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Section 3

Chapter 13

4 marks questions.

Q1.Who was Yahya Khan?

Yahya Khan was born in 1917 at Chakwal,Punjab.
He completed his studies from Punjab University and Joined Indian Military Academy at
Dehra Dun India.
In 1966 he was promoted as Commander-In-Chief of Pakistan Army In 1969.He imposed
Martial law in 1969 due to country wide agitation against Ayub Khan.
He conducted free and fair elections in 1970.
Due to Political agitation he ordered military action against Awami league which also
involved India in this conflict resulting the Indo-Pak war of 1971 resulted in fall of Dhaka.
He resigned as a commander in chief and Chief Martial law administrator in Dec 1971.

Q2.Who was Sheikh Mujib ur Rehman?

Shaikh Mujeeb ur Rehman was Born in 1922 at Bengal.He was an active member of All
India Muslim League before independence.
He organized Awami league along with Hussain Shaheed Suharwardi and became it's
General secretary.
During Black flag march he was arrested for demonstrating in favour of Bengali language
to be a co National language along with Urdu.
He was elected as a member of Provincial Assembly and later as member of National
Assembly of Pakistan.
After the death of H.Shraardy in 1965, he became the president of Awami League.
In 1966 at Lahore he presented his famous Six Points as a solution to provincial
His party secured the most seats 162 than any party in 1970 elections.
After the fall of Dhaka Mujib was elected as first Prime Minister in Bangladesh.He was
murdered in a military coup in August 1975.

Q3. What was the 6 point Programme of Shaikh Mujeeb?

6 points were the political demand of Shaikh Mujeeb's Awami league. They were
presented in1966 at Lahore.
They were suggesting that West Pakistan should have its own troops and currency.
Furthermore each half should keep its own revenue.
Defence and Foreign affairs should be controlled by Federal Government while the rest
of the powers should be transferred to the provinces. On the basis of these points
Mujeeb won 160 out of 162 seats in East Pakistan in 1970 elections.

Q4.What was the Simla Accord or Agreement?

This was an agreement signed between Bhutto and Indira Gandhi after 1971 Indo-Pak
Due to this agreement 93000 captured troops of Pakistan and the captured land was
Both countries agreed to improve relations by mutual understanding India and Pakistan
both withdrew from land occupied in Punjab, Sindh and Kashmir during 1971 war.It was
decided that Kashmir would be discussed only between Pakistan and no third party or
international interference would be accepted.

Q5. Who was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto?

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was
born in 1928. He was graduated in law from California and Oxford Universities. He
served as Minister of Commerce in 1958. Later he
served as Foreign Minister in Ayub's cabinet. He became
a President from 1972-73 and then Prime Minister from 1973-77. He
is the Founder of Pakistan’s People Party.

He was hanged by General Zia in 1979 after being convicted to a murder of his political

Q6.What was Mukti Bahini?

Multi bahini was a rebel force in East Pakistan who started arm resistance against
Pakistan Army for their independence during operation search light at East Pakistan. This
organization is also known as Bangladeshi Force because it became a National Army of
Bangladesh after its independence.It was consisted of deflected soldiers, police and
paramilitary forces of Pakistan. It was having a support of Bengali people and Indian

Q7.What was Civil War in East Pakistan?

After the elections of 1970 , Yahya cancelled the Assembly session due to which political
crisis deepens. People of East Pakistan started demonstrations and a secret radio
announced the independence of Bangladesh. In retaliation Pakistan Army started
operation search light,
Sheikh Mujeeb Rehman was arrested. In a reaction Mukti Bahini Bangladesh Liberation
Force was made to response military operation search light.
Thousands of Bengalis were either killed or arrested,Bengalis commenced widespread
civil disobedience movement against Pakistan which they stopped paying taxing or
bills.In Indian intervention led to Indo-Pak war of 1971 in which Pakistan got defeat and
East Pakistan declared its independence as a new country Bangladesh.

Q9. What was operation search light?

Operation Searchlight was the codename for a planned military operation carried out by
the Pakistan Army in an effort to curb the Bengali nationalist movement in former East
Pakistan in March 1971.
It is also known as operation Blitz Pakistan.
Operation Searchlight was started in March 1971. This operation was the result of the
political cricis due to the victory of Sheikh Mujib's party in the General Election of
Pakistan in 1970.

Q10. What was Cyclone Bhola?

The 1970 Bhola cyclone (Also known as the Great Cyclone of 1970 was a devastating
tropical cyclone that struck East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh) and India's West
Bengal on November 12, 1970. It remains the deadliest tropical cyclone ever recorded
and one of the world's deadliest humanitarian disasters. At least 500'000 people died in
the storm, primarily as a result of the storm surge that flooded much of the low-lying
islands of the Ganges Delta. Bhola was the sixth and strongest cyclonic storm of the
1970 North Indian Ocean cyclone season.
Section 3
Chapter 13
7 marks questions

Q13Why did East Pakistan wish to break away from Pakistan?

East Pakistan wish to break away from west Pakistan due to political
Reason like
Political Disparity
East bengalis complained that although they were in majority in constituen asssembly.
The governer generals and prime ministers were always from West Pakistan. This was
also true for the appointments of Senior postions in armed forces ( less than 20% of
them were from the east), senior goverment postions and post in civilsevice. Even high
postions in Dhaka were usually west pakis or indian refugees that became pakistani
Thus feeling of snatched their political rights and feeling of deprivation
led to widespread anger among Bengalis who then decided to get separation from

The economic dispairity.
Pakistan was already a poor country but the east was much porrer than the west
pakistan. Since 1947 trade had been cut off in west bengal and poverty was rife.
Goverment would take steps to improve economy mostly in west pakistan. More than
twice of the capital investments and foriegn aid went to the west. In 1951 West
pakistanis were on average 15% richer than east pakistanis and by 1970 its had
increased to 40%
The east beleived that the west's economic growth was because thier single largest
export was Jute (that was grown in the east) and the government spendings on defence
to protect the border in india was reallly to protect th west as east didnt have any major
border disputes with india.
This difference was also seen in health and education in 1948 in the east there were only
200 doctors and 3000 hospital beds. Between 1947-58 numbers in primary school in
west increased by 163% and in the east it was only 38%
The East Pakistanis felt that they were being exploited economically and that the West
Pakistani government was not investing enough in the development of East Pakistan 1.
This disparity is often cited as a key reason for the secessionist movement led by Sheikh
Mujib’s Awami League and the creation of Bangladesh in 1971

Cultural and Social disparity.
Thee captial of pakistan was in the west and many people from East pakistan beleived
they weren equal partners. they spoke bengali but urdu was the national language of
pakistan. they protested that only 6% of the whole of pakistan spoke urdu while 56% of
pakistan spoke bengali. IN 1952 there was a student held protest called state language
day that resulted in deaths and further protests and deaths later, it wasnt till 1956 when
constituion decided to make bengali ONE of the official langues of pakistan.
Bengalis considered this as offensive as it was just an offical language and also becuase
they had a diffrent culture, music, art adn different cultural heroes. In the autobiography
of ayub khan called friends not masters he said that many people of the west considred
their culture to be more superior than the east and the east didn tlet this go unnoticed.

This discrimination and degradation went beyond the tolerance level of East Pakistanis
so East Pakistan wished to get separation from West Pakistan. It also felt like the wesr
and east were different parts of the same country divided by 1000 miles and culture.

Q- Why did the victory of the Awami League in the 1970 elections in
Pakistan cause a constitutional crisis?

The fear of being sidelined from sharing power
General Elections for National Assembly were held in 1970. There were two main
political parties contesting,one was Awami League of Sheikh Mujibur from East Pakistan
and second was Pakistan People Party headed by Zur Ali Bhutto from West Pakistan.
The result was shocking for the politicians of West because Awami League won 160
seats out of 162 in East Pakistan where as PPP was able to bag only 82 seats out of 138
in west Pakistan.
This clear major enabled Awami League to make government at center without any
political alliance and even to appoint entire cabinet. Therefore, the fear of being
sidelined from sharing power in center compelled PPP to put up political and
constitutional struggle led to this crisis of 1970-71.

Secondly the
Six Points of Awami League by Sheikh Mujib ur Rehman.
The Six Points, prepared by Bengali nationalists came into political scene around 1966
and later, Sheikh Mujib Ur Rehman adopted these points as the political demands of
Awami League. Gradually and carefully, he generated support of general public for these
points in eastern wing and successfully made the manifesto of Awami League in
elections of 1970.
These points clearly declared are autonomy for East Pakistan by limiting powers of
center like their own currency troops etc.
The success in election of Awami League was attributed to Six Points.
After winning elections, a clear possibility emerged of the independence of East
Pakistan, therefore, forced political and military leaderships of Western Pakistan to
prevent Awami League or Mujib ur Rehman of assuming power, originated constitutional
crisis in Pakistan.

The Delay in calling Assembly Session And Launch of Military Action Against Awami

In principle, after elections and its results, it was the responsibility of Yahya Khan to call
the session of National Assembly to elect the parliamentary leader and to form
government. However, this was not done, instead, Yahya Khan called off this important
Assembly session for an unknown time period in haste. Besides, PPP refused to join
National Assembly or take up seats and demanded an agreement of power sharing with
Awami League.
A possibility was there of signing an agreement between them but quick unwise decision
of delaying Assembly session by Yahya Khan spoiled the chance of political solution.This
led to the massive unrest in East Pakistan which was further dealt with force by
dissolving East Pakistan's Assembly, cabinet, banning Awami League and imprisonment
of Sheikh Mujib. Ultimately, all this led to the civil war in East Pakistan.
To block constitutional and political right of Awami League to make government, despite
getting majority in elections, thus, produced this crisis.
Section 3
Chapter 13
14 marks questions

Q. How successful was Yahya Khan as a ruler of Pakistan?

Success 1
To End Basic Democracy, system
He ended Basic Democracy System which helped Ayub Khan to form his presidential
To provide general public right choose their leader through democratic manners and to
end undemocratic way to assume power thus a success

Success 2
Abolishing One Unit Scheme
One unit scheme in which four provinces of West Pakistan considered as one unit and
East Pakistan as another.
A success because the much asked for demand of provincial autonomy fulfilled and the
tight control of Federal government was reduced.

Success 3
Holding free and fair elections
Held general elections in 1970 on one man one vote basis (Adult franchise basis) across
East and West Pakistan at national level
Choosing of leaders and participation of large number of people in electoral process
considered as a success

However there were failures too

Failure 1
Launching of Military Action on East Pakistan.
Launching of military action in East Pakistan to quell opposition byYaha Khan
A failure because military action ended any room for negotiation with leaders of East
Pakistan which saw West Pakistan as an aggressor and usurper of its political rights thus
leading to the separation of East Pakistan.
Failure 2
No efforts to engage Mujib ur Rehman in serious negotiation on his six points.
Presentation ofsix
Points (complete provincial autonomy,seperate currency and troops) by Sheikh Mujib Ur
No serious efforts to engage Shaikh Mujeeb in negotiation to show compromise on his
six points so that Pakistan remains intact thus considered a failure.

Failure 3*
Free and fair Election led to constitutional Cris
Elections of 1970 gave clear majority to Awami League in National Assembly to form a
government. Politicians of West Pakistan and Military establishment were not willing to
give power to East Pakistan.
A failure because no power sharing formula decided between PPP and Awami League
therefore this constitutional crisis led to the separation of East Pakistan from West

Failure 4
Decision of surrendering in 1971 war
War between India and Pak broke out due to Indian support to rebel force of Bengalis
(Mukti Bahini).
General Niazi surrendered on orders of Yaha Khan
Surrendering with 90,000 soldiers was a sheer humiliation for Pakistan Army and West
Pakistan thus a failure

Q-Economic factors were more important than political considerations

in the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. Do you agree? Give reasons for
your answer.

Economic benefits of Green Revolution and industrial development only to West
Green revolution of 1960 brought development of agriculture and agro-Based industries.
Most of it benefit was obvious in West Pakistan whereas little development took place in
East Pakistan.
An evidence of this was that the most of the wealth was possessed by 22 families of
West Pakistan and increase in per capita income in West Pakistan from 330 rupees to
373 rupees whereas in East Pakistan it declined from 305 Rs to Rs 288.
The unfair development rate and in return, its economic benefit only in West Pakistan
created anger among East Pakistanis who felt deprivation and inferior thus led to the
creation of Bangladesh.

Earning of Jute spent in West Pakistan
During that time, East Pakistan was main jute producer and Pakistan had Jute a main
export item.
East Pakistan had resentment, that the foreign exchange earned mainly spent on
defense of West Pakistan whereas no such border issue was present with
East Pakistan.
Building of dams and reservoirs to control floods, eradicating poverty provision of food
and shelter for growing population of East Pakistan were more essential than spending
on defense of West Pakistan.
The unfair spending of huge money which was mainly earned from the
Jute of East Pakistan, created resentment thus leading to the separation
of East Pakistan from West Pakistan.

Economic benefits of Green Revolution and industrial development only to West
Green revolution of 1960 brought development of agriculture and agro-Based industries.
Most of it benefit was obvious in West Pakistan whereas little development took place in
East Pakistan.
An evidence of this was that the most of the wealth was possessed by 22 families of
West Pakistan and increase in per capita income in West Pakistan from 330 rupees to
373 rupees whereas in East Pakistan it declined from 305 Rs to Rs 288.
The unfair development rate and in return, its economic benefit only in West Pakistan
created anger among East Pakistanis who felt deprivation and inferior thus led to the
creation of Bangladesh.
Economic benefits of Green Revolution and industrial development only to West
Green revolution of 1960 brought development of agriculture and agro-Based industries.
Most of it benefit was obvious in West Pakistan whereas little development took place in
East Pakistan.
An evidence of this was that the most of the wealth was possessed by 22 families of
West Pakistan and increase in per capita income in West Pakistan from 330 rupees to
373 rupees whereas in East Pakistan it declined from 305 Rs to Rs 288.
The unfair development rate and in return, its economic benefit only in West Pakistan
created anger among East Pakistanis who felt deprivation and inferior thus led to the
creation of Bangladesh.

However, there were some political causes which also contributed in the
separation of East Pakistan.

Decision not to take part in inaugural session of National Assembly in 1971.
PPP tried to force Shaikh Mujib to talk with other parties and reached agreement about
power sharing.
Yahya Khan postpone opening of Assembly without setting a new date
The PPP insistence on talks and postponement decision of Yahya considered as betrayal,
ina result serious rioting broke out in East Pakistan for the protection of their rights so
this was a clear sign that they were not interested any more to live with West Pakistan.
Parity of seats in first constitution
Equal number of seats of both wings in first constitution while East Pakistan comprised
55% population and west only 45% of total population.
East Pakistan wanted fair representation in political and at constitutional levels to justify
its numerical strength but when it was ignored it created resentment which gradually
turned into armed struggle against the West Pakistan's domination over East Pakistan.

Appointment of Prime Minister, President and Armed forces chiefs mainly from West
East Pakistan claim was that they were in majority in terms of population and in
constituent Assembly.
All important posts of country given to West Pakistan like Prime Minister, President and
Army chief.
Higher posts in Dhaka were filled mostly by West Pakistan and refugees coming from
So, the people of east Pakistan felt discriminated and considered it as a deliberate action
to keep them away from running government affairs led to the uprising which resulted
into the separation of East Pakistan from West Pakistan.

Widespread destruction by tropical cyclone in East Pakistan in 1970 and apathy of
leaders of west Pakistan.
Deadliest tropical cyclone Bhola of 1970 caused life of 500000 people in East Pakistan.
Slow and ignorant reaction from West Pakistan and its politicians to help East Pakistan.
Timely offer of India to provide relief to affected people by land was appreciated by most
of East Pakistanis.
Thus the apathy from the politicians of West Pakistan during this deadly crisis and
untimely announcement of elections for National Assembly by Yahya Khan immediately
after this incident creates further problems for West Pakistan to pacify the grievances of
East Pakistan.

Awami League and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's role
Awami League was formed in 1951.It was headed by Shiekh Mujip-ur Rehman, a Bengali
He soon became a popular leader among East Pakistanis.
He presented Six points that demanded more autonomy for the Provinces in general,
and East Pakistan in particular like,separate currency, foreign trade etc
Awami League won elections by campaigning on the basis of the Six Points.
Thus the huge victory of Awami League in elections endorsed that the people of east
Pakistan were no more interested to live with West Pakistan and wanted to practice their
political and economic rights freely in their own country.

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