User Interface of Farmers E-Market Finder

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Farmers E-Market Finder

User Interface

Joana M. Bernardino
A farmer has a limited amount of time to find out the nearest
market after harvesting the gathered product, to determine which
market will be more gainful for his/her crop. When the government
sets the minimum price for the maximum quality of the crop, it’s
quite difficult to set and implement rules and regulations.
Home Page Application This page displays
the Updates of Department
of Trade and Industries
news and information.
There is a search form and
a search button for a
market to sell the crops
with the percentage it has.
At the bottom, you can find
the linkages of E-market

Market Location
This page application is a form page to
apply to sell their products and crops.
The farmer will fill in the price list for a
specific market chosen.
It will reduce the time and effort to
enable them to be updated with the
current market situation.
Internet and computer gadgets

In this page, it will
display the profile of the
farmer. Profile photo,
address, mobile number,
crops, and product. Rating
of the farmer as a seller
and user of the application

Message Complaints and private
messages from farmers direct to
admin and system service, so
the government can take
appropriate action to resolve


Setting up accounts and

information displayed.
Privacy and security of the

Notification Market location, stock
details, and demand can be done
within less time and with less
effort. Notification to farmers can
help them be updated and alarmed
about the updates and concerns.

thank you

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