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Guideline Questions: TYBSC

1.Explain Gauss’s law. Apply gauss’s law to compute electrostatic field in free space at a
point close to the surface of an infinite plane carrying a uniform surface charge density ‘σ’
on both sides of the surface.

2. What is the purpose of method of images in electrostatics? Two charges +2q and -3q are
placed at points A (0, 0, d) and B(0, 0, 2d ) respectively along Z axis on the top of infinite
earthed conductor placed along XY plane. Calculate the force on positive charge.

3. Explain the phenomenon of polarization in dielectric materials? Explain how the dipoles
are formed under the influence of electric field? Derive an expression for the torque acting on
the dipole.

4. A piece of dielectric material is kept in the presence of electric field. Sketch the atomic
polarization. Derive an equation for gauss’s law in presence of dielectric materials.

5. What is meant by magnetization? Show using an expression for magneto static vector
potential, that the magnetization of a medium gives rise to a volume current density

Jb = ∇ × M and a surface current density Kb = M × n

6. What is Maxwell’s correction in Ampere’s law? Starting with basic electrostatic and
magnetostatic equations, change these equations considering Faraday’s and Maxwell’s
7. Deduce Ampere’s law in magnetized materials.
8. State and explain Poynting theorem.

9. State and explain boundary conditions for electromagnetic waves with the help of suitable

10. Develop an equation of continuity in electrodynamics to show charge conservation

during electromagnetic wave propagation.
11. Define flux and state Gauss’s law in intergral form. Apply gauss’s law to compute
electrostatic field due to a uniformly charged solid sphere of density ‘ ρ’ and radius ‘R’
carrying total charge ‘q’, at a point outside the sphere.

12. Define electrostatic potential using concept of reference point. Write down the expression
for potential at point due to discrete charge of charges q 1,q2,-------qn. Compute the electrostatic
potential in vacuum due to an infinite charged plane with charge density ‘σ’, at a point which
is at a distance ‘d’ from the surface. (Assume electrostatic field due to an infinite charged
plane is σ/2Ɛ0).

13. A closed conductor carries a surface charge density ‘σ’. Evaluate the electrostatic field in
free space at a point outside of conductor, close to its surface.
14. Explain polar and non- polar molecules. Explain process of polarization in detail. Derive
an expression for the torque acting on the dipole.
15. Distinguish between conductors and dielectric materials. Modify Gauss’s law for
dielectric materials.
16. Distinguish between bound charge and free charge. Present relationship between volume
charge density of free charge (ρf) and volume charge density of bound charge (ρb).
17. What is meant by magnetostatics? Show that divergence of ‘B’ is zero.

18. What do you mean by straight line currents? Show that

∮ B . dl=μ0 I encl

19. Explain concept of bound current. Deduce Ampere’s law in magnetized materials.
20. Explain in brief concept of induced charge and image charge. Calculate potential of a
point charge ‘q’ held at a distance ‘d’ above an infinite grounded conducting palne.

21. What is a wave equation? Explain how Maxwell’s equations can be used to wave nature
of electromagnetic field.

22. What are Laplace and Poisson’s equations? Discuss solution to Laplace’s equation in one-


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