Chapter 14 History (Summarized by AI)

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Section 3

Chapter 14
7 Marks questions
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

Q1.Why did Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto come to power in 1971?

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto come to power in 1971 due to

Reason 1
Losing Power of Yayha Khan

In 1969, Yahya Khan became the leader of Pakistan. While he was in charge, the situation in East
Pakistan got worse, and a group called Mukti Bahini started fighting against the government.
Some of the bad choices he made, like canceling an important meeting in the National
Assembly, using the military in a way that didn't work well, and not helping people after a big
cyclone, all made things even worse in East Pakistan. Eventually, East Pakistan decided to break
away from the rest of the country.

Yahya Khan's failures, including the unconditional surrender to India and the loss of East
Pakistan, led to his resignation and the rise of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto to power.


The defeat of Pakistan Army in 1971 war

In 1971 war with India, Pakistan army faced defeat, the East Pakistan was disintegrate and
around 93000 Pakistani soldiers become prisoners of war. Besides, Pakistan lost half of its Navy,
1/3rd of its army and a quarter of its air force.
About 5000sq miles territory of western Pakistan was also occupied by India.

THE defeat in the 1971 war led to Yahya Khan's loss of power as Commander in chief, Chief
Martial law Administrator and President and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's rise to leadership due to the
Pakistan army's disgrace.

The Economic and political program vision of reforms by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

In 1967, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto started the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) with a plan to make
Pakistan's economy more equal and fair. They wanted to follow socialism, which means giving
everyone the same chances, preventing exploitation, and making things fair for everyone. The
PPP aimed to nationalize banks, insurance companies, major industries, and public
transportation and implemnt land reforms to prevent expoliatation farmers and workers. Their
goal was to get rid of poverty and make sure everyone had the basics like food, shelter, and

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's reforms made him popular in West Pakistan and won his party 81 seats in
the 1970 elections, which led to his government setup, supported by the public's approval.

Q2.Why did Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto fall from power in 1979?

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto fall from power in 1979 due to the blame of

Rigging in Elections of 1977.

Before the scheduled time in 1970, Bhutto called early elections for national and provincial
assemblies. The opposition, known as PNA (Pakistan National Alliance), contested against
Bhutto's PPP. The PPP won 154 seats, while PNA only got 36 out of 200. PNA accused PPP of
cheating and refused to accept the results, leading to violence. The situation got so bad that the
army had to step in to control things in major cities.

Protests became more violent, leading to political chaos, which gave the army a reason to
declare martial law and arrest Bhutto.


Loosing of authority and weakening of Power

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto gave in to the pressure from opposition and religious groups and made
changes to please Islamic fundamentalists. He banned alcohol, gambling, and other activities
they didn't like, and switched the weekly day off to Friday. People also started disobeying laws,
asking for Islamic laws to be followed instead.

When Bhutto agreed to the opposition's demands, it showed he was weak as a ruler, and this
encouraged the army to impose martial law.


Authoritarian style of government

Over time, Bhutto became more and more controlling and harsh as a leader. He couldn't
tolerate criticism or opposition and used force, even using tear gas and live ammunition on
political rallies. Misusing the Federal Security Force also made people dislike him.

Bhutto's harsh actions, like using force and suppressing opposition, made people angry, leading
to a drop in his popularity. This gave the army a solid reason to remove him from power.

Q3.Why was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto executed in 1979?

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was executed in 1979 due to

Allegation of a murder of his political opponent

During martial law, Bhutto was accused of having his opponent, Nawab Muhammad Ahmed
Khan Kasuri, killed by the Federal Security Force. After a two-year trial in various courts, the
Supreme Court found him guilty, but many believed the trial was unfair, and he was sentenced
to death.

Due to manipulated Evidence, including testimony from Masood Mahmood, the director
general of FSF, left the courts with no choice but to sentence Bhutto to death.

Secondly due to

Possible treason trial of General Zia

General Zia removed Bhutto from power on July 5, 1977, on 7th, he suspended the 1973
constitution. This action was against the 1973 constitution's Article VI, which could potentially
lead to a treason case against Zia. According to the constitution, the punishment for treason is

To avoid possible treason case, imprisonment, death penalty and to avoid insult of military thus
Zia decided to execute Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.


Reasserting political authority by Bhutto

Bhutto was arrested on July 5, 1977, but released on July 28, 1977. After his release, he visited
cities like Multan, Lahore, and Peshawar, where he spoke to large crowds. People supported him
and pushed him to regain his leadership.

As Bhutto's popularity grew, Zia became worried about losing power and ordered Bhutto's
arrest. He also reopened a murder trial against Bhutto, which eventually resulted in his
14 Marks questions
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

Q1.Constitutional reforms were the most important of Zulfiqar Ali

Bhutto's domestic policies between 1971 and 1977. Do you agree? Give
reasons for your answer.{14}
There were several domastic policies of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto between 1971-1977 in which one of
his political reforms take place in the form of constitution making.


He established the constitution of 1973

After the problems caused by Yahya Khan's rule and the division of the country, Pakistan had no
constitution. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto created a new one that all political parties agreed on. This 1971
constitution is based on the 1956 one, with two houses and a parliamentary form of

This constitution strengthened the political process and parties in Pakistan, providing stability,
which is considered one of Bhutto's significant reforms.

Secondly, the

Introduction of senate in the constitution of 1973.

Another political reform by Bhutto was creating the Senate, as Article 50 of the constitution
established a two-house system with the National Assembly and Senate. This change ensured
that all provinces had equal representation.

This crucial reform fixed the unfair provincial representation in the National Assembly and eased
concerns about inequality among provinces. It also gave oppurtinites for professionals and
experts to work together in the Senate.

However other aspects of his domestic policies were also important

Firstly, his educational/social reforms like

Free primary education and opening up of new schools

In 1972, Bhutto introduced new education reforms, offering free primary education and taking
over private schools to promote equal access to education and reduce class differences.

Before these changes, only half of the country's children went to school, and the official literacy
rate was only 25%. These reforms were crucial to improve literacy rates and academic
standards, which would strenghten our future economy

Secondly, his Economic/Industrial reforms which

Control the high inflation rate and Nationalization of industries.

During Ayub's rule, Pakistan's wealth was controlled by just 22 families, causing high inflation,
about 25%, which hurt the poor. To promote economic stability and a fair distribution of wealth,
he introduced the policy of nationalizing industries to reduce inflation and divide wealth fairly in

It was important beacuse hre reduced inflation by 6% and economic growth also began to
increase. However, his Nationalization policy discouraged foreign investment in Pakistan.

Thirdly his
Health policy/social reform to control high infant mortality rate

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto set up Basic Health Centers (BHU) and Rural Health Centers (RHC) to reduce
the number of babies dying in their first month. This brought healthcare closer to people in
rural areas, and he made it a requirement for doctors to work in these places for a year to
ensure there were enough doctors in small towns and villages.

Important because it helped the poor people in rural areas who couldn't easily reach hospitals.
It also ensured that doctors were available everywhere in Pakistan, making it an important
health policy by Bhutto.

Another of his important Health/social policy was the

ban of sale on the Trade name of all medicine.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto used the Drug Act of 1972 to stop pharmaceutical companies from selling
medicines using brand names, making them more affordable for poor people who couldn't
afford expensive medicines.

This was import in the health sector because it made medicines more affordable for people.
But, it also discouraged multinational companies from investing in Pakistan due to the removal
of brand names from medicines.

Another of his important Agricultural/Economic policy was the

Land reforms and National charter of Peasants.

In 1972, land reforms reduced the maximum land a person could own to 250 acres for irrigated
and 500 acres for unirrigated land, aiming to help poor farmers. Landlords were required to pay
water rent, agricultural tax, and provide seeds instead of the poor peasants and tenants. In
1976, the National Charter of Peasants promised to distribute state-owned farmland among
poor tenants to give them ownership and security.

This was a crucial because Bhutto wanted to create fairness and mutual benefit between
landowners and tenants while modernizing agriculture. However, some powerful landlords
avoided it through tricky methods.

Lastly his Administrative reforms like

Civil Services reformation

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto made important changes in the Civil Service of Pakistan (CSP) to make it more
efficient and less corrupt. He reorganized it into fewer levels, unified the pay scales, and
removed unnecessary distinctions among civil servants.

This was a significant reform because Bhutto quickly improved the Civil Service of Pakistan,
showing his commitment to changing how power worked through administrative changes.

Conclusion- I think His domestic other policies were far more important than the consitituion
related ones because thy directly helped and solved problems the persoalproblems many
people had while the constitiuonal ones ( tho important) beniftted the government and the
country as whole mostly

Q2.How successful were Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's domestic policies between

1972-77? Explain your answer.
There were several successes and failures of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's policies in which few successes
are as follow.
Firstly the

Drafting of 2973 constitution.

During Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's time in office, a new constitution was created in 1973. This
constitution had a two-part legislature with the National Assembly as the lower house and the
Senate as the upper house. The National Assembly had 200 members elected directly by adults,
while the Senate had 63 members representing different regions, including the four provinces,
tribal areas, and the federal capital.

Successful because it ensured that both house made ech province have equal chance to make
laws making it fair and succesful.

Secondly, the introduction of

Health Care Scheme

In the 1970s, Pakistan had high infant mortality and low life expectancy compared to India and
Sri Lanka. In August 1972, Bhutto started healthcare initiatives, introducing Rural Health Centers
and Basic Health Centers across Pakistan to make healthcare more accessible. He also
emphasized training for doctors and nurses, who could then work in remote areas as assigned
by the government.

Increasing accesibility and provision of good health care across paskitan was a great success


Education Scheme

In March 1972, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto started an Education Reform in Pakistan. He wanted to give
free education up to 10th grade to everyone. To do this, he took control of 400 colleges and
many schools in Punjab and Sindh. He also tried to make teachers more respected in society.
Back then, literacy rate was onl 25%, and nearly half of the kids weren't going to school.

Removing discimination, making education free and equal and icnreasing teachers status was
considered a success of Z.A.B.

However there were some failures of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's policies as

well like


Ban on Pharmaceutical Companies

In 1972, a Drug Act was passed to lower medicine costs by banning brand-name drugs. This
made medicines cheaper and available to everyone. However, it hurt the profits of chemists and
pharmaceutical companies.

This made foriegn countries leave and prevented new international medicine companies from
enetering pakistan. This made space for local comapinies to sell low quality risky drugs. Thus
considered a failure.


Fallout of Education Scheme

This was seen as a success but also had disadvantages.The efforts to increas eliteracy rate were
effective for a while but thhis free compulsory education plan for all social statuses led to over
crowded classroom and a need for more traind teachers schools and colleges. which required
money that pakitan didn thave.

In poor families sending kids to school reduced thier income. Because of these issues, the
ambitious education plan didn't achieve the desired results and ended up being a failure.

Abuse of Power by Federal Security Force (FSF)

In 1972, when the police went on strike, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto created the FSF, a well-armed force
of 15,000 people. It was supposed to help the police, keep the peace, and protect political
events. However, later on, it was used to suppress political opponents and was accused of being
involved in the killings of people who criticized Bhutto's policies.Ex; Nawab Muhammad Ahmed
Khan Kasuri and Dr. Nazir Ahmed of Jammat-i-Islami

Using force against political opponents, making flase cases based on FSF's investigations and
killing of political leaders by FSF made it a feared and failed organization.

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