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A Practical Research Proposal

Presented to the Senior High School Department
Next Generation Technological College

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Senior High School
Technical-Vocational Track



This thesis proposal entitled, “THE RELATIONSHIP OF BULLYING AND THE

IVAN HERVAS OF GRADE 12-BETHANY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Senior High School, Technical-Vocational Track has been examined and recommended
for acceptance and approval for Practical Research 2.

Research Adviser

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _____ in

September, 2017.


Panel Panel

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Senior High School


Principal Officer-in-Charge
Chapter 1



Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated

verbal, physical and/or social behavior that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological

harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one

or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening.

Bullying can happen in person or online, via various digital platforms and devices and it

can be obvious(overt)or hidden(covert).Bullying behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be

repeated, over time.

Bullying of any form or for any reason can have immediate, medium and long-term

effects on those involved, including bystanders. Single incidents and conflict or fights between

equals, whether in person or online, are not defined as bullying.

Bullying has four main types the first one is PHYSICAL in which includes such as

hitting, kicking, pushing and many more that uses force to hurt someone. The second one is

VERBAL/WRITTEN example of this are calling and insulting someone about an attribute,

quality or personal characteristics .The third one is SOCIAL(sometimes called relational or

emotional bullying)-this includes spreading rumors, sharing information that will have a harmful

effect on the other person and/or damaging person’s social reputation or social acceptance. The

fourth and the last one is CYBERBULLYING this any form of bullying behavior that occurs

online or via mobile device. It can be verbal or written, and can include threats and violence as
well as images, videos, and/or audio. Bullying can be held in the school, home or even on the

internet. It is never okay and it is not a normal part of growing up.

Statement of the Problem

The aim of this study was to investigate the subjective experience of the students, who

experience bullying. This study will also focus on how to educate everyone about bullying .

The main purpose of this research is to determine the relationship of perceived stress

and academic performance.

Specifically, this will answer the following questions.

1. Does bullying positively correlate with academic performance(s)?

2. Does bullying negatively correlate with academic performance(s)?


H1: There is a significant relationship between bullying and academic performance(s).

H0: There is no significant relationship between bullying and academic performance(s).

Conceptual Framework

Bullying Performances

Independent Variable (IV) Dependent Variable (DV)

Figure 1: Shows the relationship of bullying between academic performance(s)

Independent Variable (IV): Bullying is an act in which the person was abused and may

cause physical, social and psychological harm.

Dependent Variable (DV): Academic performance(s) affects students.

Scope and Delimitation

This study investigated the relationship of bullying and academic performance(s) among

Grade 12-ISRAEL Students of Next Generation Technological College Senior High School

located at Plaridel, Bulacan, a total number of respondents are 44 from the section of Grade 12-


The study is delimited by the Grade 12 Home Economics, Information and

Communication Technology, and Automotive from the section of ISRAEL who currently

enrolled in Next Generation Technological College.

Significance of the Study

● Parents: They will acquire information on how to know if their child/children are

experiencing bullying. Also they will acquire information on how to educate their

children about bullying.

● Teacher / Principal: They will acquire information on how to prevent bullying

inside the school. Also they will acquire information on how to educate their


● Students: They will have the proper support, protection and knowledge about

bullying whether it is in house, school and/or even on online.

Definition of Terms

● BULLYING-is the use of force, hurtful teasing or threats to abuse, aggressively

dominate or intimidate others.

● PHYSICAL BULLYING-it is the kind of bullying that affects your physical


● WRITTEN OR VERBAL BULLYING-it is the kind of bullying where words

are included and this kind of bullying doesn’t need any kind of force.

● SOCIAL BULLYING-it is the kind of bullying that affects your emotional


● CYBERBULLYING-it is the kind of bullying that occurs online or via mobile

devices only.

● OVERT (OVERT BULLYING)-involves physical actions such as punching or

kicking or observable verbal actions such as name calling and insulting.

● COVERT (OVERT BULLYING)-can be very difficult for someone outside of

the interaction to identify. It can include hand gestures and threatening looks.

● Academic Performance(s) – Cumulative General Point Average (GPA) and

completion of education such as secondary diplomas and bachelor degrees

represent academic performance(s).


It equips you with advanced skills in computer systems, programming, creating

web pages and basic animation.

● HE-Stands for HOME ECONOMICS. It offers various specializations that can

lead to livelihood projects at home.

● AI-Stands for AUTOMOTIVE. It is one of the specialized subjects under the

Technical Vocational Livelihood(TVL)career track.

Chapter 2


Related Literature

Since the late 1990s we have learned that schools are not necessarily safe havens for

learning and achievement but institutions where a substantial number of students are worried

about getting beat up or harassed by their peers. For example, in California, only about half of

middle high school students are reporting feeling “safe” or “very safe” in their school(WestEd,

2007, and close to half of students encounter at least once incident of bullying during their 1st

year in middle school(Nishina & Juvonen, 2005).Although only a relatively small proportion of

students(e.g., 6%-9%) are chronic victims of bullying(e.g., Kochenderfer & Ladd, 1996; Nylund,

bellmore, Nishina & Graham, 2007), even temporary maltreatment by peers may compromise

student’s school achievement. The question guiding the current study is whether victimization by

peers is consistently associated with low academic performance over the course of 3 years of

middle school.

A recent meta-analysis of 33 studies concluded that bullied students are more likely to

earn lower grades and score lower standardized achievement tests(Nakamoto & Schwartz,

2009).Although the findings from the this meta-analysis highlight the negative association

between peer victimization and academic achievement, there are less than handful of

longitudinal investigations on this topic.Moreover, we are aware of only one published

investigation (Kochenderfer-Ladd & Wardrop, 2001) on this topic that capitalized on more than

two data point and data bridged a time span greater than 1 year.Hence, although bullying

experiences and academic performance are currently related, the existing research does not allow

us to determine whether this association is robust across multiple years.Moreover, only a few

investigations have tested the temporal sequence and the mechanisms that might account for

such an association.We briefly review the findings of the key studies that help us better
understand what currently known about the links between peer victimization and academic


A few studies have examined the direct and indirect links between victimization and

achievement in elementary school over time.In one of the earliest investigations on this topic

(Kochenderfer & Ledd, 1996) showed that the peer victimization experiences served as a

precursor of school adjustment problems (e.g., academic achievement, school avoidance and

loneliness) across the kindergarten year.Self-reported peer victimization among this

predominantly European American sample also predicted changes in school avoidance(i.e.,

desire not to come to school) and loneliness from fall to spring, whereas no support was obtained

for school adjustment problems predicting changes in peer victimization.In a subsequent study,

Ladd, Kochenderfer and Coleman (1997) showed that even when controlling for peer acceptance

and friendships, kindergarteners who were bullied in the fall reported greater school avoidance in

the spring, but school adjustment problems in the fall did not predict subsequent peer

maltreatment.These findings are consistent with the social stressor model that presumes bullying

experiences to affect victims adaptive functioning.

According to this UCLA study, Jaana Juvonen, a professor of psychology at

UCLA and lead author of the study, bullying and low academic achievement are frequently

linked.Juvonen is quoted saying,”students who are repeatedly bullied receive poorer grades and

participate less in class discussions…students may get mislabeled as low achievers because they

do not want to speak up in class for fear of getting bullied”.Juvonen also remarked that “Once

students get labeled as ‘dumb,’ they get picked on and perform even worse”.

This chapter contains the part of the study that discusses the method of the study,

population and sample. It shows the discussion of the research methodology of the study,the

subject, sampling technique, research instrument, the data gathering procedure and the statistical

tools on how the study was made.

Research Method

The researcher uses quantitative research because variables can be measured and also

it is non-experimental because data cannot be manipulated or controlled. It is correlational

because this research is relating the two variables with each other. It is descriptive because this

research is describing the relationship of two variables and cross – sectional because data are

collected at one point time.

Participants and Sampling

The research used simple random sampling in obtaining the participants. The

participants are the 2 300 middle students in eleven different Los Angeles public schools.

Research Instrument

The research questionnaire used was provided by Jaana Juvonen of UCLA study to

gather the data.

This data was collected and published in 2010 at the Journal of Early Adolescence.


QUESTION 1 o o o o

QUESTION 2 o o o o

Data Gathering Procedure

This section shows the step-by-step on how the data will be collected.

1. The researchers will proofread or check the questionnaire

2. The researchers will ask the permission of the participants or students.

3. The researchers will conduct the survey to the students.

4. After the survey, the researchers will collect the data that was used.

5. The researchers will analyze the result.

Statistical Tool

In this section it shows the formula of Pearson Correlation Coefficient on how the

method or data is already analyzed using questionnaire bullying by Jaana Juvonen about

Bullying Experiences and Compromised Academic Performances Across Middle School


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