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Farmer’s E-Market Finder


Joana M. Bernardino
A farmer has a limited amount of time to find out the nearest
market after harvesting the gathered product, to determine which
market will be more gainful for his/her crop. When the government
sets the minimum price for the maximum quality of the crop, it’s
quite difficult to set and implement rules and regulations.
Program Objectives
•To find out the nearest markets coordinated by
the Local Government Unit

•To assist the local farmers to sell their crops

•To register and get access to a market.

•To check the demand for a particular product

and price by the LGU and DTI
Home Page Application
Home: The home screen of the app, which may include
LGU Market Information and DTI news and updates. Local
market’s percentage of in-demand products and crops
displayed. Search the field to find nearby markets to sell
products/crops. Social media platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, and Contacts

Contacts and Social Media: This option allows users to

share the app or content within the app with others through
social media, email, or other channels.

Market Location
Market Location: In the search field it provides results quickly as
users type in their search for the local market of the
product/crops in demand. The app should display real-time
suggestions and auto-complete options to help refine the search.
This page application will display a form for the farmer will fill in
the price list for a specific market chosen. It will reduce the time
and effort to enable them to be updated with the current market


Profile: This section allows users to view and edit

their account information, including their name,
address, mobile number, and profile picture. Users
may also be able to view their ratings, and
products/crops within the app.


Messages: This section allows users to send and receive

messages with other users within the app. Complaints
and private messages from farmers direct to admin and
system service, so the government can take the
appropriate action to resolve complaints


Settings: Allows users to customize their app

experience, such as changing notification settings,
adjusting display options, and Privacy and security
of the user.


Notifications: Displays notifications that the

user/farmer has received updates, such as messages,
alerts, and reminders. Notification to farmers can help
them be updated and alarmed about the updates and

APPLICATION The windows web-based
application will provide information like
market detail, a list of farmers, a list of
crops in demand and requested, and a
list of prices. This will lead to better
information management for the
government and farmers. The system
provides help and a complaint section
for farmers. Suppose traders offer less
price than the government’s specified
price for minimum quality of crop then
farmers can directly send a complaint
using the application.
A. Inputs
User Registration: Users/Farmers can create an account by providing their name, address, birthday,
mobile number, username, and password.
Product Listing: Sellers can create listings for their products, including product names, quantities,
prices, and sample images.
Search and Browsing: Users/Farmers can search for markets, and products by name, or using
Market Application: Users/Farmers can apply to sell their crops to a market for in-demand
products/crops. Users can add products/crops and prices based on the given price by LGU and DTI
Complaints and Messages: Users/Farmers can directly complain and inquiries through messages.
User Account Management: Users can manage their accounts, update their profile information, and
view application history and product/crop details.
A. Inputs
Web Administrator

Farmers Profile: Farmer’s name, address, mobile, product/crops, quantity, price, and market target into
a database.
Application : Farmers’ product/crops, quantity, and market target applications will proceed to the
windows web base applications database.
Administrator Update: Encode product/crop percentage in demand per market based on gathered data
from LGU Market Officer. Display DTI news and updates.
Message Replies: Acknowledge messages and give updates.
B. Output
Windows Web-Based Application: Farmers’ profiles, products/crops, quantity, and price will be saved in
the database and notified to the LGU Market Officer/Admin.
Reservation: This will help farmers to find out the nearest markets for their current stock and for a
particular product within less time and with less effort.
a) Text /SMS (short message service) will be sent to farmers and message on the application.
b) Messages and Notifications
Product/Crops Updates: Products/crops percentage supply and demand will be shown in the Farmers E-
Market Finder
// Allow farmer to search markets // Allow farmer to contact the market
// Define the farmer
searchTerm = getFarmerSearchTerm() contactMarket(marketDetails)
farmer = [list of characteristics]
searchResults = searchMarkets(searchTerm) // Allow farmer to save market for later
// Gather data on the farmer
displaySearchResults(searchResults) saveMarket(selectedMarket)
// Allow farmer to filter markets // Allow farmer to add crops to market
// Display LGU/DTI Updates
filters = getFarmerFilters() addToMarket(selectedMarket)
updates = getAvailableUpdates()
filteredResults = filterMarkets(searchResults, // Allow farmer to view saved markets
filters) savedMarkets = getSavedMarkets()
// Display available markets
displayFilteredResults(filteredResults) displaySavedMarkets(savedMarkets)
Markets = getAvailableMarkets()
// Allow farmer to view market details // Allow farmer to view and modify markets
selectedMarket = getFarmerSelectedMarket() Markets = getMarkets()
// Display markets in-demand products
marketDetails = displayMarkets(Markets)
Crops = getAvailableCrops() getMarketDetails(selectedMarket)
displayCrops(Crops) displayMarketDetails(marketDetails)
// Define the message content
// Define the crops to be sold
messageContent = getMessageContent()
Crops = [list of crops details]
// Send the message through the app
// Apply to sell the crops in the market
sendMessage(farmer, messageContent)
application = createApplication(farmer, crops,
price, market) // Define the reservation application in the
admin database
// Submit the application
reservation = [list of reservation details]
// Gather data on the reservation
// Define the phone number to send the SMS
to gatherData(reservation)
MobileNumber = // Update the e-market app with the
getFarmerMobileNumber(farmer) reservation details
// Send the SMS message updateApp(reservation)
sendSMS(MobileNumber, messageContent) // Define the reservation
reservation = [list of reservation details]
// Display the reservation update in the app
Market location finder,
stock details, and demand can
be done within less time and
with less effort. Crop profit can
be optimized to the maximum
level due to modern marketing
methods and market analysis.


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