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The 9/11 terror

lor children
The 9/11
terror attacks:
persist for
children and
their families
By Irwin Redlener, MD,
and Roy Grant, MA
of 9/11/01 are felt nationwide.
he terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on the
Pediatricians can be an
important source of credible,
clear information and advice
T World Trade Center in New York City and the
Pentagon·in Washington, D.C., are unique in
American history. The magnitude of the attack
in New York, in terms of loss of life and property, was
enormous. The destroyed twin towers of the World
for parents, and can help Trade Center had a total of 10 million square feet of
distinguish typical reactions rentable office space with capacity for 50,000 occupants.
Five other buildings in the Trade Center complex, a
from those that may require church, a n:story hotel, and a 54-story office building
also were either destroyed or seriously damaged.1.2
further assessment. A brief Reports of the death toll are conflicting. The New York
checklist is included to help City Department of Health reports 2,617 deaths based
on death certificates issued through Jan. 25, 2002 3 ;
you screen children for others estimate the total exceeds 3,000 4 Furthermore,
the actual attacks, including the moment of the second
mental health referral. plane crashing into the World Trade Center, were
shown repeatedly by nearly every television station in
DR. REDLENER is president, The Children's Hospital at Monteliore, the country over the next several days.
and professor of pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, The Children's Health Fund (CHF), whose head-
Bronx, N.Y. He is a member of the Task Force on Terrorism,
American Academy of PediatriCS. quarters are in New York City and whose flagship
MR. GRANT is director of research, The Children's Health Fund, mobile-based primary care progrants are operated in
New York, N.Y. partnership with the Children's Hospital at Monte-



fiore, Bronx, N.Y., assisted in re- same percent feared an additional $24,031 with 42% of children liv-
lief efforts from the firs t hours attack; their fears were realized sev- ing in poverty.' The greater impact
after the attack. Despite high expec- eral weeks later with the initial me- on children in high-risk communi-
tations of physical casualties, in- dia reports of anthrax. Concern ties is consistent with trauma liter-
cluding a possible inordinate im- about safety spiked to 60% in re- ature, which notes that previous
pact on children, the number of sponse to the anthrax reports and life experiences, such as exposure
survivors needing medical atten- stabilized at 52% on the third poll. to violence and other traumatic
tion was minimal. Essentially no The polls also asked questions events, and social support may me-
immediate pediatric injuries were fo cused on specific signs and diate the outcome of exposure to a
identified. symptoms suggestive of emotional traumatic event. 6
On the other hand, it was clear disturbance, including markers of On the third CHF-Marist poll,
that many children who witnessed risk for posttraumatic stress dis- when asked about potential sources
any aspect of the terrorist attack, Order. Between the first and third of community support, families re-
either directly or via the media, polls, parental reports of crying and ported that they looked primarily
showed evidence of behavioral or sadness suggestive of depresSion, to schools for help (70%), yet only
psychologi cal r eactio ns to the sleep disturbance, and school re- 29% said that they received help
events of 9/11 and the subsequent fusal declined. "Clingin ess" (a from school programs. Although
scare involving dissemination of marker for regression) increased 30% of fa milies wanted formal
anthrax spores through the mail. from 34% to 3 7%, and so matic mental health assistance, only 8%
To determine the nature, extent, complaints increased from 15% to received treattnent. Only 3% of par-
and distribution of the impact of 19% (see figure, page 46). ents reported that they received
these events on children and fam- Because of the nature and cir- support from their child's pediatri-
ilies in New York City, CHF com- cumstances of the polls, no base- cian or other h ealth professional.
missioned a series of polls from the line data exist. However, the ques- The data also su gges t, however,
Marist Institute. The first poll was tions were asked in such a way as that parents did not seek help
conducted between October 2 and to incorporate a de facto general specifically from this source.
October 4, three weeks after the baseline into the parents' reports,
attack. The second poll was com- with the responses indicating change What other studies
pleted on November 1 (coincident since September 1l. have found
with the first reports of anthrax Especially striking is the unifor- A May 2002 report to the New
cases), and the third poll was com- mity of the responses to the three York City Board of Education pre-
pleted on March 4, 2002, six months polls, which show minimal varia- sented the results of a direct poll of
after the terror attacks. Each poll tion by borough of residence, age, 8,266 students in grades 4 through
surveyed more than 400 randomly and income. The exceptions are 12 who completed surveys.' The
selected New York City parents of that children of lower income fam- investigators found that the major-
children between 4 and 18 years ilies were more likely to have ity of children were affected by the
of age. school-related problems including terror attacks of September 11; that
l! was clear from the earliest poll school refusal, and children in the the responses were not limited to
data that the majority of New York city's poorest borough, the Bronx, children in the immediate geo-
City children had strong reactions had the highest degree of concern graphic area of the attacks; and that
to the events of 9/11. More than about safe ty (62% on the six- racial and ethnic minorities---par-
half (52%) of parents reported that month poll). Demographically, the ticularly Hispanics-were at higher
their children had become more Bronx is 48% Hispani c, 36% risk of being affected.
concerned about their own safety African-American, and 15% white. Although these data are consis-
and that of family members. The The median household income is tent with the findings of the CHF-


- - - - -11

Children's reactions
to the Sept. II, 2001,
terror attacks, 35%
reported by more than
400 randomly selected
New York City parents of

children between
4 and 18 years of age in
:e'" 25%
three polls conducted

three weeks, six weeks, ;" 20%

and six months after =
those attacks. Each ~ 15%
survey polled a different Q
but comparable set of iii 10%
400 parents.
..."e 5%

Sadness .Sleep problems School refusal 'Clinginess' Somatic complaints

Marist polls, we disagree with the memories, difficulty concentrating, greater degree of stress among chil-
conclusions the investigators draw sleep problems, irritability). We dren directly involved man among
from the data-for example, that agree that clinicians should be th ose wh ose primary source of
"one ou t of every four NYC public prepared to help childre n and exposure was media coverage. The
school children [27%] meets crite- adults deal with their reaction latter did show mild stress symptoms
ria for one or more ... probable to 9/11 regardless of proximity to on a standard measure. 10
psychiatric disorders" (major de- the World Trade Center collapseS The findings of the CHF-Marist
pression, posttraumatic stress dis- Another survey, consisting of phone Instirute polls regarding September
order, agoraphobia).' Even with the interviews with 1,008 randomly 11 are consistent with studies of
caveat that these are "probable" chosen adults between Oct. 16 the most notorious previous inci-
psychiatric diagnoses: we believe and Nov. 15,2001, was geographi- dent of domestic terrorism, the
that inferring clinical pathology cally limited to Manhattan below 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.
from the self-report of children fill- 1l0th Street. The responses sug- Significant reactions among chil-
ing out a survey in their classroom gested posttraumatic stress disorder dren were not limited by geographic
seems unwarranted. We emphasize in 20% of adults living near the proximity and persisted for years
that r esponses "consistent with" World Trade Center site, again with after the event. A probable factor ·
these disorders may be typical reac- a greater risk for Hispanics' was media exposu re.ll ,12 Media
tions to a profoundly atypical event. Although the events of Sep- coverage was even more intense
The CHF-Marist poll findings tember 11 were unique, previous after the Trade Center and Pentagon
are also consistent with a national inciden ts of terrorism have also attacks than in the aftermath of
survey of a random sample of 560 been srudied, albeit not extensively. the Oklahoma City bombing, with
adults done several days after In a small study of the impact of 24-hour cable news services cov-
September 11, which found perva- the 1993 World Trade Center ering the September 11 incidents
sive symptoms of stress (disturbing bombing, investigators found a incessantly.13



Children's reactions to 9/11

A brief screening tool
ince the events of Sept. 11, 2001,many children and adolescents have exhibited one or more
S of the following signs and symptoms of posttraumatic stress. Although not all affected youth require
treatment, consider referral to a mental health professional if a child or adolescent is experiencing several
symptoms. or if academic or social functioning is impaired.

For children 71 months of age and younger For adolescents 12 to 17 years of age
o Separation anxiety o Nightmares, sleep problems
o Psychomotor agitation o Withdrawal and isolation
o Regressive behaviors (thumb-sucking, bedwetting, o Inability to concentrate
fear of darkness)
o School avoidance
o Persistent and repetitive trauma-related play o Academic decline
o Irritability and low frustration tolerance o Physical complaints without a medical basis
o Disruptive or aggressive behavior o Sadness, feeling hopeless about the future
o Nightmares, sleep problems o Suicidal thoughts
For children 6 to 11 years of age o Emotional numbing or flatness
o Regressive behaviors o Flashbacks
o Irritability and low frustration tolerance o Avoidance of reminders of the traumatic event
o Disruptive or aggressive behavior o First-time or increased use of alcohol or drugs
o Problems with peers o Problems with peers
o Nightmares', sleep problems o Antisocial behavior
o Extreme withdrawal
o Extreme fearfulness
o Inability to concentrate
o Refusal to attend school
o Academic decline
o Physical complaints (headaches, stomachaches
without a medical basis)
o Sadness, feeling hopeless about the future
o Emotional numbing or flatness
Sources: NIH Pub, No. 01-3518, Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters 13; Hamblin J:!O; American Psychiatric Association,
DSM-IV criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder 1
Prepared by: The Children's Health Fund Crisis Response Program, New York, N.Y.

This screening tool may be photocopied and used without permission to assess your patients. Reproduction fOf any other purpose requires express permission
of the publisher. Copyright C 2002 Thomson Medica! Ecooomics,


- - - - --,-

pendently informed so they can portunity to advise parents about

help parents make decisions that how best to discuss terror attacks
....,"''-'-, "" ,UFi,'- parents may have a profound impact on with the child.
their health and that of their family. We recommend that pediatri-
to talk with their Independent reports of the air qual- cians encourage parents to present
ity in lower Manhattan after 9/11 information to children honestly,
children about a strongly suggest that federal and using language appropriate to the
specific plan that local reports understated both the child's developmental level and
presence of hazardous materials in cognitive abilities. Parents can be
includes things the air resulting from the World encouraged to talk with their chil-
Trade Center collapse and the risk dren about a specific plan that in-
to do in case of they poseH Important transitions, cludes things to do in case of a ter-
such as the reopening of schools rorist incident: to whom to go for
a terrorist act. near the World Trade Center site, help, safe places to seek, and other
were complicated by the poor concrete steps that can be taken at
quality of available information. home, school, and in the commu-
At the Pediatric Academic Pediatricians can also phy a role in nity. The approach may be similar
Societies conference in May 2002, emergency preparedness in schools to that taken to prepare children
researchers presented evidence of by helping to formulate emergency for other potential threats, such as
9/ll- related problems among ebil- plans, including drills to help chil- fire or approach by a stranger. The
dren from Massachusetts" and dren and school officials prepare for goal of these discussions should be
North Carolina 15 A published re- a possible incident. to help the child feel potentially in
port from as far away as Italy docu- Academic medical centers can control of a threatening situation
ments the impact of 9/11 on sub- offer a wide range of opportunities and also to convey that the parents
jective health status as measured for primary care physicians to learn are in control, with specific plans
by a survey using a standardized about the medical and psycholog- to ensure safety.
instrument. 16 ical impacts of terrorism. Efforts Respond to minor he<!-Ith com-
should be made to invite pediatri- plaints. Data from the thind CHF-
How pediatricians cians in private practice and at fed- Marist poll (March 2002) show
can help erally qualified community health that nearly one in five children in
It is clear that, at a time of signifi- center's to relevant educational New York City developed new so-
cant crisis, many children and fam- presentations. matic complaints subsequent to
ilies wo uld benefit greatly fro m Ask about 9111 and other issues 9111. For children who lived near
credible, clear information and ad- related to terrorism. The reactions the attack site in lower Manhattan
vice. Primary care providers, teaeb- of young children are likely to be or in any location where exposure
ers, day-care workers, and others highly influenced by the degree to to products of combustion or po-
can offer crucial suppott to families which parents manifest changes in tentially hazardous debris from the
whose children show evidence of routine or mood. IS Pediatricians site may have been Significant, it
crisis-related stress. Providing such should ask parents about their was important to rule out organic
support, and identifying situations child's awareness of previous or po- causes of abdominal pain, respira-
requiring more intense diagnosis or tential future terror attacks, their tory complaints, headaches, and
intervention, are among the invalu- degree of exposure (including tele- the like. For other children, so-
able roles pediatriCians can play. vision) to these issues, and their matic complaints may have been
Provide objective information. previous and current reactions. related to anxiety or other concerns
Pediatricians need to become inde- Such queries may provide an op- arising from 9/11. Many such com-



We recommend that .
plaints may be vague and mild, and
perhaps insufficient to prompt an pediatricians and parents
appointment to see a pediatrician
under routine circumstances. take minor physical
We recommend that pediatri-
cians and parents take minor phys- complaints (such as stc.m,ai:J!}ac:hc~s
ical complaints (such as stomach-
aches and headaches) more seriously headaches) more seriously after a terrorist
following a terrorist act. An ap-
pointment should be made to as- attack. An appointment shoUld be made
sess the child and family response
to the situation, not only to evalu- not only to evaluate the complaint
ate the physical complaint but to
provide reassurance and gUidance but to provide reassurance and guidance
if needed. This can also be an
opportunity to assess the child's if needed.
emo tional status and ability to
manage the stress induced by the only in New York City but na- help them deal with the terrorist at-
new situation. tionwide because instantaneous tacks. The one-page checklist on
Provide anticipatory guidance. mass communication made im- page 49 is designed to facilitate of-
Children's reactions to traumatic ages and reporting of the terror fice-based screening for mental
stress are not well documented in attacks, and their consequences, health service needs.20.'!
the professional literature, and, ubiquitous. Promote outreach to vulnerable
before 9/11, information was not Identify red flags. Pediatricians populations. To the extent that it is
readily available to help parents must distinguish developmentally possible, efforts should be made to
understand their child's reactions and s ituati onally appropriate reach medically underserved and
or offer specific support. For this fears and concerns from reactions other high-risk families including
reason, The CHF Crisis Response to a terrorist act. l9 The even ts at those in homeless and domestic
Team, which provided ongoing September 11, for example, coin- . violence shelters, for whom the
counseling and support after cided with the start of a new events of 9/11 may exacerbate a
9/11, expected that parents would school year. Some degree of anxi- pervasive sense of danger and evoke
bring up more concerns about ety and vigilance about a possible previous experiences of trauma and
their child's reaction Or ask about new attack is to be expected given violence. Too often, scarce resources
how to discuss the events with the warnings and color coded alerts are allocated in ways that exclude
their children. It emerged that issued virtually daily by the federal the most vulnerable children and
many parents did not readily rec- government. In this regard, 9/11 families. The CHF-Marist Institute
ognize signs of emotional distress differs from the Oklahoma City poll data consistently show higher
or relate them to the events of attack. levels of concern in the Bronx than
9/11. Pediatricians can help sensi- Neither parent nor pediatrician in the more affluent boroughs of
tize parents to possible child reac- should "pathologize" behavior that New York City. The populations
tions to stress and trauma and in does not interfere with the child's of the Bronx and Manhattan are
so doing inform them about typ- development or daily functioning roughly similar (1.3 million and
ical and atypical patterns of child or cause significant discomfort. 1.5 million, respectively). The
development. Such assistance and Many children, however, will re- median household income in
intervention are indicated not quire professional intervention to Manhattan, however, is 1.6 t.imes



higher," and Manhattan has three aged to differentiate hyperarousal dations are subject to change on
times as many mental health re- symptoms suggestive of pOsttrau- short notice, however, as vaccine
sources available to help with the matic stress from hyperactivity and supplies increase and as new intel-
events of 9/11." distractibility that may be associated ligence information clariftes the
Limited capacity for mental health with attention deficit disorder, since level of risk of smallpox exposure
referrals is a widespread problem, on the surface both conditions may faced by the population at large.
but it disproportionately affects chil- look similar. Finally, to be prepared Such threats and the under-
dren in lower income communities, . we must address the fundamental standable need to inform and pro-
where the risk of psychiatric mor- issues of mental health infras- tect the public have created an en-
bidity is higher" Pedia tricians tructure-namely inadequate and tirely unprecedented environment.
should act as advocates to ensure poorly distributed resources-that Even the Cuban missile crisis of
that vulnerable populations receive were thrown into reli ef by the the early 19605 and the "brinksman-
needed services. events of 9/11. ship" of the nuclear arms race at
Maintain psychological pre- the height of the Cold War, al-
paredness for another terror A specIal role though they caused high levels of
attack. Although much attention In an uncertain future appropriate anxiety in the general
has been paid-appropriately-to The events of Sept. 11, 2001, and population, were distinct from to-
preparing for the potential threat of the national anthrax scare have day's situation with regard to ter-
bioterrorism (availability of vaccines, had a considerable impact on the rorism. In the earlier instances, the
pediatric hospital readiness proto- national agenda and, not surpris- threat was clear and comprehen-
cols), it is also necessary to main- ingly, on many families and chil- sible on a certain level. Information
tain readiness for the psycholOgical dren throughout the nation. The from official sources was limited
impact of terrorism. Safeguarding attacks were deeply traumatic, and controlled. No violent images
children requires well-informed and the immediate psychological of actual attacks and deadly de-
parents, school officials, commu- consequences continue to be ex- struction were prominently-and
nity leaders, and pediatricians and acerbated as the country makes repeatedly- available.
other primary care providers. They extraordinary preparations for the The new terrorism caught Amer-
must be able to differentiate typical "permanent potential of terror- ica off guard. It has had a profound
stress reactions from atypical re- ism." Renewed concerns have arisen effect on most citizens, but chil-
sponses that suggest a need for in- about the vulnerability of nuclear dren and parents are especially vul-
tervention. This in tum requires a power plants to violent attacks, for nerable to such trauma. Pedia-
knowledge of typical and atypical example. tricians and primary care providers
developmental pa tterns. Smallpox vaccination recom- have a key role in helping families
In assessing the potential service mendations, as a matter of public adapt to new realities. Promoting
needs of an individual child, it is health policy to counteract the increased psychologic;al resilience
necessary to know the child's cur- deliberate spread of smallpox by among children and their parents
rent and historical exposure to psy- terrorist forces, continue to be de- and helping families learn to cope
chosocial stressors such as reloca- bated, The latest federal recom- wi th these new concerns offer
tion and other transitions, maternal mendations call for vaccination of crucial opportunities for child
depression, separations from major special smallpox investigative teams, health profeSSionals to provide
caregivers, and domestic violence. selected health-care personnel, and vital support.
This knowledge can help identify other "ftrst responders," including There is much more to do, The
children at higher risk for stress- public safety officials who may be new threats that face children in-
related reactions after an act of ter- in contact with early victims of a clude obscure, even preViously
rorism. Pediatricians are encaur- smallpox attack. These recommen- eradicated diseases like smallpox,
Continued on page 59



chemical weapons, and exposure to everyone else in our society, will

significant levels of radiation. need to adapt to new realities. In so
Pediatricians need to become in- doing, they will continue be a key
formed about all of these concerns source of calm, credible expertise
so that they may advise, screen, in- that children and their families
tervene, and counsel as needed. need now more than ever. 0
Children's hospitals-and the en-
tire public health infrastructure- ACKNOWLEOGMENT
need to dramatically improve readi- The Children's Health Fund Crisis
Response Program is funded by Wyeth,
ness for any major terrorist attack Schering-Plough Corporation, MatUfe
. that impacts children. Foundation, Robin Hood Foundation,
The legacy of Sept. 11, 2001, is here Union of American Hebrew Congregations,
Jewel Heart, and New York Rotary
to stay and will continue to evolve Foundation.
as events unfold. Pediatricians, like

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