Qualitative Research Instrument

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(For School Heads and Teachers)

Research Questions/ Interview Questions

1. What concepts about technological change in basic education do teachers and school leaders have based on
their experiences?

 How will you explain what ICT or digital leadership is?

 What is your personal concept of technological change in basic education as a school head/as a teacher?
 What are the current technological changes in basic education that you are experiencing as a school head/as a
 How do you perceive the usefulness and ease of use of technological change in basic education?
 Given that technological behavior can be manifested in either positive or negative attitude of technology users,
how do you describe your own technological behavior towards technological changes in basic education?
 How do you think teachers and school heads in basic education, particularly in your school, perceive and
experience technological change?
 How can education leaders improve learners, educators, and school personnel’s perception about the usefulness
and ease of use of technological change in education?
 With these concepts and experiences, how are you adapting as a school leader/as a teacher?

2. What are the practices in the planning and implementation of the technological change in basic education?

For school heads:

 Does your school or division implement a plan, policy, or program relevant to technological change in basic
education? What are they?
 What are the practices/considerations in planning regarding technological change in basic education that you
do or experience as a school head?
 Is there any model/framework/theory that guides you in planning for technological change at the school level?
If there is, kindly elaborate it?
 What are the practices during the implementation of technological change that you do or experience as a school
 How do you involve the internal and external stakeholders when planning and implementing technological
change in basic education?
 Are there policies/support policies already on the implementation of technological change in basic education?
If yes, kindly elaborate.
 How is teachers’ attitude considered when implementing technological changes?
 How is resistance to technological change managed during its implementation at the school level?
 What do school leaders do to properly assess and evaluate digital tools and resources to be utilized for
technological change?
 How do you assess the progress of your implementation of technological changes?

For teachers:
 Does your school or division implement a plan, policy, or program relevant to technological change in basic
education? What are they?
 What are the steps and processes that you experience when the school is planning for technological changes?
 As a teacher, how do you take part in planning for technological change at the school/division level?
 What are the practices in the implementation of technological change in basic education that you
experience/observe as a teacher?
 Based on your observation, how do school leaders involve the internal and external stakeholders when
planning and implementing technological change in basic education?
 Based on your experience as a teacher, how is teachers’ attitude considered when implementing technological
change in basic education?
 Are there policies/support policies already on the implementation of technological change in basic education?
If yes, kindly elaborate.
 How does your school management ensure that the implementation of technological change is going smoothly?
3. What are the implications of attitudes and practices related to technological changes in basic education to
various aspects of educational management in terms of:
3.1 equity and citizenship,
3.2 visionary planning,
3.3 system designing,
3.4 empowering leadership, and
3.5 connected learning?

Equity And Citizenship (promoting inclusion and digital citizenship):

 How do attitudes and practices related to technological changes in basic education affect advocacy for equity
and (digital) citizenship?
 How can inclusion be evidently experienced in basic education in terms of technology use?
 What do current practices related to technological changes in basic education tell/teach about responsible
behavior in the use of technology?
 Considering practices and attitudes related to technological change, what are the standards that basic education
must implement in terms of hiring and training teachers and school personnel?

Visionary Planning (establishing vision, strategic plan and evaluation cycle):

 Referring to attitudes and practices related to technological changes in basic education, how can
implementation of shared vision be deepened within the school system?
 What do present practices related to technological change in basic education imply about the current and future
needs of learners and teachers?
 In what ways can culture of technology exploration and innovation for learning purposes be created in the
school community?

System Designing (building systems and teams to continuously implement and improve technology):
 How important is building a system and team in implementing technological changes in basic education?
 Considering the current attitudes and practices related to technological changes in basic education, what points
must be considered when it comes to building systems and teams?
 What are the ways that can further engage stakeholders in implementing technological change in education?

Empowering Leadership (creating a culture that empowers learners and teachers to use technology innovatively):
 How can attitudes and practices related to technological change in basic education improve student learning
and teacher’s efficiency?
 How do practices related to technological change in basic education create leadership roles among learners and
 What are the standards of technical support that must be provided for learners and teachers in terms of
technological change in education?

Connected Learning (leader’s action of modelling professional development in the use of technology):
 How should school leaders engage community and create partnership when it comes to technological change in
 What are the ways that can make teachers and school leaders be more engaged in learning about educational
digital tools and pedagogies?
 To what professional networks should educators participate to improve attitudes and practices related to
technological changes in basic education?

4. What technological change management model for basic education can be developed?

 If you will create a technological change management model for basic education, what must be included and

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