any different from each other.
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Experimental Setup: Draw below figure /block diagram of experiment setup.

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Calculation and Observation Table:

Transmitted Power level - ______________________
Received Power Received Power Received Power
Angle Angle Angle
Level (Pr) Level (Pr) Level (Pr)

0 ͦ/ 360 ͦ 120 ͦ 240 ͦ

10 ͦ 130 ͦ 250 ͦ

20 ͦ 140 ͦ 260 ͦ

30 ͦ 150 ͦ 270 ͦ

40 ͦ 160 ͦ 280 ͦ

50 ͦ 170 ͦ 290 ͦ

60 ͦ 180 ͦ 300 ͦ

70 ͦ 190 ͦ 310 ͦ

80 ͦ 200 ͦ 320 ͦ

90 ͦ 210 ͦ 330 ͦ

100 ͦ 220 ͦ 340 ͦ

110 ͦ 230 ͦ 350 ͦ

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Antenna Radiation Characteristics

Name of Antenna:

Observation from radiation pattern:

Sr no Parameter Values
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024



1. Which mode of radiation occurs in an helical antenna due to smaller dimensions of helix as
compared to a wavelength?
a. Normal b. Axial c. Both a and b d. None of above

2. Match the following

A. 𝐶 = 𝜋𝐷 ≪ 𝜆 1. Loop A _____

B. 𝐶≈𝜆 2. Normal Mode B _____

C. 𝛼 = 0° 3. Short Dipole C______

D. 𝛼 = 90° 4. Axial Mode D______

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Quality of Ability to Use

Presence Safety in
Rubrics Preparedness Lab. Laboratory Total
and efforts Laboratory
Manual Apparatus

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Date: .

Experiment 8
OBJECTIVE: To plot the radiation pattern of Log - Periodic antenna

Relevant CO: Demonstrate the configuration of wire antennas, lens antennas,

Broadband antennas, Frequency – independent antennas for special applications &
Understand the fundamentals of radio – wave propagation and demonstrate the t
antenna measurement techniques

A frequency independent antenna may be deifned as the
antenna for wich the impedance and pattern (and hence the
directivity) remain constant as a function of the frequency.
The development on the frequency indepen
independent concept
was the Log Periodic Antennas. Log – Periodic antennas
are broadband antennas. The main feature of this antenna is
frequency independence for both radiation resistance and
pattern. The radiation pattern may be unidirectional or
bidirectional. Bandwidth of 10:1 is easily achievable.

The array consists of number of dipoles of different lengths

and spacing, and fed from a two wire line which is transposed between each adjacent pair of
dipoles. The array is fed from narrow end and maximum radiatio
n is in this direction.

Antenna transmitter, Antenna Receiver
Receiver, Helical antenna and detector mount Antenna, Co-axial
Cable and its connector, Receiver Stepper Tripod, Measure Tape.

1. Connect the detector mount Antenna to receiver Stepper tripod and set the frequency 750
2. Set the antenna dimensions as per figure. Keep the antenna in horizontal plane.
3. Now connect a Helical antenna to the transmitter tripod.
4. Point the detector mount antenna is the direction of dipole with their elements parallel to each
other as per figure. Set the distance between the antennas to be around 1m.
5. Remove any stray object from around the antennas, especially in the line of sight.
6. Avoid any unnecessary movement while taking the readings.
7. Now rotate the Helical antenna around its axis in steps of 10 ᵒ using pointer.
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

8. Take the readings in receiver at each step and note down. Plot the readings on the graph paper
provided at back.
9. Observe the two plots and find if they are any different from each other.

Experimental Setup: Draw below figure /block diagram of experiment setup.

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Calculation and Observation Table:

Transmitted Power level - ___________

Received Power Received Power Received Power

Angle Angle Angle
Level (Pr) Level (Pr) Level (Pr)

0 ͦ/ 360 ͦ 120 ͦ 240 ͦ

10 ͦ 130 ͦ 250 ͦ

20 ͦ 140 ͦ 260 ͦ

30 ͦ 150 ͦ 270 ͦ

40 ͦ 160 ͦ 280 ͦ

50 ͦ 170 ͦ 290 ͦ

60 ͦ 180 ͦ 300 ͦ

70 ͦ 190 ͦ 310 ͦ

80 ͦ 200 ͦ 320 ͦ

90 ͦ 210 ͦ 330 ͦ

100 ͦ 220 ͦ 340 ͦ

110 ͦ 230 ͦ 350 ͦ

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Antenna Radiation Characteristics

Name of Antenna:

Observation from radiation pattern:

Sr no Parameter Values
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024




1. What is difference between Yagi Uda antenna and Log Periodic antenna?
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

2. What is advantage of log Periodic antenna?

Rubric wise marks obtained:

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Presence Safety in
Rubrics Preparedness Lab. Laboratory Total
and efforts Laboratory
Manual Apparatus

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Date: .

Experiment 9
OBJECTIVE: To study and compare the radiation pattern of UNIFORM AND NON –
UNIFORM Linear array

Relevant CO: Design Microstrip Patch antennas and analyze antenna arrays and
matching / feeding networks for antennas.

Let us assume that the amplitude and spacing between all point sources are equal.

( / )
For uniform Linear array: 𝐴𝐹 =
( / )

For Non-uniform Linear array: 𝐴𝐹 = 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ( )


Program Explaination


close all

53 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

clear all

n=input('Enter the no. of radiating sources = ');










text(-0.9,1.0,['cos((\pi/2)cos(\phi)^', num2str(n),
'\rightarrow'],'FontWeight','bold', Horizontal
Alignment', 'center', 'BackgroundColor', [1 0.6
0], 'FontSize', 14);
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

hold on;






sin[',num2str(n),'(\pi/2)cos(\phi)] /
sin[(\pi/2)cos(\phi)]'], 'Horizontal Alignment',
'center','BackgroundColor',[0 0.8 1],

hold off

fprintf('\n Input Parameters');


fprintf('\nNo. of Point Sources = %2.0f',n)

fprintf('\n \nOutput is shown in figure below');

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Input Parameters
No. of Point Sources =
Output is shown in figure below

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

1. What is the uniform and non-uniform linear array?








2. What is the difference between analysis and synthesis?










3. What is ‘Hold on’ command?




Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024



4. What is ‘text’ command?







5. What is ‘set’ command?







6. What is Dolph-Tchebyschev Polynomial?







7. What is the significance of using δ into 𝜓 = 𝑑𝑟 cos ∅ + 𝛿.

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024







8. What is the significance of using more than one point source into the array?







9. What is the significance of using 𝛿 = −𝑑𝑟?






Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Date: .

Experiment 10
OBJECTIVE: To design simple dipole antenna using Ansys HFSS

Relevant CO: Understand the radiation phenomenon and identify different types of antennas
and antenna parameters & Understand the fundamentals of radio – wave propagation and
demonstrate the antenna measurement techniques

Personal Computer, Antenna designing software: HFSS


Draw neat diagram of Half - Wave Dipole Antenna with its dimensions.

1. Insert new project and set the units to mm.

2. Click on HFSS and go to design properties. Add the following values
a. lambda=10
b. dip_rad=lambda/200
c. gap_src=0.125
d. res_len=0.475lambda
e. dip_len=res_length/2-(gap_src)
f. rad_radius=dip_rad+(lambda/4)
g. rad_height=gap_src/2+dip_len+lambda/10
3. To create the first arm of the dipole, click on draw and create cylinder as follows
a. Center position= (0,0,gap_src/2)
b. Radius=dip_rad
60 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

c. Height=dip_len
d. Axis=Z
e. Material=pec
4. To create the other arm of the dipole, select the cylinder created and duplicate
itaround X axis by 180 degree.
5. To create the source of excitation, select YZ plane and then go to draw and
createa rectangle as follows
a. Center position= (0,-dip_rad,-gap_src/2)
b. Y size=dip_rad
c. X size=dip_len
d. Axis=X
6. With the source geometry in place, the user must provide an excitation. To do
soselect the rectangle, right click on it and assign the excitation as lumped port.
7. To create the air box, click on draw and create box as follows
a. Center position= (0,0,-rad_height)
b. Radius= rad_radius
c. Height= rad_height2

d. Axis
e. Material=Air
8. Press F and select all the faces of the air box and assign the boundary as radiation.
9. Go to HFSS and click on analysis set up. Click on add solution type and add
thedata as follows
a. Solution frequency= 29.9792GHz
b. Maximum no. of passes=20
c. Maximum delta S per pass=0.02
10. After clicking on OK, go to analysis setup in the project manager and add
frequency sweep as follows
a. Sweep type=Fast
b. Frequency setup:
a. Type=Linear Count
b. Start=25GHz
c. Stop=35GHz
d. Count=1000
11. The validate and analyze all button should be clicked from the toolbar.
12. After analysis is complete go to HFSS and click on results. Go to create
modalsolution data report rectangular plot and follow the procedure as follows
a. Solution=Setup1-Sweep
b. Domain=Sweep
c. S parameters11dB
d. Click on new report
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Frequency of operation (f) Length of Dipole (L) Diameter of Dipole (d)

HFSS 3-Dimensional Model (Take a screen shot and paste here):


Return loss (S11):

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Radiation Pattern:

1. 2-dimensional - Polar Plot indicating E- and H- planes

2. 2-dimensional - Rectangular Plot indication E- and H- Planes.

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

3. 3-dimensional Radiation Pattern

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024


1. Which boundary is assigned to dipole in HFSS?

a. Perfect H b. Perfect E c. Radiation d. Master Slave

2. S11 graph shows

a. Return Loss b. Bandwidth c. Both return loss d. Gain

and bandwidth

3. Which excitation is assigned to dipole Antenna in HFSS?

a. Wave port b. Lumped Port c. Floquet Port d. Incident wave port

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Quality of Ability to Use

Presence Safety in
Rubrics Preparedness Lab. Laboratory Total
and efforts Laboratory
Manual Apparatus

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Date: .

Experiment 11
OBJECTIVE: To plot and design Microstrip patch antenna using Ansys HFSS
and plot its radiaiton pattern using Antenna Trainer kit

Relevant CO: Understand the fundamentals of radio – wave propagation and

demonstrate the antenna measurement techniques & Design Microstrip Patch
antennas and analyze antenna arrays and matching / feeding networks for

A Microstrip antenna in its simplest configurations consists of a very thin (t<<λo
where λo is the free space wavelength and t in metallic thickness) metallic strip (patch)
placed a small fraction of a wavelength (h<< λo, usually 0.003λo ≤ h ≤ 0.05λo) above a
conducting ground plane. A dielectric sheet (referred to as the Substrate) separates the patch
and the ground plane. The Microstrip patch is designed so its pattern maximum is normal to
the patch (broadside radiator). This is accomplished by properly choosing the mode (field
configuration) of excitation beneath the patch. The patch conductor is normally copper and
can assume virtually any shape but generally simple geometries are used and this simplifies
the analysis and performance prediction. The patches are usually photo etched on the
dielectric substrate.

Figure: Microstrip Patch antenna

A Basic form of rectangular microstrip patch antenna is shown in figure 1. However, other
shapes, such as the square, circular, triangular, semicircular, annular ring and other shapes are
also used. Radiation from patch can occur from the fringing fields between the periphery of
the patch and the ground plane. The fringing fields act as an additional length to the patch. In
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

order to compensate for the length introduced by the fringing fields, the physical length L of
the rectangular patch for the fundamental TM10 mode excitation is slightly smaller than /2,
where is the wavelength in the dielectric medium, which in terms of free-space wavelength
o is given as o/√e, where e is the effective dielectric constant of a microstrip line of width
W. The value of e is slightly less than the dielectric constant r of the substrate because the
fringing fields from the patch to the ground plane are not only confined in the dielectric body,
but are also spread in the air. To enhance the fringing fields from the patch, which accounts
for the radiation, the width W of the patch is increased. The fringing fields are also enhanced
by decreasing the r or by increasing the substrate thickness h.

Design Formula:
For designing of a microstrip patch antenna, we have to select the resonant frequency and a
dielectric medium for which antenna is to be designed. The parameters to be calculated are:
Width (W):
The width of the patch is calculated using the following equation with 𝑊 = Width of the
patch, 𝐶0= Speed of light, 𝜀𝑟= value of the dielectric substrate

𝐶 2
2𝑓 𝜀 +1

Effective refractive index:

The effective refractive index value of a patch is an important parameter in the designing
procedure of a Microstrip patch antenna. The radiations traveling from the patch towards the
ground pass through air and some through the substrate (called as fringing). Bath the air and
the substrates have different dielectric values, therefore in order to account this we find the
value of effective dielectric constant. The value of the effective dielectric constant is
calculated using the following equation:
𝜀 +1 𝜀 −1 12ℎ 𝑊
𝜀 = + 1+ , >1
2 2 𝑊 ℎ
Length: Due to fringing, electrically the size of the antenna is increased by an amount of
(ΔL). Therefore, the actual increase in length (ΔL) of the patch is to be calculated using the
following equation, h= height of the substrate
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

∆𝐿 𝜀 + 0.3 + 0.264
= 0.412 ℎ
ℎ 𝑊
𝜀 − 0.258 + 0.8

The length (L) of the patch is now to be calculated using the below mentioned equation

𝐶 1
𝐿= − 2∆𝐿
2𝑓 𝜀

Length (Lg) and width (Wg) of ground plane:

Now the dimensions of a patch are known. The length and width of a substrate is equal to that
of the ground plane. The length of a ground plane (Lg) and the width of a ground plane (Wg)
are calculated using the following equations
𝐿 = 6ℎ + 𝐿 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑊 = 6ℎ + 𝑊

For feeding the microstrip patch antenna, there are different methods for example, feed line
method, coaxial probe feeding method, inset feed line method, etc. Here we are using inset
feed line.

Antenna transmitter, antenna receiver, Microstrip patch antenna and detector mount Antenna,
Co-axial Cable and its connector, Receiver Stepper Tripod, Measure Tape, Personal computer
and antenna designing software: HFSS

1. Connect the detector mount Antenna to receiver Stepper tripod and set the frequency 750
2. Set the antenna dimensions as per figure. Keep the antenna in horizontal plane.
3. Now connect a Microstrip patch antenna to the transmitter tripod.
4. Point the detector mount antenna is the direction of dipole with their elements parallel to
each other as per figure. Set the distance between the antennas to be around 1m.
5. Remove any stray object from around the antennas, especially in the line of sight.
6. Avoid any unnecessary movement while taking the readings.
7. Now rotate the Microstrip patch antenna around its axis in steps of 10 ᵒ using pointer.
8. Take the readings in receiver at each step and note down. Plot the readings on the graph
paper provided at back.
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Experimental Setup: Draw below figure /block diagram of experiment setup.

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Calculation and Observation Table:

Transmitted Power level - ___________

Received Power Received Power
Power Level
Angle Angle Level (Pr) Angle Level (Pr)
dBm dBm

0 ͦ/ 360 ͦ 120 ͦ 240 ͦ

10 ͦ 130 ͦ 250 ͦ

20 ͦ 140 ͦ 260 ͦ

30 ͦ 150 ͦ 270 ͦ

40 ͦ 160 ͦ 280 ͦ

50 ͦ 170 ͦ 290 ͦ

60 ͦ 180 ͦ 300 ͦ

70 ͦ 190 ͦ 310 ͦ

80 ͦ 200 ͦ 320 ͦ

90 ͦ 210 ͦ 330 ͦ

100 ͦ 220 ͦ 340 ͦ

110 ͦ 230 ͦ 350 ͦ

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Antenna Radiation Characteristics

Name of Antenna:

Observation from radiation pattern:

Sr no Parameter Values
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna using HFSS Software.

Measure the dimensions of the practical antenna. Design it in HFSS and Compare the results.

Draw neat diagram of Microstip Patch Antenna with its dimensions.

HFSS 3-Dimensional Model (Take a screen shot and paste here):

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Frequency of operation (f)

Dielectric constant (𝜀 )

Width of Patch (W)

Length of Patch (L)

Width of Feed line (Wf)

Length of Feed line (Lf)

Ground Dimensions (Wg x Lg)

Return loss (S11): Take a screen shot and paste here
Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Radiation Pattern:

1. 2-dimensional - Polar Plot indicating E- and H- planes: Take a screen shot and paste here

2. 2-dimensional - Rectangular Plot indication E- and H- Planes. Take a screen shot and
paste here

3. 3-dimensional Radiation Pattern: Take a screen shot and paste here

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024


1. Which of the following is not a technique to analyze the Microstrip Antenna?

a. FEM b. MoM c. FDTD d. PID

2. Acronym of HFSS is for ____________

a. High Frequency b. High Frequency c. Hardware for d. High Frequency

structural Synthesis stimulating system System Software

Simulator Software

3. Which excitation is assigned to Microstrip Patch Antenna in HFSS?

a. Wave port b. Lumped Port c. Floquet Port d. Incident wave port

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Quality of Ability to Use

Presence Safety in
Rubrics Preparedness Lab. Laboratory Total
and efforts Laboratory
Manual Apparatus


76 E.C. Engineering Department, College Name

Antennas and Propagation (3161003) 2024

Antennas and Propagation (3161003)

Laboratory Manual

Lab Manuals / Assignments

are prepared by
Dr. Namrata V. Langhnoja
Assistant Professor (E.C.)
GEC, Rajkot

Prof. Gaurav R. Asari

Assistant Professor (E.C.)
VGEC, Chandkheda

Branch Coordinator
Dr. Milind Shah
Professor (E.C.)
SSEC, Bhavnagar

Committee Chairman
Dr N M Bhatt
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
L. E. College, Morbi

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