Math 1210 Signature Assignment: Derivative

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Math 1210 Signature Assignment: Derivative

Suppose that a particle moves according to the law of motion 𝑠(𝑡)= 𝑡4−6𝑡3+4𝑡2+3 with t ≥ 0,
where s is in meters and t is in seconds. Use your knowledge of the relationship between
position, velocity, and acceleration to answer the following questions. Use exact values (not
approximations) throughout.
a) Find the velocity of the particle at time t. What is the velocity at t = 0?
Taking 𝑠(𝑡)= 𝑡4−6𝑡3+4𝑡2+3 and 3inding s’(t) we have s’(t) = 𝑣(𝑡) = 4𝑡 ! − 18𝑡 " + 8𝑡
When t = 0, then v(t) equals 0 as 𝑣(0) = 4(0)! − 18(0)" + 8(0) = 0 giving us a velocity of 0 at
b) Determine, using algebraic analysis, when the particle is moving in a positive direction, a
negative direction, and when it is at rest.
𝑣(𝑡) = 4𝑡 ! − 18𝑡 " + 8𝑡 factor the velocity equation to get 𝑣(𝑡) = 2𝑡(2𝑡 − 1)(𝑡 − 4)
Solving for t gives us: t = 0, "
, 4 which is when the particle is at rest.

Finding what the value is between each of the times can give us an idea if it is moving in a
positive or negative direction.
# # ! # " # #%
𝑣 A$B = 4 A$B − 18 A$B + 8 A$B = #&

𝑣(1) = 4(1)! − 18(1)" + 8(1) = -6

𝑣(5) = 4(5)! − 18(5)" + 8(5) = 90
The positive directions are in the domains of A0, "B and (4,∞), while the negative direction is in
the domain of (" , 4).

c) Find the total distance traveled by the particle in the first 6 seconds.
To find the distance traveled you will find the absolute value of the distance traveled between the
rests from the velocity equation and then find the sum of those distances.

t 𝑠(𝑡)= 𝑡4−6𝑡3+4𝑡2+3 s(t)

0 04−6(0)3+4(0)2+3 3
1/2 (1/2)4−6(1/2)3+4(1/2)2+3 53/16
4 (4)4−6(4)3+4(4)2+3 -253
6 64−6(6)3+4(6)2+3 147
Summing the distances gives us:
53 53
F3 − F + F − 253F + |−253 + 147| = 356
16 16
d) Find the acceleration of the particle at time t. What is the acceleration at t = 0?
We find a(t) which is equal to the derivative of v(t) = 12𝑡 " − 36𝑡 + 8
Finding that derivative and plugging in 0 gives us : 𝑎(0) = 12(0)" − 36(0) + 8 = 8 sec
e) When is the particle speeding up and slowing down? Explain how you found your answers.
To find when the particle is speeding up and slowing down, we compare acceleration and
velocity to find when they are opposites and when they go together, like if one is + and one is –
and vice versa.
Knowing that the acceleration equation doesn’t cleanly factor. We solve it with the quadratic
formula to find the two zeros.
We follow these steps:
'('))±,('))! '$(!)(") )±√%.
a = 3, b = -9, c = 2, t = "(!)
= &

)/√%. )'√%.
so 𝑎(0) at &
, &

Understanding these domains, we can compare values of the acceleration equation and the
velocity equation by testing different values to see how they compare.
𝑎(0.1) = 12(0.1)" − 36(0.1) + 8 = 5.6
𝑣(0.1) = 4(0.1)! − 18(0.1)" + 8(0.1) =0.624

𝑎(1) = 12(1)" − 36(1) + 8 = -16

𝑣(1) = 4(1)! − 18(1)" + 8(1) =-6

𝑎(3) = 12(3)" − 36(3) + 8 = 8

𝑣(3) = 4(3)! − 18(3)" + 8(3) =-30

𝑎(5) = 12(5)" − 36(5) + 8 = 128

𝑣(5) = 4(5)! − 18(5)" + 8(5) = 90
𝑎(0.3) = 12(0.3)" − 36(0.3) + 8 = −1.72
𝑣(0.3) = 4(0.3)! − 18(0.3)" + 8(0.3) = .888
)'√%. # )/√%.
Looking at those values we can conclude that A0, &
B ∪ A" , &
B ∪ (4, ∞) is a positive
)'√%. # )/√%.
acceleration and A &
, "B ∪ A &
, 4B is when it is slowing down.

Looking at the graph we can more closely see where the acceleration and velocity functions
coincide and differ. While comparing the original position function and seeing how it trends with
the other functions. The graphs are getting more simplistic and compact as that is showing the
derivatives of each of the equations.
Green: s(t)
Blue: v(t)
Red: a(t) for the graph

Working through the problem, I found it easy to understand the part of finding the derivatives
and how they relate to each other. The main issues I had was remembering finding the trends of
speeding up and slowing down. As well the positive and negative velocities. To trouble shoot I
watched a video and read through an online textbook to help understand the relations.
I can see derivatives being used quite simply with any complex rate of change problem or data.
An example is astronomy. A planet is moving around the sun in an elliptical orbit. That orbit
means there will be varying rates throughout the orbital period. To find the specific speed of the
planet in that orbital period at a certain point in time we can use a differentiation; finding the
derivative of that point to find its speed at that point in time. This can help astronomers better
understand the orbital patterns and speeds of the planets. That knowledge can help with the
timing and accuracy of sending satellites and rovers to make sure we get them there safely.

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