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Entrepreneurship management


Course name: Management

Lecturer: Trần Đăng Khoa

Class code: MEMP001K49CT6
Student’s full name: Nguyễn Thành Khải
Class: EMP001 (K49)
Number: 31231021920

Ho Chi Minh, 25 December 2023

Topic: Write about a case that you managed your work as a manager (if you do not have
experience as a manager, write about the experience of a certain manager that you

Question 1 -> 4 (Maximum number of pages:4 A4)

My interaction with Mr. Trung, a seasoned Vietnamese manager, started with a thorough
analysis of leadership dynamics within the setting of an actual technological company.
This story shows how Mr. Trang skillfully managed the complex problems of planning,
organization, direction, and control during the revolutionary project. We examine his
managerial career in this real-life report and discover how he overcome obstacles by
combining strategic thinking with down-to-earth practicality.

Question 1: How did you (or the manager you observed) carry out the tasks of the
planning function in that case?
During a practical planning meeting, Mr. Trung's leadership journey commenced as all
participants collaborated to tackle the intricate nature of the project by utilizing their
distinct viewpoints. A joint SWOT analysis turns into a concrete manual that illustrates
actual opportunities, threats, weaknesses, and strengths. This led to the development of a
realistic strategic plan that prioritized flexibility. Mr. Trung's realistic vision foresees
possible roadblocks and creates a continuous feedback loop that allows plans to be
adjusted in response to project unpredictability.

Question 2: How did you (or the manager you observed) implement organizationing
function in that case?
Ms. Trung's organizational strategy was a practical balancing act that balanced structure
with the unpredictable nature of real-world problems. Members of the team were chosen
based on their ability to work together in a team environment. Not only were channels of
communication developed, but they were also actively maintained to enable effective
problem-solving. By matching each team member's abilities with the project's realistic
requirements, Mr. Trung's organizational pragmatism extended to task distribution,
encouraging a sense of communal ownership and productivity within the team.

Question 3: How did you (or the manager you observed) implement leading function
in that case?

Mr. Trung's style of leadership was grounded in reality and struck a balance between
charm and the difficulties faced on a daily basis. Her leadership approach was based on
transparent communication, which gave the team a clear path forward while navigating
the complexities of the project. The leadership area changed into a place for useful
conversations with real-world answers to problems. Mr. Trung embraced the project's
spirit with his hands-on commitment and genuine work ethic, making him a relevant
guide through the ins and outs of success.

Question 4: How did you (or the manager you observed) implement the tasks of the
controlling function in that case?

Mr. Trung was best at controlling, like a watchful manager guiding the project to
completion. The project schedule included performance reviews and regular checks with
ease. These steps guaranteed a realistic alignment with overarching objectives and gave a
real-time picture of the project's status. Crucially, Mr. Trung regarded deviations as
chances for prompt corrections and original problem-solving.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) were a crucial component of Mr. Trung's strategy for
control. These practical criteria established an accountability culture inside the team by
measuring success objectively. Mr. Trung used KPIs as a tool to measure achievement
and pinpoint areas for improvement, promoting a never-ending cycle of progress, by
seeing them as more than just numbers.

Mr. Trung's practical instruction through the four management functions serves as a
realistic testament to excellent leadership as the story comes to a close. His organizational
pragmatism, strategic planning, practical leadership, and watchful control systems
blended to create a harmonious solution that addressed the project's ongoing difficulties.
Mr. Trung's experience is a relatable source of inspiration, demonstrating how these
practical managerial responsibilities together may turn an actual project into a long-
lasting success that resonates in the real leadership corridors.

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