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Upon Westminster Bridge ( MCQ )

1. " Upon Westminister Bridge " is a

A. Sonnet B. ballad C. Ode D. Lyric

Answer:- A. Sonnet
2. The Westminster Bridge is across the river

A. Ganga B. Nile C. Thames D. Amazon

Answer:- C. Thames

3. " Never did the sun more beautifully steep..." Here the world ' steep ' means

A. Straight

B. To strike C. To submerge or cover D. To stand

Answer:- C. To submerge or cover

4. In " Upon Westminster Bridge " the ' first splendour ' refers to

A. the glory of the valley B. the glory of the morning sun C. the glory of a mighty heart D. the
glory of the rocks and hills

Answer:- B. the glory of the morning sun

5. The Scene that the poet views in " Upon Westminster Bridge " is

A. calm and beautiful B. smoggy and noisy C. calm but smoggy

D. beautiful but noisy
Answer:- A. calm and beautiful
6. The calmness of the early morning stands in sharp contrast to the

A. vibrant city during the day B. calmness of the dusk C. noise at night D. the city at rest

Answer:- A. vibrant city during the day

7. The expression " his own sweet will " suggest that the river

A. moves very fast B. moves as it pleases C. is storm tossed D. is an object of nature

Answer:- B. moves as it pleases

8. The poet addresses god out of

A. fear B. excitement C. gratitude D. joy and wonder

Answer:- D. joy and wonder

9. The river Thames

A. reminds the poet of the river wye B . is flowing smoothly C. echoes the fret and fever of the world
D. captivates the poet's mind

Answer:- B . is flowing smoothly

10. " Ne'er saw I , never felt , a calm so_______!"

A. profound B. dominating C. deep D. intense

Answer:- C. deep
11. The poem describes the city viewed from Westminster Bridge

A. in the early morning B. at noon C. in a moonlit night D. in the evening

Answer:- C. in a moonlit night

12. The river Thames is found flowing

A. noisily B. brightly C. smoothly D. violently

Answer:- C. smoothly

13. The river below the Westminster Bridge was

A. fierce B. stagnant C. dry D. quietly flowing

Answer:- D. quietly flowing

14. " Never did ________more beautifully steep"

A. London B. the Thames C. sun D. the earth
Answer:- C. sun

15. The " mighty heart " refers to

A. Good B.. Earth C. the field and the sky D. the city of London

Answer:- D. the city of London

16. In " Upon Westminster Bridge " the poet records his experience of the feeling of

A. Calmness B. ecstasy C. joy D. wonder

Answer:- A. Calmness

17. The mood in the poem is

A. tragic B. comic C. nostalgic D. tranquil

Answer:- D. tranquil

18. The poet sees London as

A. part of nature B. the nerve centre of commerce C. alienated from nature

D. isolated

Answer:- A. part of nature

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