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use, iin O feb tewaty 3 Fk, Bn at bro a gh ogc ind ool . Gale agnosie bo vs rer: Ags des WA Sd. WO-\R subovode yt wo tayoae ot vd bhp Wo He O0sa0d ba ana, pully Ign hove &. Oia Pao Hp ie ans tls ei sw oe ain Ge love LS. 6 (dwnow hwrrahie, as 7 W° con uxite In Terms d \ seis - 8 tpl "ao Or sti —_ What feo Tht eg (0) ish ii | hott ies koe ie bet ble han lide | mn “Toye ® (4) | tok a \n \\ Lah (ee aera ' \ b) Hula 5 Am) S —S Wat ~ Global Indian International Schoo! Genres IGCSE Grade 9 et English Language: Worked Example for Paper 2 School Comprehension Directed Writing \ rari jul class:_|(n 0A Date: In your journal you should: * Describe your thoughts and feelings on the way to the island. + Describe what you found and when you landed and entered the lighthouse. Say what you think might have happened to the previous keepers and why they cannot be found. Essay ‘Comments This was the most disturbing experience. Deciding to stay | 1. Very interesting opening on at the lighthouse and investigating what happened | _ tothe directed writing. wds not the brightest idea | had for a long fime.| Brings the reader Throughout the night, | was plagued with nightmares of | directly into the creatures of the deep dragging me into the sea, or the | _ mindscape of the previous inhabitants of this lighthouse appearing out of | narrator. nowhere, stabbing me in the stomach with hooks. | 2. Good description of his Overall, it was definitely not a restful sleep. Now that | psychology and dawn has finally arrived, | have decided to journal down | __ emotions, being filled what has happened over the past two days, just in case | _with so much fear. like the previous inhabitants, | disappear without rhyme or reason. Comments: The lighthouse of Flannan Isle, located at Eilean Mor in the wild Atlantic Ocean, has never been known for its safety. The fact that it is located in the area where the ocean waves are the wildest already gives the lighthouse a reputation of being one of the most dangerous places to be, let alone work. So, you can already tell | was feeling a sense of dread having heard that | have been selected by the Board to relieve Hank, ‘one of the other keepers on watch duty. | was petrified knowing that | might be caught in one of the untamed waves while being outside the lighthouse and never seeing my family again. However, on December 20" when we were supposed fo set sail, a torrential storm dominated the skies for an entire week. The captain was worried that the fresh supplies were going to spoil, and the crew were very frantic, worried that they might miss Christmas celebrations with their family members. However, | felt that this torenfial storm was like an ill omen, compounding me with a sense of foreboding, os if something evil was lurking at the lighthouse. | should his round of duty from the Board, instead have rejected f Gi iecse 919072022 | Copyright © GohWK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. mily to Of agreeing to take it up because | want my fal have a warm new year ahead. Ahern, December 26%, Hesperus soiled off at dawn. After a long voyage. we approached the Betas t Giscovered that there was no guiding light! This was no! Possible | knew Hank, Frank, and George to be [gsPonsible lighthouse keepers, they definitely would not Be skiving on the job! in fact, if the Board knew about this, je. three of them would have been fred, ond knowing hem. they will never be so unprofessional Something inte have happened, was the fist thought that came remy mind. That moming, | paced around the deck, refusing any breakfast. Part of me was filed wit wory, Opening the lighthouse, | witnessed ‘an uncanny sight. Everything was as Per normal, as if my compatriots had was done. However, despite there being three People, Iwo sets of outdoor clothing were missing and only one set of oilskins remained. | was mystified and my thoughts fonfounded by this strange sight. How is it possible inet there were three people, but one set of outdoor clothing Gnd oil skin was stil here? Why would one of the three somPatriots be naked? In addition, why would anybody 90 out in such a place with such inhospitable weather Go out without the oil skin, let alone being naked? My fears began pling up, worying that my compatriot might have been injured, worse, dead. Hank, Frank. ond George would never have been so unprofessional Together with some of the crew members, we began to dig around the entire lighthouse. We found odd strands of seaweed along the stairs and in the little cupboard where the lighthouse logbook was kept. In addition, the iron railings were bent grotesquely out of shape and some of them completely pulled out by the concrete, What happened? After spending some time thinking through several issues, logically speaking, Hank, Frank Gils IGCSE 9 19072022 | Copyright © GohWK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. and Geor 5 The last | eae gotten into a major argument. getting into cn Hank, him and George have been gambling addi eae with Frank because of his types, ihe wes n. Despite waming Frank several led to pic ba resolutions, and some of this even nia vas al altercations. Like the three of them got igument and one of them, Frank, was probably murdered. This would explain why one set of outdoor Clothing And oilskin were left unused. George and Hank Most likely were caught up in the waves were trying to dispose of the body. Or, one of them probably went out Of the lighthouse to settle something, but did not put on the protective gear, and was caught in the waves. The rest, probably in an attempt to save the third person, were also caught up in the waves. However, my superstitious mind got the better of me? With the railings in the landing stage being so mangled and the seaweed found in odd places in the lighthouse, is it possible that the creatures of the deep dragged my compatriots into the sea? Looking out through the window of the lighthouse, tears welled up in my eyes. What happened to my close compatriots? As | penned these words down, | decided not to stay in this lighthouse another second longer. The Hesperus will return this evening and | shall leave this haunted place, and probably switch career as well. arson IBA Indlan Ingemational SCHOO! n= ~ Gi i IGCSE Grade 9 WD Tpeeal indian English Language: Worked Example for Paper 2 School Directed Writing wyeton Name: Juchal lasiv com '61 90 mes 36 /05)22- : te ~ {Oar i por whe Tite ear 7Ou have herd the headteacher’ speech atthe schol assem You decide to write an Pil for your cho! megane ging your views onthe top, sed onthe fr leer he 's Speech on whether or not Wikipedia should be banned in the school. ‘In your article you should: * evaluate the views given in both texts about Wikipedia. give your own views, based on what you have read, how school will afect students and teachers. you think the ban of Wikipedia in the gue, the Essay Comments folk § Wikipedia, one of the gems ofthe intemet, has brought | - Open your roxio (i about many benefits to students. Whenever we fe arte 150. creountore ocdblockwhenit comes to doing research | Your wring that you have ¥ for school assignments of we have a mentalitch to know | been sue to wis, i reciting, we Tum fo our musty Wikipedia, However, lost| fi an are rosea toe conte \Ww | week, our headmaster has announced his intention to ae at reat aa, pwd ‘block intemet access into Wikipedia, claiming that ‘Wikipedia. yer'} sedia is a dishonest site that promises unreliable | 9 Te parte tee jis Yes | information from un hy collators of n. ‘ — oe ‘ . you are using for your body While this is a possiblity, such a vie superficial, as Wikipedia contains detailed citation and references, | a. First, provide @ = the fact that it contains unreliable information ‘concession, State _| from untrustworthy Seeeeiiben hermore, Wikipedia is a why you feel that Q oho { | convenient platform to allow clueless students to find the why spat intial information required for them to take their researc! headmaster’s further. In addition, the nature of Wikipedia encourages concem may be students to take ownership of theit search for knowledge | as it encourages contribuiors to 2 in forming | rebutit, dge, which requies a certain degree of oc dled Seeands ve the responsibilty in knowledge serch. Alin all, 1am of the-+-\<, yal eet belief that Wikipedia shuld not be banned in. our school | Sypya' rons Ryle Hout PeNi does teach our felow students to be better | cao Wh gaat Yu ches a ae Se researchers. Fist, Wikipedia is often accused of being a knowledge portal that contains unreliable information collated by untrustworthy individuals, as claimed by our beloved headmaster. According to his speech, he declares that, using Wikipedia is a “quick way of an: wing Nommeone hos posted with instanton suggesting that information on the website is posted GIlS IGCSE 9 25082022 | Copyright © GohWK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. OS See!!! do nok pot si te qi” % wort Luruth aw Pr ety affirm deat teak He ou without mnreliable.n addition. headmaster accused ontibutors “may be ignorant. OF \e9} 9 Wikipedia ore absolutely unreliable”. Our headmaster | (‘SRot wrong. in his accusations. Wikipedia is a platform Where everybody has free-access an n-source [means anybody can Change the information, whether they are experts or not. In fact, there was an incident where Chinese author Yifan | 7. Posed os a historian and spent years creating altemate | "” Stories of Medieval Russian history on Chinese Wikipedia, inventing fictitious govemments, battles, and nobility. In that light, Wikipedia is indeed unreii ibenne erieccat unreliable and should be However, as our headmaster touts “Encyclopaedia | 8. Britannica, for example, most aS eee work in the the world". But according to research, in 2005, articles were found to be nearly as accurate as articles in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Furthermore, each Wikipedia arlicle hos a ‘substantial “References” section and “Extemal Links” section. Some even have a substantial “Notes” section. words, each article_is_wellresearched and | g ntains substantial notes. In other words, itis rustworthiy nough to be used for research. Second, Wikipedia is a convenient platform to allow Clueless students to find the init! information required for them to take theirresearch fu)... Curheadmaster, wise as he is, claims, “Because of « c* rc Tek d Wikipedia article on virtually any ch word you ent pear on the We Of links, and we ali know no one ever ventures past the frst page”. However, this | is not necessarily a bad thing. The convenience of having | _ \ > a Wikipedia article appear after any search word allows VuroWiing, students the convenience to get the initial information | ( ‘that would help students to be able to take theirresearch [donner Jn fact, certain education specialists have said students should understand that Wikipedia is a| starting point, serving as an enormous digital card | — catalogue pointing users in a multitude of directions to more reliable sources. Furthermore, Wikipedia being one of the top ten most-visited sifes on the Interet, where Terk A }\| Sanuary 2009 alone, there were more than 10 bilion Wikipedia page views and 380 million per day. With Wikipedia Being fo easly accessible to so many viewers, jo the knowledge portal's convenience and outreach should be largely celebrated, not dampened. Rather | than shutting down Wikipedia, students should be educated with how to use Wikipedia responsibly. 2 Gils IGCSE 9 25082022 | Copyright © GohWK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. y Lost, the nature of Wikipedia encourages, [take * it eat 2 fe ‘oWwnenhip of ther sedrch for knowedge os It encourages contiibutors to collaborators in forming knowledge, which . 5 7 responsbilty i requires a certain degree 0 enn ‘in knowledge seorch. Our headmaster ounced in his speech that “[nlinety percent students who use Wikipedia to research their ‘assignments make no attempt to check the information somewhers more reliable”. However, is not Wiki the perfect Platform to teach students how to be more responsible in searching and using the knowledge they fine. Rather than shutting Wikipedia down ‘and dismissing its information as unreliable, students can be how to differentiate between reliable and unreliable information on Wikipedia. As students increasingly rely On digital media to loco! i incorporate into writing instruction critical evaluation of and reflection on students’ use of penalizing students for using Wikipedia as their go-to research source, writ ty should encourage ftudents to critically analyse this online encyclopaedia to teach thern how to think cifically about all texts, online Sad in print. In fact, Wikipedia being the collective knowedge of milions of people is Snbiased than that of one unchallende however expert. In fact, this demoe gathering knowledge teoc! responsible in the gathering oF ee Wikipedia, or even contibute knowledge 10 wikipedia, they can be taught how to differentiate mation, between reliable ‘and unreliable ir teaming how to develop responsibilty Knowledge. This wil be very apt to help ‘develop students into independent leamers. so, we can see from my analysi be banned in our school, in fact its use should be greatly Crcouraged. While Wikipedia hos Deen known to Contain unreliable information bY untrustworthy people, Fowever this is fallacious as it is actually reliable in its stucture and content. Furthermore, Wikipedia is o sonvenient platform fo help students souree for frrornation and it is « great platform fo teach students how to be more responsible in their gathering and contribution of knowledge. That is why, | firmly believe that while our headmaster's concer is legitimate, we should not throw the baby out with the bathwater, rather we should exploit Wikipedia to further educate our fellow students on matters of digital literacy and differentiating is, Wikipedia should not 1 reliable and unreliable information. us 1ecse 925082022 | Copyright © GohWK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Global Indian International School IGCSE Grade 9 ® comer where | set up my books and Fy oe rein library, the living room where | sang and dancec ane ran about in circles, cycled and drove my mini taxi, Every nook and cranny of my childhood home was spex me, cnd ft was hard thinking this Was the last time would be in tnis place. (| A plethora of emotions were ronining through me. One moment | was happy refiscting on the good times spent in this house and the very next, lwas overcome with grief Gt the thought of losing the warmth and-comfort that | had come to enjoy. | was upset for having to move houses and out of frustration ripped the world map off my bedroom wall when I saw the movers leave it as iti. | did not want to leave anything behind, and I had a strong urge to pack the house itself and carry it with me if could. As the movers carried the last of the boxes to the moving truck, the house, how devoid of any furniture and its curtainless windows started to feel alien. Our voices echoed off the walls as we said our goodbyes to the neighbours who had come to see us off. The finality of the situation suddenly dawned on me and the letterbox 1. Very interesting opening to the descriptive essay. Brings the reader directly into the mindscape of the narrator. 2. Good description of the different areas of the house that the narrator ETE deen ©, avg vother Alon peor! dhe oe Comments: Masa, Det of awh} clement r. Cb a laley _ GOd8 Qe ect hot of varied Sonkeate *suppased to \ WOMOUMK rior Wf sh key I was hold no longer seemed valuable. P Vacs sengiy bails: GiIS 1GCSE 9 080622 | Copyright © GohY_ Ne Hething could have prepared him for what he sow Ten res of a storm of pure white snow, could and @the climax. Good ae ,smetched before him till one could see. The slerm came in witha sepia hint to the silver-black sky. The their way, a in like boulders, ready to crush anything in and peared darkness was perpetually engulfing him res Sea eee any eet SUE ay Ses caught n a reacherous storm, andiifhe wanted any Beene ctsuriving, he neecied to make move quickly. back at base cywou have been wiser if he had stayed | 3. Per He yeaa! fs) make the most exacting decision of his life. He was at Mount Everest base camp at K2 in Kashmir, os ding whether he should go for the summit or call ita Gay and stay back in the comp. i wes bitterly cold, Reweverdine wecthetisteces! showed clear skies fill the one ehihg week. Nonetheless, climbing this mountain in 1e brutal winter was going to be a challenge, but Percy was ready to accept this challenge and attempt to accomplish an astonishing feat. The climb started well, and he was climbing in quick succession until he reached 25,000 feet. As he was Closing in on the summit, the cold was slowly getting to him. The sun seemingly vanished: the winds got a ttle harsher, and an eerie silence began to form. These were sure signs of a storrn, but the weather forecast showed a conflicting, perplexing: te perturbed Percy. Suddenly, a strong gust oi w him by surprise. “Woah,” he worriedly gasped. ‘Toiog ve not dove’ arsher, the skies duller and The wind got harsher and fi the climb and had to duller. Percy was to abort evacuate immediately. It looked all over for him; he felt disappointed and regretful. He thought about allhe had in his life. It looked like it was all over 1. The introduction immediately brings us attempt to situate the reader within the action. Good description of the action that causes the reader to feel interested to read on. Good usage of flashback. ever done and had ii for him, and this was the storm died down and he was al time. the end, however by some miracle, ble to evacuate in To this day, Percy is still determined to take the risk and attempt to reach the summit once in his life. ~End~ ems cahWk ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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