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Introduction: As you know, gender inequality is a serious issue in society that affects a

lot to women.

Rate of discrimination: According to Howatt and other researchers, more

than one-third of women in UK said that they have experienced discrimination at work and this was not
the form of” attitude at work” for women in 1980s.

=>Why it happened? Because in 1980s, women were seen to stay at home and take care of their house
and their child, not for going outside and getting a job to work. Men were tended to do it instead.

Social construction in Hong Kong, for example, Hong Kong is a

place of opportunities where gender inequality and discrimination are seen to be not exist. But single
mother families are getting less chance of having resources for housing and it is the main reason why
single mother families have to live in poverty.

Unbalance: Women have difficult time to combine parenting and their career because of
workplace obstacles like the lack of good family policies and not having flexible time-working.

 In other words, not including their career, women have to do house chores such as
cleaning, getting food for their child, teaching them, and buying stuffs for needed things.
 Men tend to be free from this, so they can spend more time to work, play, and relax
instead of doing what women have to do.

Racism: According to Griffin in the article “What does gender have to do with housing?”, non-
white color women tend to have the lack of subsidized housing programs.. It affects a lot on how non-
white women in poverty have a chance to get a house to live.

 As a result, the lack of opportunities in housing on women also includes racism.

Men hurt: And finally, in the article names “Women earn less than men due to gender
discrimination”. Dudley notes that women with a problem with low income also affects to men too.
Beucase their wife have less time to go to work, so they have to work instead, it leads to the lower total
income than other family that has both man and women go to work together.

Conclusion: these factors has negative effects of gender inequality to the economy. So we
have to change the old trend to a new trend of family function: men should help their wife to create an
equality of individual function in their family.
In general, women tend to stay at home, take care of their children, do households, and cook. They have
less opportunities than men to working outside. If they go to work, they just choose to have part-time
jobs and spend the rest of their time for their family. Because of choosing part-time job, they have to
depend on their husband, and earn less money than men.

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