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Education is one of the key aspects in a country's development. However, Indonesia still
faces a number of challenges in providing education which include unequal access, low quality of
education, and lack of adequate educational infrastructure. This is exacerbated by the global
phenomenon of the Covid-19 pandemic which is an obstacle to education development in
Indonesia. To overcome this problem, Indonesia has created a Strengthening Education and
Character (PPK) program and has participated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Program which provides a foundation for improving the quality of education. By utilizing the
SDGs, Indonesia can overcome education problems by directing educational development efforts
towards achieving the SDGs goals, especially in the education sector. This includes increasing
equitable access to education, improving the quality of education, as well as developing better
educational infrastructure. By involving all stakeholders and committing to achieving the SDGs
targets, Indonesia can advance the education system for the better, thus having a positive impact
on national development and the welfare of society as a whole.

Keywords: Educational Problems, Strengthening Education and Character (PPK), Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs) Program.


Education is a very vital aspect in human life. Every individual has the same right to obtain
a good and equitable education. Education is considered as a means to develop one's potential
through the learning process. In accordance with the 1945 Constitution Article 31 Paragraph 1,
every citizen has the right to obtain education. Education is expected to produce the nation's next
generation who are intelligent and qualified, able to optimize existing progress, and have a high
level of nationalism. Without education, progress will not be achieved. Therefore, education must
be prioritized and given to every citizen from an early age. Education is also a key factor in a
country's rapid growth. Developed countries generally give high priority to the education of their
citizens, with the hope that the welfare of their people will be guaranteed. However, education will
not have a positive impact if the education system is not appropriate. This also happens in
Indonesia (Fadia S. & Fitri N., 2021).

The quality of education in Indonesia is currently worrying, which is caused by various

problems in the education system (Fadia S. & Fitri N., 2021). In Indonesia, there is still inequality
in access to education for all citizens. Apart from that, the issue that is being widely discussed is
the ineffectiveness and rigidity of the education system in Indonesia. This is reflected in the low
quality of education in Indonesia compared to other countries. Even though the Indonesian
education system is not much different from other countries, there is a gap between the goals of
the education system and its implementation in the field, which is caused by various fundamental
errors. Several problems were found in the Indonesian education system and the solutions that
could be taken. Some of these are weaknesses in educational management, gaps in educational
infrastructure between urban and rural areas, lack of support from the government, a conservative
mindset in society, low quality of teaching staff, and weak learning evaluation standards. The
influence of globalization is very significant on the character of students and the quality of
education in Indonesia. Globalization also affects the quality of education in Indonesia (Yhesa R.
L., 2021). Content presented via gadgets due to the influence of globalization can indirectly
influence student behavior, presenting new challenges in maintaining values and morality in
education. These factors cause the quality of education in Indonesia to be low. Apart from that,
there are also problems in the learning process in the form of a lack of strengthening values and
character education which also contributes to a decline in the quality of education.

Professor of Values and Character education from UPI Bandung, Hakam, highlighted one
of the causes of the failure of values and character (moral & religious) education, namely the focus
of schools which is still limited to conveying moral knowledge without ensuring that students
actually apply these values in life. consistently every day (Aiman Faiz, Bukhori Soleh, Imas
Kurniawaty, Purwati, 2021). Even though the character education strengthening program (PPK)
has been implemented in schools, it has not achieved the expected targets. There is still a gap
between ideal theories and concepts and their implementation in the field due to a lack of
understanding from stakeholders regarding theories and concepts that should be implemented in
accordance with established guidelines. Theoretically, National Education System Law no. 20 of
2003 offers noble ideals and goals in providing education with character content, which aims to
create individuals who have character values or noble morals. However, empirically and factually,
the implementation of the ideals and objectives stated in the National Education System Law no.
20 of 2003 still faces various obstacles.
Strengthening national character has become one of the Nawacita priorities announced by
President Joko Widodo through the National Mental Revolution Movement (GNRM) (Dadan
Darmawan, Karta Sasmita, Ila Rosmilawati, & Hidayatullah, 2019). Since 2016, the Ministry of
Education and Culture has launched Strengthening Character Education (PPK) in various types of
educational units, both formal and non-formal and informal. The national commitment to the
importance of character education is also stated in Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System. The law clearly states that the aim of national education is to develop
abilities and shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation, with a focus on making the
nation's life more intelligent. If you look further, five of the eight potential students who must be
developed emphasize the importance of character. Character education for teenagers is very
important considering the emergence of destructive behavior among teenagers. Schools are
expected to be at the forefront in preventing destructive behavior and instilling character values in
their students. Character education aims to help students strengthen positive characters, such as
curiosity, caring, and actions based on ethics, such as respect, responsibility, honesty, and
compassion (Dadan Darmawan, Karta Sasmita, Ila Rosmilawati, & Hidayatullah, 2019). Apart
from the designed curriculum, character education can also be developed through school culture.
This approach includes creating a school climate and environment that supports PPK practices,
involving all educational systems, structures and actors in the school, including school governance,
curriculum design, and the creation of school rules and regulations. Apart from formal education,
character education can also be applied in non-formal education units that offer equality education
programs. However, in 2020, the process of Strengthening Character Education was hampered by
global problems, namely the Covid-19 pandemic.

Based on Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education

Policies in the Emergency Period for the Spread of COVID-19, learning in Indonesia is carried out
online to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (Irinna Aulia Nafrin & Hudaidah, 2021). This online
learning system presents new challenges for teachers and students, who are usually used to face-
to-face learning. Teachers are required to innovate in delivering learning material through
available online platforms. Although online learning has its own advantages and disadvantages,
this is not a reason to stop education. Every citizen has the right to education, even in limited
situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Online learning can increase students' independence
and self-confidence, because it places more emphasis on a student-centered approach, which
allows them to be bolder in expressing opinions (Irinna Aulia Nafrin & Hudaidah, 2021).
Therefore, a method for developing independent learning education was also developed which
aims to optimize the current situation (independence), in order to face the global problem of the
Covid-19 pandemic.

In developing independent learning education, learning methods must be in accordance

with the needs of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, where students need to master new literacies,
such as data literacy, technological literacy and human literacy (Muhammad Yamin & Syahrir,
2020). The main goal is to create quality and superior human resources to build Indonesia's future.
However, apart from new literacy, the independent learning education system still emphasizes
character building in students, including values such as honesty, religiosity, hard work,
responsibility, justice, discipline, tolerance, and so on. This aims to achieve educational goals
which include critical thinking, creative, communication, collaboration and good character skills.
Teachers are the key to the success of this system and must be able to adapt to changes and master
new literacies, including digital competencies. The blended learning method, which combines
face-to-face and virtual learning, is ideal for this independent learning education. Of course, the
results of this disruption are a breakthrough for solutions to educational problems in Indonesia and
are a stepping stone for the development of education in Indonesia to face other challenges in the

Indonesia's participation in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Program is the

basis for improving the quality of education in this country (Alvira Oktavia Safitri, Vioreza Dwi
Yunianti, and Deti Rostika, 2022). Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs is a continuation
program of the Millinnium Development Goals (MDGs) which was agreed upon by several UN
member countries on September 25 2015 at the UN headquarters together with governments,
officially ratifying the Sustainable Development Goals or sustainable development goals as an
agreement for global development. Improving education in Indonesia is the key to achieving
various SDGs goals, including improving the quality of the human development index (Aiman
Faiz, Bukhori Soleh, Imas Kurniawaty, Purwati, 2021). With the SDGs set by the UN for 2030, it
is hoped that it can overcome various problems in the education sector in Indonesia. Even though
it still faces challenges in implementing education, it is hoped that the participation of other
provinces in making the SDGs program a success, especially in the education sector, can lead
Indonesia to become a more advanced country educationally and economically. Investment in
education is considered crucial because educated people have the potential to change and advance
the country in a better direction in the future. Therefore, the quality of a country begins with the
superior quality of education and Human Resources (HR). It is also hoped that this program will
be a solution to educational problems in Indonesia.

This research uses a literature review research method which bases its findings on scientific
articles and journals relevant to the topic "Education Problems in Indonesia". The data and
opinions presented in this research come from the results of a literature review which includes
scientific articles, scientific journals, theses, and other reliable sources relevant to this topic. A
total of 7 journals or articles that are considered relevant have been selected to become the basis
for this research. By using a literature review approach, this research aims to present a
comprehensive understanding of educational problems in Indonesia based on existing literature.


Education is the main pillar in building the foundation for the success of a nation. However,
in Indonesia, various obstacles still hinder the journey of education, such as unequal access, low
quality, and lack of adequate educational infrastructure. In fact, the challenges are getting bigger
with the emergence of the global Covid-19 pandemic which is forcing the education system to
adapt to distance learning. In the midst of this difficult situation, Indonesia is not remaining silent.
They have taken concrete steps, such as implementing the Education and Character Strengthening
Program (PPK), and actively participating in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Program.
Through SDGs, Indonesia seeks to solve education problems by directing its efforts towards
achieving SDGs targets, especially in improving access, quality and educational infrastructure.
Through the involvement of all stakeholders and commitment to achieving SDGs targets,
Indonesia hopes to improve the quality of the education system, thereby having a positive impact
on national development and the welfare of society as a whole. With hard work and strong
determination, it is hoped that the future of Indonesian education will be brighter. Based on 7
journal article sources that have been determined to meet the inclusion criteria, the research results
are as follows:

Researcher and Journal Research Result

Year of Research
Dadan Darmawan, Development of Character The development of character education in
Karta Sasmita, Ila Education Based on School-community schools is carried out by
Rosmilawati, & Community Culture in Non- considering the characteristics of each
Hidayatullah formal Education Units
school. The independence of non-formal
(2019) (Proceedings of the National
schools gives individuals the freedom to
Seminar & Collegial Meeting
adjust the educational process according to
of PLS Departments
their wishes and agreed schedule. The
throughout Indonesia (2019))
disciplinary rules applied in these schools
are based on justice, which are
implemented with various strategies
according to the context and needs of each
school. Equality schools emphasize
diversity rather than uniformity, as is
usually applied in formal schools.
Unwritten rules, such as dressing modestly,
become a common agreement within the
school community. Even though there are
not many extracurricular activities, school
culture is still strengthened through daily
experiences in the school environment.
Siti Fadia & Nurul Problems of Education According to P.H Combs (1968), there are
Fitri (2021) Quality in Indonesia several main problems in education today
(Tambusai Education Journal, which are the cause of the decline in
volume 5 number 1, 2021) education in Indonesia, namely:
1. The increasing number of students is
not proportional to the availability of
quality educational facilities.
2. Scarcity of facilities and funds to meet
educational needs
3. The high cost of education
4. Inaccuracy of educational results
5. Inefficiency of the education system
Irinna Aulia Nafrin Development of Indonesian Online learning has a number of advantages
& Hudaidah Education during the Covid- and disadvantages that need to be
(2021) 19 Pandemic (Educative considered. The advantages include
Journal:Educational Sciences, flexibility in time and place, as well as ease
volume 3 number 2, 2021) in assigning and reporting tasks. However,
the weaknesses include the lack of
attendance and maximum participation
from students. During the Covid-19
pandemic, online learning has had positive
and negative impacts that must be
responded to responsibly by all related
parties, including teachers, students and
parents. Despite facing various challenges,
the enthusiasm for learning must not fade.
Every problem that arises needs to be
addressed wisely, and continuous
evaluation is needed to improve the online
learning process carried out.
Muhammad Development of Independent It was found that education is creating
Yamin & Syahrir Learning Education: Study of students who have the ability to think
(2020) Learning Methods (Scientific critically, creatively and innovatively, are
Journal of Mandala able to solve problems, are skilled in
Education, volume 6, number communicating and collaborating, and
1, 2020) have good character. Therefore, in planning
learning activities, it is important to face
challenges and take advantage of
educational opportunities in the Industrial
Revolution 4.0 era. The role of teachers is
the key to the success of the independent
learning education system, so they must be
able to adapt to the new system, improve
competencies and skills, and strengthen
new literacy, especially digital literacy. The
Blended Learning method is an ideal choice
for an independent learning education
system because it combines the advantages
of face-to-face learning and online
learning. Thus, this method can create a
more effective and efficient learning
environment for students.
Yhesa Rooselia The Impact of Globalization When discussing globalization, most
Listiana (2021) on the Character of Students students in villages already have sufficient
and the Quality of Education understanding of this concept. They state
in Indonesia (Journal of that globalization is a phenomenon that
Primary School Teacher crosses national borders and involves
Education, volume 5 number various aspects of life. Some of them
1, 2021) consider globalization as the entry of
foreign culture and information from
outside into Indonesian culture, while
others view it as a communication process
between communities aimed at reaching
mutual agreements and creating new
norms. They also realize that globalization
involves interactions between individuals,
companies and governments in the fields of
trade and investment, which have an impact
on various aspects of life such as the
environment, culture, politics, economy
and the welfare of Indonesian society. Even
though it is recognized as providing
advances in technology, globalization also
has a negative side that affects the character
and quality of education in Indonesia.
Aiman Faiz, Review of Critical Analysis of Character education is a process that
Bukhori Soleh, Factors Inhibiting Character involves continuous, integrated and
Imas Kurniawaty, Education in Indonesia conscious intervention and habituation.
Purwati (2021) (Basicedu Journal, volume 5, Intervention and habituation are the main
number 4, 2021) approaches in implementing character
education, while the process is sustainable,
integrated and conscious. One of the big
mistakes in character formation is
assuming that character education is solely
the responsibility of formal education, so
that outside the scope of formal education,
approaches to character formation are often
ignored. Lack of understanding regarding
the elements of character education, such as
parents who consider character education
to be the school's responsibility, teachers
who are too strict in educating students, the
role of peers and society who underestimate
immoral actions, and the influence of the
media which displays negative content, all
of which are inhibiting factors in character
formation. In the midst of the COVID-19
pandemic, these factors increasingly
complicate the character education process,
due to the psychological impact felt by
students. Therefore, it is important for all
parties involved in character education to
be aware of their respective roles and
responsibilities in shaping individual
character, which will ultimately have an
impact on the character of the Indonesian
nation as a whole.
Alvira Oktavia Efforts to Improve Quality From this conclusion, it can be concluded
Safitri, Vioreza Education in Indonesia: that the condition of education in Indonesia
Dwi Yunianti, dan Analysis of Sustainable is still worrying and not evenly distributed
Deti Rostika Achievements in all regions. One strategy for achieving
(2022) Development Goals (SDGs) the Sustainable Development Goals
(Basicedu Journal, volume 6 (SDGs) as an effort to improve quality
number 4, 2022) education in Indonesia is focused on the
fourth goal, namely quality education that
is fair and equitable and provides
opportunities for lifelong learning for all
ages. However, the implementation of this
strategy has only been carried out in several
provinces, indicating that there are still
other provinces that have not implemented
the SDGs strategy as an effort to improve
the quality of education. Apart from that,
the implementation of this strategy is also
hampered by a number of obstacles, such as
difficulties in accessing schools, cultural
differences, and the low quality of
competence and teaching staff in remote
areas. The government's efforts to
overcome this problem include the One
Roof Program (SATAP), the Education
Program in Frontier, Outermost and
Disadvantaged Areas (3T), and the
Reading, Writing, Counting (Calistung)

Research from these seven journals reveals the richness of problems and the existence of
solutions from the government regarding education problems in Indonesia. Education problems in
Indonesia cover various aspects, such as lack of accessibility to quality education, the gap between
urban and rural education, lack of educational facilities and resources, low quality of education,
and challenges in facing global and technological change. This problem requires collaborative
efforts from governments, educational institutions, and society to improve the education system
and provide better opportunities for all individuals to receive a decent education.


Education plays a vital role in the progress of a nation, but in Indonesia, there are still a
number of obstacles that interfere with the implementation of education. These challenges include
unequal access, low quality of education, and lack of adequate educational infrastructure. This
situation is increasingly complicated by the emergence of the global Covid-19 pandemic, which
has complicated efforts to develop education in Indonesia. To overcome these obstacles, Indonesia
has introduced the Education and Character Strengthening Program (PPK) and is also involved in
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Program, which provides a framework for improving
educational standards. By taking the SDGs as a strategic basis, Indonesia can overcome education
problems by focusing on achieving the SDGs goals, especially in terms of increasing equitable
access to education, improving the quality of education, and improving educational infrastructure.
By involving all parties involved and committing to achieving the SDGs targets, Indonesia has the
potential to improve the education system, provide a positive impact on national development, and
improve the welfare of society as a whole.

Dadan Darmawan, Karta Sasmita, Ila Rosmilawati, & Hidayatullah (2019). Pengembangan
Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Budaya Sekolah-Komunitas Pada Satuan Pendidikan Nonformal.

Siti Fadia & Nurul Fitri (2021). Problematika Kualitas Pendidikan di Indonesia.

Irinna Aulia Nafrin & Hudaidah (2021). Perkembangan Pendidikan Indonesia di Masa Pandemi

Muhammad Yamin & Syahrir (2020). Pembangunan Pendidikan Merdeka Belajar: Telaah Metode

Yhesa Rooselia Listiana (2021). Dampak Globalisasi Terhadap Karakter Peserta Didik dan
Kualitas Pendidikan di Indonesia.

Aiman Faiz, Bukhori Soleh, Imas Kurniawaty, Purwati (2021). Tinjauan Analisis Kritis Terhadap
Faktor Penghambat Pendidikan Karakter di Indonesia.

Alvira Oktavia Safitri, Vioreza Dwi Yunianti, dan Deti Rostika (2022). Upaya Peningkatan
Pendidikan Berkualitas di Indonesia: Analisis Pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals

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