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1. Do you believe in anything that brings good or bad luck?

If so, what is


2. What is something that other people believe in that you think is a


3. Are there any superstitions about breaking something in your culture?

4. Do you carry anything or keep something in your house for good luck?

5. Who is the most superstitious person you know? What things do they

believe in?

6. Have you heard of any interesting superstitions from another country?

7. Are there any superstitions about food where you come from? What are


8. Would you say that you are a lucky or an unlucky person? Why do you

think so?

9. What is something strange that you have seen or experienced but

cannot explain?

10. Are any animals considered to be lucky or unlucky in your country?

11. Do you believe in Feng Shui? Do you care which direction your house

faces? Why?
12. Are there any people that practice witchcraft or magic in your culture?

What do they do?

13. What is something that you can see or do that will bring you lots of

good luck?

14. Who do you think are more superstitious, older or younger people?


15. Have you ever seen a ghost? Do you know somebody who has seen a


16. What is the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you or your


17. How do you feel about full moons? Are these nights different from


18. Do you think that some people have psychic powers? What can these

people do?

19. What do you think about astrology and reading tarot cards to tell the


20. Is there any number for a house or apartment floor that you would not

live in?
21. Do you believe that your dreams have meanings? Can you give any


22. What is your phone number? Did you choose the numbers for any


23. Are you careful not to step on cracks when you walk? Why or why not?

24. Which country or culture in the world do you think is very

superstitious? Why?

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